315 resultados para Romanian


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Background: In the present study we have assessed whether the Carpathian Mountains represent a genetic barrier in East Europe. Therefore, we have analyzed the mtDNA of 128 native individuals of Romania: 62 of them from the North of Romania, and 66 from South Romania. Results: We have analyzed their mtDNA variability in the context of other European and Near Eastern populations through multivariate analyses. The results show that regarding the mtDNA haplogroup and haplotype distributions the Romanian groups living outside the Carpathian range (South Romania) displayed some degree of genetic differentiation compared to those living within the Carpahian range (North Romania). Conclusion: The main differentiation between the mtDNA variability of the groups from North and South Romania can be attributed to the demographic movements from East to West (prehistoric or historic) that differently affected in these regions, suggesting that the Carpathian mountain range represents a weak genetic barrier in South-East Europe.


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The new class, the Tamaricetea arceuthoidis, is described covering riparian and intermittent shrubby vegetation of the Irano-Turanian Region in the southwestern and Central Asia and the Lower Volga valley. The dominating species are species of the genus Tamarix that refer high water table in arid and semi-arid habitats with high to moderate salinity. This new class is an ecological analogon of the Nerio-Tamaricetea occurring in the Mediterranean Basin.


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We present descriptions of a new order (Ranunculo cortusifolii-Geranietalia reuteri and of a new alliance (Stachyo lusitanicae-Cheirolophion sempervirentis) for the herbaceous fringe communities of Macaronesia and of the southwestern Iberian Peninsula, respectively. A new alliance, the Polygalo mediterraneae-Bromion erecti (mesophilous post-cultural grasslands), was introduced for the Peninsular Italy. We further validate and typify the Armerietalia rumelicae (perennial grasslands supported by nutrient-poor on siliceous bedrocks at altitudes characterized by the submediterranean climate of central-southern Balkan Peninsula), the Securigero-Dasypyrion villosae (lawn and fallow-land tall-grass annual vegetation of Italy), and the Cirsio vallis-demoni-Nardion (acidophilous grasslands on siliceous substrates of the Southern Italy). Nomenclatural issues (validity, legitimacy, synonymy, formal corrections) have been discussed and clarified for the following names: Brachypodio-Brometalia, Bromo pannonici-Festucion csikhegyensis, Corynephoro-Plantaginion radicatae, Heleochloion, Hieracio-Plantaginion radicatae, Nardetea strictae, Nardetalia strictae, Nardo-Callunetea, Nardo-Galion saxatilis, Oligo-Bromion, Paspalo-Heleochloetalia, Plantagini-Corynephorion and Scorzoneret alia villosae. 


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The objective the study was to determine the levels of glucose and triglycerides in seminal plasma of 10 guinea pigs, which were fed for a period of 2 months with a diet containing 10% more ED. The level of glucose found in seminal plasma was 11.59 ± 0.5 mg/dL and triglyceride value was 55.95 ± 3.2 mg/dL, while the motility was 97% on average. We conclude that in guinea pigs the levels both glucose and triglycerides were increased by major level of ED in feed, but the spermatic motility was not.


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While the causes of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) still are not fully understood, increasingly research focuses on interventions and treatment of children diagnosed with ASD. Considerably less attention is paid to family systems, family functioning, and family needs. This paper takes a family system perspective exploring how families with children on the autism spectrum function during the particularly stressful period of the diagnosis process and thereafter. Recommendations made in this paper include the need for empirical studies that address in detail family systems, family needs, the assessment and diagnostic process, service provision, social support networks, and additional stressful life events. Furthermore, the development of a family functioning assessment tools is called for in order to promote child-family-centred assessment and intervention. Details of an ongoing comparative study are outlined that will make a contribution to family studies and autism research field with a specific focus on the diagnosis


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Theories of dehumanization generally assume a single clear-cut, value-free and non-dilemmatic boundary between the categories 'human' and 'animal'. The present study highlights the relevance of dilemmas involved in drawing that boundary. In six focus groups carried out in Romania and Britain, 42 participants were challenged to think about dilemmas pertaining to animal and human life. Four themes were identified: rational autonomy, sentience, speciesism and maintaining materialist and post-materialist values. Sentience made animals resemble humans, while humans' rational autonomy made them distinctive. Speciesism underlay the human participants' prioritization of their own interests over those of animals, and a conservative consensus that the existing social system could not change supported this speciesism when it was challenged. Romanian participants appealed to Romania's lack of modernity and British participants to Britain's modernity to justify such conservatism. The findings suggest that the human-animal boundary is not essentialized; rather it seems that such boundary is constructed in a dilemmatic and post hoc way. Implications for theories of dehumanization are discussed.


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For a multiplicity of socio-economic, geo-political, strategic and identity-based reasons, Turkey’s progress towards EU membership is often treated as a sui generis case. Yet although Turkey’s accession negotiations with the European Union (EU) are essentially a bilateral – and often stormy – affair, they take place within a wider and dynamic process of enlargement in which not only can the gloomy – sometimes dark – shadows of past and prospective enlargements be clearly detected, but so too can the often chill winds from ongoing, parallel negotiations with other candidates. How the EU negotiates accession and what it expects from candidates has continued to evolve since the EU began drawing up its framework for negotiations with Turkey ten years ago. This paper charts this evolution by first identifying changes in the light of Croatia’s negotiating experience, the ‘lessons learnt’ by the EU in meeting the challenges of Bulgarian and Romanian accession, the EU’s handling of Iceland’s membership bid and accession negotiations, and the revised approach to negotiating accession evident in the more recent frameworks for accession negotiations with Montenegro and Serbia. The paper then explores the extent to which these changes have impacted on the approach the EU has adopted in framing and progressing accession negotiations with Turkey. In doing so, it questions both the consistency with which the EU’s negotiates accession and the extent to which Turkey’s progress towards EU membership is conditioned by the broader dynamics of EU enlargement as opposed to simply the dynamics within EU-Turkey relations and domestic Turkish reform efforts.


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As a leading facility in laser-driven nuclear physics, ELI-NP will develop innovative research in the fields of materials behavior in extreme environments and radiobiology, with applications in the development of accelerator components, new materials for next generation fusion and fission reactors, shielding solutions for equipment and human crew in long term space missions and new biomedical technologies. The specific properties of the laser-driven radiation produced with two lasers of 1 PW at a pulse repetition rate of 1 Hz each are an ultra-short time scale, a relatively broadband spectrum and the possibility to provide simultaneously several types of radiation. Complex, cosmic-like radiation will be produced in a ground-based laboratory allowing comprehensive investigations of their effects on materials and biological systems. The expected maximum energy and intensity of the radiation beams are 19 MeV with 10^9 photon/pulse for photon radiation, 2 GeV with 108 electron/pulse for electron beams, 60 MeV with 10^12 proton/pulse for proton and ion beams and 60 MeV with 107 neutron/pulse for a neutron source. Research efforts will be directed also towards measurements for radioprotection of the prompt and activated dose, as a function of laser and target characteristics and to the development and testing of various dosimetric methods and equipment.


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High power lasers have proven being capable to produce high energy γ-rays, charged particles and neutrons, and to induce all kinds of nuclear reactions. At ELI, the studies with high power lasers will enter for the first time into new domains of power and intensities: 10 PW and 10^23 W/cm^2. While the development of laser based radiation sources is the main focus at the ELI-Beamlines pillar of ELI, at ELI-NP the studies that will benefit from High Power Laser System pulses will focus on Laser Driven Nuclear Physics (this TDR, acronym LDNP, associated to the E1 experimental area), High Field Physics and QED (associated to the E6 area) and fundamental research opened by the unique combination of the two 10 PW laser pulses with a gamma beam provided by the Gamma Beam System (associated to E7 area). The scientific case of the LDNP TDR encompasses studies of laser induced nuclear reactions, aiming for a better understanding of nuclear properties, of nuclear reaction rates in laser-plasmas, as well as on the development of radiation source characterization methods based on nuclear techniques. As an example of proposed studies: the promise of achieving solid-state density bunches of (very) heavy ions accelerated to about 10 MeV/nucleon through the RPA mechanism will be exploited to produce highly astrophysical relevant neutron rich nuclei around the N~126 waiting point, using the sequential fission-fusion scheme, complementary to any other existing or planned method of producing radioactive nuclei.

The studies will be implemented predominantly in the E1 area of ELI-NP. However, many of them can be, in a first stage, performed in the E5 and/or E4 areas, where higher repetition laser pulses are available, while the harsh X-ray and electromagnetic pulse (EMP) environments are less damaging compared to E1.

A number of options are discussed through the document, having an important impact on the budget and needed resources. Depending on the TDR review and subsequent project decisions, they may be taken into account for space reservation, while their detailed design and implementation will be postponed.

The present TDR is the result of contributions from several institutions engaged in nuclear physics and high power laser research. A significant part of the proposed equipment can be designed, and afterwards can be built, only in close collaboration with (or subcontracting to) some of these institutions. A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is currently under preparation with each of these key partners as well as with others that are interested to participate in the design or in the future experimental program.


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This thesis deals with the everyday use of propaganda in Romania, between 1971 and 1989. It explores the way in which the propaganda discourse of the Romanian Communist Party was disseminated through popular culture artifacts targeting children: Pioneers' magazines, textbooks, Almanacs and moralizing stories. These artifacts configured the image of a model child, whose preoccupations complied with the requirements of the Romanian Communist Party and communicated a set of recommended practices, to be followed by Romanian children. At the same time, the thesis incorporates the response of the actual children to these desirable practices, and implicitly, their response to state propaganda.


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S’inscrivant dans le paradigme de la recherche qualitative, cette étude fait état d’une investigation des ressources mobilisées par cinq enseignantes québécoises et cinq enseignantes roumaines pour le développement de la résilience éducationnelle devant la violence scolaire, évaluée comme facteur de risque. L’analyse des données révèle le rôle des compétences professionnelles dans le développement de la résilience éducationnelle, en tant que ressources, chez les enseignantes rencontrées. En tant que recherche exploratoire comparative, cette étude s’intéresse à l’influence des différences culturelles sur la perception et l’impact des expériences de violence vécues, à la mise en pratique des compétences professionnelles, aux sentiments d’efficacité et de satisfaction professionnelle, au développement et au fonctionnement du processus de résilience éducationnelle chez les enseignantes de deux groupes nationaux. L’approche écosystémique met en lumière le caractère de processus dynamique de la résilience éducationnelle qui exige des ressources et repose sur des facteurs dont l’interaction assure son fonctionnement.


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Cette recherche s’intéresse à la question des représentations que les enfants construisent au sujet de l’alimentation dans une perspective épistémologique constructiviste, ancrée dans les traditions de la communication et de la psychologie sociale. Notre but a été de déterminer si les représentations de l’alimentation chez les enfants pouvaient être comprises en tant que représentations sociales, et si la construction de ces représentations variait selon l’âge et selon l’appartenance socioculturelle des enfants. Pour ce faire, nous avons analysé les discours sur l’alimentation des enfants de 7 à 12 ans issus de trois contextes culturels différents. Ainsi, nous avons comparé les représentations de l’alimentation construites par des enfants nés, élevés et éduqués en Roumanie et au Québec, ainsi que celles des enfants nés (ou élevés depuis un très bas âge) au Québec, mais provenant de familles d’immigrants roumains. La méthodologie de recherche a reflété une intégration instrumentale des perspectives issues de la psychologie sociale et de la communication, en étant dérivée de la logique naturelle et des théories sur les représentations sociales. Nos résultats suggèrent que les enfants construisent des représentations sociales de l'alimentation et que ces représentations progressent en complexité, tant du point de vue cognitif que moral, suivant l'âge, en subissant des processus de constructions similaires. De plus, il existerait des influences liées à l'appartenance socioculturelle sur le contenu et sur la complexité des représentations, dans ce sens que les différences et les ressemblances entre les groups socioculturels renvoient soit à des influences culturelles, soit à des influences en lien avec l'idéologie. En fonction des résultats obtenus, nous avons proposé des stratégies communicationnelles visant à accroître l’efficacité des programmes d’éducation à la nutrition. De point de vue théorique, notre recherche contribue au raffinement de la théorie des représentations sociales et du développement de l'enfant, ainsi qu'au développement d’un nouveau regard méthodologique sur cette problématique.