991 resultados para Road Surface Drainage.


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The biodiversity of farmland ecosystems has decreased remarkably during the latter half of the 20th century, and this development is due to intensive farming with its various environmental effects. In the countries of the EU the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is the main determinant affecting farmland biodiversity, since the agricultural policy defines guidelines of agricultural practices. In addition to policies promoting intensive farming, CAP also includes national agri-environment schemes (AES), in which a part of subsidies paid to farmers is directed to acts that are presumed to promote environmental protection and biodiversity. In order to shape AES into relevant and powerful tools for biodiversity protection, detailed studies on the effects of agriculture on species and species assemblages are needed. In my thesis I investigated the importance of habitat heterogeneity and effects of different habitat and landscape characteristics on farmland bird abundance and diversity in typical cereal cultivation-dominated southern Finnish agricultural environments. The extensive data used were collected by territory mapping. My two main study species were the drastically declined ortolan bunting (Emberiza hortulana) and the phenomenally increased tree sparrow (Passer montanus); in addition I studied assemblages of 20 species breeding in open arable and edge/bush habitats. In light of my results I discuss whether the Finnish AES take into account the habitat needs of farmland birds, and I provide suggestions for improvement of the future AES. My results show that heterogeneity of both uncultivated and cultivated habitats increases abundance and species richness among farmland birds, but in this respect the amount and diversity of uncultivated habitats are essential. Ditches in particular are a keystone structure for farmland birds in boreal landscapes. Ditches lined by trees or bushes increased ortolan bunting abundance. Loss of that kind of ditches (and clearance of forest and bush patches), reduced breeding ortolan buntings, mainly by decreasing availability of song-posts that are important for the breeding groups of the species. Heterogeneity of uncultivated habitats, most importantly open ditches and the habitat patch richness, increased densities and species richnesses of species assemblages of open arable and edge/bush habitats. Human impact (winter-feeding, nest-boxes) affected favourably the tree sparrow s rapid range expansion in southern Finland, but any habitat types had no significant effects. At the moment the Finnish agri-environmental policy does not conserve farmland ditches as a habitat type. Instead, sub-surface drainage is financially promoted. This is a fatal mistake as far as farmland biodiversity is concerned. In addition to the maintenance of ditches, at least the following aspects should be included more than is done previously in the measures of the future AES: 1) promotion of diverse crop rotation (especially by promoting animal husbandry), 2) maintenance of tree and bush vegetation in islets and along ditches, 3) promotion of organic farming.


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Ground improvement techniques can be adopted to prevent existing buildings built on liquefiable soils sustaining damage in future earthquakes. Impermeable geomembrane containment walls may be an economic and successful technique but their design and performance are currently not well defined or well understood for this application. This paper describes centrifuge testing carried out to investigate the performance of such containment walls as a liquefaction remediation method for a single degree of freedom frame structure. The results were compared with those from similar centrifuge testing carried out with the same structure founded on unimproved sand, to assess the effectiveness of the remediation method. It was found that the geomembrane containment walls tested were effective at reducing structural settlement and did not significantly increase the accelerations transmitted to the structure. Structural settlements were reduced primarily by mobilising hoop stress and preventing lateral soil movement. By preventing surface drainage, a decrease in the volume change of the foundation sand was also observed. In addition, the impermeability of the walls may be important as this prevented rapid migration of pore water fromthe free field to the foundation region.


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Pavement surface profiles induce dynamic ride responses in vehicles which can potentially be used to classify road surface roughness. A novel method is proposed for the characterisation of pavement roughness through an analysis of vehicle accelerations. A combinatorial optimisation technique is applied to the determination of pavement profile heights based on measured accelerations at and above the vehicle axle. Such an approach, using low-cost inertial sensors, would provide an inexpensive alternative to the costly laser-based profile measurement vehicles. The concept is numerically validated using a half-car roll dynamic model to infer measurements of road profiles in both the left and right wheel paths.


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Periodic monitoring of structures such as bridges is necessary as their condition can deteriorate due to environmental conditions and ageing, causing the bridge to become unsafe. This monitoring - so called Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) - can give an early warning if a bridge becomes unsafe. This paper investigates an alternative wavelet-based approach for the monitoring of bridge structures which consists of the use of a vehicle fitted with accelerometers on its axles. A simplified vehicle-bridge interaction model is used in theoretical simulations to examine the effectiveness of the approach in detecting damage in the bridge. The accelerations of the vehicle are processed using a continuous wavelet transform, allowing a time-frequency analysis to be performed. This enables the identification of both the existence and location of damage from the vehicle response. Based on this analysis, a damage index is established. A parametric study is carried out to investigate the effect of parameters such as the bridge span length, vehicle speed, vehicle mass, damage level, signal noise level and road surface roughness on the accuracy of results. In addition, a laboratory experiment is carried out to validate the results of the theoretical analysis and assess the ability of the approach to detect changes in the bridge response.


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An experimental investigation is carried out to verify the feasibility of using an instrumented vehicle to detect and monitor bridge dynamic parameters. The low-cost method consists of the use of a moving vehicle fitted with accelerometers on its axles. In the laboratory experiment, the vehicle–bridge interaction model consists of a scaled two-axle vehicle model crossing a simply supported steel beam. The bridge model also includes a scaled road surface profile. The effects of varying the vehicle model configuration and speed are investigated. A finite element beam model is calibrated using the experimental results, and a novel algorithm for the identification of global bridge stiffness is validated. Using measured vehicle accelerations as input to the algorithm, the beam stiffness is identified with a reasonable degree of accuracy.


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This paper investigates the feasibility of using an instrumented vehicle to detect bridge dynamic parameters, such as natural frequency and structural damping, in a scaled laboratory experiment. In the experiment, a scaled vehicle model crosses a steel girder which has been adopted as the bridge model. The bridge model also includes a scaled road surface profile. The effects of varying vehicle model mass and speed are investigated. The damping of the girder is also varied. The bridge frequency and changes in damping are detected in the vehicle acceleration response in the presence of a rough road surface profile.


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This paper describes a ‘drive-by’ method of bridge inspection using an instrumented vehicle. Accelerometers on the vehicle are proposed as a means of detecting damage on the bridge in the time it takes for the vehicle to cross the bridge at full highway speed. For a perfectly smooth road profile, the method is shown to be feasible. Changes in bridge damping, which is an indicator of damage, are clearly visible in the acceleration signal of a quarter-car vehicle on a smooth road surface modelled using MatLab. When road profile is considered, the influence of changes in bridge damping on the vehicle acceleration signal is much less clear. However, when a half-car model is used on a road with a rough profile, it is again possible to detect changes in bridge damping, provided the vehicle has two identical axles.


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A conventional way to identify bridge frequencies is utilizing vibration data measured directly from the bridge. A drawback with this approach is that the deployment and maintenance of the vibration sensors are generally costly and time-consuming. One way to cope with the drawback is an indirect approach utilizing vehicle vibrations while the vehicle passes over the bridge. In the indirect approach, however, the vehicle vibration includes the effect of road surface roughness, which makes it difficult to extract the bridge modal properties. One solution may be subtracting signals of two trailers towed by a vehicle to reduce the effect of road surface roughness. A simplified vehicle-bridge interaction model is used in the numerical simulation; the vehicle - trailer and bridge system are modeled as a coupled model. In addition, a laboratory experiment is carried out to verify results of the simulation and examine feasibility of the damage detection by the indirect method.


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Many of the bridges currently in use worldwide are approaching the end of their design lives. However, rehabilitating and extending the lives of these structures raises important safety issues. There is also a need for increased monitoring which has considerable cost implications for bridge management systems. Existing structural health monitoring (SHM) techniques include vibration-based approaches which typically involve direct instrumentation of the bridge and are important as they can indicate the deterioration of the bridge condition. However, they can be labour intensive and expensive. In the past decade, alternative indirect vibration-based approaches which utilise the response of a vehicle passing over a bridge have been developed. This paper investigates such an approach; a low-cost approach for the monitoring of bridge structures which consists of the use of a vehicle fitted with accelerometers on its axles. The approach aims to detect damage in the bridge while obviating the need for direct instrumentation of the bridge. Here, the effectiveness of the approach in detecting damage in a bridge is investigated using a simplified vehicle-bridge interaction (VBI) model in theoretical simulations and a scaled VBI model in a laboratory experiment. In order to identify the existence and location of damage, the vehicle accelerations are recorded and processed using a continuous Morlet wavelet transform and a damage index is established. A parametric study is carried out to investigate the effect of parameters such as the bridge span length, vehicle speed, vehicle mass, damage level and road surface roughness on the accuracy of results.


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Bridge weigh-in-motion (B-WIM), a system that uses strain sensors to calculate the weights of trucks passing on bridges overhead, requires accurate axle location and speed information for effective performance. The success of a B-WIM system is dependent upon the accuracy of the axle detection method. It is widely recognised that any form of axle detector on the road surface is not ideal for B-WIM applications as it can cause disruption to the traffic (Ojio & Yamada 2002; Zhao et al. 2005; Chatterjee et al. 2006). Sensors under the bridge, that is Nothing-on-Road (NOR) B-WIM, can perform axle detection via data acquisition systems which can detect a peak in strain as the axle passes. The method is often successful, although not all bridges are suitable for NOR B-WIM due to limitations of the system. Significant research has been carried out to further develop the method and the NOR algorithms, but beam-and-slab bridges with deep beams still present a challenge. With these bridges, the slabs are used for axle detection, but peaks in the slab strains are sensitive to the transverse position of wheels on the beam. This next generation B-WIM research project extends the current B-WIM algorithm to the problem of axle detection and safety, thus overcoming the existing limitations in current state-of–the-art technology. Finite Element Analysis was used to determine the critical locations for axle detecting sensors and the findings were then tested in the field. In this paper, alternative strategies for axle detection were determined using Finite Element analysis and the findings were then tested in the field. The site selected for testing was in Loughbrickland, Northern Ireland, along the A1 corridor connecting the two cities of Belfast and Dublin. The structure is on a central route through the island of Ireland and has a high traffic volume which made it an optimum location for the study. Another huge benefit of the chosen location was its close proximity to a nearby self-operated weigh station. To determine the accuracy of the proposed B-WIM system and develop a knowledge base of the traffic load on the structure, a pavement WIM system was also installed on the northbound lane on the approach to the structure. The bridge structure selected for this B-WIM research comprised of 27 pre-cast prestressed concrete Y4-beams, and a cast in-situ concrete deck. The structure, a newly constructed integral bridge, spans 19 m and has an angle of skew of 22.7°.


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O desenvolvimento das redes de estradas rurais, especialmente em áreas montanhosas, é a intervenção chave para melhorar a acessibilidade às localidades e aos serviços públicos, cobrindo o maior número de localidades e de serviços públicos, otimizando os escassos recursos disponíveis em países em desenvolvimento. Este estudo explora diferentes modelos de organização de redes de estradas rurais considerando a construção de novas ligações ou o melhoramento de estradas existentes. Um método, baseado na cobertura da rede de estradas rurais, é utilizado para identificar os pontos nodais que formam a rede rural base numa específica região, a qual cobrirá um conjunto dos serviços públicos e de localidades. O modelo assenta numa rede rural de estradas típica ("backbone" e "branch") das regiões montanhosas do Nepal. Os modelos propostos fornecem um conjunto de possibilidades de ligações a estabelecer ou a melhorar e oferece soluções para diferentes níveis de orçamento, que otimizam os custos de transporte na rede, considerando diferentes tipos de pavimento (em solo, granular ou asfáltico). Foi realizado separadamente um modelo dedicado a análises multi-objetivo para resolver problemas de melhoramento de ligações dentro da rede considerando dois objectivos, minimizar os custos de operação para o utilizador e maximizar a população coberta pela rede de estradas, considerando ligações pavimentadas e não pavimentadas (em solo, granular ou asfáltico) dentro de um determinado limite orçamental. O modelo dá ao decisor (DM) diferentes alternativas eficientes para que este possa tomar uma decisão final. Estes modelos, desenvolvidos para redes de estradas rurais, são também aplicáveis a outras redes de infraestruturas rurais, tais como, de fornecimento de água, de eletricidade e de telecomunicações. A implementação dos modelos nas redes de estradas rurais dos distritos de Gorkha e Lamjung do Nepal permitiu confirmara sua aplicabilidade. Verifica-se que os modelos propostos são mais práticos e realísticos no estudo de soluções de melhoramento e de desenvolvimento de redes de estradas rurais em regiões montanhosas de países em desenvolvimento.


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In the last 4 years Worcester, UK has been hit by several intense convective rainstorms, which caused flash floods outside of existing surface drainage networks. This paper addresses two questions related to such events: Firstly to what extent can the occurrence of flash flood flow accumulation can be determined using only commonly available data and tools, assuming the rainfall events caused mainly surface runoff due to their tropical intensity and the relatively impermeable urban catchment surface? Secondly, are the flood in-cidents in Worcester aggravated by roads serving as preferential flow paths under these conditions? The as-sessment results indicated that roads do not have an influence on the flow path of flash flood rainfall in Worcester. Flow accumulation calculated with a 10m DEM, corresponds well with reported flood incidents. This basic assessment method can be used to inform the implementation of non structural flood mitigation and public awareness.


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Mestrado em Engenharia Geotécnica e Geoambiente


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Export coefficient modelling was used to model the impact of agriculture on nitrogen and phosphorus loading on the surface waters of two contrasting agricultural catchments. The model was originally developed for the Windrush catchment where the highly reactive Jurassic limestone aquifer underlying the catchment is well connected to the surface drainage network, allowing the system to be modelled using uniform export coefficients for each nutrient source in the catchment, regardless of proximity to the surface drainage network. In the Slapton catchment, the hydrological path-ways are dominated by surface and lateral shallow subsurface flow, requiring modification of the export coefficient model to incorporate a distance-decay component in the export coefficients. The modified model was calibrated against observed total nitrogen and total phosphorus loads delivered to Slapton Ley from inflowing streams in its catchment. Sensitivity analysis was conducted to isolate the key controls on nutrient export in the modified model. The model was validated against long-term records of water quality, and was found to be accurate in its predictions and sensitive to both temporal and spatial changes in agricultural practice in the catchment. The model was then used to forecast the potential reduction in nutrient loading on Slapton Ley associated with a range of catchment management strategies. The best practicable environmental option (BPEO) was found to be spatial redistribution of high nutrient export risk sources to areas of the catchment with the greatest intrinsic nutrient retention capacity.