1000 resultados para Rio Ibicuí


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Investigou-se a associação entre padrões de dieta e câncer oral, como parte de um estudo multicêntrico latino-americano caso-controle de base hospitalar e incluiu 210 casos incidentes e 251 controles. Dados de consumo alimentar foram coletados por Questionário de Freqüência de Consumo Alimentar (QFCA). Análise fatorial identificou padrões alimentares, que foram categorizados em tercis. Calculou-se odds ratio (OR) com intervalo de 95 por cento de confiança (IC95 por cento ) por regressão logística múltipla não condicional. Os padrões "prudente", caracterizado em maioria por frutas e vegetais, e o padrão tradicional, por arroz e feijão, apresentaram associação inversa com o câncer oral para o mais elevado tercil, respectivamente: OR = 0,44; IC95 por cento : 0,25-0,75, valor de p de tendência (ptend) = 0,03; OR = 0,53; IC95 por cento : 0,30-0,93, ptend = 0,06. O padrão "lanches" não foi associado ao câncer oral. Além da proteção ao câncer oral conferida por dieta rica em vegetais e frutas, nossos dados sugerem que a dieta "tradicional" brasileira contendo em sua maioria arroz e feijão pode oferecer proteção ao câncer oral


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar a associação entre eventos de vida produtores de estresse (EVPE) e queixas de insônia (QI). MÉTODOS: Foram analisados dados seccionais de 695 auxiliares de enfermagem de um hospital universitário, participantes do Estudo Pró-Saúde - coorte de funcionários de uma universidade no Rio de Janeiro. As informações foram obtidas através de um questionário multidimensional e autopreenchido, que avaliou a ocorrência de EVPE nos últimos 12 meses, variáveis socioeconômicas e demográficas e QI. As QI foram analisadas como desfecho politômico (frequente, ocasional, e ausente). Odds ratios brutos e ajustados foram calculados através de regressão logística multinomial. RESULTADOS: A prevalência total de QI foi de 45,8% (16,7% frequentes e 29,1% ocasionais). Após ajuste por sexo, idade, estado civil, renda familiar per capita e regime de trabalho, os EVPE associados com QI frequentes foram: "rompimento de relação amorosa" (OR = 3,32; IC95% 1,90 - 5,78), "ter tido problemas graves de saúde" (OR = 2,82; IC95% 1,73 - 4,58); "dificuldades financeiras graves" (OR = 2,38; IC95% 1,46 - 3,88), e "mudança forçada de moradia" (OR = 1,97; IC95% 1,02 - 3,79). Com relação às QI ocasionais, houve associação apenas com rompimento de relação amorosa (OR = 2,30; IC95% 1,42 - 3,74) e dificuldades financeiras graves (OR = 1,87; IC95% 1,27 - 2,75). CONCLUSÕES: Dada a responsabilidade com vidas humanas que os auxiliares de enfermagem assumem durante seu horário de trabalho, nossos achados podem contribuir para ações mais efetivas, por parte dos serviços de saúde ao trabalhador, para lidar com o estresse nessa categoria


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O tratamento de esgotos de pequenas cidades por lagoas de estabilização é uma maneira simples, eficiente e de baixo custo. Os esgotos são uma fonte de contaminação das águas e solos e, conseqüentemente, contribuem para a transmissão de doenças, além de serem uma ameaça à preservação do meio ambiente. Surge a necessidade de investigar as condições dos efluentes lançados nos cursos d´água. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo realizar uma investigação da qualidade das águas residuárias tratadas por lagoas de estabilização de uma estação de tratamento de esgoto localizadas no município de São Lourenço da Serra no Vale da Ribeira no Estado de São Paulo e verificar os riscos sanitários e a comunidade aquática no Rio São Lourenço da Serra. Foram realizadas amostragens para avaliar o conjunto de lagoas anaeróbia e facultativa da estação de tratamento de esgoto do Município de São Lourenço da Serra. Os parâmetros utilizados foram pH, temperatura do ar e da água, condições climáticas, demanda bioquímica de oxigênio e nitrogênio amoniacal, bactérias termotolerantes, pigmentos fotossintéticos e comunidade zooplanctônica. Verificou-se que s sistemas de lagoa anaeróbia e facultativa foram eficientes na produção de efluente e apresentou alguns valores de acordo com a Resolução Conama nº 357, que estabelecem os valores limites para lançamento em corpos d´água. O rio São Lourenço está localizado em uma área de proteção ambiental. Os dados são comparados aos limites estabelecidos na Classe 1 e 2 e demonstram processo de eutrofização, colocando em risco à biodiversidade aquática e a saúde da população


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A modernização da agropcuária brasileira possibilitou aumento da produção através da expansão das monoculturas, como a soja. Alta demanda e bons preços no mercado internacional incentivaram o cultivo dessa oleaginosa, principalmente no Cerrado. Em que pese seus benefícios econômicos, a sojicultura realizada nestes moldes, com grandes aportes mecânicos e químicos e concentração fundiária, causa impactos ambientais e sociais. Desmatamento, poluição de cursos d´água, erosão, compactação de solos, intoxicação e concentração de terra são alguns desses problemas. Esta pesquisa objetivou verificar desmatamento, contaminação de cursos d´água por agrotóxico e intoxicação no município maior produtor de soja de Goiás, Rio Verde. Foram utilizados mapas de uso do solo de Rio Verde, dos anos 1975, 1989 e 2005, autos de infração emitidos por órgãos de fiscalização ambiental, resultado de análises de resíduos de agrotóxicos na água destinada ao abastecimento público e casos de intoxicação por agrotóxico. A presença e gravidade do desmatamento, que ocorreu entre 1975 e 2005, puderam ser detectadas pelos dados analisados. Já os dados sobre intoxicação, por possivelmente serem subnotificados, revelaram um problema de saúde pública. Concluiu-se a necessidade de ações pelo poder público de fiscalização ambiental em Rio Verde, de medidas que melhorem a notificação de casos de intoxicação, e da promoção de incentivos àqueles agricultores que respeitam as leis ambientais


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The use of pesticides has been the main strategy to prevent ectoparasites that threaten aquaculture productivity. The non regulated use of such chemicals may lead to damage in aquatic ecosystems that receive the ponds effluents, compromising environmental and consumers' health. With the aim of evaluate the use of pesticides in aquacultural practices developed in Mogi-Guacu catchment, fish farm and fee fishing owners were interviewed. Eighty-nine enterprises were visited, and was verified that about 40% uses pesticide during management practices in recent years. The diflubenzuron, methyl parathion, trichlorfon and triflumuron were the pesticides most used. In addition to the interviews, samples were taken in 3 enterprises localized in Socorro, SP (Peixe River sub-catchment) which had a pesticide usage history. It was not detected residues of the pesticides diflubenzuron, methyl parathion and dichlorvos in any water, sediments nor fishes samples from tow distinct seasons (lower and high fishing seasons). On fact, non-detected pesticides residues corroborate with the fish farmers statement to deny recently pesticide usage during management practices. Nevertheless, the lack of chemotherapeutics usage criteria and the potential hazardous due to these practices were discussed.


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Identification, prediction, and control of a system are engineering subjects, regardless of the nature of the system. Here, the temporal evolution of the number of individuals with dengue fever weekly recorded in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, during 2007, is used to identify SIS (susceptible-infective-susceptible) and SIR (susceptible-infective-removed) models formulated in terms of cellular automaton (CA). In the identification process, a genetic algorithm (GA) is utilized to find the probabilities of the state transition S -> I able of reproducing in the CA lattice the historical series of 2007. These probabilities depend on the number of infective neighbors. Time-varying and non-time-varying probabilities, three different sizes of lattices, and two kinds of coupling topology among the cells are taken into consideration. Then, these epidemiological models built by combining CA and GA are employed for predicting the cases of sick persons in 2008. Such models can be useful for forecasting and controlling the spreading of this infectious disease.


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For increasing, the fish consumption in Brazil, is necessary offer products, with quality control to guarantee food safety to the consumers. The Medium Tiete river region is the largest producer of Nile tilapia (Oreochromus niloticus) from catching in the Sao Paulo state and, thus, the aim of this research was to evaluate the physical-chemical parameters (protein, moisture, lipid, ash and freshness (non-protein nitrogen, total volatile base nitrogen -TVB-N and pH) in fish fillets - Anhembi, Botucatu and Igaracu do Tiete. The data was examined further using random blocks design and submitted to test of variance analysis and Tukey Test for comparison of means. The data showed significant difference (5%) amont the places, for the centesimal composition and freshness, being found the following medium values: misture (77.9 to 81.69 g/100g), protein (13.72 to 18.25 g/100g), lipids (0.6 to 1.9 g/100g), ash (0.6 to 1.0g), NNP(61.6 to 78.0 mg/100g), pH (6.2 to 6.4) and TVB-N (5.0 to 10.5 mg/100g). The values found in the physical-chemical and freshness analysis are in according with brazilian's legislation, the processing of fish in the places studied are-irregular and cannot guarantee food safety to the consumers and the quality of the product.


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The objective of this study was to collect, identify and study population fluctuation of Coleoptera species in a forest of Eucalyptus spp., on a farm in the municipality of Pinheiro Machado, Rio Grande do Sul State. Insects were collected with light traps and ethanol traps, once every fifteen days, in the period of February 2006 to October 2007. The insects, after selection procedures, were identified based on entomological collections and specialized literature. A total of 6172 individuals were collected and distributed among 40 families and 249 species, of which 130 were identified at the species level and 119 at the family level, representing 4498 and 1674 of total individuals collected, respectively. Cyclocephala sp. 1, Cyclocephala sp. 2, Dyscinetus sp. 1, Euetheola humilis (Scarabaeidae) and Neoclytus curvatus (Cerambycidae) were the most abundant species, representing 49.28% of the individuals identified in genus and/or species. Scarabaeidae presented the highest number of individuals (2588), distributed in 37 species. The families Cerambycidae (47) and Scolytidae (40) presented the largest number of species. Individuals of Coleoptera were trapped at all collections but the largest number of individuals was trapped in December 2006 and March 2007.


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The aim of this article is to discuss conexions between Pernambuco and Rio de la Plata around the year 1817. In a more general sense, it offers a large pattern of comprehension of the indepdendences of Luso and Spanish America in terms of its mutual relationships.


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Rare species are one of the principal components of the species richness and diversity encountered in Dense Ombrophilous Tropical Forests. This study sought to analyze the rare canopy species within the Atlantic Coastal Forest in Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil. Six different communities were examined: Dense Ombrophilous alluvial Forest; Dense sub-montane Ombrophilous Forest; Dense Montane Ombrophilous in Serra do Mar and Serra da Mantiqueira. In each area the vegetation was sampled within forty 10 x 25 m plots alternately distributed along a linear transect. All trees with DBH (1.3 m above ground level) a parts per thousand yen5 cm were sampled. The canopy was characterized using the allometric relationship between diameter and height, and included all trees with BDH a parts per thousand yen10 cm and height a parts per thousand yen10 m. A total of 64 families, 206 genera, and 542 species were sampled, of which 297 (54.8%) represented rare species (less than one individual per hectare). The percentage of rare species varied from 34 to 50% in each of the different communities sampled. A majority of these rare trees belonged to the Rosidae, and a smaller proportion to the Dilleniidae. It was concluded that there was no apparent pattern to rarity among families, that rarity was probably derived from a number of processes (such as gap formation), and that a great majority of the rare species sampled were consistently rare. This indicates that the restricted geographic distribution and high degree of endemism of many arboreal taxa justifies the conservation of even small fragments of Atlantic Forest.


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The main objective of this study was to examine the relationships among demographic characteristics, depressive symptoms, and cognitive impairment in oldest-old elders from rural areas of the Brazilian State of Rio Grande do Sul. A cross-sectional, descriptive correlational design was used to conduct the study. 137 Brazilian elders age 80 years or over. A target population data form, a county data form, a demographic questionnaire, the Mini-Mental State Examination, and the Depressive Cognition Scale were used to collect the data. A significant difference was found between males and females in regard to cognitive impairment. In addition, educational level and depressive symptoms were correlated with cognitive impairment. Depressive symptoms were a weak but significant predictor of cognitive impairment after controlling for the effect of age, gender, and educational level of the oldest-old elders. The findings need to be interpreted cautiously since the sample scored above the cutoff points for cognitive impairment, and had low scores on depressive symptoms. Despite several limitations, findings from this study can be a foundation for further studies, and well-designed correlational or experimental approaches, are warranted.


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An analysis of geomorphic system`s response to change in human and natural drivers in some areas within the Rio de la Plata basin is presented The aim is to determine whether an acceleration of geomorphic processes has taken place in recent years and, if so, to what extent it is due to natural (climate) or human (land-use) drivers Study areas of different size, socio-economic and geomorphic conditions have been selected: the Rio de la Plata estuary and three sub-basins within its watershed Sediment cores were extracted and dated ((210)Pb) to determine sedimentation rates since the end of the 19th century. Rates were compared with time series on rainfall as well as human drivers such as population, GDP, livestock load, crop area, energy consumption or cement consumption, all of them related to human capacity to disturb land surface Data on river discharge were also gathered Results obtained indicate that sedimentation rates during the last century have remained essentially constant in a remote Andean basin, whereas they show important increases in the other two, particularly one located by the Sao Paulo metropolitan area Rates in the estuary are somewhere in between It appears that there is an intensification of denudation/sedimentation processes within the basin. Rainfall remained stable or varied very slightly during the period analysed and does not seem to explain increases of sedimentation rates observed. Human drivers, particularly those more directly related to capacity to disturb land surface (GDP, energy or cement consumption) show variations that suggest human forcing is a more likely explanation for the observed change in geomorphic processes It appears that a marked increase in denudation, of a ""technological"" nature, is taking place in this basin and leading to an acceleration of sediment supply This is coherent with similar increases observed in other regions (C) 2010 Elsevier B V All rights reserved


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This work aims to characterize corrosion products formed on copper samples exposed to synthetic rainwater of Rio Janeiro and Sao Paulo. XRD and XPS were employed to determine their composition, while electrochemical techniques were used to evaluate their protective properties. XRD and XPS indicated the thickening of the corrosion layer with time. Electrochemical results showed that the protectiveness of the corrosion layer depends on the solution composition. Based on our findings a corrosion mechanism for copper in simulated rainwater is proposed where the role of NH(4)(+) ions in the cuprite layer partial regeneration is taken into account. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Robust and accurate regional estimates of C storage in soils are currently an important research topic because of ongoing debate about human-induced changes in the terrestrial C cycle. Widely available geoprocessing tools were applied to estimate native soil organic C (SOC) stocks of Rio Grande do Sul state in southern Brazil to a depth of 30 cm from previously sampled soil pedons under undisturbed vegetation. The study used a statewide comprehensive soil survey comprising a small-scale soil map, a climate map, and a soil pedon database. Soil organic C stocks under native vegetation were calculated with two different approaches: the Tier 1 method of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and a refined method based on actual field measurements derived from soil profile data. Highest SOC stocks occurred in Neossolos Quartzarenico hidromorfico (Aquents), Organossolos Tiomorficos (Hemists), Latossolos Brunos (Udox), and Vertissolos Ebanicos (Uderts) soil classes. Before human use of soils, most C was stored in the Latossolos Vermelhos (Udox) and Neossolos Regoliticos (Orthents), which occupy a large area of Rio Grande do Sul. Generally, IPCC default reference SOC stocks compared well with SOC stocks calculated from soil pedons. The total SOC stock of Rio Grande do Sul was estimated at 1510.3 Tg C (5.8 kg C m(-2)) by the IPPC method and 1597.5 +/- 363.9 Tg C (7.4 +/- 1.9 kg C m(-2)) calculated from soil pedons. The SOC digital map and SOC database developed in this study provide crucial background information for state-level contemporary assessment of C stocks and soil C sequestration programs and initiatives.