410 resultados para Rhodnius nasutus


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Oitenta e uma macaubeiras (A. sclerocarpa) foram derrubadas e dissecadas na periferia de Belo Horizonte, no período de abril/ 1979 a julho/1980. Foram capturados 463 exemplares de Rhodnius neglectus, com uma taxa de infestação das palmeiras de 60,5% e uma média de 9,45% triatomineos/palmeira positiva. O R. neglectus nesta região parece apresentar uma unica geração anual, com possibilidade de duas, sendo que o periodo de oviposição se relaciona com os meses quentes do ano, coincidindo com a predominância de formas jovens sobre os adultos. A observação sugere que a densidade populacional do R. neglectus no seu ecotopo natural possa estar relacionada com a disponibilidade de alimento e com a presença de predadores como o Telenomus sp., formigas, aranhas, hemipteros, escorpiões e pseudo-escorpiões. O indice global de infecção pelo Trypanosoma cruzi foi de 15,9%, indicando o R. neglectus como um importante vetor silvestre deste tripanosomatídeo cuja principal fonte e constituída por marsupiais. O R. neglectus na regiao encontra-se estreitamente associado a palmeira de macaúba, e as aves que as frequentam constituem sua principal fonte alimentar. As observações não sugerem o R.neglectus como uma espécie transmissora do T. cruzi ao homem nesta região.


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Estudamos o ciclo biológico de R. pallescens em diferentes condições de temparatura, umidade, luminosidade e fonte de alimento. Observamos que a umidade (nunca inferior a 60%) e a fonte de alimento exercem influência considerável na biologia desta espécie, que apresenta um desenvolvimento mais rápido do seu ciclo evolutivo, quando a alimentação é feita em camundongo. A taxa de sobrevivência é bem maior quando o ciclo evolutivo ocorre em cristalizadores coletivos. A semi-obscuridade e a temperatura média de 27°C são fatores que favorecem o bom desenvolvimento desta espécie.


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Com o propósito de vir controlar os triatomíneos, vetores da doneça de Chgas, por substâncias não convencionais, analisamos a atuação e os efeitos de Precoceno II por tratamento tópico e oral em ninfas do 1º ao 4º estádio de Rhodnius prolixus. Com enfoque comparativo entre os dois tipos de aplicação, fizemos uma análise de deformações morfológicas externas, principalmente das estruturas genitais externas de ambos os sexos.


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Precocene II, added to the meal of fourth-instar larvae of Rhodnius prolixus (25 mug/ml of blood), induced an in crease in the duration of the molting cycle. This effect was related to the decrease of both the nuclear area of the prothoracic gland cells and the mitotic activity in epidermal cellS. juvenile hormone analogue applied topically (60 mug/insect) together with Precocene II treatment avoided atrophy of the prothoracic glands and induced a higher number of epidermal mitosis accelerating the time of subsequent ecdysis. A possible relationship between juvenile hormone and production of ecdysone is discussed.


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Se estudia el papel teratogénico de dos ácidos grasos insaturados de cadena corta, ácido octinoico y ácido undecilénico, sobre insectos de metamorfosis hemimetábola, Rhodnius prolixus (Hemiptera). La penetración de los ácidos, se realiza a través de la cutícula del abdomen y de los tarsos, se presenta como una acción independiente del grado de distensión de la misma, ya que sus efectos se registran tanto en los insectos repletos, como en los hambrientos; tanto en los tratados tópicamente como en aquellos donde la droga se aplicó al papel de soporte. Los ácidos estudiados aparentemente no afectan la formación de la cutícula, ni la melanización, como tampoco afecta el proceso de la muda. Los daños inducidos por estos ácidos se presentam al azar tanto en los apéndices locomotores como en los cefálicos, observándose un desplazamiento a la proboscide a medida que se incrementa la dosis. De las malformaciones en la proboscide, es el labio el mas dramáticamente dañado, aunque también se presentan daños en los otros apéndices bucales, aisladamente o junto con el daño del labio. El daño en los apéndices locomotores está frecuentemente desplazado al segundo y tercer par de patas, mientras que el par, fue el menos afectado. El ácido octinoico se comportó como teratogénico en las dosis que fueron letales para el insecto con el ácido undecilénico.


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Ivermectin (0.2 mg/kg body weight) caused a high mortality in nymphs and adults of Rhodnius prolixus following a single meal in mice sub-cutaneously injected with the drug. This effect was more evident in nymphs of 1st-and 2nd-instar than in older nymphs and adults. Third-instar nymphs presented a high mortality when fed on mice treated with ivermectin 24 and 48 hours previously, while mortality was significantly reduced in nymphs fed on mice treated 72 hours before. Surviving 3rd-instar nymphs did not molt. When adult females were fed once on mice treated for 24 hours with ivermectin there was a considerable reduction in egg production. This inhibition was not reversed by a second feeding on normal mice. We concluded that sub-lethal doses of ivermectin caused toxic effects interfering in the neuro-endocrine control of development and reproduction of this bloodsucking insect.


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Se propone para R. prolixus un mecanismo antidiurético, cuya actividad se pone de manifiesto una vez transcurrido el periodo diurético y se mantiene hasta que el insecto es alimentado nuevamente. Presumiblemente este mecanismo actua a nivel del esfinter rectal proximal y es inhibido por la ingesta, distención mecanica del buche y desinhibición central por decapitación. Se sugiere que la actividad antidiurética es mantenida por vía nerviosa y se modifica cuando hay distensión del buche o canudo es interrumpida la senãl nerviosa por decapitación. Se pone de manifiesto que la excreción de orina en R. prolixus no es controlada exclusivamente por la hormona diurética, sino que factores no ligados a la hemolinfa mantienen en estado diurético y no diurético a los insectos.


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Frequent individual observations od different stages of Rhodnius prolixus exposed to Trypanosoma rangeli, revealed a higher susceptibility to infection in the bugs exposed during the two first instars. The mortality rate in infected bugs was significantly higher than in controls, indicating that the parasite was responsible for the majority of deaths. An analysis of the mortality distribution, per instar, is presented. Statistical analysis of deaths among the different infected instars, showed that T. rangeli produces its pathological effect in any stage of R. prolixus independently of its susceptibility to the parasite. The survival to adult decreased in all the infected instar bugs. A significant longer time to reach the adult stage was observed in the infected bugs when compared with controls, excepting for specimens exposed in the third instar. The epidemiological significance of the present results is discussed.


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Oogenesis and oviposition can be inhibited in female of Rhodnius prolixus by means of short-term experiment (first reproductive cycle) of a single dose of ethoxyprecocene II given by ingestion. The inhibition is dose-dependent as measured by oocyte growth, egg maturation and egg deposition. In a long-term experiment (second and third reproductive cycles) egg production and oogenesis can be partially or totally re-established by subsequent blood meals without ethoxyprecocene II. These findings suggest that in female R. prolixus, damage caused to corpus allatum by ethoxyprecocene II, in certain cases, is not irreversible.


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Se siguieron seis cohortes de Rhodnius neivai en el laboratorio a fin de evaluar estadisticamente su dinámica poblacional. Utilizamos dos fuentes alimentarias: gallina y conejo. Determinamos percentaje e eclosión de huevos, mortalidad y tiempo de desarrollo ninfal, longevidad y mortalidad edad-específica de adultos, fecundidad y fertilidad edad-especifica de hembras. Igualmente, evaluamos algunos parámetros poblacionales, como expectativa de vida, tasa intínseca de crecimiento natural, tasa neta de reporducción, tasa finita de crecimiento, valor reproductivo y distribución estable de edades. La duración del ciclo de vida fue mayor en los animales alimentados en conejo, la supervivencia ninfal fue ligeramente mayor en los individuos alimentados en gallina. La reproducción se inició antes en los ejemplares alimentados en gallina, pero el rendimiento reproductivo y la duración de la ovoposición fueron mayores en los alimentados en conejo. Las tasas intrínseca y finita de crecimientofueron mayores en los triatominos alimentados en gallina. El tiempo generacional fue ligeramente mayor en las cohortes alimentadas en conejo. La tasa neta de reproducción fue muy similar con ambas fuentes alimentarias, aunque ligeramente mayor en los ejemplares alimentados en conejo. El valor reproductivo en los alimentados en conejo fue el doble que en los insectos alimentados en gallina.


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The results presented in this paper clearly indicate that precocene and azadirachtin are effective inhibitors of moulting and reproduction in the hemipteran Rhodnius prolixus. The time of application is important and only applications of these substances early in the intermoulting period cause their effects in nymphs. The inhibition of moulting is fully reversed by ecdysone therapy. Precocene and azadirachtin also affected drastically the oogenesis and egg deposition in this insect. Precocene-induced sterilization is reversed by application of juvenile hormone III. However, this hormone is unable to reverse the effect of azadirachtin on reproduction. Ecdysteroid titers in nymphs and adult females are decreased by these treatments. In vitro analysis suggest that precocene and azadirachtin may act directly on the prothoracic glands and ovaries producing ecdysteroids. Based on these and other findings the possible mode of action of these compounds on the development and reproduction of Rhodnius prolixus is discussed.


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The fates of purified 32P-vitellin and 32P-lipophorin were followed in vitellogenic females of Rhodnius prolixus. While the radioactivity from 32P-vitellin 6 hours after injection was found almost exclusively in the ovary, the radioactivity from injected 32P-lipophorin was found distributed among several organs. In the ovary, the radioactivity from 32P-vitellin was associated with the contents of the yolk granules. 32P-lipophorin delivered a great amount of radioactive phospholipids to the ovary with no accumulation of its protein moiety, as observed after its iodination with 131I. The delivery of phospholipids was inhibited at 0ºC and by the metabolic inhibitors, sodium azide and sodium fluoride. Comparison of the radioactivity incorporation from 32P-lipophorin with that of 14C-inulin suggests that the 32P-phospholipids from lipophorin are not taken up by fluid phase endocytosis. The data presented here are compatible with the concept of lipophorin as a carrier of lipids in insects and provide evidence that lipophorin transports phospholipids as shown previously for other classes of lipids. The utilization by the oocytes of the phospholipids transported by lipophorin is discussed.


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This paper re-examines existing data on the environmental inputs governing egg production in Rhodnius prolixus. Feeding has a direct effect on egg production such that the product of the unfed weight of the female times the weight of the blood meal is a good predictor of the number of eggs produced. Mating modifies this input, so that mated females produce more eggs. Egg production is governed by the corpus allatum, and indirect evidence suggests that the number of eggs producted by a female is a function of the length of time that juvenile hormone is secreted by the corpus allatum. The input which determines the times at which the corpus allatum is switched off originates in the stretch induced by the amount of the meal remaining in the crop, modified by the matedness status of the female. The precise nature of the sensors detecting stretch is not yet clear, but the integrity of the dorsal aorta is essential to the transmission of the information. These data are related to the survival strategy for Rhodnius.


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Modificando la frecuencia de oferta de alimento a semanal y quincenal se evaluó estadisticamente la variación de algunos parámetros poblacionales y reproductivos en cuatro cohortes de R. neivai alimentadas en gallina o conejo. Se encontró una relación directa entre la frecuencia de oferta de snagre y la longevidad media, longevidad máxima y esperanza de vida de los adultos en los ejemplares que se alimentaron en gallina. En cambio, en los animales a los cuales se ofreció sangre de conejo quincenalmente, los valores de longevidad media, longevidad máxima y esperanza de vida de los adultos fueron altos, y algo menores en los alimentados semanalmente. El rendimiento reproductivo aumentó y la fertilidad edad-específica mostró una cierta disminución cuando la frecuencia de oferta de alimento fue semanal. Todos los parámetros poblacionales, menos el tiempo generacional, fueron mayores en los ejemplares alimentados semanalmente.