144 resultados para Rhizopus oligosporus
A descriptive study was developed in order to assess air contamination caused by fungi and particles in seven poultry units. Twenty seven air samples of 25 litters were collected through impaction method. Air sampling and particle concentration measurement were performed in the pavilions’ interior and also outside premises, since this was the place regarded as reference. Simultaneously, temperature and relative humidity were also registered. Regarding fungal load in the air from the seven poultry farms, the highest value obtained was 24040 CFU/m3 and the lowest was 320 CFU/m3. Twenty eight species/genera of fungi were identified, being Scopulariopsis brevicaulis (39.0%) the most commonly isolated species and Rhizopus sp. (30.0%) the most commonly isolated genus. From the Aspergillus genus, Aspergillus flavus (74.5%) was the most frequently detected species. There was a significant correlation (r=0.487; p=0.014) between temperature and the level of fungal contamination (CFU/m3). Considering contamination caused by particles, in this study, particles with larger dimensions (PM5.0 and PM10) have higher concentrations. There was also a significant correlation between relative humidity and concentration of smaller particles namely, PM0.5 (r=0.438; p=0.025) and PM1.0 (r=0.537; p=0.005). Characterizing typical exposure levels to these contaminants in this specific occupational setting is required to allow a more detailed risk assessment analysis and to set exposure limits to protect workers’ health.
A descriptive study was developed in order to compare indoor and outdoor air contamination caused by fungi and particles in seven poultry units. Twenty eight air samples of 25 litters were collected through the impaction method on malt extract agar. Air sampling and particles concentration measurement were done in the interior and also outside premises of the poultries’ pavilions. Regarding the fungal load in the air, indoor concentration of mold was higher than outside air in six poultry units. Twenty eight species / genera of fungi were identified indoor, being Scopulariopsis brevicaulis (40.5%) the most commonly isolated species and Rhizopus sp. (30.0%) the most commonly isolated genus. Concerning outdoor, eighteen species/genera of fungi were isolated, being Scopulariopsis brevicaulis (62.6%) also the most isolated. All the poultry farms analyzed presented indoor fungi different from the ones identified outdoors. Regarding particles’ contamination, PM2.5, PM5.0 and PM10 had a statistically significant difference (Mann-Whitney U test) between the inside and outside of the pavilions, with the inside more contaminated (p=.006; p=.005; p=.005, respectively). The analyzed poultry units are potential reservoirs of substantial amounts of fungi and particles and could therefore free them in the atmospheric air. The developed study showed that indoor air was more contaminated than outdoors, and this can result in emission of potentially pathogenic fungi and particles via aerosols from poultry units to the environment, which may post a considerable risk to public health and contribute to environmental pollution.
The production of MVOC by fungi has been taken into account especially from the viewpoint of indoor pollution with microorganisms but the relevance of fungal metabolites in working environments has not been sufficiently studied. The purpose of this study was to assess exposure to MVOCs in a waste-handling unit. It was used Multirae equipment (RAE Systems) to measured MVOCs concentration with a 10.6 eV lamps. The measurements were done near workers nose and during the normal activities. All measurements were done continuously and had the duration of 5 minutes at least. It was consider the higher value obtained in each measurement. In addition, for knowing fungi contamination, five air samples of 50 litres were collected through impaction method at 140 L/minute, at one meter tall, on to malt extract agar with the antibiotic chloramphenicol (MEA). MVOCs results range between 4.7 ppm and 8.9 ppm in the 6 locations consider. These results are eight times higher than normally obtained in indoor settings. Considering fungi results, two species were identified in air, being the genera Penicillium found in all the samples in uncountable colonies and Rhizopus only in one sample (40 UFC/m3). These fungi are known as MVOCs producers, namely terpenoids, ketones, alcohols and others. Until now, there has been no evidence that MVOCs are toxicologically relevant, but further epidemiological research is necessary to elucidate their role on human’s health, particularly in occupational settings where microbiological contamination is common. Additionally, further research should concentrate on quantitative analyses of specific MVOCs.
Airbone fungi are considered important causes of allergic rhinitis and allergic asthma. The knowledge of these fungi in a city or region is important for the ecological diagnosis and specific treatment of allergic manifestations induced by inhalation of fungal allergens. The airborne fungi of Fortaleza, State of Ceará, Brazil, were studied during a one year period. Five hundred and twenty Petri dishes with Sabouraud dextrose agar medium were exposed at ten different locations in the city. The dishes exposed yielded one thousand and five hundred and twenty one colonies of twenty four genera. The most predominants were: Aspergillus (44.7%), Penicillium (13.3%), Curvularia (9.8%), Cladosporium (6.8%), Mycelia sterilia (6.0%), Fusarium (3.5%), Rhizopus (3.1%), Drechslera (2.6%), Alternaria (2.4%) and Absidia (2.2%). The results shown that Aspergillus, Penicillium, Mycelia sterilia, Fusarium and Alternaria were found during all months in the year. Absidia was more frequent during the dry season. Anemophilous fungi and the high concentration of spores in the air are important because may result in an increased number of people with allergic respiratory disease.
Three species of Siphomycetes: Rhizopus arhizus, Rhizopus equinus and Rhizopus nigricans, as well as a Septomycete: Emericella nidulans, have been examined by means of a scanning electron microscope. Among the difjerent Rhizopus, this technique showed differences in the appearance of the sporangia. In Emericella nidulans, scanning microscopy enábled one to ascertain that the "Hull cells" were completely hollow and also demonstrated the ornemented aspect of the ascospores.
Rhinocerebral zygomycosis is the most frequent form of fungal infection caused by members of the Zygomycetes class. A fatal case of rhinocerebral zygomycosis caused by Rhizopus (oryzae) arrhizus with histopathological and mycological diagnosis is reported in a diabetic patient.
Introduction: There are more than 300,000 extractors using the babaçu coconut as a source of income in the States of Maranhão, Pará, Tocantins and Piauí, and this activity is associated with fungal infections. The objective of this study was to examine the occurrence of emergent fungi in the conjunctiva, nails and surface and subcutaneous injuries of female coconut breakers in Esperantinópolis, Maranhão. Additionally, soil samples and palm structures were collected. Methods: The obtained samples were cultured in Petri dishes containing potato-dextrose-agar and chloramphenicol. The etiological agent was confirmed by a direct mycological exam and growth in culture. Results: In total, 150 domiciles were visited, and samples were collected from 80 patients. From the ground, the most frequently isolated fungus was Aspergillus niger (53. 8%). the most frequently detected fungus in babaçu coconut was Aspergillus niger (66.7%). Conjunctival fungal growth occurred in 76.3% of the women. The ocular fungal microbiota consisted of filamentous fungi (80.6%), and yeasts were present in 19.4% of cases. Onychomycosis was diagnosed in 44% (11/25) of the women. Conclusions: The identification of the genera Neosartorya, Rhizopus and Curvularia in onychomycoses shows that emergent filamentous fungi can be isolated. Aspergillus sp., Penicillium sp. and Scedosporium sp. were the predominant genera found in the babaçu coconut. From ocular conjunctiva, Candida spp. were the most prevalent species isolated, and Fusarium sp. was present only in one woman. The nearly permanent exposure of coconut breakers to the external environment and to the soil is most likely the reason for the existence of a mycotic flora and fungal infections, varying according to the individual's practices and occupation.
The layer-by-layer (LbL) deposition method was used to build up alternating layers (five) of different polyelectrolyte solutions (alginate, zein-carvacrol nanocapsules, chitosan and chitosan-carvacrol emulsions) on an aminolysed/charged polyethylene terephthalate (A/C PET) film. These nanolaminated films were characterised by contact angle measurements and through the determination of water vapour (WVTR) and oxygen (O2TR) transmission rates. The effect of active nanolaminated films against the Alternaria sp. and Rhizopus stolonifer was also evaluated. This procedure allowed developing optically transparent nanolaminated films with tuneable water vapour and gas properties and antifungal activity. The water and oxygen transmission rate values for the multilayer films were lower than those previously reported for the neat alginate or chitosan films. The presence of carvacrol and zein nanocapsules significantly decreased the water transmission rate (up to 40 %) of the nanolaminated films. However, the O2TR behaved differently and was only improved (up to 45 %) when carvacrol was encapsulated, i.e. nanolaminated films prepared by alternating alginate with nanocapsules of zein-carvacrol layers showed better oxygen barrier properties than those prepared as an emulsion of chitosan and carvacrol. These films containing zein-carvacrol nanocapsules also showed the highest antifungal activity (30 %), which did not significantly differ from those obtained with the highest amount of carvacrol, probably due to the controlled release of the active agent (carvacrol) from the zein-carvacrol nanocapsules. Thus, this work shows that nanolaminated films prepared with alternating layers of alginate and zein-carvacrol nanocapsules can be considered to improve the shelf-life of foodstuffs.
The present study was performed to assess the interlaboratory reproducibility of the molecular detection and identification of species of Zygomycetes from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded kidney and brain tissues obtained from experimentally infected mice. Animals were infected with one of five species (Rhizopus oryzae, Rhizopus microsporus, Lichtheimia corymbifera, Rhizomucor pusillus, and Mucor circinelloides). Samples with 1, 10, or 30 slide cuts of the tissues were prepared from each paraffin block, the sample identities were blinded for analysis, and the samples were mailed to each of seven laboratories for the assessment of sensitivity. A protocol describing the extraction method and the PCR amplification procedure was provided. The internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1) region was amplified by PCR with the fungal universal primers ITS1 and ITS2 and sequenced. As negative results were obtained for 93% of the tissue specimens infected by M. circinelloides, the data for this species were excluded from the analysis. Positive PCR results were obtained for 93% (52/56), 89% (50/56), and 27% (15/56) of the samples with 30, 10, and 1 slide cuts, respectively. There were minor differences, depending on the organ tissue, fungal species, and laboratory. Correct species identification was possible for 100% (30 cuts), 98% (10 cuts), and 93% (1 cut) of the cases. With the protocol used in the present study, the interlaboratory reproducibility of ITS sequencing for the identification of major Zygomycetes species from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissues can reach 100%, when enough material is available.
O potencial de solubilização de fosfatos por bactérias e fungos cultivados em meio de cultura GEL (Glicose-Extrato de Levedura), suplementado com diferentes formas de fosfatos (cálcio, alumínio e ferro) e fontes de carbono (celulose, amido, sacarose, glicose, frutose e xilose), foi avaliado em laboratório. O crescimento, o diâmetro da área solubilizada e a relação halo/colônia variaram conforme o tipo de microrganismo e a fonte de fósforo e de carbono. Dos 57 isolados utilizados, 56 formaram halo na presença de fosfato de cálcio e cinco apenas na presença de fosfato de alumínio e nenhum foi capaz de solubilizar fosfato de ferro. Contudo, seis isolados cresceram melhor no meio com fosfato de ferro em comparação com o meio testemunha. As maiores colônias e halos foram observados nos isolados de Rhizopus e Aspergillus, enquanto as maiores relações halo/colônia foram encontradas em Paecilomyces e Penicillium. Todos os isolados cresceram no meio GEL base (testemunha sem açúcar), mas a solubilização ocorreu apenas na presença de carbono adicionado ao meio, destacando-se xilose, glicose, frutose e sacarose.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da calagem, da época de colheita e do método de secagem na qualidade sanitária do amendoim (Arachis hypogaea L.), cultivar Botutatu, cultivado no campo na época da seca. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos ao acaso em parcela subsubdividida, com quatro repetições. As parcelas foram constituídas por ausência e presença de calcário dolomítico (1,8 t/ha), as subparcelas, por quatro épocas de colheita, a partir de 104 dias após a semeadura, e as subsubparcelas, por duas condições de secagem (estufa a 30ºC e ambiente a 24ºC e 60% de umidade relativa do ar). Em cada colheita, foi realizada a avaliação da população de fungos no solo, nas sementes e nas vagens, assim como do potencial de produção de aflatoxina destes isolados. A calagem não interfere na população de Aspergillus spp. no solo e não previne sua contaminação nas vagens e nas sementes do amendoim; o atraso na época de colheita proporciona aumento da contaminação de Aspergillus flavus nas vagens e da produção de aflatoxina G1 e G2; as condições de secagem em ambiente propiciam maior incidência por Rhizopus spp. nas vagens e menor incidência por Aspergillus flavus nas sementes.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o potencial de extratos fúngicos e vegetais na redução da murcha-de-verticílio do cacaueiro, as atividades da peroxidase e polifenoloxidase e o conteúdo de lignina. Mudas de cacaueiro foram pulverizadas com filtrado de micélio de Rhizopus sp. (FMR), quitosana de Rhizopus sp. (QMR) e Trichoderma sp. (QMT), extratos de casca in natura e seca de maracujá, extrato metanólico de casca seca de frutos de maracujá (MMS) e acibenzolar-S-metil (ASM - 0.2 mg mL-1) e sete dias depois, submetidas à inoculação de Verticillium dahliae. O ASM reduziu a murcha-de-verticílio em 38,0%, seguido dos extratos FMR, QMT, MMS e QMR, que apresentaram reduções em 22,8, 20,1, 19,2 e 15,7%, respectivamente, em relação à testemunha. Plantas pulverizadas com ASM ou FMR seguidas de inoculação apresentaram aumento da atividade de peroxidase aos oito dias após a pulverização, comparadas às respectivas testemunhas, com pico aos 18 dias após a pulverização. ASM e FMR aumentaram a atividade de polifenoloxidase aos quatro dias após a pulverização. Maiores concentrações de lignina foram obtidas em plantas tratadas com FMR e FMR seguido de inoculação. FMR é um potencial indutor de resistência para manejo de murcha-de-verticílio em cacaueiro.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de tratamentos pré-colheita sobre a ocorrência de podridões pós-colheita e sobre os atributos de qualidade de framboesas (Rubus idaeus L.) 'Heritage'. As frutas foram pulverizadas com um dos seguintes tratamentos: água destilada (controle), 6 g L-1 de quitosana, 100 mg L-1 de dióxido de cloro, Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, Curtobacterium pusillum ou Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Foram realizadas colheitas aos 3, 7 e 14 dias após a aplicação dos tratamentos. Após cada uma das colheitas, realizadas no estádio de maturação comercial (coloração rosa), as frutas foram inoculadas individualmente com suspensão de conídios (2x10(5) conídios mL-1) de Botrytis cinerea ou Rhizopus stolonifer. As frutas foram mantidas a 12±0,5ºC por sete dias e avaliadas quanto à incidência de podridões e quanto aos principais atributos de qualidade. Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, C. pusillum e S. cerevisiae proporcionaram menor área abaixo da curva de progresso da incidência das podridões por Botrytis e Rhizopus. Os agentes de controle biológico avaliados não interferem negativamente sobre os atributos de qualidade das frutas, e, portanto, são alternativas potenciais no controle de podridões pós-colheita de framboesas.
Preparation of (S)-1-chloro-2-octanol and (S)-1-bromo-2-octanol was carried out by the enzymatic hydrolysis of halohydrin palmitates using biocatalysts. Halohydrin palmitates were prepared by various methods from palmitic acid and 1,2-octanediol. A tandem hydrolysis was carried out using lipases from Candida antarctica (Novozym® 435), Rhizomucor miehei (Lipozyme IM), and “resting cells” from a Rhizopus oryzae strain that was not mycotoxigenic. The influence of the enzyme and the reaction medium on the selective hydrolysis of isomeric mixtures of halohydrin esters is described. Novozym® 435 allowed preparation of (S)-1-chloro-2-octanol and (S)-1-bromo-2-octanol after 1–3 h ofreaction at 40 °C in [BMIM][PF6].