984 resultados para Rf-power


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The present paper describes a systematic study of argon plasmas in a bell-jar inductively coupled plasma (ICP) source over the range of pressure 5-20 mtorr and power input 0.2-0.5 kW, Experimental measurements as well as results of numerical simulations are presented. The models used in the study include the well-known global balance model (or the global model) as well as a detailed two-dimensional (2-D) fluid model of the system, The global model is able to provide reasonably accurate values for the global electron temperature and plasma density, The 2-D model provides spatial distributions of various plasma parameters that make it possible to compare with data measured in the experiments, The experimental measurements were obtained using a tuned Langmuir double-probe technique to reduce the RF interference and obtain the light versus current (I-V) characteristics of the probe. Time-averaged electron temperature and plasma density were measured for various combinations of pressure and applied RF power, The predictions of the 2-D model were found to be in good qualitative agreement with measured data, It was found that the electron temperature distribution T-e was more or less uniform in the chamber, It was also seen that the electron temperature depends primarily on pressure, but is almost independent of the power input, except in the very low-pressure regime. The plasma density goes up almost linearly with the power input.


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Hydrogenated microcrystalline silicon (mu c-Si:H) thin films were prepared by high-pressure radio-frequency (13.56 MHz) plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (rf-PECVD) with a screened plasma. The deposition rate and crystallinity varying with the deposition pressure, rf power, hydrogen dilution ratio and electrodes distance were systematically studied. By optimizing the deposition parameters the device quality mu c-Si:H films have been achieved with a high deposition rate of 7.8 angstrom/s at a high pressure. The V-oc of 560 mV and the FF of 0.70 have been achieved for a single-junction mu c-Si:H p-i-n solar cell at a deposition rate of 7.8 angstrom/s.


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Preferred growth of nanocrystalline silicon (nc-Si) was first found in boron-doped hydrogenated nanocrystalline (nc-Si:H) films prepared using plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition system. The films were characterized by high-resolution transmission electron microscope, X-ray diffraction (XRD) spectrum and Raman Scattering spectrum. The results showed that the diffraction peaks in XRD spectrum were at 2theta approximate to 47degrees and the exponent of crystalline plane of nc-Si in the film was (220). A considerable reason was electric field derived from dc bias made the bonds of Si-Si array according to a certain orient. The size and crystalline volume fraction of nc-Si in boron-doped films were intensively depended on the deposited parameters: diborane (B2H6) doping ratio in silane (SiH4), silane dilution ratio in hydrogen (H-2), rf power density, substrate's temperature and reactive pressure, respectively. But preferred growth of nc-Si in the boron-doped nc-Si:H films cannot be obtained by changing these parameters. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The InGaNAs(Sb)/(GaNAs)/GaAs quantum wells (QWs) emitting at 1.3-1.55 mu m have been grown by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). The parameters of the radio frequency (RF) such as RF power and flow rate are optimized to reduce the damages from the ions or energetic species. The growth temperature is carefully controlled to prevent the phase segregation and strain relaxation. The effects of Sb on the wavelength and quality are investigated. The GaNAs barrier is used to extend the wavelength and reduce the strain. A 1.5865 mu m InGaNAs(Sb)/GaNAs SQW edge emitting laser lasing at room temperature at continuous wave operation mode is demonstrated. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The optical band gap (E-g) of the boron (B)-doped hydrogenated nano-crystalline silicon (nc-Si:H) films fabricated using plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) was investigated in this work. The transmittance of the films were measured by spectrophotometric and the E-g was evaluated utilizing three different relations for comparison, namely: alphahnu=C(hnu-E-g)(3), alphahnu=B-0(hnu-E-g)(2), alphahnu=C-0(hnu-E-g)(2). Result showed that E-g decreases with the increasing of Boron doping ratio, hydrogen concentration, and substrate's temperature (T-s), respectively. E-g raises up with rf power density (P-d) from 0.45W.cm(-2) to 0.60w.cm(-2) and then drops to the end. These can be explained for E-g decreases with disorder in the films.


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The optical band gap (E-g) of the boron (B)-doped hydrogenated nano-crystalline silicon (nc-Si:H) films fabricated using plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) was investigated in this work. The transmittance of the films were measured by spectrophotometric and the E-g was evaluated utilizing three different relations for comparison, namely: alphahnu=C(hnu-E-g)(3), alphahnu=B-0(hnu-E-g)(2), alphahnu=C-0(hnu-E-g)(2). Result showed that E-g decreases with the increasing of Boron doping ratio, hydrogen concentration, and substrate's temperature (T-s), respectively. E-g raises up with rf power density (P-d) from 0.45W.cm(-2) to 0.60w.cm(-2) and then drops to the end. These can be explained for E-g decreases with disorder in the films.


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Helicon plasma source is known as an efficient generator of uniform and high density plasma. A helicon plasma source was developed for the investigation of plasma striping and plasma lens at the Institute of Modern Physics, CAS. In this paper, the characteristics of helicon plasma have been studied by using Langmuir four-probe and a high plasma density up to 3.9×1013 /cm3 has been achieved with the Nagoya type III antenna. In the experiment, several important phenomena have been found: (1) for a given magnetic induction intensity, the plasma density became greater with the increase of RF power; (2) the helicon mode appeared at the RF power between 300 W and 400 W; (3) the plasma density gradually tended to saturation as the RF power increased to the higher power; (4) a higher plasma density can be obtained by a good matching between the RF power and the magnetic field distribution. The key issue is how to optimize the matching between the RF power and the magnetic field. Moreover, some tests on the extraction of ion beam were performed, and the preliminary results were given. The problems which existed in the helicon ion source will be discussed and the increase in beam density will be expected by extraction system optimum.


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The Latest developed LECR2M (Lanzhou ECR No. 2 Modified) source is the updated one of LECR2 (Lanzhou ECR No. 2) source at IMP. It has been assembled on the low energy ion beam experimental platform to produce MCI beams for atomic physics and material physics experimental research. In our updating program, the structure of injection and extraction components has been modified to make the source structure more simple and effective. The hexapole magnet has also been replaced by a new hexapole magnet with higher radial field and larger inner diameter. With this updating, stronger magnetic field confinement of the ECR plasma is possible and better base vacuum condition is also achieved. LECR2M was designed to be operated at 14.5GHz. During the preliminary test, 1.3emA O6+ beam was extracted with the injected rf power of 1.1kW. The source has been used to deliver intense MCI beams for different experiments. After some discussion of the main features of this newly updated source, some of the typical commissioning test results of LECR2M will be presented.


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Helicon plasma source is known as efficient generator of uniform and high density plasma. A helicon plasma source was developed for investigation of plasma neutralization and plasma lens in the Institute of Modern Physics in China. In this paper, the characteristics of helicon plasma have been studied by using Langmuir four-probe and a high argon plasma density up to 3.9x10(13) cm(-3) have been achieved with the Nagoya type III antenna at the conditions of the magnetic intensity of 200 G, working gas pressure of 2.8x10(-3) Pa, and rf power of 1200 W with a frequency of 27.12 MHz. In the experiment, the important phenomena have been found: for a given magnetic induction intensity, the plasma density became greater with the increase in rf power and tended to saturation, and the helicon mode appeared at the rf power between 200 and 400 W.


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Superconducting electron cyclotron resonance ion source with advance design in Lanzhou (SECRAL) is an 18-28 GHz fully superconducting electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) ion source dedicated for highly charged heavy ion beam production. SECRAL, with an innovative superconducting magnet structure of solenoid-inside-sextupole and at lower frequency and lower rf power operation, may open a new way for developing compact and reliable high performance superconducting ECR ion source. One of the recent highlights achieved at SECRAL is that some new record beam currents for very high charge states were produced by 18 GHz or 18+14.5 GHz double frequency heating, such as 1 e mu A of Xe-129(43+), 22 e mu A of Bi-209(41+), and 1.5 e mu A of Bi-209(50+). To further enhance the performance of SECRAL, a 24 GHz/7 kW gyrotron microwave generator was installed and SECRAL was tested at 24 GHz. Some promising and exciting results at 24 GHz with new record highly charged ion beam intensities were produced, such as 455 e mu A of Xe-129(27+) and 152 e mu A of Xe-129(30+), although the commissioning time was limited within 3-4 weeks and rf power only 3-4 kW. Bremsstrahlung measurements at 24 GHz show that x-ray is much stronger with higher rf frequency, higher rf power. and higher minimum mirror magnetic field (minimum B). Preliminary emittance measurements indicate that SECRAL emittance at 24 GHz is slightly higher that at 18 GHz. SECRAL has been put into routine operation at 18 GHz for heavy ion research facility in Lanzhou (HIRFL) accelerator complex since May 2007. The total operation beam time from SECRAL for HIRFL accelerator has been more than 2000 h, and Xe-129(27+), Kr-78(19+), Bi-209(31+), and Ni-58(19+) beams were delivered. All of these new developments, the latest results, and long-term operation for the accelerator have again demonstrated that SECRAL is one of the best in the performance of ECR ion source for highly charged heavy ion beam production. Finally the future development of SECRAL will be presented.


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A method for the determiantion of rare earth elements in biological sampels by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry was developed. Oxide ion yield of the rare earth elements (RFE) decreased with the increasing of RF power and the sampling depth, or with the decreasing of carrier gas flow rate. The spectral interference arising from (PrO)-Pr-141-O-16 on Gd-157 must be corrected. if the concentration of Ba was high enough, it was necessary to correct the spectral interference arising from (BO)-B-135-O-16 on Eu-151, and it was not necessary to correct spectral interference arising from (NdO)-Nd-143-O-16 on Tb-159 etc. in the biological samples under the selected operation parameters. In the biological sample, the major matrix elements, such as K, Na and Ca, result in the suppression of REEs signals and the suppression degree of the Ca is grezter than that of the K and Na. The mussel sample was digested by thd dry ashing, wet digestion with HNO3 + H2O2 and HNO3 + HClO4, respectively. The analytical results of REEs were consistent with each other. Detection limits for REEs are 0.001 similar to 0.013 mu g/L. Recoveries of standard addition are 91.7% similar to 125%. REEs in biological samples were determined directly without separation and preconcentration procedure.


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Changes of the electron dynamics during the mode transition (E- to H-mode) in a hydrogen radio-frequency (rf) inductively coupled plasma are investigated using space and phase resolved optical emission spectroscopy. The E- mode is characterized through relatively weak optical emission which is strongly modulated on a nanosecond time scale during the rf-cycle, with one pronounced maximum per cycle. The modulation in H-mode, with twice the rf-frequency, is significantly weaker while the emission intensities are about two orders of magnitude higher. In particular the transition between these two modes is studied under variations of rf-power input and gas pressure. Characteristic spatio-temporal structures are observed and can be understood in the frame of a simple model combining both coupling mechanisms in the transition regime.


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Comparisons of 2D fluid simulations with experimental measurements of Ar/Cl-2 plasmas in a low-pressure inductively coupled reactor are reported. Simulations show that the wall recombination coefficient of Cl atom (gamma) is a crucial parameter of the model and that neutral densities are very sensitive to its variations. The best agreement between model and experiment is obtained for gamma = 0.02, which is much lower than the value predicted for stainless steel walls (gamma = 0.6). This is consistent with reactor wall contaminations classically observed in such discharges. The electron density, negative ion fraction and Cl atom density have been investigated under various conditions of chlorine and argon concentrations, gas pressure and applied rf input power. The plasma electronegativity decreases with rf power and increases with chlorine concentration. At high pressure, the power absorption and distribution of charged particles become more localized below the quartz window. Although the experimental trends are well reproduced by the simulations, the calculated charged particle densities are systematically overestimated by a factor of 3-5. The reasons for this discrepancy are discussed in the paper.


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The nonlinear nature of the rf absorption in a helicon-produced plasma was recently evidenced by the observation that the helicon wave damping as well as the level of short-scale electrostatic fluctuations excited in the helicon plasma increases with rf power. Correlation methods using electrostatic probes as well as microwave back-scattering at the upper-hybrid resonance allow identifying the fluctuations as ion-sound and Trivelpiece– Gould waves satisfying the frequency and wavenumber matching conditions for the parametric decay instability of the helicon pump wave. Furthermore, the growth rates and thresholds deduced from their temporal growth are in good agreement with theoretical predictions for the parametric decay instability that takes into account realistic damping rates for the decay waves as well as a non-vanishing parallel wavenumber of the helicon pump. The close relationship between the rf absorption and the excitation of the fluctuations was investigated in more detail by performing time- and space-resolved measurements of the helicon wave field and the electrostatic fluctuations.