975 resultados para Reversion to virulence


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Despite Candida species are often human commensals isolated from various oral sites such as: tongue, cheek and palatal mucosa plus subgingival region, there are some properties linked to the organism commonly known as virulence factors which confer them the ability to produce disease. Oral candidiasis is one of the main oral manifestations reported in literature related to kidney transplant patients. The objectives of the present study were to identify and investigate virulence factors of yeasts isolated from the oral cavity of kidney transplant recipients admitted at the Hospital Universitário Onofre Lopes, in Natal RN. Seventy Candida species isolated from 111 kidney transplant recipients were investigated in this study. Identification of the isolates was performed by using the evidence of germ tube formation, hypertonic broth, tolerance to grow at 42°C, micromorphology and biochemical profiles. We observed a high rate of isolation of yeasts from the oral cavity of kidney transplant recipients (63.1%) being C. albicans was the most prevalent species. Oral candidiasis was diagnosed in 14.4% of transplant recipients. We evaluated virulence properties of the isolates regarding to: biofilm formation on polystyrene microplates as well as XTT reduction, adherence to acrylic resin and human buccal epithelial cells and proteinase activity. Most isolates were able to form biofilm by the method of adhesion to polystyrene. All isolates of Candida spp. remained viable during biofilm formation when analyzed by the method of XTT reduction. The number of CFU attached to the acrylic resin suggested high adherence for C. parapsilosis. C. albicans isolates showed higher median adherence to human buccal epithelial cells than non-C. albicans Candida isolates. Nevertheless, this difference was not statistically significant. C. dubliniensis showed low ability to adhere to plastic and epithelial cells and biofilm formation. Proteolytic activity was observed for all the isolates investigated, including the unique isolate of C. dubliniensis. There was a statistically significant association between proteinase production and the presence of oral candidiasis. Studies related to oral candidiasis in renal transplant recipients are limited to clinical and epidemiological data, but investigations concerning Candida spp. virulence factor for this group of individuals are still scarce. We emphasize the importance of studies related to virulence factors of yeasts isolated from this population to contribute to the knowledge of microbiological aspects of oral candidiasis


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Vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC) is one of the most common causes of vaginitis and affects about 75% of women of reproductive age. The majority of cases (80 to 90%) are due to C. albicans, the most virulent species of the genus Candida. Virulence attributes are scarcely investigated and the source of infection remains uncertain. Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the virulence factors and genotypes of clinical isolates of C. albicans sequentially obtained from the anus and vagina of patients with sporadic and recurrent VVC. Materials and methods: We analyzed 62 clinical isolates of C. albicans (36 vaginal and 26 anal strains). Direct examination of vaginal and anal samples and colony forming units (CFU) counts were performed. Yeasts were identified using the chromogenic media CHROMagar Candida® and by classical methodology, and phenotypically characterized regarding to virulence factors, including the ability to adhere to epithelial cells, proteinase activity, morphogenesis and biofilm formation. The genotypes of the strains were investigated with ABC genotyping, microsatellite genotyping with primer M13 and RAPD. Results: We found 100% agreement between direct examination and culture of vaginal samples. Filamentous forms were present in most of the samples of vaginal secretion, which presented CFU counts significantly higher than the samples of anal secretion. There was no statistically significant difference between virulence factors of infecting vaginal isolates and those presented by colonizing anal isolates; as well as for the comparison of the vaginal isolates from patients with different clinical conditions (sporadic or recurrent VVC). There was a decrease in the ability to adhere to HBEC, morphogenesis and biofilm formation of the vaginal isolates during the progress of infection. There was an association between the ability to express different virulence factors and the clinical manifestations presented by the patients. Genotype A was the most prevalent (93.6%), followed by genotype C (6.4%). We found maintenance of the same ABC genotype and greater prevalence of microevolution for the vaginal strains of C. albicans sequentially obtained. Vaginal and anal isolates of C. albicans obtained simultaneously from the same patient presented the same ABC genotype and high genetic relatedness. Conclusion: It is noteworthy that the proliferation of yeast and bud-to-hypha transition are important for the establishment of CVV. The expression of virulence factors is important for the pathogenesis of VVC, although it does not seem to be determinant in the transition from colonization to infection or to the installation of recurrent condition. Genotype A seems to be dominant over the others in both vaginal and anal isolates of patients with VVC. The most common scenario was microevolution of the strains of C. albicans in the vaginal environment. It is suggested that the anal reservoir constituted a possible source of vaginal infection, in most cases assessed


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The virulence of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis can be attenuated or lost after long periods of repeated subculturing and reestablished after animal inoculation. Only one adhesin (gp43) has been described until now, among the various identified components of P. brasiliensis, and gp43 shows adhesion to laminin. Thus, the present study was designed to isolate and characterize factors putatively related to the capacity of this fungus to adhere to the host by comparing P brasiliensis samples, taken before and after animal inoculation. The two samples differed in their pattern of adhesion and invasion. The sample recently isolated from animals (Pb18b) demonstrated a greater capacity to adhere and to invade the Vero cells than the one subcultured in vitro (Pb18a). Extract from Ph18b also showed higher levels of protein expression than that from Pb18a, when two-dimensional electrophoresis gels were compared. A protein species of 30 kDa, pI 4.9, was more evident in the Pb18b extract and had properties of adhesin. Laminin, but none of the other extracellular matrix (ECM) components, such as fibronectin, collagen I and IV, bound specifically to the P. brasiliensis 30 kDa protein. The roles of 30 kDa and gp43 in cellular interactions were investigated and the adhesion of P. brasiliensis yeast cells was intensively inhibited by pre-treatment of epithelial cells with 30 kDa protein and gp43. Thus, this study presents evidence that adhesion capacity could be related to virulence, and that a 30 kDa adhesin accumulated differentially in samples with different levels of pathogenicity. This protein and its adhesion characteristics are being published for the first time and may be related to the virulence of P brasiliensis. (c) 2005 Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.


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OBJETIVO: caracterizar o desempenho de escolares da 1ª série na bateria de identificação de erros de reversão e inversão na escrita. MÉTODOS: participaram deste estudo 30 escolares de 1ª série de ensino público do município da cidade de Marília-SP, de ambos os gêneros, na faixa etária de 7 anos a 7 anos e 11 meses de idade. Como procedimento foi realizada a adaptação brasileira da bateria de identificação dos erros de reversão e inversão na escrita. Esta bateria é composta por 3 testes: teste de desempenho contínuo, teste de memória de curto prazo e teste de controle de escrita. Cada teste é composto por subtestes que visam identificar a capacidade dos escolares em identificar as inversões e reversões de letras e números isolados e letras e números em sequências. RESULTADOS: os resultados revelaram que os escolares da 1ª série apresentaram desempenho superior para identificação de reversão e inversão de letras dentro de palavras do que isoladamente, identificação da reversão para letras e números com desempenho superior se comparado a inversão de letras na palavra. Além disso, os escolares deste estudo apresentaram menor tempo para identificação de reversão e inversão de letras e números isolados do que em sequência. CONCLUSÃO: a Bateria adaptada para este estudo permitiu conhecer o perfil dos escolares de 1ª série quanto a identificação dos erros de inversão e reversão, entretanto, é necessário novas aplicações para verificar a ocorrência de identificação destes erros em populações de diferentes fase de alfabetização.


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Paracoccidioides brasiliensis is a thermally dimorphic fungus, and causes the most prevalent systemic mycosis in Latin America. Infection is initiated by inhalation of conidia or mycelial fragments by the host, followed by further differentiation into the yeast form. Information regarding gene expression by either form has rarely been addressed with respect to multiple time points of growth in culture. Here, we report on the construction of a genomic DNA microarray, covering approximately 25% of the genome of the organism, and its utilization in identifying genes and gene expression patterns during growth in vitro. Cloned, amplified inserts from randomly sheared genomic DNA (gDNA) and known control genes were printed onto glass slides to generate a microarray of over 12 000 elements. To examine gene expression, mRNA was extracted and amplified from mycelial or yeast cultures grown in semi-defined medium for 5, 8 and 14 days. Principal components analysis and hierarchical clustering indicated that yeast gene expression profiles differed greatly from those of mycelia, especially at earlier time points, and that mycelial gene expression changed less than gene expression in yeasts over time. Genes upregulated in yeasts were found to encode proteins shown to be involved in methionine/cysteine metabolism, respiratory and metabolic processes (of sugars, amino acids, proteins and lipids), transporters (small peptides, sugars, ions and toxins), regulatory proteins and transcription factors. Mycelial genes involved in processes such as cell division, protein catabolism, nucleotide biosynthesis and toxin and sugar transport showed differential expression. Sequenced clones were compared with Histoplasma capsulatum and Coccidioides posadasii genome sequences to assess potentially common pathways across species, such as sulfur and lipid metabolism, amino acid transporters, transcription factors and genes possibly related to virulence. We also analysed gene expression with time in culture and found that while transposable elements and components of respiratory pathways tended to increase in expression with time, genes encoding ribosomal structural proteins and protein catabolism tended to sharply decrease in expression over time, particularly in yeast. These findings expand our knowledge of the different morphological forms of P. brasiliensis during growth in culture.


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Eleocharis (Cyperaceae) is a morphologically and physiologically diverse lineage of 250 + species with a cosmopolitan distribution. We here explore phylogenetic relationships in this lineage using maximum parsimony and Bayesian inference analyses of nrDNA ITS and cpDNA trnC-ycf6 and ycf6-psbM sequence data with the goals of comparing our phylogenetic hypotheses to previous classifications, morphological variation, and photosynthetic pathway variation. Our results suggest that in Eleocharis C, photosynthesis has been derived at least three times, with several cases of possible reversion to C-3-like or intermediate pathways and several additional origins of C-3-C-4 intermediate photosynthetic pathways, as inferred by carbon isotope ratio measurements. Many classification units currently recognized in Eleocharis are not monophyletic, however, E. subgenus Limnochloa and E. subgenus Scirpidium are monophyletic. Other classification units largely corresponding to clades include E. subgenus Zinserlingia, E. subseries Chaetariae, and E. series Maculosae. Problems with species circumscription and morphological variation in several groups are discussed in light of the phylogeny, particularly in the context of species membership of seven focal clades found in the analyses.


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The objective of this research was to evaluate de reaction of leaves and pods of five cultivars of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) plants to twenty strains of Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli. The strains were inoculated onto leaves in a greenhouse, and onto pods in a growth chamber. The results obtained were analyzed and the strains classified into three groups: low, medium, and high virulence. Most of the strains showed high virulence on leaves of Carioca and Rio Negro cultivars, as opposed to only low to medium virulence on leaves of IAPAR 14, IAPAR 16, and G. N. Nebraska # 1 sel. 27 cultivars. There were, however, individual strains powerful enough to overcome the leaf resistance of IAPAR 14, IAPAR 16, and G. N. Nebraska # 1 sel. 27. With regard to pods, most strains showed high virulence on all bean cultivars, with exception of IAPAR 14 where virulence was at medium level. A correlation between leaf and pod symptoms was found to exist in Carioca, Rio Negro, and IAPAR 14 cultivars. No such correlation was observed in IAPAR 16 and G. N. Nebraska # 1 sel. 27. Comparing strains producing melanine in vitro with those not producing this pigment, no difference was observed with regard to virulence.


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Y. enterocolitica is a human invasive enteropathogen which causes a number of intestinal and extraintestinal clinical symptoms of various degrees of severity, ranging from mild gastroenteritis to mesenteric lymphadenitis, which mimics appendicitis and in rare cases can evolve to septicemia. Infection by Y. enterocolitica can also lead to post-infection immunological sequelae including arthritis, erythema nodosum and glomerulonephritis. Pathogenic Y. enterocolitica strains have traditionally been linked to specific biotypes and serogroups and associated to a variety of phenotypic characteristics related to virulence. Molecular genetics studies have pointed to the importance of the pYV virulence plasmid, which encodes various virulence genes, as well that of specific chromosomal virulence genes, in determining the pathogenesis of this bacterium. Intestinal infections by Y. enterocolitica are mostly self-limiting and usually do not need an antibiotic treatment. The occurrence of this microorganism is not as frequently described in Brazil as it is in other countries, such as Japan, USA and many European countries. This review focuses on the general characteristics, pathogenesis, clinical symptoms, virulence characteristics, treatment and antibiotic susceptibility of Yersinia enterocolitica strains isolated in Brazil and around the world.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis é uma bactéria Gram-positiva, intracelular facultativa, nãoesporulante, não-capsulada e sem mobilidade, contudo possui fímbria, e pode assumir formas cocóides e filamentosas (pleomórfica), além disto, apresenta crescimento ótimo à 37°C. Este patógeno apresenta dois biovares: ovis que geralmente acomete pequenos ruminantes, e causa a doença linfadenite caseosa, e biovar equi, mais comum em equinos, bovinos, camelídeos, e bubalinos causando a Linfangite ulcerativa. A infecção por esta bactéria pode levar a condenação das carcaças e redução de lã (em ovinos e caprinos), leite e carne destes animais, e consequentemente a perdas econômicas para a indústria agropecuária mundial. Atualmente, ainda não existe uma vacina eficaz para estas doenças. A fim de obter um maior entendimento biológico entre as espécies o presente trabalho tem como objetivo principal analisar, por meio da genômica comparativa a linhagem C. pseudotuberculosis 226 biotipo ovis isolada de um caprino na Califórnia com outras linhagens do biovarar ovis e equi. Na análise de sintenia entre as linhagens foi possível identificar que a linhagem 226 apresenta alta conservação da ordem gênica entre as linhagens do biótipo ovis. Através de análises filogenômicas foi possível identificar que as linhagens I19 e 267 apresentaram maior e menor proximidade filogenética com a linhagem 226. A linhagem 1/06-A foi a que apresentou maior proximidade filogenômica entre as linhagens do biovar equi, quando comparadas a linhagem 226. Foram preditas 8 ilhas de patogenicidade, estando presente na ilha 1 os genes relacionados a virulência de C. pseudotuberculosis mais bem descritos na literatura. Não houveram regiões novas relacionadas a genes de virulência entre nenhuma das linhagens. Foram identificados 248 genes ortólogos entre as linhagens I19, 267 e 226 e 282 genes ortólogos entre as linhagens 258,1/06-A e 226. Com base nesse estudo é possível inferir que as linhagens do biovar ovis possuem um repertório gênico pouco variado e que as linhagens do biovar equi apresentam uma quantidade menor de genes compartilhados com a linhagem 226, corroborando com a diversidade gênica entre os biovares.


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The retrovirus are recognized as pathogenic group of virus for domestic animals. The particularitities of these viruses are the necessity of the enzyme transcriptase reversa, for the conversion of the viral RNA in viral DNA (provirus) and the incorporation in the DNA of the cell, what it confers to the infection the lifetime character, due to all the infected cells present the provirus our DNA. Among the retroviruses in domestic felines, the leukaemia and immunossupressive virus represent the more important diseases. The main form of transmission of the virus of the FeLV is occur by close contact and the saliva presents high viral concentration. For the FIV, the main form of transmission is represented by wounds of bite. The retrovírus, replicate mainly in high metabolization cells. The infection for FeLV cause mieloproliferativas and degenerative illnesses, while the FIV are related imunossupressora illness. The treatment for these retroviroses is symptomatic associated to imunomodulatory drugs, none of these drugs are capable to eliminate the virus. For the prevention of these retrovirus are used vaccines. However only the vaccine against FeLV have showed efficiency. Thus , the more important measures in control of these diseases is prevent the contact between infected and health felines. The ain of present study was reviewed the more important aspects of retroviruses in domestic felines, with emphasis to virulence properties, epidemiology, fisiopathogeny, clinical manifestations, methods of diagnosis, therapy, and control measures


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)