992 resultados para Resolvin D1


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The study of the stability of long liquid columns under microgravity was the purpose of one of the experiments carried out aboard Spacelab-Dl. In this paper a preliminary analysis of this experiment, mainly concerning the different liquid column breakages, is presented. As shown in the paper, the behaviour, both static and dynamic, of long liquid bridges can be accurately predicted by using available theoretical models.


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The retinoids are reported to reduce incidence of second primary aerodigestive cancers. Mechanisms for this chemoprevention are previously linked to all-trans retinoic acid (RA) signaling growth inhibition at G1 in carcinogen-exposed immortalized human bronchial epithelial cells. This study investigated how RA suppresses human bronchial epithelial cell growth at the G1-S cell cycle transition. RA signaled growth suppression of human bronchial epithelial cells and a decline in cyclin D1 protein but not mRNA expression. Exogenous cyclin D1 protein also declined after RA treatment of transfected, immortalized human bronchial epithelial cells, suggesting that posttranslational mechanisms were active in this regulation of cyclin D1 expression. Findings were extended by showing treatment with ubiquitin-dependent proteasome inhibitors: calpain inhibitor I and lactacystin each prevented this decreased cyclin D1 protein expression, despite RA treatment. Treatment with the cysteine proteinase inhibitor, E-64, did not prevent this cyclin D1 decline. High molecular weight cyclin D1 protein species appeared after proteasome inhibitor treatments, suggesting that ubiquitinated species were present. To learn whether RA directly promoted degradation of cyclin D1 protein, studies using human bronchial epithelial cell protein extracts and in vitro-translated cyclin D1 were performed. In vitro-translated cyclin D1 degraded more rapidly when incubated with extracts from RA treated vs. untreated cells. Notably, this RA-signaled cyclin D1 proteolysis depended on the C-terminal PEST sequence, a region rich in proline (P), glutamate (E), serine (S), and threonine (T). Taken together, these data highlight RA-induced cyclin D1 proteolysis as a mechanism signaling growth inhibition at G1 active in the prevention of human bronchial epithelial cell transformation.


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Cell-cycle progression is mediated by a coordinated interaction between cyclin-dependent kinases and their target proteins including the pRB and E2F/DP-1 complexes. Immunoneutralization and antisense experiments have established that the abundance of cyclin D1, a regulatory subunit of the cyclin-dependent kinases, may be rate-limiting for G1 phase progression of the cell cycle. Simian virus 40 (SV40) small tumor (t) antigen is capable of promoting G1 phase progression and augments substantially the efficiency of SV40 transformation through several distinct domains. In these studies, small t antigen stimulated cyclin D1 promoter activity 7-fold, primarily through an AP-1 binding site at −954 with additional contributions from a CRE site at −57. The cyclin D1 AP-1 and CRE sites were sufficient for activation by small t antigen when linked to an heterologous promoter. Point mutations of small t antigen between residues 97–103 that reduced PP2A binding were partially defective in the induction of the cyclin D1 promoter. These mutations also reduced activation of MEK1 and two distinct members of the mitogen-activated protein kinase family, the ERKs (extracellular signal regulated kinases) and the SAPKs (stress-activated protein kinases), in transfected cells. Dominant negative mutants of either MEK1, ERK or SEK1, reduced small t-dependent induction of the cyclin D1 promoter. SV40 small t induction of the cyclin D1 promoter involves both the ERK and SAPK pathways that together may contribute to the proliferative and transformation enhancing activity of small t antigen.


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Cyclin D1 expression is jointly regulated by growth factors and cell adhesion to the extracellular matrix in many cell types. Growth factors are thought to regulate cyclin D1 expression because they stimulate sustained extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) activity. However, we show here that growth factors induce transient ERK activity when added to suspended fibroblasts and sustained ERK activity only when added to adherent fibroblasts. Cell attachment to fibronectin or anti-α5β1 integrin is sufficient to sustain the ERK signal and to induce cyclin D1 in growth factor-treated cells. Moreover, when we force the sustained activation of ERK, by conditional expression of a constitutively active MAP kinase/ERK kinase, we overcome the adhesion requirement for expression of cyclin D1. Thus, at least in part, fibroblasts are mitogen and anchorage dependent, because integrin action allows for a sustained ERK signal and the expression of cyclin D1 in growth factor-treated cells.


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The extracellular matrix (ECM) plays an essential role in the regulation of cell proliferation during angiogenesis. Cell adhesion to ECM is mediated by binding of cell surface integrin receptors, which both activate intracellular signaling cascades and mediate tension-dependent changes in cell shape and cytoskeletal structure. Although the growth control field has focused on early integrin and growth factor signaling events, recent studies suggest that cell shape may play an equally critical role in control of cell cycle progression. Studies were carried out to determine when cell shape exerts its regulatory effects during the cell cycle and to analyze the molecular basis for shape-dependent growth control. The shape of human capillary endothelial cells was controlled by culturing cells on microfabricated substrates containing ECM-coated adhesive islands with defined shape and size on the micrometer scale or on plastic dishes coated with defined ECM molecular coating densities. Cells that were prevented from spreading in medium containing soluble growth factors exhibited normal activation of the mitogen-activated kinase (erk1/erk2) growth signaling pathway. However, in contrast to spread cells, these cells failed to progress through G1 and enter S phase. This shape-dependent block in cell cycle progression correlated with a failure to increase cyclin D1 protein levels, down-regulate the cell cycle inhibitor p27Kip1, and phosphorylate the retinoblastoma protein in late G1. A similar block in cell cycle progression was induced before this same shape-sensitive restriction point by disrupting the actin network using cytochalasin or by inhibiting cytoskeletal tension generation using an inhibitor of actomyosin interactions. In contrast, neither modifications of cell shape, cytoskeletal structure, nor mechanical tension had any effect on S phase entry when added at later times. These findings demonstrate that although early growth factor and integrin signaling events are required for growth, they alone are not sufficient. Subsequent cell cycle progression and, hence, cell proliferation are controlled by tension-dependent changes in cell shape and cytoskeletal structure that act by subjugating the molecular machinery that regulates the G1/S transition.


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Stimulation of dopamine D1 receptors has profound effects on addictive behavior, movement control, and working memory. Many of these functions depend on dopaminergic systems in the striatum and D1–D2 dopamine receptor synergies have been implicated as well. We show here that deletion of the D1 dopamine receptor produces a neural phenotype in which amphetamine and cocaine, two addictive psychomotor stimulants, can no longer stimulate neurons in the striatum to express cFos or JunB or to regulate dynorphin. By contrast, haloperidol, a typical neuroleptic that acts preferentially at D2-class receptors, remains effective in inducing catalepsy and striatal Fos/Jun expression in the D1 mutants, and these behavioral and neural effects can be blocked by D2 dopamine receptor agonists. These findings demonstrate that D2 dopamine receptors can function without the enabling role of D1 receptors but that D1 dopamine receptors are essential for the control of gene expression and motor behavior by psychomotor stimulants.