821 resultados para Resolução de problemas


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Pós-graduação em Educação para a Ciência - FC


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In this paper we discuss the importance of a methodological perspective of solving problems as a sustaining process of teaching mathematics situated on the perspective of concept formation. Organizing a significant didactic situation for students imposes the need to study the interaction between them and the teacher and between them and their mathematical knowledge, learning environment in which the mere transmission of content gives way to contextualization, to historicizing and handling of topics from intuitive and everyday situations for the student. Thus, we understand mathematics as a fundamental language for the creation of theoretical thinking as a whole. We made use of documental analysis and classroom situations aiming at the use of instructional procedure related to the resolution of problems with the purpose of overcoming some representations about the process of teaching and learning mathematics which is strongly marked by imitative-repetitive algorithmic procedures. Considering mathematics as an investigation discipline, we point out renewal prospects for the curricula of this discipline, which are concrete in the movement of cultural action of the school itself as the cell generating discussion.


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When I set out to attend degree in mathematics was because I believed that mathematics could be taught to students in a way closer to their daily lives, thereby making it a more attractive school discipline, gradually, eliminating its reputation of a difficult school subject. Then, during my observations in supervised, I realized that one of the greatest difficulties in mathematics was related with geometry, in which the concepts of area and perimeter were often confused. Using the methodological tool of problem solving, something to bring the concept to be developed and the cultural context in which the student is in, I developed some educational activities in which, using concrete materials, students were encouraged to construct their own knowledge about the concepts of area and perimeter. Moreover, such activities were designed to place the student as the center of attention in the classroom. The main objective of this work is to encourage and observe how this methodology, based on the solving problem process, can be used within the classroom, to better understand the concepts to be taught, always looking for improvement of the student learning


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Since the 1980s, problem solving has been recommended by international curriculum proposals for the teaching of mathematics. In Brazil, with the publication of the National Curriculum Guidelines in 1997, this trend was reinforced and became the central activity of the classroom. Troubleshooting is seen as an asset in the learning process of the student, providing a context for learning concepts, mathematical methods and attitudes. However, this methodological approach requires deeper research, especially for new teaches. This work aims at a further study in this subject and in the experiences with problem solving in the classroom of High School students. The ground basis for this was the Mathematical Transalpine Rally, a competition between classrooms that seeks to facilitate the problem solving within mathematics teaching, and through an autonomous and creative work, performed collectively. The results of this experience, as well as the contribuition for the student’s education are presented


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The mathematical problem solving is very important in the student's school career, leading him to develop his creativity and self-confidence. The way the teacher explains specific content may interfere in the student learning. Some researches show that the teacher trust and his problem solving rapport lead to a more satisfying job. This research focused on students of the course PARFOR at UNESP Bauru. This work was performed in order to investigate the affinity, trust and attitudes toward mathematical problem solving, the performance from who have positive and negative attitudes and the results that may be generated during class


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The topic in this work involving the resolution of problems with structure multiplicativa emerged from discussions carried out on the difficulties encountered by students of the first cycle of the Fundamental School in Mathematics, mainly in respect of the arithmetic. The research had as objective to investigate the main difficulties presented by these students when they are faced with a task for a resolution of problems with multiplicativa structure. Were participants, in the first stage of the study, 20 students of the fifth year of the Fundamental School of a state school of public education of the State of Sao Paulo. These students have an assessment containing ten problems with structure multiplicativa answered a questionnaire regarding of mathematics. In the second stage, were selected two students to participate in the think aloud. The data analysis showed that the difficulties presented by the participants were: 1- difficulty to read and interpret the set of problems; 2- select the operation correct; 3- to operate correctly; 4 – Trouble writing


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This research aims at examining the relationship between the performance of elementary school students Cycle I in problem solving and attitudes toward mathematics. For this, a research was conducted at a state school in the city of Bauru which was selected for convenience. Participants were randomly selected consisting of 75 students, of whom 21 were third years and 57 were of three classes of fifth year. The instruments used for data collection were: a informative questionnaire to characterize the students in age, grade, favorite subjects and the least liked, among others, an attitude scale, Likert type, to examine the attitudes toward mathematics; a interviews with 11 selected students according to scores on the attitudes and mathematical problems to be solved through the method of thinking aloud. The results showed that the major difficulties encountered by students in solving problems were: to understand the problems, formalizing the reasoning, recognize in the problem the algorithms needed for its resolution, make calculations with decimal numbers, do combinatorics, using the sum of equal portions instead of multiplying, self-confidence and autonomy in what he was doing, and others; participants with positive attitudes towards mathematics showed greater confidence to solve problems as well as a greater understanding on what was required by them, but were not detected significant relation between the attitudes and performance, since it was unfavorable


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The vehicle routing problem is to nd a better route to meet a set of customers who are geographically dispersed using vehicles that are a central repository to which they return after serving customers. These customers have a demand that must be met. Such problems have a wide practical application among them we can mention: school transport, distribution of newspapers, garbage collection, among others. Because it is a classic problem as NP-hard, these problems have aroused interest in the search for viable methods of resolution. In this paper we use the Genetic Algorithm as a resolution


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The friction phenomena is present in mechanical systems with two surfaces that are in contact, which can cause serious damage to structures. Your understanding in many dynamic problems became the target of research due to its nonlinear behavior. It is necessary to know and thoroughly study each existing friction model found in the literature and nonlinear methods to define what will be the most appropriate to the problem in question. One of the most famous friction model is the Coulomb Friction, which is considered in the studied problems in the French research center Laboratoire de Mécanique des Structures et des Systèmes Couplés (LMSSC), where this search began. Regarding the resolution methods, the Harmonic Balance Method is generally used. To expand the knowledge about the friction models and the nonlinear methods, a study was carried out to identify and study potential methodologies that can be applied in the existing research lines in LMSSC and then obtain better final results. The identified friction models are divided into static and dynamic. Static models can be Classical Models, Karnopp Model and Armstrong Model. The dynamic models are Dahl Model, Bliman and Sorine Model and LuGre Model. Concerning about nonlinear methods, we study the Temporal Methods and Approximate Methods. The friction models analyzed with the help of Matlab software are verified from studies in the literature demonstrating the effectiveness of the developed programming


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This paper presents an alternative way of working with the theme of symmetry in the elementary school classroom. The proposal is based on qualitative research developed in the Professional Masters degree program in Science and Mathematics Teaching. We conducted field-work consisting of applying a sequence of activities for students in the seventh grade. The sequence was developed from the perspective of mathematics teaching using problem solving, taking into consideration aspects relevant to the study of geometry, such as intuition and visualization. In carrying out the activities, the dialogues between students and teacher were recorded and later transcribed. For data analysis we used the procedures of phenomenology. When interpreting the data, we observed that the teaching of symmetry using problem-solving enhances learning. We also found that, in an investigative environment, students are able to identify properties, argue about the geometric characteristics, and justify their opinions.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Matemática - IBILCE