983 resultados para Reproductive Strategies


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The female perspective on reproductive strategies remains one of the most active areas of debate in biology. Even though a single mating is often sufficient to satisfy the fertilization needs of most females and the act of further mating incurs costs, multiple paternity within broods or clutches is a common observation in nature. Direct or indirect advantage to females is the most popular explanation. However, the ubiquity of this explanation is being challenged by an increasing number of cases for which benefits are not evident. For the first time, we test possible fitness correlates of multiple paternity in a marine turtle, an organism that has long attracted attention in this area of research. Contrary to the wide-spread assumption that multiple mating by female marine turtles confers fitness benefits, none were apparent. In this study, the environment played a far stronger role in determining the success of clutches than whether paternity had been single or multiple. A more likely explanation for observations of multiply sired clutches in marine turtles is that these are successful outcomes of male coercion, where females have conceded to superfluous matings as a compromise. Thus, multiple matings by female marine turtles may be a form of damage control as females attempt to make the best of a bad job in response to male harassment.


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It is becoming increasingly evident that jellyfish (Cnidaria: Scyphozoa) play an important role within marine ecosystems, yet our knowledge of their seasonality and reproductive strategies is far from complete. Here, we explore a number of life history hypotheses for three common, yet poorly understood scyphozoan jellyfish (Rhizostoma octopus; Chrysaora hysoscella; Cyanea capillata) found throughout the Irish and Celtic Seas. Specifically, we tested whether (1) the bell diameter/wet weight of stranded medusae increased over time in a manner that suggested a single synchronised reproductive cohort; or (2) whether the range of sizes/weights remained broad throughout the stranding period suggesting the protracted release of ephyrae over many months. Stranding data were collected at five sites between 2003 and 2006 (n = 431 surveys; n = 2401 jellyfish). The relationship between bell diameter and wet weight was determined for each species (using fresh specimens collected at sea) so that estimates of wet weight could also be made for stranded individuals. For each species, the broad size and weight ranges of stranded jellyfish implied that the release of ephyrae may be protracted (albeit to different extents) in each species, with individuals of all sizes present in the water column during the summer months. For R. octopus, there was a general increase in both mean bell diameter and wet weight from January through to June which was driven by an increase in the variance and overall range of both variables during the summer. Lastly, we provide further evidence that rhizostome jellyfish may over-wintering as pelagic medusa which we hypothesise may enable them to capitalise on prey available earlier in the year.


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Lactation is a key aspect of mammalian evolution for adaptation of various reproductive strategies along different mammalian lineages. Marsupials, such as tammar wallaby, adopted a short gestation and a relatively long lactation cycle, the newborn is immature at birth and significant development occurs postnatally during lactation. Continuous changes of tammar milk composition may contribute to development and immune protection of pouch young. Here, in order to address the putative contribution of newly identified secretory milk miRNA in these processes, high throughput sequencing of miRNAs collected from tammar milk at different time points of lactation was conducted. A comparative analysis was performed to find distribution of miRNA in milk and blood serum of lactating wallaby.


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The composition of milk includes factors required to provide appropriate nutrition for the growth of the neonate. However, it is now clear that milk has many functions and comprises bioactive molecules that play a central role in regulating developmental processes in the young while providing a protective function for both the suckled young and the mammary gland during the lactation cycle. Identifying these bioactives and their physiological function in eutherians can be difficult and requires extensive screening of milk components that may function to improve well-being and options for prevention and treatment of disease. New animal models with unique reproductive strategies are now becoming increasingly relevant to search for these factors.


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A pesquisa em tecnologia de sementes contribui para a manutenção de bancos de germoplasma. Kelissa brasiliensis (Baker) Ravenna e Sinningia lineata (Hjelmq.) Chautems são espécies nativas com potencial ornamental. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram desenvolver testes para a germinação de sementes, conhecer a qualidade fisiológica de lotes coletados in situ, desenvolver protocolos de propagação vegetativa e conhecer estratégias reprodutivas no ambiente. Avaliaram-se o vigor, bem como o comportamento germinativo das sementes em diferentes substratos, temperaturas e condições de luz. Foram realizados experimentos com propagação vegetativa de S. lineata. O trabalho foi conduzido no Laboratório de Sementes da Fepagro, no Jardim Botânico de Porto Alegre e na Faculdade de Agronomia da UFRGS. Durante as coletas, foi feita a observação dos nichos das espécies. O delineamento experimental foi completamente casualizado com quatro repetições de 10 e 20 sementes para K. brasiliensis e S. lineata, respectivamente; para S. lineata, três tratamentos com 17 repetições foram utilizados no experimento com estaquia, e nove tratamentos com quatro repetições para o teste de divisão dos tubérculos. A comparação das médias foi realizada através do teste de Duncan (P<0,05). A temperatura mais adequada para a germinação de sementes de K. brasiliensis foi 10ºC, o que explica a sua restrita distribuição ao bioma Pampa; a combinação 24h/25ºC levou a uma liberação maior de lixiviados na condutividade elétrica; o envelhecimento acelerado (72 h em 41ºC e 100% de umidade) não provocou redução significativa no percentual de germinação das sementes de K. brasiliensis. Já as sementes de S. lineata não germinaram após serem expostas ao estresse. A temperatura mais adequada para o teste de germinação de sementes de S. lineata foi 20ºC; para ambas espécies, o substrato papel e a presença de luz foram as condições mais adequadas para a germinação. S. lineata demonstrou ser facilmente propagada por sementes e via assexuada, o que revelou a rusticidade característica das espécies rupícolas.


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Butterflies are insects known, in a variety of environments and for easy visual identification. The adult form may be frequently found in flowers looking for nectar. However, for many species of Heliconius (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae) to visit the flower also represents the collecting of pollen, an important source of protein for adults. The protein obtained from the pollen allows the maintenance of physiological processes that increase the performance of the individual, promoting greater longevity and egg production. For males, proteins can also be part in your investment in reproductive success and fitness of offspring through a nutritional contribution that is transferred to the female in the act of mating as a nuptial present. It is known that this protein contains essential to the performance of the female oviposition, however the proportion of content and specific importance to the monogamous and polygamous species is not known yet. Whereas the species studied in this work have different patterns of mating in the strategy was to verify a significant difference in the quality of the spermatophore, and H. erato and H. melpomene, on the amount of protein present in this structure, indicating a difference in investment between the male reproductive strategies


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This work has contributed to knowledge of the order Testudines from cytogenetic and morphological point of view. With regard to the aspects proposed cytogenetic characterization of the species Mesoclemmys tuberculata (n = 5), endemic to the Caatinga biomes, through conventional techniques of cytogenetics and molecular levels. This species presented 2n = 58, NF = 64, the first submetacentric pair, the second metacentric and third subtelocentric, and the other microchromosome telocentric. This species showed a nucleolar bearing pair, coincident with the 18S ribosomal rDNA and that proved to be heterochromatic. Small heterochromatic blocks were also found in the centromeres of the largest chromosomes, as well as terminal regions in most other chromosomes of the complement, that were GC +. Telomeric sequences showed variable patterns of signal intensity, with some repeats more intense in microchromosomes and subtly in the larger ones. When compared with other species of the genus, the G-banding patterns showed a marked similarity between them. The first karyotypic description of the species will aid in future studies and the understanding of evolutionary aspects of this family. From the morphological point of view, we carried out studies of fluctuating asymmetry in sea turtle Eretmochelys imbricata, using methods of benchmarking between hatchlings and adults and their implications for natural selection. Data were collected at two different times: first during the spawning female and the second during the outbreak and birth of the nest. The analyzed characteristics consisted of measurements of length and width of front and rear flippers (CANT, LANT, CPOS and LPOS) also collected data on the number of hull plates, side plates (NPL), the surrounding plates (NPCIRC), and plastron; plates power plants (NPP), inframarginais plates (NPIM). With the values of asymmetry we calculated the value of strict heritability for these traits, the calculation was based on only one parent. A nonparametric analysis Mann-Whitneywas performed to compare the groups (females X hatchlings, newborn hatchlings X dead hatchlings). Adult females showed no bilateral fluctuating asymmetry (FA = 0) on the number plates of the hull and plastron, while offspring, living and dead, showed a greater level of variation in these meristic parameters. In the analysis of females x hatchlings we found a significant difference between the levels of asymmetry in hoof plates (p=0.006) an the width of hindlimbs (p=0.001). Levels of FA suggest an accurate indicator as to the viability or maintenance of the individual to the reproductive phase. The coefficient of heritability (h2) of FA , obtained from the regression analysis, showed that both have low and not statistically significant values(p> 0.1). In the case of exclusion of the effective role of genetics in the generation of FA, reproductive strategies based on high number of subsidiaries products, such as those observed in E. imbricata seems to implicate the production of individuals with high level of developmental instability


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This study focuses on the fish fauna composition and reproductive strategies of four native fish species in relation to environmental variables of the Piranhas-Assu hydrographic basin of the Caatinga biome, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. Fish and environmental data were collected monthly during the period September 2008 to February 2010, in the Marechal Dutra reservoir and River Acauã a tributary of Piranhas- Assu. The fish were measured, weighed and dissected, and the gonads were removed, weighed and examined macroscopically for identification and determination of gonad maturation stages. The results of this work generated seven articles. The first article is about the fish fauna composition of the Piranhas-Assu hydrographic basin, Rio Grande do Norte. The 602 fish samples captured were distributed in four orders (Characiformes, Perciformes, Siluriformes and Synbranchiformes), 11 families and 22 species, of which 17 are endemic to the Caatinga ecoregion. The order Characiformes was more representative followed by Perciformes, Siluriformes and Synbranchiformes. The second article is about the length-weight relationship and growth of seven native fish species Crenicichla menezesi, Cichlasoma orientale, Triportheus angulatus, Psectrogaster rhomboides, Pimelodella gracilis, Prochilodus brevis and Leporinus piau from a semiarid Brazilian reservoir. The third article is about the reproductive aspects of Crenicichla menezesi. Males were larger, heavier and with a slight predominance as compared to females. Four stages of gonadal development were characterized, being immature, maturing, mature and spent. The females reached sexual maturity earlier than males, with an average fecundity of 398 oocytes per batch. The spawning was partial with a long reproductive period. The fourth article deals with the reproductive strategy of Leporinus piau a neotropical freshwater fish in semi-arid region of Brazil. The population of L. piau (n = 211) showed a slight predominance of males (55%), with larger and heavier females. The males matured earlier than the females. This species presented total spawning, with an average fecundity of 55,000 mature oocytes. Rainfall and concentration of dissolved oxygen acted as influential factors during the spawning season. L. piau shows a seasonal reproductive strategy. The fifth article is related to the morphometric-meristic characteristics and reproductive aspects of freshwater sardine, Triportheus angulatus from River Acauã of the Caatinga biome. There was a predominance of larger females, reaching first maturation before males. There was total spawning during the rainy period of the region. The sixth article reports on the reproductive strategy of Psectrogaster rhomboides. The sex ratio was 1M: 1F, with negative allometric growth. Males reached sexual maturity earlier than females Females and males showed four stages of gonadal development and spawned during the rainy season. The fecundity was low and this species presented total spawning. The seventh article reports on the dynamics of territorial behavior of Crenicichla menezesi. Ten agonistic behaviors displayed by the males were observed: frontal and lateral threat, chasing, circular chasing, perpendicular, lateral and mouth attacks, escape, parallel positioning and stationary. The formation of four social groups was observed among males: without interaction; interaction with submission and escape; with frontal and lateral agonistic interactions. In social interactions between males and females, it was observed that the larger males interacted more among themselves and with the larger females. The large male established its territory and the two small males along with the small female were excluded from the other groups. These studies clarified the fish fauna composition and reproductive strategies of four native species Crenicichla menezesi, Leporinus piau, Triportheus angulatus and Psectrogaster rhomboides of the Piranhas- Assu hydrographic basin of the Caatinga biome, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil.


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The flyingfish, Hirundichthys affinis (Günther, 1866) (Exocoetidae) and ballyhoo half beak, Hemiramphus brasiliensis (Linnaeus, 1758) (Hemiramphidae) are marine fish species of commercial value, which contribute to artisanal fishery production of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. Besides the economic importance, these fish are important from an ecological point of view, being components in pelagic food chain, where they are the preferred prey of larger predators of high commercial value. This study aimed to determine the reproductive strategies of H. affinis and H. brasiliensis and the fishery production of H. affinis in the northern coast of Rio Grande do Norte. The results are presented in the form of six cientific articles and a review paper. The first article presents the morphometric measurements and meristic counts which confirmed the taxonomic status, population structure in length-weight and the gonad development of H. affinis through macroscopic observations of the ovaries and testes. Females of this species were bigger and heavier than males. The second article describes the reproductive tactics, such as, sex ratio, length at first sexual maturity, histological aspects of gonads, fecundity and spawning season, that indicate the reproductive strategy of H. affinis. The third article shows annual changes in the fishery production of H. affinis in Caiçara do Norte, during the period of 1993 to 2010, emphasizing the relevance of this fish in total fishery production of Rio Grande do Norte, besides registering the fall in production in the years 2008 to 2010. The fourth article describes the population structure, with respect to the length and weight, the length-weight relationship, growth type and sex ratio of Hemiramphus brasiliensis. The fifth article describes the reproductive biology of H. brasiliensis, with details about sex ratio, length at first sexual maturity, fecundity, type of breeding and spawning season. The sixth article deals with the reproductive strategy of H. brasiliensis. The review paper presents the topic of age determination of tropical fish using analysis of otoliths. Both species use the coastal waters of Caiçara do Norte for reproductive purposes. The flying fish, H. affinis migrates from the oceanic waters to the coastal waters to reproduce, coinciding with the rainy season. H. affinis presents total spawning and a seasonal reproductive strategy. However, H. brasiliensis lives and reproduces in the coastal waters displaying partial spawning and an equilibrium reproductive strategy


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The juvenile period represents the developmental phase between weaning and sexual maturity. Weaning occurs when the youngster does not receive direct care from the caretakers anymore. Individuals in the species Callithrix jacchus live in groups composed by the reproductive pair and successive twin sets. Cooperative care is the rule. Infants are weaned early, and from then on, food is provided by the adults in the group. These animals present high levels of social interactions, through play, grooming and social contact. During infant age, the twin becomes the main partner. There are few studies about the juvenile period, especially on Callithrix gender. The objective of this study was describing the pattern of activities and social interactions of four sets (one single and three twin sets) during juvenile phase in two Callithrix jacchus groups. We used instantaneous and continuous focal sampling for juveniles and scan sampling for adults behavioral recordings. Juveniles presented the same behavioral pattern as the adults relating the activity budget, in particular, foraging along the months. The composition of the diet was the same as that of the adults. Food transfer ended along the juvenile period. Social play as much as grooming were important socializing activities for the juveniles. The young individuals in the group were the main partners in social play, specially the twin. Adults were the main partners in grooming interactions. Scent marking differed between twins in the male/female sets, the female presenting the highest levels of marking. The juveniles were independent from adults in foraging activity. Social interaction varied according to group composition, but in general, interacted more with the twin and with the youngsters (infants and subadults), except in grooming. Even presenting many similarities, juveniles showed some differences between genders, which indicates the differentiation in behavior towards reproductive strategies early in the juvenile period


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Foram analisados a relação peso-comprimento e o fator de condição de Oligosarcus hepsetus no Rio Grande do Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar - Núcleo Santa Virgínia, São Paulo. A relação peso-comprimento foi estimada para imaturos, fêmeas e machos, através da expressão P = aCb. Os parâmetros a e b foram estimados após transformação logarítmica dos dados de peso e comprimento e subsequente ajuste de uma linha reta aos pontos pelo método dos mínimos quadrados. Para fêmeas e machos foram obtidas as equações da relação peso-comprimento por período do ano (outono, inverno, primavera e verão), utilizando o peso total e o peso sem as gônadas. O fator de condição dos imaturos foi mais alto do que para machos e fêmeas, possivelmente, devido ao gasto energético com o desenvolvimento dos ovócitos e em menor grau dos espermatozóides. Esta espécie apresentou maiores valores de fator de condição no outono devido ao acúmulo de gordura e nas demais estações estes valores diminuíram devido ao longo período reprodutivo. As condições ambientais da Mata Atlântica parecem ser primordiais para o desenvolvimento das estratégias reprodutivas apresentadas por Oligosarcus hepsetus.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In populational studies, the weight/width carapace relationship analysis, can furnish indications about the individual physiological variations as a function of the environment, and it can indicate sexual dimorphism. The goal of this research is to find the mathematical expressions of weight/width carapace relationship in the crab Hepatus pudibundus. This study was accomplished by analysing the crabs that were sampled monthly with a shrimp fishing boat equipped with 2 otter-trawl nets, during the period from november/1988 to october/1989. A total of 624 specimens were obtained composed of 244 males and 380 females. In each group the sex, the weight (PE) and the carapace width (LC) were determined. The obtained values agree with the studied range, showing variations during male and female development, represented by the potential function of the equation Y = aX(b). Such variations are probably related to reproductive strategies.


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Flowering phenology, breeding system and nectary structure of Corymborkis flava (Sw.) Kuntze were studied in a fragment of the Atlantic Forest in south-eastern Brazil. The flowering period extended from March (end of rainy season) to early June and seed dispersal occurred from June to September (dry season). Flowering peak occurred mainly in April, with up to 34 open flowers per plant being observed. The yellow, odourless and tubular flowers lasted similar to 7.8 days. The flowers present a perigonal nectary located in the basal lateral parts of the labellum; this is the first report on the nectary location and characterisation in the Tropidieae tribe. At the pre-anthesis stage, cells of both secretory parenchyma and epidermis of the nectary are filled with compound amyloplasts. However, starch grains were not observed in these tissues in senescent flowers, indicating that these starch grains are hydrolysed and used as source of sugars for nectar production. The nectar accumulates between the cuticle and the outer periclinal wall of the epidermal cells before. owing out into the nectar chamber. C. flava is a self-compatible species and spontaneous self-pollination does not occur because of hercogamy. The high pollinia removal (0.80) and insertion (0.82) per flower, as well as the high natural fruit-set indicate an efficient natural pollination system. The present study contributes for the knowledge of the diversity of reproductive strategies and nectary structures in Orchidaceae.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)