990 resultados para Repeat Sequence Elements
Synpolydactyly (SPD) is a dominantly inherited congenital limb malformation. Typical cases have 3/4 finger and 4/5 toe syndactyly, with a duplicated digit in the syndactylous web, but incomplete penetrance and variable expressivity are common. The condition has recently been shown to be caused by expansions of an imperfect trinucleotide repeat sequence encoding a 15-residue polyalanine tract in HOXD13. We have studied 16 new and 4 previously published SPD families, with between 7 and 14 extra residues in the tract, to analyze the molecular basis for the observed variation in phenotype. Although there is no evidence of change in expansion size within families, even over six generations, there is a highly significant increase in the penetrance and severity of phenotype with increasing expansion size, affecting both hands (P = 0.012) and feet (P < 0.00005). Affected individuals from a family with a 14-alanine expansion, the largest so far reported, all have a strikingly similar and unusually severe limb phenotype, involving the first digits and distal carpals. Affected males from this family also have hypospadias, not previously described in SPD, but consistent with HOXD13 expression in the developing genital tubercle. The remarkable correlation between phenotype and expansion size suggests that expansion of the tract leads to a specific gain of function in the mutant HOXD13 protein, and has interesting implications for the role of polyalanine tracts in the control of transcription.
Interactions among transcription factors that bind to separate sequence elements require bending of the intervening DNA and juxtaposition of interacting molecular surfaces in an appropriate orientation. Here, we examine the effects of single amino acid substitutions adjacent to the basic regions of Fos and Jun as well as changes in sequences flanking the AP-1 site on DNA bending. Substitution of charged amino acid residues at positions adjacent to the basic DNA-binding domains of Fos and Jun altered DNA bending. The change in DNA bending was directly proportional to the change in net charge for all heterodimeric combinations between these proteins. Fos and Jun induced distinct DNA bends at different binding sites. Exchange of a single base pair outside of the region contacted in the x-ray crystal structure altered DNA bending. Substitution of base pairs flanking the AP-1 site had converse effects on the opposite directions of DNA bending induced by homodimers and heterodimers. These results suggest that Fos and Jun induce DNA bending in part through electrostatic interactions between amino acid residues adjacent to the basic region and base pairs flanking the AP-1 site. DNA bending by Fos and Jun at inverted binding sites indicated that heterodimers bind to the AP-1 site in a preferred orientation. Mutation of a conserved arginine within the basic regions of Fos and transversion of the central C:G base pair in the AP-1 site to G:C had complementary effects on the orientation of heterodimer binding and DNA bending. The conformational variability of the Fos–Jun–AP-1 complex may contribute to its functional versatility at different promoters.
Gp180, a duck protein that was proposed to be a cell surface receptor for duck hepatitis B virus, is the homolog of metallocarboxypeptidase D, a mammalian protein thought to function in the trans-Golgi network (TGN) in the processing of proteins that transit the secretory pathway. Both gp180 and mammalian metallocarboxypeptidase D are type I integral membrane proteins that contain a 58-residue cytosolic C-terminal tail that is highly conserved between duck and rat. To investigate the regions of the gp180 tail involved with TGN retention and intracellular trafficking, gp180 and various deletion and point mutations were expressed in the AtT-20 mouse pituitary corticotroph cell line. Full length gp180 is enriched in the TGN and also cycles to the cell surface. Truncation of the C-terminal 56 residues of the cytosolic tail eliminates the enrichment in the TGN and the retrieval from the cell surface. Truncation of 12–43 residues of the tail reduced retention in the TGN and greatly accelerated the turnover of the protein. In contrast, deletion of the C-terminal 45 residues, which truncates a potential YxxL-like sequence (FxxL), reduced the protein turnover and caused accumulation of the protein on the cell surface. A point mutation of the FxxL sequence to AxxL slowed internalization, showing that this element is important for retrieval from the cell surface. Mutation of a pair of casein kinase II sites within an acidic cluster showed that they are also important for trafficking. The present study demonstrates that multiple sequence elements within the cytoplasmic tail of gp180 participate in TGN localization.
The molecular and functional characterization of a 125-kDa Ca2+-extractable protein of the Triton X-100–insoluble fraction of Dictyostelium cells identified a new type of a gelsolin-related molecule. In addition to its five gelsolin segments, this gelsolin-related protein of 125 kDa (GRP125) reveals a number of unique domains, two of which are predicted to form coiled-coil regions. Another distinct attribute of GRP125 concerns the lack of sequence elements known to be essential for characteristic activities of gelsolin-like proteins, i.e. the severing, capping, or nucleation of actin filaments. The subcellular distribution of GRP125 to vesicular compartments suggests an activity of GRP125 different from actin-binding, gelsolin-related proteins. GRP125 expression is tightly regulated and peaks at the transition to the multicellular pseudoplasmodial stage of Dictyostelium development. GRP125 was found indispensable for slug phototaxis, because slugs fail to correctly readjust their orientation in the absence of GRP125. Analysis of the GRP125-deficient mutant showed that GRP125 is required for coupling photodetection to the locomotory machinery of slugs. We propose that GRP125 is essential in the natural environment for the propagation of Dictyostelium spores. We also present evidence for further representatives of the GRP125 type in Dictyostelium, as well as in heterologous cells from lower to higher eukaryotes.
Small nucleolar RNAs (snoRNAs) are a large family of eukaryotic RNAs that function within the nucleolus in the biogenesis of ribosomes. One major class of snoRNAs is the box C/D snoRNAs named for their conserved box C and box D sequence elements. We have investigated the involvement of cis-acting sequences and intranuclear structures in the localization of box C/D snoRNAs to the nucleolus by assaying the intranuclear distribution of fluorescently labeled U3, U8, and U14 snoRNAs injected into Xenopus oocyte nuclei. Analysis of an extensive panel of U3 RNA variants showed that the box C/D motif, comprised of box C′, box D, and the 3′ terminal stem of U3, is necessary and sufficient for the nucleolar localization of U3 snoRNA. Disruption of the elements of the box C/D motif of U8 and U14 snoRNAs also prevented nucleolar localization, indicating that all box C/D snoRNAs use a common nucleolar-targeting mechanism. Finally, we found that wild-type box C/D snoRNAs transiently associate with coiled bodies before they localize to nucleoli and that variant RNAs that lack an intact box C/D motif are detained within coiled bodies. These results suggest that coiled bodies play a role in the biogenesis and/or intranuclear transport of box C/D snoRNAs.
Telomerase activity is developmentally regulated in mammals. Here we examine telomerase activity in plants, whose development differs in fundamental ways from that of animals. Using a modified version of the telomere repeat amplification protocol (TRAP) assay, we detected an activity in extracts from carrots, cauliflower, soybean, Arabidopsis, and rice with all the characteristics expected for a telomerase synthesizing the plant telomere repeat sequence TTTAGGG. The activity was dependent on RNA and protein components, required dGTP, dATP, and dTTP, but not dCTP, and generated products with a seven nucleotide periodicity. Telomerase activity was abundant in cauliflower meristematic tissue and undifferentiated cells from Arabidopsis, soybean, and carrot suspension cultures, but was low or not detectable in a sampling of differentiated tissues from mature plants. Telomerase from cauliflower meristematic tissues exhibited relaxed DNA sequence requirements, which might reflect the capacity to form telomeres on broken chromosomes in vivo. The dramatic differences in telomerase expression and their correlation with cellular proliferation capacity mirror changes in human telomerase levels during differentiation and immortalization. Hence, telomerase activation appears to be a conserved mechanism involved in conferring long-term proliferation capacity.
Transposable elements are ubiquitous in plant genomes, where they frequently comprise the majority of genomic DNA. The maize genome, which is believed to be structurally representative of large plant genomes, contains single genes or small gene islands interspersed with much longer blocks of retrotransposons. Given this organization, it would be desirable to identify molecular markers preferentially located in genic regions. In this report, the features of a newly described family of miniature inverted repeat transposable elements (MITEs) (called Heartbreaker), including high copy number and polymorphism, stability, and preference for genic regions, have been exploited in the development of a class of molecular markers for maize. To this end, a modification of the AFLP procedure called transposon display was used to generate and display hundreds of genomic fragments anchored in Hbr elements. An average of 52 markers were amplified for each primer combination tested. In all, 213 polymorphic fragments were reliably scored and mapped in 100 recombinant inbred lines derived from a cross between the maize inbreds B73 × Mo17. In this mapping population, Hbr markers are distributed evenly across the 10 maize chromosomes. This procedure should be of general use in the development of markers for other MITE families in maize and in other plant and animal species where MITEs have been identified.
In plants, sugar feedback regulation provides a mechanism for control of carbohydrate allocation and utilization among tissues and organs. The sugar repression of α-amylase gene expression in rice provides an ideal model for studying the mechanism of sugar feedback regulation. We have shown previously that sugar repression of α-amylase gene expression in rice suspension cells involves control of both transcription rate and mRNA stability. The α-amylase mRNA is significantly more stable in sucrose-starved cells than in sucrose-provided cells. To elucidate the mechanism of sugar-dependent mRNA turnover, we have examined the effect of αAmy3 3′ untranslated region (UTR) on mRNA stability by functional analyses in transformed rice suspension cells. We found that the entire αAmy3 3′ UTR and two of its subdomains can independently mediate sugar-dependent repression of reporter mRNA accumulation. Analysis of reporter mRNA half-lives demonstrated that the entire αAmy3 3′ UTR and the two subdomains each functioned as a sugar-dependent destabilizing determinant in the turnover of mRNA. Nuclear run-on transcription analysis further confirmed that the αAmy3 3′ UTR and the two subdomains did not affect the transcription rate of promoter. The identification of sequence elements in the α-amylase mRNA that dictate the differential stability has very important implications for the study of sugar-dependent mRNA decay mechanisms.
Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) and human T cell leukemia virus type II (HTLV-2) use a similar mechanism for –1 translational frameshifting to overcome the termination codon in viral RNA at the end of the gag gene. Previous studies have identified two important RNA signals for frameshifting, the slippery sequence and a downstream stem–loop structure. However, there have been somewhat conflicting reports concerning the individual contributions of these sequences. In this study we have performed a comprehensive mutational analysis of the cis-acting RNA sequences involved in HIV-1 gag–pol and HTLV-2 gag–pro frameshifting. Using an in vitro translation system we determined frameshifting efficiencies for shuffled HIV-1/HTLV-2 RNA elements in a background of HIV-1 or HTLV-2 sequences. We show that the ability of the slippery sequence and stem–loop to promote ribosomal frameshifting is influenced by the flanking upstream sequence and the nucleotides in the spacer element. A wide range of frameshift efficiency rates was observed for both viruses when shuffling single sequence elements. The results for HIV-1/HTLV-2 chimeric constructs represent strong evidence supporting the notion that the viral wild-type sequences are not designed for maximal frameshifting activity but are optimized to a level suited to efficient viral replication.
Ribosomal protein S7 from Escherichia coli binds to the lower half of the 3′ major domain of 16S rRNA and initiates its folding. It also binds to its own mRNA, the str mRNA, and represses its translation. Using filter binding assays, we show in this study that the same mutations that interfere with S7 binding to 16S rRNA also weaken its affinity for its mRNA. This suggests that the same protein regions are responsible for mRNA and rRNA binding affinities, and that S7 recognizes identical sequence elements within the two RNA targets, although they have dissimilar secondary structures. Overexpression of S7 is known to inhibit bacterial growth. This phenotypic growth defect was relieved in cells overexpressing S7 mutants that bind poorly the str mRNA, confirming that growth impairment is controlled by the binding of S7 to its mRNA. Interestingly, a mutant with a short deletion at the C-terminus of S7 was more detrimental to cell growth than wild-type S7. This suggests that the C-terminal portion of S7 plays an important role in ribosome function, which is perturbed by the deletion.
Following transcription and splicing, each mRNA of a mammalian cell passes into the cytoplasm where its fate is in the hands of a complex network of ribonucleoproteins (mRNPs). The success or failure of a gene to be expressed depends on the performance of this mRNP infrastructure. The entry, gating, processing, and transit of each mRNA through an mRNP network helps determine the composition of a cell's proteome. The machinery that regulates storage, turnover, and translational activation of mRNAs is not well understood, in part, because of the heterogeneous nature of mRNPs. Recently, subsets of cellular mRNAs clustered as members of mRNP complexes have been identified by using antibodies reactive with RNA-binding proteins, including ELAV/Hu, eIF-4E, and poly(A)-binding proteins. Cytoplasmic ELAV/Hu proteins are involved in the stability and translation of early response gene (ERG) transcripts and are expressed predominately in neurons. mRNAs recovered from ELAV/Hu mRNP complexes were found to have similar sequence elements, suggesting a common structural linkage among them. This approach opens the possibility of identifying transcripts physically clustered in vivo that may have similar fates or functions. Moreover, the proteins encoded by physically organized mRNAs may participate in the same biological process or structural outcome, not unlike operons and their polycistronic mRNAs do in prokaryotic organisms. Our goal is to understand the organization and flow of genetic information on an integrative systems level by analyzing the collective properties of proteins and mRNAs associated with mRNPs in vivo.
The genome of the crenarchaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus P2 contains 2,992,245 bp on a single chromosome and encodes 2,977 proteins and many RNAs. One-third of the encoded proteins have no detectable homologs in other sequenced genomes. Moreover, 40% appear to be archaeal-specific, and only 12% and 2.3% are shared exclusively with bacteria and eukarya, respectively. The genome shows a high level of plasticity with 200 diverse insertion sequence elements, many putative nonautonomous mobile elements, and evidence of integrase-mediated insertion events. There are also long clusters of regularly spaced tandem repeats. Different transfer systems are used for the uptake of inorganic and organic solutes, and a wealth of intracellular and extracellular proteases, sugar, and sulfur metabolizing enzymes are encoded, as well as enzymes of the central metabolic pathways and motility proteins. The major metabolic electron carrier is not NADH as in bacteria and eukarya but probably ferredoxin. The essential components required for DNA replication, DNA repair and recombination, the cell cycle, transcriptional initiation and translation, but not DNA folding, show a strong eukaryal character with many archaeal-specific features. The results illustrate major differences between crenarchaea and euryarchaea, especially for their DNA replication mechanism and cell cycle processes and their translational apparatus.
The bronze (bz) locus exhibits the highest rate of recombination of any gene in higher plants. To investigate the possible basis of this high rate of recombination, we have analyzed the physical organization of the region around the bz locus. Two adjacent bacterial artificial chromosome clones, comprising a 240-kb contig centered around the Bz-McC allele, were isolated, and 60 kb of contiguous DNA spanning the two bacterial artificial chromosome clones was sequenced. We find that the bz locus lies in an unusually gene-rich region of the maize genome. Ten genes, at least eight of which are shown to be transcribed, are contained in a 32-kb stretch of DNA that is uninterrupted by retrotransposons. We have isolated nearly full length cDNAs corresponding to the five proximal genes in the cluster. The average intertranscript distance between them is just 1 kb, revealing a surprisingly compact packaging of adjacent genes in this part of the genome. At least 11 small insertions, including several previously described miniature inverted repeat transposable elements, were detected in the introns and 3′ untranslated regions of genes and between genes. The gene-rich region is flanked at the proximal and distal ends by retrotransposon blocks. Thus, the maize genome appears to have scattered regions of high gene density similar to those found in other plants. The unusually high rate of intragenic recombination seen in bz may be related to the very high gene density of the region.
A newly recognized gamma herpesvirus known as Kaposi sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) or human herpesvirus 8 (HHV8) is present in Kaposi sarcomas and body-cavity-based lymphomas. Here we identify a novel abundant 1.2-kb RNA, polyadenylated nuclear RNA (PAN RNA), encoded by the virus. The majority of cDNAs produced from poly(A)-selected RNA isolated from a human body cavity lymphoma cell line 48 hr after butyrate induction of KSHV lytic replication represented PAN RNA. Within PAN RNA were two 9 and 16 nt stretches with 89% and 94% identity to U1 RNA. A third stretch of 14 nt was 93% complementary to U1. The 5' upstream region of PAN RNA contained both proximal and distal sequence elements characteristic of regulatory regions of U snRNAs, whereas the 3' end was polyadenylylated. PAN RNA was transcribed by RNA polymerase II, lacked a trimethylguanosine cap, and did not associate with polyribosomes. PAN RNA formed a speckled pattern in the nucleus typical of U snRNAs and colocalized with Sm protein. Therefore, PAN represents a new type of RNA, possessing features of both U snRNA and mRNA.
The 1.4-kb downstream region from a nitrilase gene (nitA) of an actinomycete Rhodococcus rhodochrous J1, which is industrially in use, was found to be required for the isovaleronitrile-dependent induction of nitrilase synthesis in experiments using a Rhodococcus-Escherichia coli shuttle vector pK4 in a Rhodococcus strain. Sequence analysis of the 1.4-kb region revealed the existence of an open reading frame (nitR) of 957 bp, which would encode a protein with a molecular mass of 35,100. Deletion of the central and 3'-terminal portion of nitR resulted in the complete loss of nitrilase activity, demonstrating that nitR codes for a transcriptional positive regulator in nitA expression. The deduced amino acid sequence of nitR showed similarity to a positive regulator family including XylS from Pseudomonas putida and AraC from E. coli. By Northern blot analysis, the 1.4-kb transcripts for nitA were detected in R. rhodochrous J1 cells cultured in the presence of isovaleronitrile, but not those cultured in the absence of isovaleronitrile. The transcriptional start site for nitA was mapped to a C residue located 26 bp upstream of its translational start site. Deletion analysis to define the nitA promoter region suggested the possible participation of an inverted repeat sequence, centered on base pair -52, in induction of nitA transcription.