994 resultados para Removal order
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Some organisms disperse energy, associated with the transportation of resource, which is not necessarily food. Stingless bees of Central Amazonia (Melipona flavolineata and M. lateralis) collect clay in banks along streams for nest building. The moisture of the clay varies along the bank, and bees collect clay from specific location, indicating that there is some sort of preference regarding their selection. This study aims at identifying: if larger bees carry more clay; if there is a preference for moisture of substrates; and if bees are less efficient accumulating and transporting clay when it is wet. In order to do so, I measured the size of the bees and of the pellets of clay found in the corbicula. I set up a field experiment to test substrate preferences. The amount of clay transported, increased exponentially in accordance to the size of the bee, and the preferred substrate was the driest clay. The amount and the efficiency of removal of clay were not affected by the moisture of the substrate. Despite the wet clay being denser, it does not reduce the efficiency of exploitation of the resource, but suggests that bees spend more energy to carry the same quantity of wet clay, which may be the underlying mechanism explaining their preference for removing drier clay.
In this study was developed a natural process using a biological system for the biosynthesis of nanoparticles (NPs) and possible removal of copper from wastewater by dead biomass of the yeast Rhodotorula mucilaginosa. Dead and live biomass of Rhodotorula mucilaginosa was used to analyze the equilibrium and kinetics of copper biosorption by the yeast in function of the initial metal concentration, contact time, pH, temperature, agitation and inoculum volume. Dead biomass exhibited the highest biosorption capacity of copper, 26.2 mg g(-1), which was achieved within 60 min of contact, at pH 5.0, temperature of 30°C, and agitation speed of 150 rpm. The equilibrium data were best described by the Langmuir isotherm and Kinetic analysis indicated a pseudo-second-order model. The average size, morphology and location of NPs biosynthesized by the yeast were determined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The shape of the intracellularly synthesized NPs was mainly spherical, with an average size of 10.5 nm. The X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis of the copper NPs confirmed the formation of metallic copper. The dead biomass of Rhodotorula mucilaginosa may be considered an efficiently bioprocess, being fast and low-cost to production of copper nanoparticles and also a probably nano-adsorbent of this metal ion in wastewater in bioremediation process
Outdoor bronzes exposed to the environment form naturally a layer called patina, which may be able to protect the metallic substrate. However, since the last century, with the appearance of acid rains, a strong change in the nature and properties of the copper based patinas occurred [1]. Studies and general observations have established that bronze corrosion patinas created by acid rain are not only disfiguring in terms of loss of detail and homogeneity, but are also unstable [2]. The unstable patina is partially leached away by rainwater. This leaching is represented by green streaking on bronze monuments [3]. Because of the instability of the patina, conservation techniques are usually required. On a bronze object exposed to the outdoor environment, there are different actions of the rainfall and other atmospheric agents as a function of the monument shape. In fact, we recognize sheltered and unsheltered areas as regards exposure to rainwater [4]. As a consequence of these different actions, two main patina types are formed on monuments exposed to the outdoor environment. These patinas have different electrochemical, morphological and compositional characteristics [1]. In the case of sheltered areas, the patina contains mainly copper products, stratified above a layer strongly enriched in insoluble Sn oxides, located at the interface with the uncorroded metal. Moreover, different colors of the patina result from the exposure geometry. The surface color may be pale green for unsheltered areas, and green and mat black for sheltered areas [4]. Thus, in real outdoor bronze monuments, the corrosion behavior is strongly influenced by the exposure geometry. This must be taken into account when designing conservation procedures, since the patina is in most cases the support on which corrosion inhibitors are applied. Presently, for protecting outdoor bronzes against atmospheric corrosion, inhibitors and protective treatments are used. BTA and its derivatives, which are the most common inhibitors used for copper and its alloy, were found to be toxic for the environment and human health [5, 6]. Moreover, it has been demonstrated that BTA is efficient when applied on bare copper but not as efficient when applied on bare bronze [7]. Thus it was necessary to find alternative compounds. Silane-based inhibitors (already successfully tested on copper and other metallic substrates [8]), were taken into consideration as a non-toxic, environmentally friendly alternative to BTA derivatives for bronze protection. The purpose of this thesis was based on the assessment of the efficiency of a selected compound, to protect the bronze against corrosion, which is the 3-mercapto-propyl-trimethoxy-silane (PropS-SH). It was selected thanks to the collaboration with the Corrosion Studies Centre “Aldo Daccò” at the Università di Ferrara. Since previous studies [9, 10, 11] demonstrated that the addition of nanoparticles to silane-based inhibitors leads to an increase of the protective efficiency, we also wanted to evaluate the influence of the addition of CeO2, La2O3, TiO2 nanoparticles on the protective efficiency of 3-mercapto-propyl-trimethoxy-silane, applied on pre-patinated bronze surfaces. This study is the first section of the thesis. Since restorers have to work on patinated bronzes and not on bare metal (except for contemporary art), it is important to be able to recreate the patina, under laboratory conditions, either in sheltered or unsheltered conditions to test the coating and to obtain reliable results. Therefore, at the University of Bologna, different devices have been designed to simulate the real outdoor conditions and to create a patina which is representative of real application conditions of inhibitor or protective treatments. In particular, accelerated ageing devices by wet & dry (simulating the action of stagnant rain in sheltered areas [12]) and by dropping (simulating the leaching action of the rain in unsheltered areas [1]) tests were used. In the present work, we used the dropping test as a method to produce pre-patinated bronze surfaces for the application of a candidate inhibitor as well as for evaluating its protective efficiency on aged bronze (unsheltered areas). In this thesis, gilded bronzes were also studied. When they are exposed to the outside environment, a corrosion phenomenon appears which is due to the electrochemical couple gold/copper where copper is the anode. In the presence of an electrolyte, this phenomenon results in the formation of corrosion products than will cause a blistering of the gold (or a break-up and loss of the film in some cases). Moreover, because of the diffusion of the copper salts to the surface, aggregates and a greenish film will be formed on the surface of the sample [13]. By coating gilded samples with PropS-SH and PropS-SH containing nano-particles and carrying out accelerated ageing by the dropping test, a discussion is possible on the effectiveness of this coating, either with nano-particles or not, against the corrosion process. This part is the section 2 of this thesis. Finally, a discussion about laser treatment aiming at the assessment of reversibility/re-applicability of the PropS-SH coating can be found in section 3 of this thesis. Because the protective layer loses its efficiency with time, it is necessary to find a way of removing the silane layer, before applying a new one on the “bare” patina. One request is to minimize the damages that a laser treatment would create on the patina. Therefore, different laser fluences (energy/surface) were applied on the sample surface during the treatment process in order to find the best range of fluence. In particular, we made a characterization of surfaces before and after removal of PropS-SH (applied on a naturally patinated surface, and subsequently aged by natural exposure) with laser methods. The laser removal treatment was done by the CNR Institute of Applied Physics “Nello Carrara” of Sesto Fiorentino in Florence. In all the three sections of the thesis, a range of non-destructive spectroscopic methods (Scanning Electron Microscopy with Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (SEM-EDS), μ-Raman spectroscopy, X-Ray diffractometry (XRD)) were used for characterizing the corroded surfaces. AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy) was used to analyze the ageing solutions from the dropping test in sections 1 and 2.
In the present work, a multi physics simulation of an innovative safety system for light water nuclear reactor is performed, with the aim to increase the reliability of its main decay heat removal system. The system studied, denoted by the acronym PERSEO (in Pool Energy Removal System for Emergency Operation) is able to remove the decay power from the primary side of the light water nuclear reactor through a heat suppression pool. The experimental facility, located at SIET laboratories (PIACENZA), is an evolution of the Thermal Valve concept where the triggering valve is installed liquid side, on a line connecting two pools at the bottom. During the normal operation, the valve is closed, while in emergency conditions it opens, the heat exchanger is flooded with consequent heat transfer from the primary side to the pool side. In order to verify the correct system behavior during long term accidental transient, two main experimental PERSEO tests are analyzed. For this purpose, a coupling between the mono dimensional system code CATHARE, which reproduces the system scale behavior, with a three-dimensional CFD code NEPTUNE CFD, allowing a full investigation of the pools and the injector, is implemented. The coupling between the two codes is realized through the boundary conditions. In a first analysis, the facility is simulated by the system code CATHARE V2.5 to validate the results with the experimental data. The comparison of the numerical results obtained shows a different void distribution during the boiling conditions inside the heat suppression pool for the two cases of single nodalization and three volume nodalization scheme of the pool. Finaly, to improve the investigation capability of the void distribution inside the pool and the temperature stratification phenomena below the injector, a two and three dimensional CFD models with a simplified geometry of the system are adopted.
In the current study, we analyze the effectiveness of an organosilane compound, 3-mercapto-propyl-tri-methoxy-silane (abbreviated PropS-SH), in the corrosion protection of fire-gilded bronzes. Firstly, the coating was applied on as-gilded bronze. Subsequently, it was also applied on pre-patinated bronze, because the substrate on which protective coatings are applied in real conservation interventions are corroded artifacts (cleaning procedures never remove all the corrosion products). Aiming to obtain results that simulate the situation of real artifacts, a dropping test that simulates outdoor exposure in runoff conditions (unsheltered areas of monuments) was employed in order to prepatinate the gilded bronze samples, which are the substrate for applying the protective coating. The preparation of the samples by applying the protective coating was performed in collaboration with the Corrosion Studies Centre “Aldo Daccò” from Ferrara University. After the artificial exposure cycles the samples underwent investigations through a variety of spectroscopic methods including SEM, Raman, FIB, AAS and color measurements. In order to evaluate the possible removal of the organosilane coating, protected samples were subjected to laser cleaning tests and characterized by SEM/EDS so as to assess the changes in composition and morphology of the treated surfaces. The laser cleaning treatment was performed at the Institute of Applied Physics “Nello Carrara” (CNR Sesto Fiorentino (FI)). The morphology and chemical composition of the samples was observed before and after the operation in order to obtain information about the fluence and type of laser which are best suited to the removal of this type of coating.
The EBPR (Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal) is a type of secondary treatment in WWTPs (WasteWater Treatment Plants), quite largely used in full-scale plants worldwide. The phosphorus occurring in aquatic systems in high amounts can cause eutrophication and consequently the death of fauna and flora. A specific biomass is used in order to remove the phosphorus, the so-called PAOs (Polyphosphate Accumulating Organisms) that accumulate the phosphorus in form of polyphosphate in their cells. Some of these organisms, the so-called DPAO (Denitrifying Polyphosphate Accumulating Organisms) use as electron acceptor the nitrate or nitrite, contributing in this way also to the removal of these compounds from the wastewater, but there could be side reactions leading to the formation of nitrous oxides. The aim of this project was to simulate in laboratory scale a EBPR, acclimatizing and enriching the specialized biomass. Two bioreactors were operated as Sequencing Batch Reactors, one enriched in Accumulibacter, the other in Tetrasphaera (both PAOs): Tetrasphaera microorganisms are able to uptake aminoacids as carbon source, Accumulibacter uptake organic carbon (volatile fatty acids, VFA). In order to measure the removal of COD, phosphorus and nitrogen-derivate compounds, different analysis were performed: spectrophotometric measure of phosphorus, nitrate, nitrite and ammonia concentrations, TOC (Total Organic Carbon, measuring the carbon consumption), VFA via HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography), total and volatile suspended solids following standard methods APHA, qualitative microorganism population via FISH (Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization). Batch test were also performed to monitor the NOx production. Both specialized populations accumulated as a result of SBR operations; however, Accumulibacter were found to uptake phosphates at higher extents. Both populations were able to remove efficiently nitrates and organic compounds occurring in the feeding. The experimental work was carried out at FCT of Universidade Nova de Lisboa (FCT-UNL) from February to July 2014.
Nuts are heavy and nutritious seeds that need animals to be successfully dispersed. Most studies address nut removal by a single animal species once seeds fall onto the ground. However, nuts are also accessible before the seed drop and usually to a wide guild of seed foragers. This study examines the factorscontrollingarborealseedremoval in oak–beechforests within the whole guild of nut foragers. We found that seed-dispersing rodents (Apodemus sylvaticus) were the main acorn removers in the oaks (up to 3.75 m height), with a rapid seed encounter and a high removal rate. However, rodents did not climb the beech trees, probably due to their smoother bark in comparison to oak bark and/or the lower nutritional value of beechnuts with regard to acorns. Jays (Garrulus glandarius) were more abundant in oak stands (both dense and scattered) and clearly preferred acorns to beechnuts whereas nuthatches (Sitta europaea) were more abundant in beech stands and preferred beechnuts to acorns. Non-storing birds such as great tits (Parus major) also removed acorns and beechnuts, especially in the stands where oaks are dominant. Jays and rodents preferred sound seeds over insect-infested seeds but such a preference was not found for nuthatches. This study highlights that pure beech stands showed a reduced guild of arboreal nut foragers in comparison to oak stands. This different guild could probably affect the spatial patterns of seed dispersal, with a proportionally higher number of long dispersal events for acorns (mostly jay-dispersed) than for beechnuts (mostly nuthatch-dispersed). Long-distance dispersal of beechnuts (by jays) is determined by the presence of other preferred species (oaks) and their frequency of non-mast years. Seed location in different habitats strongly determines the contribution of different arboreal removers (including climbing rodents) and their removal speed, leading to a differential seed fate that will eventually affect tree regeneration. As nuthatches are sedentary birds, it is important to maintain old and dead trees where they can breed (crevices), forage (arthropods) and store seeds in order to favor beechnut dispersal and gene flow. By maintaining or favoring oak trees within beech stands we will ensure a wider guild of arboreal nut dispersers.
Among the many advantages of the recently proposed ion beam shepherd (IBS) debris removal technique is the capability to deal with multiple targets in a single mission. A preliminary analysis is here conducted in order to estimate the cost in terms of spacecraft mass and total mission time to remove multiple large-size upper stages of the Zenit family. Zenit-2 upper stages are clustered at 71 degrees inclination around 850 km altitude in low Earth orbit. It is found that a removal of two targets per year is feasible with a modest size spacecraft. The most favorable combinations of targets are outlined.
Single chicken erythrocyte chromatin fibers were stretched and released at room temperature with force-measuring laser tweezers. In low ionic strength, the stretch-release curves reveal a process of continuous deformation with little or no internucleosomal attraction. A persistence length of 30 nm and a stretch modulus of ≈5 pN is determined for the fibers. At forces of 20 pN and higher, the fibers are modified irreversibly, probably through the mechanical removal of the histone cores from native chromatin. In 40–150 mM NaCl, a distinctive condensation-decondensation transition appears between 5 and 6 pN, corresponding to an internucleosomal attraction energy of ≈2.0 kcal/mol per nucleosome. Thus, in physiological ionic strength the fibers possess a dynamic structure in which the fiber locally interconverting between “open” and “closed” states because of thermal fluctuations.
A parallel algorithm for image noise removal is proposed. The algorithm is based on peer group concept and uses a fuzzy metric. An optimization study on the use of the CUDA platform to remove impulsive noise using this algorithm is presented. Moreover, an implementation of the algorithm on multi-core platforms using OpenMP is presented. Performance is evaluated in terms of execution time and a comparison of the implementation parallelised in multi-core, GPUs and the combination of both is conducted. A performance analysis with large images is conducted in order to identify the amount of pixels to allocate in the CPU and GPU. The observed time shows that both devices must have work to do, leaving the most to the GPU. Results show that parallel implementations of denoising filters on GPUs and multi-cores are very advisable, and they open the door to use such algorithms for real-time processing.
A parallel algorithm to remove impulsive noise in digital images using heterogeneous CPU/GPU computing is proposed. The parallel denoising algorithm is based on the peer group concept and uses an Euclidean metric. In order to identify the amount of pixels to be allocated in multi-core and GPUs, a performance analysis using large images is presented. A comparison of the parallel implementation in multi-core, GPUs and a combination of both is performed. Performance has been evaluated in terms of execution time and Megapixels/second. We present several optimization strategies especially effective for the multi-core environment, and demonstrate significant performance improvements. The main advantage of the proposed noise removal methodology is its computational speed, which enables efficient filtering of color images in real-time applications.
Sodium montmorillonite (Na-M), acidic montmorillonite (H-M), and organo-acidic montmorillonite (Org-H-M) were applied to remove the herbicide 8-quinolinecarboxylic acid (8-QCA). The montmorillonites containing adsorbed 8-QCA were investigated by transmission electron microscopy, FT-IR spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction analysis, X-ray fluorescence thermogravimetric analysis, and physical adsorption of gases. Experiments showed that the amount of adsorbed 8-QCA increased at lower pH, reaching a maximum at pH 2. The adsorption kinetics was found to follow the pseudo-second-order kinetic model. The Langmuir model provided the best correlation of experimental data for adsorption equilibria. The adsorption of 8-QCA decreased in the order Org-H-M > H-M > Na-M. Isotherms were also used to obtain the thermodynamic parameters. The negative values of ΔG indicated the spontaneous nature of the adsorption process.
The adsorption of As(III) from aqueous solutions using naturally occurring and modified Algerian montmorillonites has been investigated as a function of contact time, pH, and temperature. Kinetic studies reveal that uptake of As(III) ions is rapid within the first 3 h, and it slows down thereafter. Equilibrium studies show that As(III) shows the highest affinity toward acidic montmorillonite even at very low concentration of arsenic. The kinetics of As(III) adsorption on all montmorillonites used is well described by a pseudo-second-order chemical reaction model, which indicates that the adsorption process of these species is likely to be chemisorption. Adsorption isotherms of As(III) fitted the Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm models well. The adsorption of As(III) is pH-dependent obtaining an optimal adsorption at pH 5. From the thermodynamic parameters, it is concluded that the process is exothermic, spontaneous, and favorable. The results suggest that M1, M2, and acidic-M2 could be used as low-cost and effective filtering materials for removal of arsenic from water.
This study is focused on the synthesis and application of glycerol-based carbon materials (GBCM200, GBCM300 and GBCM350) as adsorbents for the removal of the antibiotic compounds flumequine and tetracycline from aqueous solution. The synthesis enrolled the partial carbonization of a glycerol-sulfuric acid mixture, followed by thermal treatments under inert conditions and further thermal activation under oxidative atmosphere. The textural properties were investigated through N2 adsorption–desorption isotherms, and the presence of oxygenated groups was discussed based on zeta potential and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) data. The kinetic data revealed that the equilibrium time for flumequine adsorption was achieved within 96 h, while for tetracycline, it was reached after 120 h. Several kinetic models, i.e., pseudo-first order, pseudo-second order, fractional power, Elovich and Weber–Morris models, were applied, finding that the pseudo-second order model was the most suitable for the fitting of the experimental kinetic data. The estimated surface diffusion coefficient values, Ds, of 3.88 and 5.06 10 14 m2 s 1, suggests that the pore diffusion is the rate limiting step of the adsorption process. Finally, as it is based on SSE values, Sips model well-fitted the experimental FLQ and TCN adsorption isotherm data, followed by Freundlich equation. The maximum adsorption capacities for flumequine and tetracycline was of 41.5 and 58.2 mg g 1 by GBCM350 activated carbon.