977 resultados para Relaxation time


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This paper deals with the dynamic rheological behavior of polypropylene/polyamide6 (PP/PA6) uncompatibilized blends and those compatibilized with a maleic anhydride grafted PP (PP/PP-g-MAH/PA6). The terminal relaxation times of the blends predicted by the Palierne emulsion model were compared with those obtained from experimental relaxation time spectra. The Palierne model succeeded well in describing PP/PA6 uncompatibilized blends with relatively low dispersed phase contents (10 wt%) and failed doing so for those of which the dispersed contents were high (30 wt%). It also failed for the compatibilized ones, irrespective of the dispersed phase content (10 or 30 wt%) and whether or not interface relaxation was taken into consideration. In the case of the uncompatibilized blend with high dispersed-phase content, interconnections among inclusions of the dispersed phase were responsible for the failure of the Palierne model. As for the compatiblized blends, in addition to particle interconnections, the existence of emulsion-in-emulsion (EE) structures was another factor responsible for the failure of Palieme model.


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We study the kinetics of protein folding via statistical energy landscape theory. We concentrate on the local-connectivity case, where the configurational changes can only occur among neighboring states, with the folding progress described in terms of an order parameter given by the fraction of native conformations. The non-Markovian diffusion dynamics is analyzed in detail and an expression for the mean first-passage time (MFPT) from non-native unfolded states to native folded state is obtained. It was found that the MFPT has a V-shaped dependence on the temperature. We also find that the MFPT is shortened as one increases the gap between the energy of the native and average non-native folded states relative to the fluctuations of the energy landscape. The second- and higher-order moments are studied to infer the first-passage time distribution. At high temperature, the distribution becomes close to a Poisson distribution, while at low temperatures the distribution becomes a Levy-type distribution with power-law tails, indicating a nonself-averaging intermittent behavior of folding dynamics. We note the likely relevance of this result to single-molecule dynamics experiments, where a power law (Levy) distribution of the relaxation time of the underlined protein energy landscape is observed.


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The correlation between mechanical relaxation and ionic conductivity was investigated in a two-component epoxy network-LiClO4 electrolyte system. The network was composed of diglycidyl ether of polyethylene glycol (DGEPEG) and triglycidyl ether of glycerol (TGEG). The effects of salt concentration, molecular weight of PEG in DGEPEG and the proportion of DGEPEG (1000) in DGEPEG/TGEG ratio on the ionic conductivity and the mechanical relaxation of the system were studied. It was found that, among the three influential factors, the former reinforces the network chains, reduces the free volume fraction and thus increases the relaxation time of the segmental motion, which in turn lowers the ionic conductivity of the specimen. Conversely, the latter two increase the free volume and thus the chain flexibility, showing an opposite effect. From the iso-free-volume plot of the shift factor log at and reduced ionic conductivity, it is noted that the plot can be used to examine the temperature dependence of segmental mobility and seems to be useful to judge whether the incorporated salt has been dissociated completely. Besides, the ionic conductivity and relaxation time at constant reference temperature are linearly correlated with each other in all the three cases. This result gives an additional experimental confirmation of the coordinated motion model of the ionic hopping with the moving polymer chain segment, which is generally used to explain the ionic conduction in non-glassy amorphous polymer electrolytes.


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Submitted to Appl Magn Reson Sponsorship: EPSRC / EU


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We have explored isotropically jammed states of semi-2D granular materials through cyclic compression. In each compression cycle, systems of either identical ellipses or bidisperse disks transition between jammed and unjammed states. We determine the evolution of the average pressure P and structure through consecutive jammed states. We observe a transition point ϕ_{m} above which P persists over many cycles; below ϕ_{m}, P relaxes slowly. The relaxation time scale associated with P increases with packing fraction, while the relaxation time scale for collective particle motion remains constant. The collective motion of the ellipses is hindered compared to disks because of the rotational constraints on elliptical particles.


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Monte Carlo calculations of the nuclear magnetic relaxation rate in a disordered metal–hydrogen system having a distribution of jump rates are reported. The calculations deal specifically with the spin-locked rotating-frame relaxation time T1ρ. The results demonstrate that the temperature variation of the rate is only weakly dependent on the distribution and it is therefore unlikely that the jump rate distribution can be extracted from relaxation measurements in which temperature is the main variable. It is shown that the alternative of measuring the relaxation rate over a wide range of spin-locking field strengths at a constant temperature can lead to an evaluation of the distribution.


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The greatest relaxation time for an assembly of three- dimensional rigid rotators in an axially symmetric bistable potential is obtained exactly in terms of continued fractions as a sum of the zero frequency decay functions (averages of the Legendre polynomials) of the system. This is accomplished by studying the entire time evolution of the Green function (transition probability) by expanding the time dependent distribution as a Fourier series and proceeding to the zero frequency limit of the Laplace transform of that distribution. The procedure is entirely analogous to the calculation of the characteristic time of the probability evolution (the integral of the configuration space probability density function with respect to the position co-ordinate) for a particle undergoing translational diffusion in a potential; a concept originally used by Malakhov and Pankratov (Physica A 229 (1996) 109). This procedure allowed them to obtain exact solutions of the Kramers one-dimensional translational escape rate problem for piecewise parabolic potentials. The solution was accomplished by posing the problem in terms of the appropriate Sturm-Liouville equation which could be solved in terms of the parabolic cylinder functions. The method (as applied to rotational problems and posed in terms of recurrence relations for the decay functions, i.e., the Brinkman approach c.f. Blomberg, Physica A 86 (1977) 49, as opposed to the Sturm-Liouville one) demonstrates clearly that the greatest relaxation time unlike the integral relaxation time which is governed by a single decay function (albeit coupled to all the others in non-linear fashion via the underlying recurrence relation) is governed by a sum of decay functions. The method is easily generalized to multidimensional state spaces by matrix continued fraction methods allowing one to treat non-axially symmetric potentials, where the distribution function is governed by two state variables. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Brown's model for the relaxation of the magnetization of a single domain ferromagnetic particle is considered. This model results in the Fokker-Planck equation of the process. The solution of this equation in the cases of most interest is non- trivial. The probability density of orientations of the magnetization in the Fokker-Planck equation can be expanded in terms of an infinite set of eigenfunctions and their corresponding eigenvalues where these obey a Sturm-Liouville type equation. A variational principle is applied to the solution of this equation in the case of an axially symmetric potential. The first (non-zero) eigenvalue, corresponding to the largest time constant, is considered. From this we obtain two new results. Firstly, an approximate minimising trial function is obtained which allows calculation of a rigorous upper bound. Secondly, a new upper bound formula is derived based on the Euler-Lagrange condition. This leads to very accurate calculation of the eigenvalue but also, interestingly, from this, use of the simplest trial function yields an equivalent result to the correlation time of Coffey et at. and the integral relaxation time of Garanin. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A ~si MAS NMR study of spin-lattice relaxation behaviour in paramagnetic-doped crystalline silicates was undertaken, using synthetic magnesium orthosilicate (forsterite) and synthetic zinc orthosilicate (willemite) doped with 0.1% to 20% of Co(II), Ni(II), or CU(II), as experimental systems. All of the samples studied exhibited a longitudinal magnetization return to the Boltzmann distribution of nuclear spin states which followed a stretched-exponential function of time: Y=exp [- (tjTn) n], Orelaxation time and paramagnetic dopant ion concentration, with Tni[M2+]i=Tnj[M2+]j for a given dopant and mineral. There are many cases where this correlation is not apparent, however, and this is attributed to the structural, phase, and ion distribution complexities inherent in many of these systems.


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According to linear response theory, all relaxation functions in the linear regime can be obtained using time correlation functions calculated under equilibrium. In this paper, we demonstrate that the cross correlations make a significant contribution to the partial stress relaxation functions in polymer melts. We present two illustrations in the context of polymer rheology using (1) Brownian dynamics simulations of a single chain model for entangled polymers, the slip-spring model, and (2) molecular dynamics simulations of a multichain model. Using the single chain model, we analyze the contribution of the confining potential to the stress relaxation and the plateau modulus. Although the idea is illustrated with a particular model, it applies to any single chain model that uses a potential to confine the motion of the chains. This leads us to question some of the assumptions behind the tube theory, especially the meaning of the entanglement molecular weight obtained from the plateau modulus. To shed some light on this issue, we study the contribution of the nonbonded excluded-volume interactions to the stress relaxation using the multichain model. The proportionality of the bonded/nonbonded contributions to the total stress relaxation (after a density dependent "colloidal" relaxation time) provides some insight into the success of the tube theory in spite of using questionable assumptions. The proportionality indicates that the shape of the relaxation spectrum can indeed be reproduced using the tube theory and the problem is reduced to that of finding the correct prefactor. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics


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We have established the surface tension relaxation time in the liquid-solid interfaces of Lennard-Jones (LJ) liquids by means of direct measurements in molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. The main result is that the relaxation time is found to be almost independent of the molecular structures and viscosity of the liquids (at seventy-fold change) used in our study and lies in such a range that in slow hydrodynamic motion the interfaces are expected to be at equilibrium. The implications of our results for the modelling of dynamic wetting processes and interpretation of dynamic contact angle data are discussed.


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7Li and 19F NMR relaxation time (T1, T2, T) measurements have been used to probe the dynamics of LiCF3SO3 dissolved in an amorphous co-polymer poly(ethylene oxide-co-propylene oxide), and in particular the influence of the plasticising agents propylene carbonate and dimethyl formamide. The changes in relaxation behaviour of 19F and 7Li with increasing plasticiser concentration are very different, as is the effect of each plasticiser. These differences can be explained qualitatively in terms of the interaction between the plasticiser and the ions. Preliminary 7Li T1ρ measurements reveal two components at low temperatures.


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The ability to image electrochemical processes in situ using nuclear magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) offers exciting possibilities for understanding and optimizing materials in batteries, fuel cells and supercapacitors. In these applications, however, the quality of the MRI measurement is inherently limited by the presence of conductive elements in the cell or device. To overcome related difficulties, optimal methodologies have to be employed. We show that time-efficient three dimensional (3D) imaging of liquid and solid lithium battery components can be performed by Sectoral Fast Spin Echo and Single Point Imaging with T1 Enhancement (SPRITE), respectively. The former method is based on the generalized phase encoding concept employed in clinical MRI, which we have adapted and optimized for materials science and electrochemistry applications. Hard radio frequency pulses, short echo spacing and centrically ordered sectoral phase encoding ensure accurate and time-efficient full volume imaging. Mapping of density, diffusivity and relaxation time constants in metal-containing liquid electrolytes is demonstrated. 1, 2 and 3D SPRITE approaches show strong potential for rapid high resolution (7)Li MRI of lithium electrode components.


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We consider the critical short-time evolution of magnetic and droplet-percolation order parameters for the Ising model in two and three dimensions, through Monte Carlo simulations with the (local) heat-bath method. We find qualitatively different dynamic behaviors for the two types of order parameters. More precisely, we find that the percolation order parameter does not have a power-law behavior as encountered for the magnetization, but develops a scale (related to the relaxation time to equilibrium) in the Monte Carlo time. We argue that this difference is due to the difficulty in forming large clusters at the early stages of the evolution. Our results show that, although the descriptions in terms of magnetic and percolation order parameters may be equivalent in the equilibrium regime, greater care must be taken to interpret percolation observables at short times. In particular, this concerns the attempts to describe the dynamics of the deconfinement phase transition in QCD using cluster observables.