970 resultados para Relative density


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A novel hard material of (W0.5Al0.5)C-0.5 has been successfully sintered under high-pressure (4.5 GPa). The influence of sintering time and temperature on the microstructure, Vickers microhardness and density of the as-prepared specimens are well described. Interestingly, sintering temperature has an amazing influence on the hardness, density and microstructure of the specimen while the sintering time does not. It is found that the most suitable sintering condition from our work is 1600 degrees C and 10 min under pressure of 4.5 GPa. The hardness and relative density of the as-prepared sample can reach 2340 kg mm(-2) and 98.62%, respectively. The cell parameters of the sintered specimen is found to be little smaller than that of the powder, which we propose is related to the high pressure.


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Solid solutions of Ce1-xNdxO2-x/2 (0.05 <= x <= 0.2) and (Ce1-xNdx)(0.95)MO0.05O2-delta (0.05 <= x <= 0.2) have been synthesized by a modified sol-gel method. Both materials have very low content of SiO2 (similar to 27 ppm). Their structures and ionic conductivities were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), field-emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (M). The XRD patterns indicate that these materials are single phases with a cubic fluorite structure. The powders calcined at 300 degrees C with a crystal size of 5.7 nm have good sinterability, and the relative density could reach above 96% after being sintered at 1450 degrees C. With the addition Of MoO3, the sintering temperature could be decreased to 1250 degrees C. Impedance spectroscopy measurement in the temperature range of 250-800 degrees C indicates that a sharp increase of conductivity is observed when a small amount of Nd2O3 is added into ceria, of which Ce0.85Nd0.15O1.925 (15NDC) shows the highest conductivity. With the addition of a small amount Of MoO3, the grain boundary conductivity of 15NDC at 600 degrees C increases from 2.56 S m(-1) to 5.62 S m(-1).


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CeO2 nanocrystalline particulates with different sizes were prepared by precipitation method using ethanol as dispersive and protective reagent. XRD spectra show that the synthesized CeO2 has cubic crystalline structure of space group O-H(5)-F-M3M, when calcination temperature is in the range of 250 similar to 800 degreesC. TEM images reveal that CeO2 particles are spherical in shape. The average size of the particles increases with the increase of calcination temperature. Thermogravimetric analysis indicates that the weight loss of precursor mainly depends on the calcination temperature, and little depends on the calcination time. Measurements of CeO2 relative density show that the relative density of CeO2 nanocrystalline powders increases with increasing CeO2 particle size.


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Nanopowders of amorphous silicon nitride were densified and sintered without additives under ultrahigh pressure (1.0-5.0 GPa) between room temperature and 1600 degrees C. The powders had a mean diameter of 18 nm and contained similar to 5.0 wt% oxygen that came from air-exposure oxidation, Sintering results at different temperatures were characterized in terms of sintering density, hardness, phase structure, and grain size. It was observed that the nanopowders can be pressed to a high density (87%) even at room temperature under the high pressure. Bulk Si3N4 amorphous and crystalline ceramics (relative density: 95-98%) were obtained at temperatures slightly below the onset of crystallization (1000-1100 degrees C and above 1420 degrees C, respectively. Rapid grain growth occurred during the crystallization leading to a grain size (>160 nm) almost 1 order of magnitude greater than the starting particulate diameters, With the rise of sintering temperature, a final density was reached between 1350 and 1420 degrees C, which seemed to be independent of the pressure applied (1.0-5.0 GPa), The densification temperature observed under the high pressure is lower by 580 degrees C than that by hot isostatic pressing sintering, suggesting a significantly enhanced low-temperature sintering of the nanopowders under a high external pressure.


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3DMove software, based on the three-dimension structural model of geologic interpretation, can forecast reservoir cracks from the point of view of formation of the structural geology, and analyze the characteristics of the cracks. 3DMove software dominates in forecasting cracks. We forecast the developments and directions of the cracks in Chengbei buried hill with the application of forecasting technique in 3DMove software, and obtain the chart about strain distributing on top in buried hill and the chart about relative density and orientation and the chart about the analysis of crack unsealing. In Chengbei 30 buried hill zone, north-west and north-east and approximately east-west cracks in Cenozoic are very rich and the main directions in every fault block are different. Forecasting results that are also verified by those of drilling approximately accord with the data from well logging, the case of which shows that the technique has the better ability in forecasting cracks, and takes more effects on exploration and exploitation of crack reservoir beds in ancient buried hill reservoirs.


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A combined EDTA-citrate complexing method was developed for the easy preparation of mixed oxygen-ionic and electronic conducting dense ceramic membrane for oxygen separation. The nea method takes the advantage of lower calcination temperature for phase formation. lower membrane sintering temperature and higher relative density over the standard ceramic method.


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The aim of the present study is twofold. Firstly, the paper investigates the undrained cyclic and post-cyclic behaviour of two silica sands by means of multi-stage cyclic triaxial tests. Secondly, based on the post-cyclic response observed in the element test, the authors formulate a simplified stress–strain relationship that can be conveniently used for the construction of p–y curves for liquefiable soils. The multi-stage loading condition consists of an initial cyclic loading applied to cause liquefaction, followed by undrained monotonic loading that aimed to investigate the post-cyclic response of the liquefied sample. It was found that due to the tendency of the liquefied soil to dilate upon undrained shearing, the post-liquefaction strain–stress response was characterised by a distinct strain–hardening behaviour. The latter is idealized by means of a bi-linear stress–strain model, which can be conveniently formulated in terms of three parameters, i.e.: (i) take-off shear strain, γto, i.e. shear strain required to mobilize 1 kPa of shear strength; (b) initial secant shear modulus, G1, defined as 1/γto; (c) post-liquefied shear modulus at large strain, G2 (γ⪢γto). Based on the experimental results, it is concluded that these parameters are strongly influenced by the initial relative density of the sample, whereby γto decreases with increasing relative density. Differently both shear moduli (G1 and G2) increases with increasing relative density. Lastly, the construction of new p–y curves for liquefiable soils based on the idealized bi-linear model is described.


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A set of cylindrical porous titanium test samples were produced using the three-dimensional printing and sintering method with samples sintered at 900 °C, 1000 °C, 1100 °C, 1200 °C or 1300 °C. Following compression testing, it was apparent that the stress-strain curves were similar in shape to the curves that represent cellular solids. This is despite a relative density twice as high as what is considered the threshold for defining a cellular solid. As final sintering temperature increased, the compressive behaviour developed from being elastic-brittle to elastic-plastic and while Young's modulus remained fairly constant in the region of 1.5 GPa, there was a corresponding increase in 0.2% proof stress of approximately 40-80 MPa. The cellular solid model consists of two equations that predict Young's modulus and yield or proof stress. By fitting to experimental data and consideration of porous morphology, appropriate changes to the geometry constants allow modification of the current models to predict with better accuracy the behaviour of porous materials with higher relative densities (lower porosity).


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It has been well documented, within the field of landscape ecology, that terrestrial fragmentation contributes to increased heterogeneity at the landscape level. It has also been observed that elevated areas of edge habitat occur within fragmented landscapes. Spatial and temporal edge effects were investigated in four areas designated as Nature Reserve Zones within Short Hills Provincial Park, near St. Catharines, Ontario. Random sampling along exposed edges was performed on trees and saplings, at 5 and 25 ill edge depths, using the point-centred quarter method. Diameter at breast height (dbh) and distance from point measurements were used to establish relative density, dominance, frequency and importance value. One-way analyses of variance were used on dbh measurements of tree species and Chi-Square contingency tables were used on size class distributions of saplings species to determine significant differences between 5 and 25 metres. Qualitative comparisons of importance values were also used to determine differences between 5 and 25 metres as well as between trees and saplings. These statistical and qualitative comparisons suggest that a significant overall spatial edge effect is currently exhibited by fragmented wooded islands within the park. The major species of the park, Acersaccharuln, may be exhibiting a temporal edge effect. The heterogeneous nature of the park may be of importance in understanding this area as a complex, ecological system. It is possible that the remaining forest tracts of the park have been affected, and continue to be affected by previous disturbances. Based on these findings, recommendations are made to the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources concerning the management of Short Hills Provincial Park in accordance with their 1990 proposed Management Plan.


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Vam monitoritzar paràmetres físics i químics, macroinvertebrats bentònics, clorofil·la a, productors primaris i matèria orgànica durant un any (2001-2002) per examinar els efectes d'una font puntual sobre la composició taxonòmica, la estructura de la comunitat, l'organització funcional, la utilització de l'habitat i la estoquiometria al riu la Tordera (Catalunya). Aigües avall de la font puntual, concentració de nutrients, cabal i conductivitat eren majors que al tram d'aigües amunt, mentre que oxigen dissolt era menor. La densitat de macroinvertebrats era més elevada al tram d'aigües avall però la biomassa era similar als dos trams. La riquesa taxonòmica al tram de dalt era un 20% més alt que al tram de baix. Els anàlisis d'ordenació separen clarament els dos trams en el primer eix, mentre que els dos trams presentaven una pauta temporal similar en el segon eix. La similaritat entre els dos trams en composició taxonòmica, densitats i biomasses després de les crescudes d'abril i maig de 2002, indiquen que les pertorbacions del cabal poden actuar com a un mecanisme de reinici de la comunitat bentònica i jugar un paper important per a la restauració d'ecosistemes fluvials. Els dos trams presentaven una biomassa de perifiton, plantes vasculars, CPOM i FPOM similars, mentre que clorofil·la a, algues filamentoses, molses i SPOM eren majors al tram d'aigües avall. La densitat relativa de trituradors era menor sota la font puntual mentre que col·lectors i filtradors van ser afavorits. La biomassa relativa de trituradors també era menor sota la font puntual, però la biomassa de col·lectors i depredadors va augmentar. Les relacions entre densitat de grups tròfics i els seus recursos eren rarament significatives. La relació s'explicava millor amb la biomassa de macroinvertebrats. Els dos trams compartien la mateixa relació per raspadors, col·lectors i filtradors però no per trituradors i depredadors. La densitat i la biomassa de macroinvertebrats es trobaven positivament correlacionades amb la quantitat de recursos tròfics i la complexitat d'habitat, mentre que la riquesa taxonòmica es trobava negativament relacionada amb paràmetres hidràulics. La influència dels substrats inorgànics prenia menor rellevància per a la distribució dels macroinvertebrats. Els anàlisis d'ordenació mostren com les variables del microhabitat de major rellevància eren CPOM, clorofil·la a, algues filamentoses i velocitat. La cobertura de sorra només era significativa per al tram d'aigües amunt i les molses, al d'aigües avall. El número de correlacions significatives entre macroinvertebrats i les variables del microhabitat era més elevat per al tram de dalt que per al de baix, bàsicament per diferències en composició taxonòmica. La biomassa de macroinvertebrats va aportar una informació semblant a la obtinguda per la densitat. Perifiton i molses tenien uns continguts de nutrients similars en els dos trams. Els %C i %N d'algues filamentoses també eren similars en els dos trams però el %P sota la font puntual era el doble que al tram de dalt. Les relacions estoquiomètriques en CPOM, FPOM i SPOM eren considerablement menors sota la font puntual. Els continguts elementals i relacions van ser molt variables entre taxons de macroinvertebrats però no van resultar significativament diferents entre els dos trams. Dípters, tricòpters i efemeròpters presentaven una estoquiometria similar, mentre que el C i el N eren inferiors en moluscs i el P en coleòpters. Els depredadors presentaven un contingut en C i N més elevat que la resta de grups tròfics, mentre que el P era major en els filtradors. Els desequilibris elementals entre consumidors i recursos eren menors en el tram d'aigües avall. A la tardor i l'hivern la major font de nutrients va ser la BOM mentre que a la primavera i a l'estiu va ser el perifiton.


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In traditional and geophysical fluid dynamics, it is common to describe stratified turbulent fluid flows with low Mach number and small relative density variations by means of the incompressible Boussinesq approximation. Although such an approximation is often interpreted as decoupling the thermodynamics from the dynamics, this paper reviews recent results and derive new ones that show that the reality is actually more subtle and complex when diabatic effects and a nonlinear equation of state are retained. Such an analysis reveals indeed: (1) that the compressible work of expansion/contraction remains of comparable importance as the mechanical energy conversions in contrast to what is usually assumed; (2) in a Boussinesq fluid, compressible effects occur in the guise of changes in gravitational potential energy due to density changes. This makes it possible to construct a fully consistent description of the thermodynamics of incompressible fluids for an arbitrary nonlinear equation of state; (3) rigorous methods based on using the available potential energy and potential enthalpy budgets can be used to quantify the work of expansion/contraction B in steady and transient flows, which reveals that B is predominantly controlled by molecular diffusive effects, and act as a significant sink of kinetic energy.


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The functional effects of lipase (0.003 and 0.006 g/100 g of flour) and emulsifier (0.5 and 1 g/100 g of flour) on fat-replaced (0%, 50% and 70%) batters and cakes with inulin (0, 7.5 and 10 g/100 g/of flour, respectively) were studied. Emulsifier addition significantly lowered the relative density of the batter. Emulsifier incorporation increased the viscoelastic properties of the batter. In contrast, lipase incorporation decreased the degree of system structuring. The evolution of the dynamic moduli and complex viscosity with rising temperatures were studied. Batters with 1 g/100 g emulsifier displayed a significantly lower complex viscosity during heating, resulting in collapsed cakes. Differential scanning calorimetry results revealed that the thermal setting in the control cakes occurred at higher temperatures, and accordingly, greater cake expansion was observed. Cakes with 0.003 g/100 g lipase or 0.5 g/100 g emulsifier displayed volume and crumb cell structure that were similar to those of control cakes. Higher concentrations of both improvers gave rise to cakes with lower volume, higher hardness and lower springiness. During storage time, cakes with lipase displayed lower hardness. Both improvers, at low concentrations, could improve certain physical characteristics, such as crumb structure, of fat-replaced cakes with inulin.


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Sponge cakes have traditionally been manufactured using multistage mixing methods to enhance potential foam formation by the eggs. Today, use of all-in (single-stage) mixing methods is superseding multistage methods for large-scale batter preparation to reduce costs and production time. In this study, multistage and all-in mixing procedures and three final high-speed mixing times (3, 5, and 15 min) for sponge cake production were tested to optimize a mixing method for pilot-scale research. Mixing for 3 min produced batters with higher relative density values than did longer mixing times. These batters generated well-aerated cakes with high volume and low hardness. In contrast, after 5 and 15 min of high-speed mixing, batters with lower relative density and higher viscosity values were produced. Although higher bubble incorporation and retention were observed, longer mixing times produced better developed gluten networks, which stiffened the batters and inhibited bubble expansion during mixing. As a result, these batters did not expand properly and produced cakes with low volume, dense crumb, and high hardness values. Results for all-in mixing were similar to those for the multistage mixing procedure in terms of the physical properties of batters and cakes (i.e., relative density, elastic moduli, volume, total cell area, hardness, etc.). These results suggest the all-in mixing procedure with a final high-speed mixing time of 3 min is an appropriate mixing method for pilot-scale sponge cake production. The advantages of this method are reduced energy costs and production time.


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This paper reports the production of bismuth germanate ceramic scintillator (Bi4Ge3O12) by combustion synthesis (SHS) method, focusing on the influence of the synthesis parameters on the crystalline phases and agglomeration of the nanoparticles. The synthesis and sintering conditions were investigated through thermal analysis, X-ray diffraction as function of temperature, dilatometry and scanning electron microscopy. Well-dispersed Bi4Ge3O12 powder was accomplished by the combustion of the initial solution at pH 9, followed by low temperature calcination and milling. Sintered ceramics presented relative density of 98% and single crystalline Bi4Ge3O12 phase. The luminescent properties of the ceramics were investigated by photo- and radio- luminescence measurements and reproduced the typical Bi4Ge3O12 single-crystal spectra when excited with UV, beta and X-rays. The sintered ceramics presented light output of 4.4 x 10(3) photons/McV. (c) 2008 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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Damping behaviours of the open cell microcellular pure Al foams fabricated by sintering and dissolution process with the relative density of 0·31-0·42 and the pore size of 112-325 μm were investigated. The damping characterisation was conducted on a multifunction internal friction apparatus. The internal friction (IF) was measured at frequencies of 1·0, 3·0 and 6·0 Hz over the temperature range of 298-725 K. The measured IF shows that the open cell pure Al foam has a damping capacity that is enhanced in comparison with pure Al. At a lower temperature (∼400 K), the IF of the open cell pure Al foams increases with decreasing relative density, with decreasing pore size and with increasing frequency. The IF peak was found at the temperature range of 433-593 K in the IF curves. It is clear that the IF peak is relaxational type and the activation energy associated with the IF peak is about 1·60 ± 0·02 eV. Defect effects can be used to interpret the damping mechanisms.