883 resultados para Related measures
This paper investigates the distribution of the condition number of complex Wishart matrices. Two closely related measures are considered: the standard condition number (SCN) and the Demmel condition number (DCN), both of which have important applications in the context of multiple-input multipleoutput (MIMO) communication systems, as well as in various branches of mathematics. We first present a novel generic framework for the SCN distribution which accounts for both central and non-central Wishart matrices of arbitrary dimension. This result is a simple unified expression which involves only a single scalar integral, and therefore allows for fast and efficient computation. For the case of dual Wishart matrices, we derive new exact polynomial expressions for both the SCN and DCN distributions. We also formulate a new closed-form expression for the tail SCN distribution which applies for correlated central Wishart matrices of arbitrary dimension and demonstrates an interesting connection to the maximum eigenvalue moments of Wishart matrices of smaller dimension. Based on our analytical results, we gain valuable insights into the statistical behavior of the channel conditioning for various MIMO fading scenarios, such as uncorrelated/semi-correlated Rayleigh fading and Ricean fading. © 2010 IEEE.
Dado o panorama de conservação de energia a nível nacional e mundial, torna-se hoje em dia muito importante, que seja possível controlar e estimar o consumo energético nos edifícios. Assim, atendendo à actual problemática energética e ao crescente consumo energético nos edifícios, é importante parametrizar, avaliar e comparar este consumo. Neste sentido, nas últimas décadas, têm sido efectuados desenvolvimentos técnicos, quer ao nível do equipamento de campo para efectuar monitorização e medição, quer ao nível da simulação dinâmica de edifícios. Com esta dissertação de mestrado, pretendeu-se efectuar a simulação dinâmica de um edifício escolar existente a funcionar em pleno, e efectuar uma análise de sensibilidade relativamente ao grau de variação dos resultados obtidos através da aplicação de dois programas de cálculo térmico e energético. Foram utilizados, o programa VE-Pro da IES (Integrated Environmental Solutions) e o programa Trace 700 da TRANE. Ambos os programas foram parametrizados com os mesmos dados de entrada, tendo em atenção as opções de simulação disponibilizadas por ambos. Posteriormente, utilizaram-se os dados retirados da simulação para calcular a classificação energética no âmbito do sistema de certificação energética (SCE), através de uma folha de cálculo desenvolvida para o efeito. Foram ainda consideradas várias soluções de eficiência energética para o edifício, com vista a poupanças reais de energia, tendo sempre atenção ao conforto térmico dos ocupantes. Dessas medidas fazem parte, medidas relacionadas com a iluminação, como a substituição da iluminação existente por luminárias do tipo LED (Light Emitting Diode), soluções de energias renováveis, como a instalação de colectores solares para aquecimento das águas quentes sanitárias, e painéis fotovoltaicos para produção de energia, bem como medidas ligadas aos equipamentos de climatização. Posteriormente, recalculou-se a classificação energética afectada das melhorias. Os resultados obtidos nas duas simulações foram analisados sob o ponto de vista do aquecimento, arrefecimento, ventilação, iluminação e equipamentos eléctricos. A comparação das duas simulações para cada parâmetro acima referido, apresentaram variações inferiores a 5%. O desvio maior verificou-se na ventilação, com o valor de aproximadamente 4,9%. Transpondo estes resultados para o cálculo do IEE (Índice de Eficiência Energética), verificou-se um desvio inferior a 2%.
Une préoccupation grandissante face aux risques biologiques reliés aux maladies infectieuses est palpable tant au niveau international que national ou provincial. Des maladies émergentes telles que le SRAS ou la grippe A/H1N1 ont amené une prise en charge des risques pandémiques et à l’élaboration de mesures d’urgence pour maîtriser ces risques : développer une culture de sécurité est devenu une priorité de recherche de l’OMS. Malgré tout, peu d’écrits existent face à cette volonté de sécuriser la santé et le bien-être par toute une série de dispositifs au sein desquels les discours occupent une place importante en matière de culture de sécurité face aux risques biologiques. Une réflexion sociopolitique était nécessaire pour les infirmières qui sont aux premières loges en dispensant des soins à la population dans une perspective de prévention et de contrôle des infections (PCI) dans laquelle elles se spécialisent. Dès lors, ce projet avait pour buts d’explorer la perception du risque et de la sécurité face aux maladies infectieuses auprès des infirmières cliniciennes et gestionnaires québécoises; d’explorer plus spécifiquement l'existence ou l'absence de culture de sécurité dans un centre de santé et de services sociaux québécois (CSSS); et d’explorer les discours en présence dans le CSSS en matière de sécurité et de risques biologiques face aux maladies infectieuses et comment ces discours de sécurité face aux risques biologiques se traduisent dans le quotidien des infirmières. Les risques biologiques sont perçus comme identifiables, mesurables et évitables dans la mesure où les infirmières appliquent les mesures de préventions et contrôle des infections, ce qui s’inscrit dans une perspective positiviste du risque (Lupton, 1999). La gestion de ces risques se décline au travers de rituels de purification et de protection afin de se protéger de toute maladie infectieuse. Face à ces risques, une culture de sécurité unique est en émergence dans le CSSS dans une perspective de prévention de la maladie. Toutefois, cette culture de sécurité désirée est confrontée à une mosaïque de cultures qui couvrent différentes façons d’appliquer ou non les mesures de PCI selon les participants. La contribution de cette recherche est pertinente dans ce nouveau domaine de spécialité que constituent la prévention et le contrôle des infections pour les infirmières québécoises. Une analyse critique des relations de pouvoir tel qu’entendu par Foucault a permis de soulever les questions de surveillance infirmière, de politique de l’aveu valorisée, de punition de tout écart à l’application rigoureuse des normes de PCI, de contrôle de la part des cadres infirmiers et d’assujettissement des corps relevant des mécanismes disciplinaires. Elle a permis également de documenter la présence de dispositifs de sécurité en lien avec la tenue de statistiques sur les patients qui sont répertoriés en tant que cas infectieux, mais également en termes de circulation des personnes au sein de l’établissement. La présence d’un pouvoir pastoral est perceptible dans la traduction du rôle d’infirmière gestionnaire qui doit s’assurer que ses équipes agissent de la bonne façon et appliquent les normes de PCI privilégiées au sein du CSSS afin de réguler les taux d’infections nosocomiales présents dans l’établissement. En cas de non-respect des mesures de PCI touchant à l’hygiène des mains ou à la vaccination, l’infirmière s’expose à des mesures disciplinaires passant de l’avertissement, la relocalisation, l’exclusion ou la suspension de l’emploi. Une culture du blâme a été décrite par la recherche d’un coupable au sein de l’institution, particulièrement en temps de pandémie. Au CSSS, l’Autre est perçu comme étant à l’origine de la contamination, tandis que le Soi est perçu comme à l’abri de tout risque à partir du moment où l’infirmière respecte les normes d’hygiène de vie en termes de saines habitudes alimentaires et d’activité physique. Par ailleurs, les infirmières se doivent de respecter des normes de PCI qu’elles connaissent peu, puisque les participantes à la recherche ont souligné le manque de formation académique et continue quant aux maladies infectieuses, aux risques biologiques et à la culture de sécurité qu’elles considèrent pourtant comme des sujets priorisés par leur établissement de santé. Le pouvoir produit des effets sur les corps en les modifiant. Cette étude ethnographique critique a permis de soulever les enjeux sociopolitiques reliés aux discours en présence et de mettre en lumière ce que Foucault a appelé le gouvernement des corps et ses effets qui se capillarisent dans le quotidien des infirmières. Des recherches ultérieures sont nécessaires afin d’approfondir ce champ de spécialité de notre discipline infirmière et de mieux arrimer la formation académique et continue aux réalités infectieuses cliniques.
Depuis que le concept d’habilitation (empowerment) a été introduit dans le monde du travail, il est rapidement devenu à la mode dû à ses bénéfices anticipés à la fois pour les organisations et pour les travailleurs. Toutefois, bien que l’état d’habilitation psychologique des travailleurs ainsi que ses déterminants soient bien documentés (Seibert, Wang, & Courtright, 2011), il existe peu d’outils pour évaluer de façon comportementale l’habilitation des travailleurs (Boudrias & Savoie, 2006). Cette réalité nuit aux organisations qui tentent de mettre en place des programmes d’habilitation des employés et qui souhaitent en mesurer leurs effets comportementaux. En 2006, Boudrias et Savoie ont amorcé le travail pour pallier cette lacune en créant un cadre conceptuel de l’habilitation comportementale au travail composé de deux approches distinctes, soit l’approche émergente (comportements discrétionnaires) et l’approche structurelle (implication dans la gestion du travail) et en validant un premier questionnaire permettant de mesurer l’approche émergente. La présente thèse vise à poursuivre le travail amorcé, en instrumentant la seconde approche et en poursuivant la validation du concept d’habilitation comportementale. Plus spécifiquement, la thèse vise à : a) valider un questionnaire qui mesure l’implication des employés dans la gestion de leur travail, en deux versions, à savoir une version auto-rapportée ainsi qu’une version destinée au supérieur hiérarchique; b) établir la structure factorielle de l’habilitation comportementale à l’aide des deux approches opérationnalisées; c) vérifier la spécificité du construit d’habilitation comportementale par rapport à d’autres mesures connexes (p.ex. comportements de citoyenneté organisationnelle, comportements d’innovation, comportements d’auto-leadership et d’autogestion), et d) vérifier un modèle structurel incluant trois déterminants de l’environnement de travail, à savoir le style de supervision, le soutien des collègues et la latitude décisionnelle, comme prédicteur de l’habilitation individuelle au travail, évaluée à l’aide d’une mesure d’habilitation psychologique et des mesures des deux approches d’habilitation comportementale. Pour ce faire, trois études distinctes ont été réalisées auprès de travailleurs variés et quatre échantillons ont été constitués dont trois comprenant uniquement des données auto-rapportées (N = 274, 104, 249) et un quatrième incluant aussi des données rapportées par le supérieur (N = 151). Les résultats des analyses factorielles confirmatoires démontrent que la structure de l’instrument d’implication dans la gestion ainsi que celle de l’habilitation comportementale composée des deux approches sont constantes d’un échantillon à l’autre et dans ses deux versions. De plus, les propriétés métriques du questionnaire validé sont satisfaisantes. D’autre part, les résultats des analyses corrélationnelles indiquent que les mesures d’habilitation comportementale présentent une validité discriminante par rapport à des mesures d’autres construits connexes. Enfin, les analyses acheminatoires pour vérifier le modèle structurel anticipé indiquent que l’habilitation psychologique agit comme variable médiatrice dans les relations entre, d’une part, la latitude décisionnelle et les pratiques de gestion des supérieurs, et, d’autre part, les deux approches d’habilitation comportementale. Le soutien des collègues, de son côté, n’est pas relié à l’habilitation des travailleurs.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Ciência Animal - FMVA
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
BACKGROUND CONTEXT: The relationships between obesity and low back pain (LBP) and lumbar disc degeneration (LDD) remain unclear. It is possible that familial factors, including genetics and early environment, affect these relationships.PURPOSE: To investigate the relationship between obesity-related measures (eg, weight, body mass index [BMI]) and LBP and LDD using twin studies, where the effect of genetics and early environment can be controlled.STUDY DESIGN: A systematic review with meta-analysis.METHODS: MEDLINE, CINAHL, Scopus, Web of Science, and EMBASE databases were searched from the earliest records to August 2014. All cross-sectional and longitudinal observational twin studies identified by the search strategy were considered for inclusion. Two investigators independently assessed the eligibility, conducted the quality assessment, and extracted the data. Metaanalyses (fixed or random effects, as appropriate) were used to pool studies'estimates of association.RESULTS: In total, 11 articles met the inclusion criteria. Five studies were included in the LBP analysis and seven in the LDD analysis. For the LBP analysis, pooling of the five studies showed that the risk of having LBP for individuals with the highest levels of BMI or weight was almost twice that of people with a lower BMI (odds ratio [OR] 1.8; 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.6-2.0; I-2 = 0%). A dose-response relationship was also identified. When genetics and the effects of a shared early environment were adjusted for using a within-pair twin case-control analysis, pooling of three studies showed a reduced but statistically positive association between obesity and prevalence of LBP (OR 1.5; 95% CI 1.1-2.1; I-2 = 0%). However, the association was further diminished and not significant (OR 1.4; 95% CI 0.8-2.3; I-2 = 0%) when pooling included two studies on monozygotic twin pairs only. Seven studies met the inclusion criteria for LDD. When familial factors were not controlled for, body weight was positively associated with LDD in all five cross-sectional studies. Only two cross-sectional studies investigated the relationship between obesity-related measures and LDD accounting for familial factors, and the results were conflicting. One longitudinal study in LBP and three longitudinal studies in LDD found no increase in risk in obese individuals, whether or not familial factors were controlled for.CONCLUSIONS: Findings from this review suggest that genetics and early environment are possible mechanisms underlying the relationship between obesity and LBP; however, a direct causal link between these conditions appears to be weak. Further longitudinal studies using the twin design are needed to better understand the complex mechanisms underlying the associations between obesity, LBP, and LDD.
Zavanela, PM, Crewther, BT, Lodo, L, Florindo, AA, Miyabara, EH, and Aoki, MS. Health and fitness benefits of a resistance training intervention performed in the workplace. J Strength Cond Res 26(3): 811-817, 2012-This study examined the effects of a workplace-based resistance training intervention on different health-, fitness-, and work-related measures in untrained men (bus drivers). The subjects were recruited from a bus company and divided into a training (n = 48) and control (n = 48) groups after initial prescreening. The training group performed a 24-week resistance training program, whereas the control group maintained their normal daily activities. Each group was assessed for body composition, blood pressure (BP), pain incidence, muscular endurance, and flexibility before and after the 24-week period. Work absenteeism was also recorded during this period and after a 12-week follow-up phase. In general, no body composition changes were identified in either group. In the training group, a significant reduction in BP and pain incidence, along with improvements in muscle endurance and flexibility were seen after 24 weeks (p < 0.05). There were no changes in these parameters in the control group, and the between-group differences were all significant (p < 0.05). A reduction in worker absenteeism rate was also noted in the training (vs. control) group during both the interventional and follow-up periods (p < 0.05). In conclusion, it was found that a periodized resistance training intervention performed within the workplace improved different aspects of health and fitness in untrained men, thereby potentially providing other work-related benefits. Thus, both employers and employees may benefit from the setup, promotion, and support of a work-based physical activity program involving resistance training.
Emotional Intelligence (EI) has increasingly gained widespread popularity amongst both lay people and scientists in a wide range of contexts and across several research areas. In spite of rigorous inquiry into its applications in educational, social, health and clinical settings, substantial disagreement exists regarding the definition of EI, with respect to both terminology and operationalizations. Actually, there is a consensus about a conceptual distinction between Trait EI, or trait emotional self-efficacy (Petrides & Furnham, 2001), and Ability EI, or cognitive-emotional ability (Mayer & Salovey, 1997). Trait EI is measured via self-report questionnaires, whereas Ability EI is assessed via maximum performance tests. Moreover, EI is the broadest of the emotional constructs, and it subsumes various constructs, as Emotional Awareness (Lane & Schwartz, 1987). To date, EI research has focused primarily on adults, with fewer studies conducted with child samples. The aim of the present study is to investigate the role of different models of EI in childhood and early adolescence (N = 670; 353 females; Mage= 10.25 years ; SD = 1.57). In addition, a further goal is to evaluate the relationship of each construct with personality, non verbal cognitive intelligence, school performance, peer relationships, and affective disorders (anxiety and depression). Results shows significant correlations between Trait EI and Emotional Awareness, whereas Trait and Ability EI appear as independent constructs. We also found significant positive associations between age and Ablity EI and Emotional Awareness (although with add of verbal productivity), while gender differences emerged in favour of females in all EI-related measures. The results provide evidence that Trait EI is partially determined by all of the Big Five personality dimensions, but independent of cognitive ability. Finally, the present study highlights the role of EI on social interactions, school performance and, especially, a negative relationship between Trait EI and psychopathology.
Unprecedented success of Online Social Networks, such as Facebook, has been recently overshadowed by the privacy risks they imply. Weary of privacy concerns and unable to construct their identity in the desired way, users may restrict or even terminate their platform activities. Even though this means a considerable business risk for these platforms, so far there have been no studies on how to enable social network providers to address these problems. This study fills this gap by adopting a fairness perspective to analyze related measures at the disposal of the provider. In a Structural Equation Model with 237 subjects we find that ensuring interactional and procedural justice are two important strategies to support user participation on the platform.
Obesity and related chronic diseases represent a tremendous public health burden among Mexican Americans, a young and rapidly-expanding population. This study investigated the impact of variation within eight candidate obesity genes, which include leptin (LEP), leptin receptor (LEPR), neuropeptide Y (NPY), NPYY1 receptor (NPYY1), glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), GLP-1 receptor (GLP1R), beta-3 adrenergic receptor (β3AR), and uncoupling protein (UCP1), on variation in human obesity status and/or quantitative traits related to obesity in Mexican Americans from Starr County, Texas. The Trp64Arg polymorphism within β3AR was typed in 820 random individuals and 240 pedigrees (N = 2,044). The Arg allele frequency was significantly greater in obese versus non-obese individuals (0.20 versus 0. 15, respectively). In addition, within the random sample, the Arg allele was associated with significantly greater body weight (p = 0.031) and body mass index (BMI, p = 0.008) than the Trp allele. In the family sample, the Trp64Arg locus was also linked to percent fat (p = 0.045) but not to body weight or BMI. No linkage between obesity, diabetes, hypertension, or gallbladder disease and the Trp64Arg mutation was observed in families using affected sib pair linkage analysis or the transmission disequilibrium test. Microsatellite markers proximate to the remaining seven genes were typed in 302 individuals from 59 families. Sib pair linkage analysis provided evidence for linkage between obesity and NPY within affected sibling pairs (p = 0.042; n = 170 pairs). NPY was also linked to weight (p = 0.020), abdominal circumference (p = 0.031), hip circumference (p = 0.012), DBP (p ≤ 0.005), and a composite measure of body mass/fat (p ≤ 0.048) in all sibling pairs (n = 545 pairs). Additionally, LEP was linked to waist/hip ratio (p ≤ 0.009), total cholesterol (p ≤ 0.030), and HDL cholesterol (p ≤ 0.026), and LEPR was linked to fasting blood glucose (p ≤ 0.018) and DBP (p ≤ 0.003). Subsequent to the linkage analyses, the NPY gene was sequenced and eight variant sites identified. Two variant sites (-880I/D and 69I/D) were typed in a random sample of 914 individuals. The 880I/D variant was significantly associated with waist/hip ratio (p = 0.035) in the entire sample (N = 914) and with BMI (p = 0. 031), abdominal circumference (p = 0.044), and waist/hip ratio (p = 0.041) in a non-obese subsample (BW < 30 kg/m2, n = 594). The 69I/D variant was a rare mutation observed in only one pedigree and was not associated with obesity or body size/mass within this pedigree. Results of this study indicate that variation at or near β3AR, LEP, LEPR, and NPY may exert effects which increase obesity susceptibility and influence obesity-related measures in this population. ^
In this review, the neural underpinnings of the experience of presence are outlined. Firstly, it is shown that presence is associated with activation of a distributed network, which includes the dorsal and ventral visual stream, the parietal cortex, the premotor cortex, mesial temporal areas, the brainstem and the thalamus. Secondly, the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) is identified as a key node of the network as it modulates the activity of the network and the associated experience of presence. Thirdly, children lack the strong modulatory influence of the DLPFC on the network due to their unmatured frontal cortex. Fourthly, it is shown that presence-related measures are influenced by manipulating the activation in the DLPFC using transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) while participants are exposed to the virtual roller coaster ride. Finally, the findings are discussed in the context of current models explaining the experience of presence, the rubber hand illusion, and out-of-body experiences.
BACKGROUND Anxiety disorders have been linked to an increased risk of incident coronary heart disease in which inflammation plays a key pathogenic role. To date, no studies have looked at the association between proinflammatory markers and agoraphobia. METHODS In a random Swiss population sample of 2890 persons (35-67 years, 53% women), we diagnosed a total of 124 individuals (4.3%) with agoraphobia using a validated semi-structured psychiatric interview. We also assessed socioeconomic status, traditional cardiovascular risk factors (i.e., body mass index, hypertension, blood glucose levels, total cholesterol/high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol ratio), and health behaviors (i.e., smoking, alcohol consumption, and physical activity), and other major psychiatric diseases (other anxiety disorders, major depressive disorder, drug dependence) which were treated as covariates in linear regression models. Circulating levels of inflammatory markers, statistically controlled for the baseline demographic and health-related measures, were determined at a mean follow-up of 5.5 ± 0.4 years (range 4.7 - 8.5). RESULTS Individuals with agoraphobia had significantly higher follow-up levels of C-reactive protein (p = 0.007) and tumor-necrosis-factor-α (p = 0.042) as well as lower levels of the cardioprotective marker adiponectin (p = 0.032) than their non-agoraphobic counterparts. Follow-up levels of interleukin (IL)-1β and IL-6 did not significantly differ between the two groups. CONCLUSIONS Our results suggest an increase in chronic low-grade inflammation in agoraphobia over time. Such a mechanism might link agoraphobia with an increased risk of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease, and needs to be tested in longitudinal studies.
Body fat distribution is a cardiovascular health risk factor in adults. Body fat distribution can be measured through various methods including anthropometry. It is not clear which anthropometric index is suitable for epidemiologic studies of fat distribution and cardiovascular disease. The purpose of the present study was to select a measure of body fat distribution from among a series of indices (those traditionally used in the literature and others constructed from the analysis) that is most highly correlated with lipid-related variables and is independent of overall fatness. Subjects were Mexican-American men and women (N = 1004) from a study of gallbladder disease in Starr County, Texas. Multivariate associations were sought between lipid profile measures (lipids, lipoproteins, and apolipoproteins) and two sets of anthropometric variables (4 circumferences and 6 skinfolds). This was done to assess the association between lipid-related measures and the two sets of anthropometric variables and guide the construction of indices.^ Two indices emerged from the analysis that seemed to be highly correlated with lipid profile measures independent of obesity. These indices are: 2*arm circumference-thigh skinfold in pre- and post-menopausal women and arm/thigh circumference ratio in men. Next, using the sum of all skinfolds to represent obesity and the selected body fat distribution indices, the following hypotheses were tested: (1) state of obesity and centrally/upper distributed body fat are equally predictive of lipids, lipoproteins and apolipoproteins, and (2) the correlation among the lipid-related measures is not altered by obesity and body fat distribution.^ With respect to the first hypothesis, the present study found that most lipids, lipoproteins and apolipoproteins were significantly associated with both overall fatness and anatomical location of body fat in both sex and menopausal groups. However, within men and post-menopausal women, certain lipid profile measures (triglyceride and HDLT among post-menopausal women and apos C-II, CIII, and E among men) had substantially higher correlation with body fat distribution as compared with overall fatness.^ With respect to the second hypothesis, both obesity and body fat distribution were found to alter the association among plasma lipid variables in men and women. There was a suggestion from the data that the pattern of correlations among men and post-menopausal women are more comparable. Among men correlations involving apo A-I, HDLT, and HDL$\sb2$ seemed greatly influenced by obesity, and A-II by fat distribution; among post-menopausal women correlations involving apos A-I and A-II were highly affected by the location of body fat.^ Thus, these data point out that not only can obesity and fat distribution affect levels of single measures, they also can markedly influence the pattern of relationship among measures. The fact that such changes are seen for both obesity and fat distribution is significant, since the indices employed were chosen because they were independent of one another. ^