937 resultados para Regimes liberais


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As modificações nas relações de prestação de serviço, decorrentes da sofisticação da sociedade pós-industrial, são notórias. Os trabalhadores dos dias atuais ainda são homens e mulheres que vivem da venda de sua força de trabalho, contudo, além do trabalhador operário há o surgimento de uma nova classe de trabalhadores: o trabalhador autônomo. Com isso a subordinação se tornou um importante elemento diferenciador das relações de trabalho. A visão do trabalho subordinado, um dos elementos da relação de emprego, foi construída a partir de um modelo tradicional de trabalhador. Logo, o que se pretende analisar no decorrer desta pesquisa é se o critério da subordinação presente na Consolidação das Leis do Trabalho ainda pode ser capaz de representar todas as relações de trabalho subordinada. Isto porque está se desenvolvendo uma prática de prestação de serviço na qual o profissional liberal presta o seu serviço com restrição na sua autonomia, o que denotaria a subordinação do trabalhador intelectual, mas que não se concretiza em virtude do ato formal que reveste essa relação. Estes profissionais recebem a nomenclatura de autônomo-subordinados, porque apesar de serem contratados como autônomos desempenham a sua função de modo subordinado. Esta prática possui desdobramentos negativos, como a ausência de direitos trabalhistas e previdenciários aos trabalhadores autônomo-subordinados, além da confusão social a que estão submetidos. Tais aspectos serão abordados no decorrer deste estudo, o qual utilizou como método de abordagem o dedutivo-indutivo, e também o método de procedimento bibliográfico dissertativo-argumentativo. Ao final deste trabalhou chegou-se a conclusão de que o conceito clássico de subordinação precisa ser readequado para atender a uma nova realidade do trabalho, a do trabalhador autônomo-subordinado.


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): Oceanographic, hydrologic, and climatic data collected during 1916-'87 in Puget Sound's Main Basin (~200 m x 5 km x 100 km) and approaches oscillate at low frequency between two regimes (I, II). The oscillation accounts for a large fraction of the interannual variability (41-75%) and the zero crossings between regimes span approximately a decade. ... The transition between regimes is accompanied by substantial changes in the horizontal pressure and density fields between the Pacific coast and the mixing zones leading to the Basin, as well as within the Basin itself.


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Nitrogen can have numerous effects on diamond-like carbon: it can dope, it can form the hypothetical superhard compound C3N4, or it can create fullerene-like bonding structures. We studied amorphous carbon nitrogen films deposited by a filtered cathodic vacuum arc as a function of nitrogen content, ion energy and deposition temperature. The incorporation of nitrogen from 10-2 to 10 at% was measured by secondary ion mass spectrometry and elastic recoil detection analysis and was found to vary slightly sublinearly with N2 partial pressure during deposition. In the doping regime from 0 to about 0.4% N, the conductivity changes while the sp3 content and optical gap remain constant. From 0.4 to approximately 10% N, existing sp2 sites condense into clusters and reduce the band gap. Nitrogen contents over 10% change the bonding from mainly sp3 to mainly sp2. Ion energies between 20 and 250 eV do not greatly modify this behaviour. Deposition at higher temperatures causes a sudden loss of sp3 bonding above about 150 °C. Raman spectroscopy and optical gap data show that existing sp2 sites begin to cluster below this temperature, and the clustering continues above this temperature. This transition is found to vary only weakly with nitrogen addition, for N contents below 10%.


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The statistical behaviour of turbulent kinetic energy transport in turbulent premixed flames is analysed using data from three-dimensional Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) of freely propagating turbulent premixed flames under decaying turbulence. For flames within the corrugated flamelets regime, it is observed that turbulent kinetic energy is generated within the flame brush. By contrast, for flames within the thin reaction zones regime it has been found that the turbulent kinetic energy decays monotonically through the flame brush. Similar trends are observed also for the dissipation rate of turbulent kinetic energy. Within the corrugated flamelets regime, it is demonstrated that the effects of the mean pressure gradient and pressure dilatation within the flame are sufficient to overcome the effects of viscous dissipation and are responsible for the observed augmentation of turbulent kinetic energy in the flame brush. In the thin reaction zones regime, the effects of the mean pressure gradient and pressure dilatation terms are relatively much weaker than those of viscous dissipation, resulting in a monotonic decay of turbulent kinetic energy across the flame brush. The modelling of the various unclosed terms of the turbulent kinetic energy transport equation has been analysed in detail. The predictions of existing models are compared with corresponding quantities extracted from DNS data. Based on this a-priori DNS assessment, either appropriate models are identified or new models are proposed where necessary. It is shown that the turbulent flux of turbulent kinetic energy exhibits counter-gradient (gradient) transport wherever the turbulent scalar flux is counter-gradient (gradient) in nature. A new model has been proposed for the turbulent flux of turbulent kinetic energy, and is found to capture the qualitative and quantitative behaviour obtained from DNS data for both the corrugated flamelets and thin reaction zones regimes without the need to adjust any of the model constants. © 2010 Springer Science+Business Media B.V.