903 resultados para Refrigerated raw milk


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The objective of this study was to assess the relationship between somatic cell counts (SCC), the use of different milking practices, and the occurrence of Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli O157:H7 in 42 small-scale dairy farms located in the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil. S. aureus and E. coli O157:H7 were isolated in the milk from dairy cows with low (< 200,000 cells/ml) and high SCC (>200,000 cells/ml), although no effect of SCC (p > 0.05) was observed on the incidence of the bacteria in raw milk. The use of disposable gloves during milking reduced S. aureus counts in milk (p < 0.05), but did not affect the occurrence of E. coli O157:H7. The other milking practices evaluated (closed milking system, use of pre- and post-dipping, mastitis diagnosis by strip cup test, and disinfection of teat cups) did not affect (p < 0.05) the occurrence of S. aureus or E. coli O157:H7 in raw milk. Results indicate the need for effective educational programs addressed to prevent the contamination of milk with S. aureus and E. coli O157:H7 in Brazilian small-scale dairy farms.


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This research aimed to evaluate the occurrence of Staphylococcus aureus isolates in milk and in the milking environment of 10 small-scale farms (<400 L/d) located in the regions of Franca and Ribeirao Preto, state of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Two-hundred twenty samples of milk were collected from individual cows, along with 120 samples from bulk tank milk, 389 samples from milking equipment and utensils (teat cups, buckets, and sieves), and 120 samples from milkers' hands. Fifty-six Staph. aureus strains were isolated from 849 analyzed samples (6.6%): 12 (5.5%) from milk samples of individual cows, 26 (21.7%) from samples of bulk tank milk, 14 (3.6%) from samples collected from equipment and utensils, and 4 (3.3%) from samples from milkers' hands. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis typing of the 56 Staph. aureus isolates by SmaI restriction enzyme resulted in 31 profiles (pulsotypes) arranged in 12 major clusters. Results of this study indicate a low incidence, but wide distribution of Staph. aureus strains isolated from raw milk collected from individual cows and surfaces of milkers' hands and milking equipment in the small-scale dairy farms evaluated. However, the high percentage of bulk milk samples found with Staph. aureus is of public health concern because raw, unprocessed milk is regularly consumed by the Brazilian population.


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This PhD research is part of a project addressed to improve the quality of Grana Trentino production. The objectives were to evaluated if milk storage and collection procedures may affect cheese-making technology and quality. Actually the milk is collected and delivered to the cheese factory just after milking in 50 L cans without refrigeration or in tanks cooled at 18 °C. This procedure is expensive (two deliveries each day) and the milk quality is difficult to preserve as temperatures are not controlled. The milk refrigeration at the farm could allow a single delivery to the dairy. Therefore it could be a good strategy to preserve raw milk quality and reduce cheese spoilage. This operation may, however, have the drawbacks of favouring the growth of psychrotrophic bacteria and changing the aptitude of milk to coagulation. With the aim of studying the effect on milk and cheese of traditional and new refrigerated technologies of milk storage, two different collection and creaming technologies were compared. The trials were replicated in three cheese factories manufacturing Grana Trentino. Every cheese-making day, about 1000 milk liters were collected from always the same two farms in the different collection procedures (single or double). Milk was processed to produce 2 wheels of Grana trentino every day. During the refrigerated trials, milk was collected and stored at the farm in a mixed tank at 12 or 8 °C and then was carried to the dairy in truck once a day. 112 cheese making day were followed: 56 for traditional technology and 56 for the refrigerated one. Each one of these two thechnologies lead to different ways of creaming: long time in the traditional one and shorter in the new one. For every cheese making day we recorded time, temperatures and pH during the milk processing to cheese. Whole milk before ceraming, cream and skim milk after creaming, vat milk and whey were sampled during every cheese-making day for analysis. After 18 months ripening we opened 46 cheese wheels for further chemical and microbiological analyses. The trials were performed with the aim of: 1 estimate the effect of storage temperatures on microbial communities, physico-chemical or/and rheological differences of milk and skim milk after creaming. 2 detect by culture dependent (plate counts) and indipendent (DGGE) methodolgies the microbial species present in whole, skimmed milk, cream and cheese sampled under the rind and in the core; 3 estimate the physico-chemical characteristics, the proteolytic activity, the content of free aminoacids and volatile compounds in 18 months ripened Grana Trentino cheeses from different storing and creaming of milk technologies. The results presented are remarkable since this is the first in-deep study presenting microbiological and chemical analysis of Grana Trentino that even if belonging to Grana Padano Consortium, it is clearly different in the milk and in the manufacturing technology.


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Diagnosis of udder infections with Staphylococcus aureus by bacteriological milk testing of quarter milk samples is often not satisfactory. To get reliable results, repeated sampling is necessary, which is normally too expensive. Therefore, we developed a test that allows the highly specific detection of Staph. aureus in bovine milk samples at very low concentrations. It is based on a fast procedure to prepare bacteria from milk, followed by DNA extraction and quantitative PCR. The whole analysis is done within 5 h. For clinical milk samples, the analytical sensitivity of the assay was 50.7 times and 507 times higher than conventional bacteriology with 100 and 10 microL, respectively. The diagnostic specificity was 100%. The test is further characterized by a low intra- and interassay variability as well as by a good recovery of Staph. aureus from raw milk. Furthermore, a high correlation (R = 0.925) between the agar plate counts and the quantitative PCR methodology over the whole range of measurement was found. In addition, our test revealed considerably more positive results than bacteriology. Due to its favorable properties, the assay might become an important diagnostic tool in the context of bovine mastitis caused by Staph. aureus.


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This subject is reviewed under the following headings: Microbial contamination of raw meat and raw milk; Antibiotic resistance of food-borne pathogens; Antibiotic resistance of commensal and potentially pathogenic bacteria as a new threat in food microbiology; Antibiotic-resistant staphylococci in fermented meat and [in] milk products; Antibiotic-resistant Enterococcus sp. in fermented meat and [in] milk products; Enterococci in farm animals and meat; Enterococci in fermented food; Molecular characterization of resistance of food-borne enterococci; and Further ecological and epidemiological considerations of resistant live bacteria in food. It is concluded that further research is needed, particularly into the possible transfer of the resistance of bacteria consumed in meat or milk products to the indigenous bacteria of the human consumer.


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This article documents the need for reform of milk pricing in the Northeast. The New York price gouging law can be recast as a fair share law. This new milk policy “kills two birds with one stone.” It corrects regional inequities in raw milk pricing by reforming the pricing of milk at retail by limiting and redistributing excessive retail margins to farmers and consumers. The fair share policy relieves allocative price inefficiency, improves the performance of the federal milk market order pool, and the general performance of the Northeast dairy farming and fluid milk industries.


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Bovine milk contains a lipoprotein lipase that accounts for most, if not all, of its lipolytic activity. The total lipase activity in raw milk is sufficient to cause rapid hydrolysis of a large proportion of the fat. However, in reality this does not happen, because the lipase is prevented from accessing the fat by the milkfat globule membrane. Physical damage to this membrane in raw milk initiates lipolysis. Furthermore, simply cooling certain individual milks soon after secretion can initiate the so-called spontaneous lipolysis. The biochemical basis of spontaneous lipolysis is still poorly understood, but it appears to be related to a balance between activating and inhibiting factors in the milk. Lipolysis in milk and milk products causes rancid off-flavours and other problems, and is a constant concern in the dairy industry. A thorough understanding of the mechanism of lipolysis and constant vigilance by operatives is required to minimize lipase-related problems. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A ocorrência de aflatoxina B1 (AFB1) em rações e aflatoxina M1 (AFM1) no leite cru foi avaliada em propriedades leiteiras situadas na região nordeste do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil, de outubro de 2005 a fevereiro de 2006. A análise de aflatoxinas foi efetuada utilizando-se colunas de imunoafinidade para purificação dos extratos, sendo a quantificação realizada através de cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência. A AFB1 foi detectada em 40% das rações em níveis de 1,0 a 19,5 μg.kg-1. A concentração de AFM1 em 36,7% de amostras de leite positivas variou de 0,010 a 0,645 μg.L-1. Somente uma amostra de leite estava acima do limite de tolerância adotado no Brasil (0,5 μg.L-1) para AFM1. Concluiu-se que as concentrações de aflatoxinas na ração e no leite foram relativamente baixas, embora a alta frequência das aflatoxinas nas amostras analisadas indique a necessidade de contínuo monitoramento a fim de prevenir a contaminação de ingredientes e rações destinadas ao gado leiteiro.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito da contagem de células somáticas (CCS) do leite na atividade de plasmina e plasminogênio durante o período de armazenamento do leite longa vida integral. Os leites crus foram categorizados em grupos de CCS de baixa (342.000-487.000 células mL-1) e alta contagem (603.000-808.000 células mL-1). Dois lotes de leite longa vida em cada categoria de CCS foram analisados para determinação de plasmina e plasminogênio após 10, 30, 60, 90 e 120 dias de armazenamento em temperatura ambiente. Para a fabricação do leite longa vida, o leite cru foi submetido à pasteurização rápida seguida da esterilização industrial do leite por injeção de vapor pelo método direto e embalagem asséptica do produto. A CCS não apresentou efeitos sobre as características físico-químicas do leite cru, e nem sobre a atividade de plasmina e plasminogênio nos leites cru e longa vida, armazenados por 120 dias. Entretanto, independentemente da CCS, a atividade de plasmina e plasminogênio aumentou no leite longa vida ao longo do armazenamento, indicando a possibilidade de aumento da proteólise no produto durante sua vida de prateleira.


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RESUMO - Enquadramento: A Brucelose é uma antropozoonose prevalente no Mundo e é uma das mais negligenciadas. A sua transmissão ao ser humano é directa e indirecta, e acontece por via de contacto com animal infectado, o consumo de leite e seus derivados não pasteurizados e a não observância de uso de equipamentos de protecção individual e colectiva, entre outros factores. O conhecimento da prevalência e incidência da brucelose animal e humana no Namibe, uma província de Angola, é muito escasso sendo poucos os estudos que evidenciam esta doença no seio dos profissionais da pecuária expostos: trabalhadores de matadouros, veterinários e criadores de gado. É assim pertinente, com base em estudos científicos específicos, caracterizar esta situação. Objectivos: Caracterizar os ambientes dos profissionais (matadouro, talhos e salas municipais de abate e explorações); estimar a seroprevalência da brucelose humana em profissionais da pecuária (trabalhadores de matadouros e criadores de gado bovino) na província do Namibe, Angola em 2012; determinar a associação da presença da brucelose humana com variáveis sócio-demográficas, de conhecimento, de práticas e de características das explorações; determinar a prevalência da Brucelose em animais e em explorações; caracterizar os factores associados à presença da Brucelose em explorações bovinas; caracterizar o conhecimento e práticas sobre a Brucelose dos profissionais da pecuária e analisar a relação entre as prevalências nas explorações (infectadas versus não infectadas) e nos criadores (infectados versus não infectados). Métodos e materiais: estudos observacional e transversal seroepidemiológico em 131 trabalhadores de talhos, salas de abate e matadouro e 192 criadores amostrados aleatoriamente em toda província do Namibe. Os dados foram obtidos através da colheita de sangue e da aplicação de um questionário. Os testes laboratoriais utilizados foram o Rosa de Bengala (RBT) e a Aglutinação Lenta em Tubos (SAT). O estudo de conhecimento foi principalmente centrado na pergunta “Já ouviu falar de Brucelose” e nas questões relativas ao nível de conhecimento e práticas (indicadores baseados nas percentagens de respostas correctas ou práticas adequadas) dos factores de risco da Brucelose. Também foram investigados 1344 animais (em 192 explorações) com recurso ao método de diagnóstico laboratorial RBT para análise de soro sanguíneo e, complementarmente, foi aplicado um questionário aos respectivos criadores. Em termos de análise estatística, para além da abordagem descritiva, foram utilizados os testes de Independência do Quiquadrado, Fisher, Teste não paramétrico de Mann-Whitney, Teste de correlação de Spearman. Adicionalmente, com base em modelos de regressão logística, foram determinados odds ratio e os respectivos intervalos de confiança utilizando um nível de significância de 5%. Resultados: os ambientes dos profissionais (matadouro, talhos e salas municipais de abate e explorações) não reuniram as condições higio-sanitárias definidas internacionalmente como adequadas. Nos profissionais a infecção geral ponderada da Brucelose foi de 15.56% (IC95% : 13.61-17.50), sendo 5.34% em trabalhadores e 16.66% (IC95% : 11.39-21.93) em criadores. A significância estatística foi observada entre a seroprevalência humana e a categoria (trabalhador e criador) (p< 0.001) e o nível de instrução (p= 0.032), início de actividade (p= 0.079) e local de serviço (p= 0.055). Num contexto multivariado o factor positivamente associado à brucelose em profissionais foi a categoria profissional (OR = 3.54, IC95%: 1.57-8.30, relativo aos criadores em relação a trabalhadores). As taxas gerais aparentes de prevalência em animais e explorações foram respectivamente de 14.96% (IC 95%, 12.97-17.19) e de 40.10% (IC 95%, 32.75-47.93). Encontrou-se uma correlação positiva moderada entre o número de animais infectados por exploração com a média do número de abortos na exploração = 0.531, p< 0.001). Em média os profissionais tiveram um conhecimento global muito insuficiente (16.1%), tendo os trabalhadores apresentado valores mais elevados que os criadores (20.2% e 13.8%), diferença não estatisticamente significativa (p= 0.170). As perguntas “o leite in natura é fervido antes do consumo humano?”, “contacto com materiais fetais animais?”, “contacto com aerossóis no local de trabalho?” e “já fez alguma vez o teste de Brucelose humana?” (relacionadas com práticas) e as perguntas “já ouviu falar da Brucelose?”, “Brucelose é doença zoonótica/só animal/só humana? e “como a Brucelose se transmite aos humanos?” apresentaram níveis médios de práticas adequadas e conhecimentos correctos inferiores a 20%. Nas explorações infectadas, 39% dos criadores foram positivos (infectados) e nas não infectadas apenas 1.7%. O risco de um criador ser infectado estando numa exploração infectada foi significativamente mais elevado (OR= 36, IC95%: 8.28-157.04). Conclusões: os ambientes dos profissionais (matadouros, salas municipais de abate e talhos e explorações) propiciam o risco à brucelose. O estudo permite aferir que a Brucelose humana em profissionais da pecuária e a Brucelose animal são prevalentes na província do Namibe. Os níveis de seroprevalência detectados são elevados comparandoos com outros encontrados em algumas localidades africanas que possuem condições similares às do Namibe. Perto de duas em cada cinco (40.10%) explorações estão infectadas por esta doença. O número de abortos (média) está claramente relacionado com as explorações infectadas. O conhecimento geral dos profissionais da pecuária sobre a Brucelose é muito insuficiente, tendo os trabalhadores mostrado um maior conhecimento em relação aos criadores, mas ambos com níveis alarmantes. Os criadores infectados estão relacionados com as explorações infectadas. Há necessidade de controlar a doença e de informar e educar os profissionais sobre a brucelose, sendo fundamental que os serviços provinciais de veterinária reforcem acções de divulgação e de fiscalização.


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Osmo Myllykangas


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Osmo Myllykangas


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of using bulk milk with different somatic cell counts (SCC) on the quality of minas frescal cheese. A randomized complete block design was used, with 3x5 factorial treatments, with three SCC levels (low, 125,000 cells mL-1; intermediate, 437,000 cells mL-1; and high, 1,053,000 cells mL-1) and five storage durations. Cheese was vacuum-packed in plastic bags and analyzed after 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30 days of storage at 4ºC. Somatic cell counts did not affect dry matter, fat, ash content, pH, free fatty acid concentrations and sensory parameters of minas frescal cheese. However, SCC in milk increased losses of protein in whey and decreased the cheese protein content. These changes did not affect the moisture-adjusted cheese yield and proteolysis during 30 days of storage. An interaction effect between SCC and time of storage was observed for firmness and sensory grades of cheeses. Results indicated that raw milk used to produce minas frescal cheese should not contain high SCC, in order to avoid lower acceptance of the product after 30 days of storage.


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Biofilms constitute a physical barrier, protecting the encased bacteria from detergents and sanitizers. The objective of this work was to analyze the effectiveness of sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) against strains of Staphylococcus aureus isolated from raw milk of cows with subclinical mastitis and Staphylococcus aureus isolated from the milking environment (blowers and milk conducting tubes). The results revealed that, in the presence of NaOCl (150ppm), the number of adhered cells of the twelve S. aureus strains was significantly reduced. When the same strains were evaluated in biofilm condition, different results were obtained. It was found that, after a contact period of five minutes with NaOCl (150ppm), four strains (two strains from milk , one from the blowers and one from a conductive rubber) were still able to grow. Although with the increasing contact time between the bacteria and the NaOCl (150ppm), no growth was detected for any of the strains. Concerning the efficiency of NaOCl on total biofilm biomass formation by each S. aureus strain, a decrease was observed when these strains were in contact with 150 ppm NaOCl for a total period of 10 minutes. This study highlights the importance of a correct sanitation protocol of all the milk processing units which can indeed significantly reduce the presence of microorganisms, leading to a decrease of cow´s mastitis and milk contamination.


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Canastra cheese is one of the oldest and most traditional cheeses made from raw milk in Brazil. However, this type of practice may have severe consequences for human health. According to the current legislation, any cheese made from raw milk must be aged for at least 60 days. Traditionally, Canastra cheese is consumed after different ripening periods, but consumers usually prefer those that are aged less than eight days. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of physicochemical and microbiological parameters, with emphasis on the pathogenic microbiota regulated by law, on cheese aged at room temperature and under refrigeration. Cheese samples were collected from eight different cheese producers located in the Serra da Canastra region twice a year (rainy and dry seasons) and analyzed with 8, 15, 22, 29, 36, and 64 days of ripening. Room temperature aging effectively reduced pathogens, reaching the total count established by law in 22 days, regardless of the season. However, ripening under refrigeration, it was ineffective in reducing the Staphylococcus aureus counts to the legislation limits, even after 64 days. Therefore, Canastra cheese should be ripened for at least 22 days at room temperature in order to fulfill the safety regulatory limits.