898 resultados para Reflexive-reciprocal Voice
Accessing the Views and Interests of Three to Four Year Old Children in Playgroups
This factsheet describes voice disorders such as 'hoarseness' in children and what parents can do to help their child with a voice problem.
Dementia 2013: The hidden voice of loneliness is Alzheimer's Society's annual report examining the quality of life for people with dementia.The report found that over half of the general public (54 per cent) believe that people with dementia have a bad quality of life. This was echoed in the feedback from people with dementia with 70 per cent saying they had stopped doing things they used to due because of lack of confidence. The majority of people with dementia also felt anxious or depressed (63 per cent) and a third of people (35 per cent) said they’d lost friends after a diagnosis.��Other key statistics in Dementia 2013 include:38 per cent of all people with dementia said they felt lonelyPeople with dementia said they relied on relatives and friends for social contact and yet almost a quarter (21 per cent) speak to friends or family on the telephone less than once a month. ��Only 23 per cent of the general public thought it was possible for a person with dementia to live alone ��16 per cent answered that they would not be comfortable talking to someone with dementia, 19 per cent were unsure.The findings from Dementia 2013 are based on a survey of 510 people with dementia or carers on their behalf and a YouGov poll of 2,287 UK adults.Download the full report here.������
Initiatives in the East Midlands to Address Health Inequalities Between Ethnic Groups: Results of a survey undertaken by Champa Patel in May-July 2004 on behalf of EMPHO and Voice-East Midlands.
This factsheet describes voice disorders such as 'hoarseness' in children and what parents can do to help their child with a voice problem.
Recent evidence has emerged that peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha (PPARalpha), which is largely involved in lipid metabolism, can play an important role in connecting circadian biology and metabolism. In the present study, we investigated the mechanisms by which PPARalpha influences the pacemakers acting in the central clock located in the suprachiasmatic nucleus and in the peripheral oscillator of the liver. We demonstrate that PPARalpha plays a specific role in the peripheral circadian control because it is required to maintain the circadian rhythm of the master clock gene brain and muscle Arnt-like protein 1 (bmal1) in vivo. This regulation occurs via a direct binding of PPARalpha on a potential PPARalpha response element located in the bmal1 promoter. Reversely, BMAL1 is an upstream regulator of PPARalpha gene expression. We further demonstrate that fenofibrate induces circadian rhythm of clock gene expression in cell culture and up-regulates hepatic bmal1 in vivo. Together, these results provide evidence for an additional regulatory feedback loop involving BMAL1 and PPARalpha in peripheral clocks.
This study is part of an ongoing collaborative effort between the medical and the signal processing communities to promote research on applying standard Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) techniques for the automatic diagnosis of patients with severe obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA). Early detection of severe apnoea cases is important so that patients can receive early treatment. Effective ASR-based detection could dramatically cut medical testing time. Working with a carefully designed speech database of healthy and apnoea subjects, we describe an acoustic search for distinctive apnoea voice characteristics. We also study abnormal nasalization in OSA patients by modelling vowels in nasal and nonnasal phonetic contexts using Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) pattern recognition on speech spectra. Finally, we present experimental findings regarding the discriminative power of GMMs applied to severe apnoea detection. We have achieved an 81% correct classification rate, which is very promising and underpins the interest in this line of inquiry.
The aim of this paper is to analyse the main agreements on the EU’s External Action agreed within the European Convention and the IGC taking into account why, how and who reached the consensus on them. In other words, this paper will explore the principles followed in order to improve the instruments of the EU’s External Action such as authority, coherence, visibility, efficiency and credibility.