995 resultados para Reducing sugar (Determination)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Horticultura) - FCA


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This study aimed to characterize the physical and chemical composition of ten items of arracacha grown in the municipality of São Manuel for the 2009 harvest. In the roots of the clones BGH (4560, 5741, 5744, 5746, 5747, 6414, 6513, 6525 and 7609) and the cultivar Amarela de Senador Amaral the characteristics evaluated were: color (L *, a * and b *) and moisture, ash, crude fiber, raw grease, protein, reducing sugars, total sugars and starch. After obtaining the data, an analysis was performed for the variance of test F and comparisons between the means made by the Tukey test at 5% probability. There was no significant difference to the results of luminosity (L *) while BGH 6414 and BGH 5744 showed the highest values for chroma and * BGH 5741, BGH 6414, BGH 7609, 'Amarela de Senador Amaral' BGH 5747 presented the highest chroma values for b *. Clones BGH 7609 and BGH 6414 showed significantly higher levels of dry matter and with the potential yield of agro-industrial processes it would be best suited in the form of frying. The materials that showed significantly larger amounts of ash were BGH 6525, BGH 5747, 'Amarela de Senador Amaral ", BGH 4560, BGH 5746, BGH 6513. Regarding the contents of fatty matter BGH 6525, BGH 5741 and BGH 5744 showed the highest levels. The results of BGH 7609 showed crude fiber significantly higher than the other materials tested, it can be used in diets composed of fibers. BGH 4560 and cultivar had the highest crude protein. BGH 5741 showed the lowest reducing sugar content among the clones, but not significantly different from results found for the cultivar. All clones showed total sugar levels were higher in the cultivar, which may have more flavor. BGH 5741, BGH 5746, BGH 6525 and BGH 6513 showed significantly higher starch content than the cultivar Amarela de Senador Amaral. From these results we conclude that the clones have similar color characteristics, and are potentially a nutritionally adequate substitute for the cultivar.


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Mulberry (Morus nigra L.) is a fruit with a great potential for technological uses, which could be employed to manufacture of syrups, ice cream, candies, yoghurts, beverages, jam, etc. Only the leaf from mulberry trees is commercially used for silkworm feeding. This tree is cultivated on many agricultural environments such as small rural proprieties and settlements. Small farmers waste a great amount of their production for not knowing about mulberry technology. Thus, the objective of this work was to access extraction yield and physical-chemical properties of mulberry whole juice from ripe, green and a mixture of both by using press and depulper. Statistical analysis of results was carried by media and standard deviation calculations. 173 kg of mulberry were picked being 49.31% ripe and 50.68% green. Press delivered greater extraction yield of whole juice (80.50% to 81.60%) when compared to press (71.43% to 77.50%). Whole juice obtained from both equipments has shown the following values: soluble solids 7.45% - 12.11%, titrable acidity 0.45 – 1.23%, ratio 6.03 – 26.84, pH 3.69 – 4.35, total reducing sugar 4.05% – 9.96%, reducing sugar 3.95% - 9.15%, sucrose 0.00% - 0.04%, turbidity 221.25 NTU - >4,000 NTU. Whole juices obtained from both equipments has shown similar physical-chemical characteristics except turbidity. The authors concluded that press was the best extraction equipment due to its greater yield and whole juice quality regarding turbidity


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The aim of this study was to produce mix beverages of grape juice and soybean hydrosoluble extract (SHE) in laboratory scale. The raw materials were soybean (variety BRS 213), grape (species Vitis labrusca, variety Niagara Rosada), citric pectin, water and sugar. The mix beverage was produced with different proportions of SHE and grape juice (1:1; 1:1.5 and 1:2; respectively; m/m) and different soluble solids concentrations (10, 12 and 14 °Brix) obtained by adding granulated sugar (sucrose). Soybean hydrosoluble extract, grape juice and mix beverages were chemically analyzed (humidity, ash, protein, lipids, carbohydrate, reducing sugars, total reducing sugars, sucrose, titratable acidity and pH). The mix beverages were sensorial analyzed through the acceptance test (hedonic scale). The results of chemically analyzed were expressed as mean and standard deviation and the results of sensorial analyzed were submitted to variance analysis and the means were compared using the Tukey test at 5% of probability. The pH of mix beverages was lower than 3.9, without addition of acidulants. Sugar addition to mix beverages (10; 12 and 14ºBrix) increased the levels of soluble solids, total reducing sugar and carbohydrates, but it did not interfere in the reducing sugar concentration. The increased proportion of grape juice in mix beverages allowed observing the elevation of titratable acidity and reducing sugars levels, as well as the pH reduction. The increase of grape juice in mix beverage did not interfere in the acceptance of mix beverages. The more sweetened beverages were preferred by the sensory panel.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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En la elaboración de los vinos tintos, el estado de maduración de las uvas es de importancia capital pues del contenido de azúcares y ácidos dependerá el desarrollo adecuado de la fermentación y del contenido polifenólico, el color y la capacidad de crianza. Considerando que el clima es un aspecto relevante que debe considerarse para evaluar el impacto de las condiciones ambientales en el contenido fenólico de las uvas, en el presente trabajo se estudió su influencia en las variedades Bonarda y Syrah de la provincia de Mendoza, Argentina. El muestreo se realizó en el momento de cosecha. Se observó un leve determinismo climático en la variedad Syrah para el contenido de antocianos y polifenoles. Las diferencias de temperaturas nocturnas no se vincularon con una variación de contenido de antocianos y polifenoles. El contenido de azúcares reductores de la variedad Bonarda fue significativamente menor al de la variedad Syrah en el momento de cosecha. La zona Este resulta particularmente propicia para el cultivo de Bonarda diferenciándose de Syrah en el contenido de antocianos en dicha zona. La menor relación semilla/pulpa de la variedad Syrah podría incidir en algunas características sensoriales de sus vinos, tal como la astringencia.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o potencial de uso do resíduo da extração de pigmento de cúrcuma na produção de filmes e coberturas. Para o estudo dos filmes, foram utilizados glicerol e sorbitol como plastificantes e avaliados os efeitos da concentração de farinha de cúrcuma e do plastificante sobre as propriedades mecânicas, solubilidade, permeabilidade ao vapor de água (PVA), molhabilidade, atividade antioxidante, teor de curcuminóides e teor de compostos fenólicos totais utilizando um Delineamento Central Composto Rotacional 22, e os resultados foram avaliados utilizando a metodologia de superfície de resposta (MSR). A concentração de farinha afetou de forma positiva a espessura, PVA e o teor de curcuminóides totais dos filmes plastificados com glicerol e sorbitol. Entretanto, esta variável afetou as propriedades de solubilidade, molhabilidade e teor de compostos fenólicos totais somente dos filmes com glicerol. A concentração de plastificante (glicerol ou sorbitol) afetou significativamente a solubilidade, PVA e molhabilidade de ambos os filmes. Filmes de farinha de cúrcuma com boas propriedades mecânicas, baixa permeabilidade ao vapor de água, alta atividade antioxidante, alto teor de curcuminóides e alto teor de compostos fenólicos totais podem ser produzidos utilizando 27,9 a 30 g glicerol/100 g farinha ou 30 a 42 g sorbitol/100 g farinha e concentração de farinha na faixa de 5% a 6,41%. A cobertura de farinha de cúrcuma contendo 6% de farinha e 30 g glicerol/100 g de farinha foi aplicada em bananas Maçã (Musa acuminata) armazenadas a 27ºC e 65% UR. Assim, foi avaliado o efeito da cobertura na qualidade pós-colheita das bananas em função à suas características físico-químicas como perda de massa, firmeza da polpa, pH, acidez titulável, sólidos solúveis, açúcares redutores e cor da casca. Os resultados mostraram que a cobertura foi eficiente em diminuir a perda de massa, o teor de açúcares redutores, a acidez, a perda da firmeza e a cor da casca principalmente durante a etapa de maturação do fruto. Entretanto, não foi observado grande efeito da cobertura sobre o pH e o teor de sólidos solúveis durante o período estudado. As bananas sem a cobertura tiveram vida útil de 6 dias, enquanto as bananas com cobertura tiveram vida útil de 9 dias.


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The fungal species of Rhizopus oryzae 2062 has the capacity to carry out a single stage fermentation process for lactic acid production from potato starch wastewater. Starch hydrolysis, reducing sugar accumulation, biomass formation, and lactic acid production were affected with variations in pH, temperature, and starch source and concentration. A growth condition with starch concentration approximately 20 g/L at pH 6.0 and 30degreesC was favourable for starch fermentation, resulting in a lactic acid yield of 78.3%similar to85.5% associated with 1.5similar to2.0 g/L fungal biomass produced in 36 h of fermentation.


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The biochemical kinetic of direct fermentation for lactic acid production by fungal species of Rhizopus arrhizus 3,6017 and Rhizopus oryzae 2,062 was studied with respect to growth pH, temperature and substrate. The direct fermentation was characterized by starch hydrolysis, accumulation of reducing sugar, and production of lactic acid and fungal biomass. Starch hydrolysis, reducing sugar accumulation, biomass formation and lactic acid production were affected with the variations in pH, temperature, and starch source and concentration. A growth condition with starch concentration approximately 20 g/l at pH 6.0 and 30 degrees C was favourable for both starch saccharification and lactic acid fermentation, resulting in lactic acid yield of 0.87-0.97 g/g starch associated with 1.5-2.0 g/l fungal biomass produced in 36 h fermentation. R. arrhizus 3,6017 had a higher capacity to produce lactic acid, while R. oryzae 2,062 produced more fungal biomass under similar conditions.


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1H NMR spin-lattice relaxation time (T1) measurements have been carried out with various sugars, viz. methyl alpha-D-glucopyranoside (alpha-MeGluP), methyl beta-D-lucopyranoside (beta-MeGluP), methyl alpha--annopyranoside (alpha-MeManP), maltose (4-O-alpha-D-glucopyranosyl--glucose), nigerose (3-O-alpha-D-glucopyranosyl-D-glucose), p-nitrophenyl alpha-maltoside (PNP-alpha-maltoside) and p-nitrophenyl beta-maltoside (PNP-beta-maltoside) to determine the distances of sugar protons from Mn2+ in concanavalin A (Con A). With a rotational correlation time of 1.58 x 10(-10) s determined, distances were calculated using Solomon-Bloembergen equation. The data obtained indicated differences in disposition of different groups in the binding site of Con A. An average value of about 10 A was obtained for the distances of sugar protons from Mn2+ in Con A. In the case of mono and disaccharides, the non-reducing end sugar unit was found to be closer to Mn2+ than the reducing end one.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)