280 resultados para Recidivism


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This article explores the use of restorative justice as a response to sexual crime. The management of high risk sex offenders, particularly in the community post-release, has been a key focus of contemporary popular and political debates on sexual offending. Many offenders fail to come to the attention of the criminal justice system. For those that do, there is the almost blanket application of recent control in the community measures such as sex offender registries and community notification which have failed to prevent reoffending. The response by the media and the public to the presence of sex offenders in the community may also impede offender rehabilitation. The use of punishment alone via formal criminal justice is, therefore, an inadequate deterrent for sexual crimes. Although controversial, this article advocates the use of restorative practices with sexual crime as a proactive, holistic response to the problem and ultimately as a more effective means of reducing the incidence of sexual offences and sex offender recidivism.


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It is now widely acknowledged that progression from persistent offending to desistance from crime is the outcome of a complex interaction between subjective/ agency factors and social/environmental factors. A methodological challenge for desistance researchers is to unravel the differential impacts of these internal and external factors and the sequence in which they come into play. Towards this, the present investigation draws on a prospective study of 130 male property offenders, interviewed in the 1990s (the Oxford Recidivism Study), and followed up 10 years later. The analysis supports a `subjective—social model' in which subjective states measured before release have a direct effect on recidivism as well as indirect effects through their impact on social circumstances experienced after release from prison.


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“Megan’s Law” in the United States and Part 1 of the Sex Offenders Act 1997 in the United Kingdom, make provision for the creation of a register which will record the names and addresses of all persons convicted or cautioned for a sexual offence. Arguments expounded in favour of the legislation include the supposedly high recidivism among sex offenders, the inadequacy of supervision provisions, and the resulting need to ‘track’ the dangerous offender for public protection. In practice, however, there are a plethora of obstacles, such as cost and inadequate policing resources, which may impede its effectiveness in aiding law enforcement and reduce it to symbolic significance only. In addition, there are an array of ethical objections to the legislation, such as it breaches civil liberties and constitutes ‘double jeopardy’, which may prevent meaningful imposition.


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The aim of this paper is to explore the implications and difficulties of a system of sex offender registration for Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. From the orthodox perspective, registration appears justified. Sexual offending has increased and this is used by the media to generate a ‘moral panic’. However, sexual offenders in the community have also been socially constructed in Ireland, as a problem requiring specific action, through Blumer’s (1971) developmental perspective. It is this perspective which most adequately explains the formulation of the legislation. Arguments expounded in favour of registration include the supposedly high recidivism among sex offenders, the inadequacy of supervision provisions and the resulting need to ‘track’ the offender for public protection. Yet, in practice there are a plethora of obstacles such as cost and inadequate policing resources, not considered at the time the legislation was being formulated, which may impede its effectiveness in aiding law enforcement and reduce it to symbolic significance only. Given these difficulties, it is argued that registration is not an appropriate response to the problem of released sexual offenders in Ireland. Rather, from the social constructionist perspective, it is suggested that it is better to ‘treat’ the sex offender through less formal and stringent means in the community away from the criminal justice process.


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Although forgiveness is often taken to bear a close connection to the value
of reconciliation, there is a good deal of scepticism about its role in situations where there is no consensus on the moral complexion of the past and no admission of guilt on the part of the perpetrator. This scepticism is typically rooted in the claims that forgiveness without perpetrator acknowledgement (1) aggravates the risk of recidivism; (2) yields a substandard and morally compromised form of political accommodation; and (3) comes across as patronizing and offensive to the recipient, thereby causing further alienation. In this article, my aim is to show, firstly, that none of these arguments is decisive and, secondly, that forgiveness is a suitable object of political concern in the
absence of cross-community consensus on the rights and wrongs of a conflict. In this way, I aim to demonstrate that forgiveness deserves to be taken seriously as a means to civic reconciliation in a broader range of situations than many have allowed.


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Objective: The authors evaluated and synthesised the best-available evidence relating to the effectiveness of CJLD service models with respect to changes in mental health status and/or criminal recidivism.Methods: Research examining the effectiveness of CJLD services when compared to traditional Criminal Justice System (CJS) responses was reviewed and systematically appraised according to Campbell/Cochrane guidelines. Key outcomes included a reduction in offending and post-intervention changes in mental health. Results: Comprehensive searches of published and unpublished literature identified 6571 studies which varied considerably in terms of their methodological approach and overall quality. Ten studies met the inclusion criteria. The synthesised findings indicated that, when compared to traditional CJS outcomes, CJLD services appeared to be effective in terms of identifying MDOs and impacting positively on criminal justice and mental health outcomes.Conclusions: Although the evidence may be deemed to be moderate in terms of methodological rigour, overall, the findings suggest that CJLD services can be beneficial. The effectiveness of services depends upon the model of service delivery, the availability of community services and the engagement of MDOs.The successful implementation of CJLD services requires a clearer recognition of the importance of system of care principles.


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Domestic violence is now widely acknowledged as being a significant social, health and legal issue. At both a national and transnational level governments have sought to develop strategies built upon prevention, support for victims and holding perpetrators to account through criminal justice sanctions. However, the current paradigm that informs the policy response to most perpetrators of domestic violence has failed to deliver the outcomes required, in terms of a reduction in levels of recidivism or the improved safety of women and children. It is argued that holding men to account through external controls has failed and that interventions should support men to take responsibility for their own behaviour.


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The paper presents a protocol for ‘A Randomized Controlled Trial of Functional Family Therapy (FFT): An Early Intervention Foundation (EIF) Partnership between Croydon Council and Queen's University Belfast’. The protocol describes a trial that uses FFT as an alternative intervention to current use of the youth justice system and local authority care with the aim of reducing crime/recidivism in young people referred to Croydon Council. The trial will take place over a period of 36 months and will involve up to 154 families. Croydon Council will employ a team of five Functional Family Therapists who will work with families to promote effective outcomes. The Centre for Effective Education at Queen’s University Belfast will act as independent evaluators of outcomes for families and young people. The work is supported from the United Kingdom Economic & Social Research Council/Early Intervention Foundation Grant Number ES/M006921/1.


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This paper contributes to a debate on what constitutes rehabilitation. Current criminal justice practice tends to focus on lowering recidivism by utilising strategies geared towards cognitive behavioural modification and educational/vocational skill development. The paper focuses on the perspectives of custodial educators in a Juvenile Justice Centre in Northern Ireland. Their definition of rehabilitation is less concerned about lowering recidivism and instead focuses more on meeting the needs of the young people entering custody, more so than preparing them for their return to the community. Education staff present a model of rehabilitation that is fundamentally about improving the lives of young people. Despite expecting young people to return to custody Education staff contend that young people’s lives improved because they were exposed to a welcoming, caring and pro‐social environment which has helped the young people transform inttody.


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This article examines prison education in England and Wales arguing that a disjuncture exists between the policy rhetoric of entitlement to education in prison at the European level and the playing out of that entitlement in English and Welsh prisons. Caught between conflicting discourses around a need to combat recidivism and a need for incarceration, prison education in England exists within a policy context informed, in part, by an international human rights agenda on the one hand and global recession, financial cutbacks, and a moral panic about crime on the other. The European Commission has highlighted a number of challenges facing prison education in Europe including over‐crowded institutions, increasing diversity in prison populations, the need to keep pace with pedagogical changes in mainstream education and the adoption of new technologies for learning (Hawley et al., 2013). These are challenges confronting all policy makers involved in prison education in England and Wales in a policy context that is messy, contradictory and fiercely contested. The article argues that this policy context, exacerbated by socio‐economic discourses around neo‐liberalism, is leading to a race‐to‐the‐bottom in the standards of educational provision for prisoners in England and Wales.


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Dissertação de Mestrado em Ciências Sociais.


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Ao longo dos últimos anos a reforma dos sistemas prisionais e a eficácia da reinserção social têm vindo a integrar as agendas políticas dos governos dos países europeus. Esta reforma deriva de vários problemas e carências com que se debatem os diversos sistemas prisionais, nomeadamente a sobrelotação, o ambiente propício à violência, o consumo de drogas, a inactividade do recluso e o elevado índice de reincidência criminal. Porém, qualquer reforma que se venha a delinear compreende matérias muito complexas que vão desde os direitos humanos aos recursos humanos e financeiros, imperativos legais, bem como a conciliação entre a punição e a ressocialização. Estas matérias não dependem apenas da vontade política, mas igualmente da sociedade, a qual ainda ergue barreiras à reinserção, tratando o ex-recluso como um excluído da sociedade. Neste sentido, os estudos universitários constituem um elemento chave na procura de soluções para esta problemática, na medida em que se servem das várias áreas do saber para de alguma forma contribuir com possíveis soluções, tendo em vista a melhoria de todo o sistema prisional e a eficácia da reinserção social. Esta dissertação tem assim como objectivo apresentar os principais modelos de sistemas prisionais adoptados em países europeus e efectuar uma comparação entre estes. Pretende-se retirar os aspectos mais relevantes de cada sistema e que têm contribuído para a melhoria das condições dos reclusos e do aumento da reinserção destes na sociedade, bem como na diminuição da taxa de reincidência criminal.


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In the past two decades numerous programs have emerged to treat individuals with developmental disabilities who have sexual offending behaviours. There has, however been very few studies that systematically examine the effectiveness of long term treatment with this population. The present research examines the therapeutic outcomes of a multi-modal behaviour approach with six individuals with intellectual disabilities previously charged with sexual assault. The participants also exhibited severe behavioural challenges that included verbal aggression, physical aggression, destruction and self-injury. These six participants (5 males, 1 female) were admitted to a Long Term Residential Treatment Program (LTRTP), due to the severity of their behaviours and due to their lack of treatment success in other programs. Individualized treatment plans focused on the reduction of maladaptive behaviours and the enhancing of skills such as positive coping strategies, socio-sexual knowledge, life skills, recreation and leisure skills. The treatment program also included psychiatric, psychological, medical, behavioural and educational interventions. The participants remained in the Long Term Residential Treatment Program (LTRTP) program from 181 to 932 days (average of 1.5 years). Pre and post treatment evaluations were conducted using the following tools: frequency of target behaviours, Psychopathology Inventory for Mentally Retarded Adults (PIMRA), Emotional Problems Scale (EPS), Socio-Sexual Knowledge and Attitudes Assessment Tool (SSKAAT-R) and Quality of Life Questionnaire (QOL-Q). Recidivism rates and the need for re-hospitalization were also noted for each participant. By offering high levels of individualized interventions, all six participants showed a 37 % rate of reduction in maladaptive behaviours with zero to low rates of inappropriate sexualbehaviour, there were no psychiatric hospitalizations, and there was no recidivism for 5 of 6 participants. In addition, medication was reduced. Mental health scores on the PIMRA were reduced across all participants by 25 % and scores on the Quality of Life Questionnaire increased for all participants by an average of 72 %. These findings add to and build upon the existing literature on long term treatment benefits for individuals with a intellectual disability who sexually offend. By utilizing an individualized and multimodal treatment approach to reduce severe behavioural challenges, not only can the maladaptive behaviours be reduced, but adaptive behaviours can be increased, mental health concerns can be managed, and overall quality of life can be improved.


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La généralisation des acquis dans le domaine de l’agression sexuelle peut se subdiviser en deux volets, soit la généralisation qui se produit lors du traitement et celle suivant le retour dans la collectivité. Le modèle de traitement cognitivo-comportemental, basé sur les principes du risque, des besoins et de la réceptivité, permet une réduction significative des taux de récidive. Plus spécifiquement, les besoins criminogènes ciblés chez chacun des délinquants et le type de stratégies apprises en traitement peuvent influer sur le processus de généralisation des acquis. De la même façon, les caractéristiques propres à l’agresseur sexuel ont également un rôle à jouer. Lors de la libération, la considération et la mise en place de certaines mesures, telles que le plan de réinsertion sociale, les besoins sociaux et individuels, l’employabilité, le logement et la continuité thérapeutique importent afin de faciliter le maintien des acquis. Ainsi, le présent projet de maîtrise vise à mettre de l’avant une meilleure compréhension du phénomène de la généralisation des acquis chez quatre délinquants sexuels suivis dans la collectivité (Centre de psychiatrie légale de Montréal), à la suite d’un traitement d’un an complété à l’Institut Philippe-Pinel de Montréal. Dans le but de comprendre les facteurs pouvant favoriser ce processus, nous avons étudié la manière dont ces différents facteurs se sont présentés chez les délinquants sexuels à l’étude et l’impact lié à la présence ou à l’absence de ces variables. L’analyse clinique du matériel obtenu a démontré, d’une part, que la généralisation des acquis est facilitée lorsque l’ensemble des besoins criminogènes sont des cibles de traitement et que, d’autre part, le délinquant est en mesure d’appliquer des stratégies cognitivo-comportementales plutôt que des techniques purement cognitives. Par ailleurs, la présence d’impulsivité et de problèmes individuels non stabilisés peut nuire au processus. Finalement, il est ressorti que la généralisation des acquis est plus facilement atteignable lorsque les variables identifiées comme étant propices à une réinsertion sociale réussie sont présentes dans le quotidien des délinquants.


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Cette thèse de doctorat explore les trajectoires de deux types de déviance, celle de joueurs excessifs (N=100) et celle de délinquants (N=172). Le questionnaire utilisé dans chacun des cas possède un important volet destiné à recueillir des renseignements de manière chronologique par différentes thématiques; la méthode des calendriers d’histoire de vie. L’intérêt d’une analyse de calendrier est qu’elle permet de tenir compte des changements ponctuels de comportement et d’évaluer les effets à court terme de la prise en charge des sujets au cours de leur carrière déviante. La démonstration se base sur trois dimensions des trajectoires : l’intensité de l’engagement, les épisodes d’abstinence volontaire et les épisodes de rechutes. Le résultat majeur de ma thèse montre que les circonstances de vie (facteurs dynamiques) rendent bien compte des dimensions des trajectoires alors que les caractéristiques des individus (facteurs fixes ou statiques) ont souvent très peu de force explicative. Une analyse attentive des effets indirects montre la pertinence de continuer à s’intéresser à ces facteurs. En effet, l’impact des caractéristiques dynamiques est souvent conditionnel à certaines variables statiques. Aucune étude, tant américaine que canadienne, ne s’est penchée sur la dynamique des trajectoires de joueurs excessifs. Le troisième chapitre examine les fluctuations mensuelles des sommes englouties dans les jeux de hasard et d’argent. On s’efforce de comprendre ce qui incite les joueurs à dépenser davantage certains mois et moins à d’autres. Une attention particulière est aussi consacrée aux mois où les joueurs cessent de participer aux jeux de hasard et d’argent et aux facteurs qui favorisent cette abstinence provisoire. Le quatrième chapitre se concentre sur les trajectoires de délinquants. Dans ce cas-ci, la performance criminelle, les revenus illégaux mensuels, mesure l’intensité de l’engagement criminel. On s’intéresse dans ce chapitre aux conditions régissant à la fois les épisodes de réussite criminelle et les épisodes concomitants de désistement temporaire. Les mesures « officielles » de récidive (nouvelle condamnation, nouvelle entrée en thérapie) présentent un problème de chiffre noir (les rechutes effectives sont plus nombreuses que les rechutes connues des autorités officielles). L’intérêt du chapitre cinq est de miser sur une analyse autorévélée des rechutes et du « moment » où ces rechutes se produisent. Le deuxième objectif de cette étude est de comparer les épisodes de rechutes dans ces deux trajectoires de déviance. La logique de ce chapitre suit celles des précédents, on s’intéresse à la dynamique qui entoure ces épisodes, on se demande si elle est similaire au sein des deux trajectoires déviantes.