868 resultados para Reactive programming Asynchronous stream ReactiveX RxJS RxPHP
We use the finite element method to solve reactive mass transport problems in fluid-saturated porous media. In particular, we discuss the mathematical expression of the chemical reaction terms involved in the mass transport equations for an isothermal, non-equilibrium chemical reaction. It has turned out that the Arrhenius law in chemistry is a good mathematical expression for such non-equilibrium chemical reactions especially from the computational point of view. Using the finite element method and the Arrhenius law, we investigate the distributions of PH (i.e. the concentration of H+) and the relevant reactive species in a groundwater system. Although the main focus of this study is on the contaminant transport problems in groundwater systems, the related numerical techniques and principles are equally applicable to the orebody formation problems in the geosciences. Copyright (C) 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Gauging data are available from numerous streams throughout Australia, and these data provide a basis for historical analysis of geomorphic change in stream channels in response to both natural phenomena and human activities. We present a simple method for analysis of these data, and a briefcase study of an application to channel change in the Tully River, in the humid tropics of north Queensland. The analysis suggests that this channel has narrowed and deepened, rather than aggraded: channel aggradation was expected, given the intensification of land use in the catchment, upstream of the gauging station. Limitations of the method relate to the time periods over which stream gauging occurred; the spatial patterns of stream gauging sites; the quality and consistency of data collection; and the availability of concurrent land-use histories on which to base the interpretation of the channel changes.
This paper presents the unique collection of additional features of Qu-Prolog, a variant of the Al programming language Prolog, and illustrates how they can be used for implementing DAI applications. By this we mean applications comprising communicating information servers, expert systems, or agents, with sophisticated reasoning capabilities and internal concurrency. Such an application exploits the key features of Qu-Prolog: support for the programming of sound non-clausal inference systems, multi-threading, and high level inter-thread message communication between Qu-Prolog query threads anywhere on the internet. The inter-thread communication uses email style symbolic names for threads, allowing easy construction of distributed applications using public names for threads. How threads react to received messages is specified by a disjunction of reaction rules which the thread periodically executes. A communications API allows smooth integration of components written in C, which to Qu-Prolog, look like remote query threads.
1. Establishing biological control agents in the field is a major step in any classical biocontrol programme, yet there are few general guidelines to help the practitioner decide what factors might enhance the establishment of such agents. 2. A stochastic dynamic programming (SDP) approach, linked to a metapopulation model, was used to find optimal release strategies (number and size of releases), given constraints on time and the number of biocontrol agents available. By modelling within a decision-making framework we derived rules of thumb that will enable biocontrol workers to choose between management options, depending on the current state of the system. 3. When there are few well-established sites, making a few large releases is the optimal strategy. For other states of the system, the optimal strategy ranges from a few large releases, through a mixed strategy (a variety of release sizes), to many small releases, as the probability of establishment of smaller inocula increases. 4. Given that the probability of establishment is rarely a known entity, we also strongly recommend a mixed strategy in the early stages of a release programme, to accelerate learning and improve the chances of finding the optimal approach.
Numerical methods ave used to solve double diffusion driven reactive flow transport problems in deformable fluid-saturated porous media. in particular, thp temperature dependent reaction rate in the non-equilibrium chemical reactions is considered. A general numerical solution method, which is a combination of the finite difference method in FLAG and the finite element method in FIDAP, to solve the fully coupled problem involving material deformation, pore-fluid flow, heat transfer and species transport/chemical reactions in deformable fluid-saturated porous media has been developed The coupled problem is divided into two subproblems which are solved interactively until the convergence requirement is met. Owing to the approximate nature of the numerical method, if is essential to justify the numerical solutions through some kind of theoretical analysis. This has been highlighted in this paper The related numerical results, which are justified by the theoretical analysis, have demonstrated that the proposed solution method is useful for and applicable to a wide range of fully coupled problems in the field of science and engineering.
1. A model of the population dynamics of Banksia ornata was developed, using stochastic dynamic programming (a state-dependent decision-making tool), to determine optimal fire management strategies that incorporate trade-offs between biodiversity conservation and fuel reduction. 2. The modelled population of B. ornata was described by its age and density, and was exposed to the risk of unplanned fires and stochastic variation in germination success. 3. For a given population in each year, three management strategies were considered: (i) lighting a prescribed fire; (ii) controlling the incidence of unplanned fire; (iii) doing nothing. 4. The optimal management strategy depended on the state of the B. ornata population, with the time since the last fire (age of the population) being the most important variable. Lighting a prescribed fire at an age of less than 30 years was only optimal when the density of seedlings after a fire was low (< 100 plants ha(-1)) or when there were benefits of maintaining a low fuel load by using more frequent fire. 5. Because the cost of management was assumed to be negligible (relative to the value of the persistence of the population), the do-nothing option was never the optimal strategy, although lighting prescribed fires had only marginal benefits when the mean interval between unplanned fires was less than 20-30 years.
A chance constrained programming model is developed to assist Queensland barley growers make varietal and agronomic decisions in the face of changing product demands and volatile production conditions. Unsuitable or overlooked in many risk programming applications, the chance constrained programming approach nonetheless aptly captures the single-stage decision problem faced by barley growers of whether to plant lower-yielding but potentially higher-priced malting varieties, given a particular expectation of meeting malting grade standards. Different expectations greatly affect the optimal mix of malting and feed barley activities. The analysis highlights the suitability of chance constrained programming to this specific class of farm decision problem.
A modelling framework is developed to determine the joint economic and environmental net benefits of alternative land allocation strategies. Estimates of community preferences for preservation of natural land, derived from a choice modelling study, are used as input to a model of agricultural production in an optimisation framework. The trade-offs between agricultural production and environmental protection are analysed using the sugar industry of the Herbert River district of north Queensland as an example. Spatially-differentiated resource attributes and the opportunity costs of natural land determine the optimal tradeoffs between production and conservation for a range of sugar prices.
In a magnetic resonance imaging equipment, gradient and shim coils are needed to produce a spatially varying magnetic field throughout the sample being imaged. Such coils consist of turns of wire wound on the surface of a cylindrical tube. Shim coils in particular, must sometimes be designed to produce complicated magnetic fields to correct for impurities. Streamline patterns for shim coils are much more complicated than those for gradient coils, In this work we present a detailed analysis of streamline methods and their application to shim coil design, A method is presented for determining the winding patterns to generate these complicated fields. (C) 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
We present the finite element simulations of reactive mineral carrying fluids mixing and mineralization in pore-fluid saturated hydrothermal/sedimentary basins. In particular we explore the mixing of reactive sulfide and sulfate fluids and the relevant patterns of mineralization for Load, zinc and iron minerals in the regime of temperature-gradient-driven convective flow. Since the mineralization and ore body formation may last quite a long period of time in a hydrothermal basin, it is commonly assumed that, in the geochemistry, the solutions of minerals are in an equilibrium state or near an equilibrium state. Therefore, the mineralization rate of a particular kind of mineral can be expressed as the product of the pore-fluid velocity and the equilibrium concentration of this particular kind of mineral Using the present mineralization rate of a mineral, the potential of the modern mineralization theory is illustrated by means of finite element studies related to reactive mineral-carrying fluids mixing problems in materially homogeneous and inhomogeneous porous rock basins.
Taking functional programming to its extremities in search of simplicity still requires integration with other development (e.g. formal) methods. Induction is the key to deriving and verifying functional programs, but can be simplified through packaging proofs with functions, particularly folds, on data (structures). Totally Functional Programming avoids the complexities of interpretation by directly representing data (structures) as platonic combinators - the functions characteristic to the data. The link between the two simplifications is that platonic combinators are a kind of partially-applied fold, which means that platonic combinators inherit fold-theoretic properties, but with some apparent simplifications due to the platonic combinator representation. However, despite observable behaviour within functional programming that suggests that TFP is widely-applicable, significant work remains before TFP as such could be widely adopted.
Background-C- reactive protein (CRP) levels have been shown to predict a number of cardiovascular outcomes. CRP levels have also been found to be elevated in patients with abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAAs). The aim of this study was to assess the relation between CRP levels and rates of expansion of small AAAs. Methods and Results-A cohort of men with small aneurysms was identified in a trial of screening with ultrasound scanning. After initial screening, men were rescanned at 6- to 12-month intervals. CRP levels were measured at the first follow-up visit. Rates of expansion and risk factors for expansion were assessed with the use of data from 545 men who attended for at least 1 scan after CRP levels were measured. These men were followed for a median of 48 (range, 5 to 69) months. The mean annual rate of expansion was 1.6 mm. The median CRP level was 2.6 mg/L in men with the smaller AAAs (30 to 39 mm, n=433) compared with 3.5 mg/L in men with larger AAAs (40 to 54 mm, n=112) (P=0.007). The multivariate age-adjusted logistic model confirmed initial aortic diameter to be the only factor associated with rapid expansion with an odds ratio of 7.2 (95% CI, 4.3,12.2) for an initial diameter of 40 to 54 mm relative to one of 30 to 39 mm. Conclusions-Most small aneurysms expand slowly. CRP levels are elevated in larger aneurysms but do not appear to be associated with rapid expansion. The most useful predictor of aneurysmal expansion in men is aortic diameter.
The development of biomonitoring programs based on the macroinvertebrate community requires the understanding of species distribution patterns, as well as of the responses of the community to anthropogenic stressors. In this study, 49 metrics were tested as potential means of assessing the condition of 29 first- and second-order streams located in areas of differing types of land use in So Paulo State, Brazil. Of the sampled streams, 15 were in well-preserved regions in the Atlantic Forest, 5 were among sugarcane cultivations, 5 were in areas of pasture, and 4 were among eucalyptus plantations. The metrics were assessed against the following criteria: (1) predictable response to the impact of human activity; (2) highest taxonomic resolution, and (3) operational and theoretical simplicity. We found that 18 metrics were correlated with the environmental and spatial predictors used, and seven of these satisfied the selection criteria and are thus candidates for inclusion in a multimetric system to assess low-order streams in So Paulo State. These metrics are family richness; Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera (EPT) richness; proportion of Megaloptera and Hirudinea; proportion of EPT; Shannon diversity index for genus; and adapted Biological Monitoring Work Party biotic index.
The purpose of the present substudy of the Lipid Treatment Assessment Project 2 was to assess dual C-reactive protein (CRP) and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol goal attainment across a spectrum of low-, moderate-, and high-risk patients with dyslipidemia in 8 countries in North America, Latin America, Europe, and Asia. Of the 9,518 patients studied overall, 45% were women, 64% had hypertension, 31% had diabetes, 14% were current smokers, 60% were high risk, and 79% were taking a statin. The median CRP level was 1.5 mg/L (interquartile range 0.2 to 2.8). On multivariate analysis, higher CRP levels were associated with older age, female gender, hypertension, current smoking, greater body mass index, larger waist circumference, LDL cholesterol level, and triglyceride/high-density lipoprotein cholesterol ratio. In contrast, being from Asia or taking a statin was associated with lower levels. Across all risk groups, 59% of patients attained the CRP target of <2 mg/L, and 33% had <1 mg/L. Overall, 44% of patients attained both their National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III LDL cholesterol target and a CRP level of <2 mg/L, but only 26% attained their LDL cholesterol target and a CRP level of <1 mg/L. In the very high-risk group with coronary heart disease and >= 2 risk factors, only 19% attained both their LDL cholesterol goal and a CRP level of <2 mg/L and 12% their LDL cholesterol goal and a CRP level of <1 mg/L. In conclusion, with current treatment, most dyslipidemic patients do not reach the dual CRP and LDL cholesterol goals. Smoking cessation, weight reduction, and the greater use of more potent statins at higher doses might be able to improve these outcomes. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. (Am J Cardiol 2011;107:1639-1643)