988 resultados para Rapid eye movement sleep
Low-threshold (T-type) Ca(2+) channels encoded by the Ca(V)3 genes endow neurons with oscillatory properties that underlie slow waves characteristic of the non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep EEG. Three Ca(V)3 channel subtypes are expressed in the thalamocortical (TC) system, but their respective roles for the sleep EEG are unclear. Ca(V)3.3 protein is expressed abundantly in the nucleus reticularis thalami (nRt), an essential oscillatory burst generator. We report the characterization of a transgenic Ca(V)3.3(-/-) mouse line and demonstrate that Ca(V)3.3 channels are indispensable for nRt function and for sleep spindles, a hallmark of natural sleep. The absence of Ca(V)3.3 channels prevented oscillatory bursting in the low-frequency (4-10 Hz) range in nRt cells but spared tonic discharge. In contrast, adjacent TC neurons expressing Ca(V)3.1 channels retained low-threshold bursts. Nevertheless, the generation of synchronized thalamic network oscillations underlying sleep-spindle waves was weakened markedly because of the reduced inhibition of TC neurons via nRt cells. T currents in Ca(V)3.3(-/-) mice were <30% compared with those in WT mice, and the remaining current, carried by Ca(V)3.2 channels, generated dendritic [Ca(2+)](i) signals insufficient to provoke oscillatory bursting that arises from interplay with Ca(2+)-dependent small conductance-type 2 K(+) channels. Finally, naturally sleeping Ca(V)3.3(-/-) mice showed a selective reduction in the power density of the σ frequency band (10-12 Hz) at transitions from NREM to REM sleep, with other EEG waves remaining unaltered. Together, these data identify a central role for Ca(V)3.3 channels in the rhythmogenic properties of the sleep-spindle generator and provide a molecular target to elucidate the roles of sleep spindles for brain function and development.
The mammalian brain oscillates through three distinct global activity states: wakefulness, non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep and REM sleep. The regulation and function of these 'vigilance' or 'behavioural' states can be investigated over a broad range of temporal and spatial scales and at different levels of functional organization, i.e. from gene expression to memory, in single neurons, cortical columns or the whole brain and organism. We summarize some basic questions that have arisen from recent approaches in the quest for the functions of sleep. Whereas traditionally sleep was viewed to be regulated through top-down control mechanisms, recent approaches have emphasized that sleep is emerging locally and regulated in a use-dependent (homeostatic) manner. Traditional markers of sleep homeostasis, such as the electroencephalogram slow-wave activity, have been linked to changes in connectivity and plasticity in local neuronal networks. Thus waking experience-induced local network changes may be sensed by the sleep homeostatic process and used to mediate sleep-dependent events, benefiting network stabilization and memory consolidation. Although many questions remain unanswered, the available data suggest that sleep function will best be understood by an analysis which integrates sleep's many functional levels with its local homeostatic regulation.
The T-cell derived cytokine CD40 ligand is overexpressed in patients with autoimmune diseases. Through activation of its receptor, CD40 ligand leads to a tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor 1 (TNFR1) dependent impairment of locomotor activity in mice. Here we report that this effect is explained through a promotion of sleep, which was specific to non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep while REM sleep was suppressed. The increase in NREM sleep was accompanied by a decrease in EEG delta power during NREM sleep and by a decrease in the expression of transcripts in the cerebral cortex known to be associated with homeostatic sleep drive, such as Homer1a, Early growth response 2, Neuronal pentraxin 2, and Fos-like antigen 2. The effect of CD40 activation was mimicked by peripheral TNF injection and prevented by the TNF blocker etanercept. Our study indicates that sleep-wake dysregulation in autoimmune diseases may result from CD40 induced TNF:TNFR1 mediated alterations of molecular pathways, which regulate sleep-wake behavior.
STUDY OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the association between objective sleep measures and metabolic syndrome (MS), hypertension, diabetes, and obesity. DESIGN: Cross-sectional study. SETTING: General population sample. PARTICIPANTS: There were 2,162 patients (51.2% women, mean age 58.4 ± 11.1). INTERVENTIONS: Patients were evaluated for hypertension, diabetes, overweight/obesity, and MS, and underwent a full polysomnography (PSG). MEASUREMENTS AND RESULTS: PSG measured variables included: total sleep time (TST), percentage and time spent in slow wave sleep (SWS) and in rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, sleep efficiency and arousal index (ArI). In univariate analyses, MS was associated with decreased TST, SWS, REM sleep, and sleep efficiency, and increased ArI. After adjustment for age, sex, smoking, alcohol, physical activity, drugs that affect sleep and depression, the ArI remained significantly higher, but the difference disappeared in patients without significant sleep disordered breathing (SDB). Differences in sleep structure were also found according to the presence or absence of hypertension, diabetes, and overweight/obesity in univariate analysis. However, these differences were attenuated after multivariate adjustment and after excluding subjects with significant SDB. CONCLUSIONS: In this population-based sample we found significant associations between sleep structure and MS, hypertension, diabetes, and obesity. However, these associations were cancelled after multivariate adjustment. We conclude that normal variations in sleep contribute little if any to MS and associated disorders.
The function of sleep remains unknown. To gain insight into the function of sleep in natural conditions, I assessed variation in sleep architecture and its link with fitness-related phenotypic traits. I considered melanin-based coloration because its underlying genetic basis is very well known giving an opportunity to examine whether some genes pleiotropically regulate both coloration and sleep. The melanocortin system is known to generate covariation between melanin-based coloration and other phenotypes like behaviour, physiology and life history traits. I investigated whether this system of genes could participate in the co-expression of coloration and sleep. I carried out a study with nestling barn owls (Tyto alba) in order to tackle the potential link between variation in color traits and the ontogeny of sleep under natural conditions. For this I established a suitable method for recording the brain activity (electroencephalogram) of owls in nature. Birds are especially interesting, because they convergently evolved sleep states similar to those exhibited by mammals. As in mammals, I found that in owlets time spent in rapid eye movement (REM) sleep declines with age, a relationship thought to eflect developmental changes in the brain. Thus this developmental trajectory appears to reflect a fundamental feature of sleep. Additionally, I discovered an association between a gene involved in melanism expressed in the feather follicles (proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 2, PCSK2) and the age-related changes in sleep in the brain. Nestlings with higher expression levels of PCSK2 showed a more precocial pattern of sleep development and a higher degree of melanin-based coloration compared to nestlings with lower PCSK2 expression. Also sleep architecture and the development of rhythmicity in brain and physical activity was related to plumage traits of the nestlings and their biological parents. This pattern during ontogeny might reflect differences in life l history strategies, antipredator behaviour and developmental pace. Therefore, differently colored individuals may differentially deal with trade-offs between the costs and benefits of sleep which in turn lead to differences in brain organization and ultimately fitness. These results should stimulate evolutionary biologists to consider sleep as a major life history trait. Résumé La fonction du sommeil reste inconnue. Afin d'acquérir une meilleur compréhension de la fonction du sommeil dans les conditions naturelles, j'ai analysé la variation dans l'architecture du sommeil et son lien avec d'autres traits phénotypiques liés au succès reproducteur (fitness). J'ai choisi et examiné la coloration mélanique, car ses bases génétiques sont bien connues et il est ainsi possible d'étudier si certains gènes, de façon pléiotropique régulent à la fois la coloration et le sommeil. J'ai exploré si ce système génétique était impliqué dans la co-expression de la coloration et du sommeil. J'ai effectué mon étude sur des poussins de chouette effraie (Tyto alba) en condition naturelle, pour rechercher ce lien potentiel entre la variation de la coloration et l'ontogenèse du sommeil. Dans ce but, j'ai établi une méthodologie permettant d'enregistrer l'activité cérébrale (électroencéphalogramme) des chouettes dans la nature. Les oiseaux sont particulièrement intéressants car ils ont développé, par évolution convergente, des phases de sommeil similaires à celles des mammifères. De manière semblable à ce qui a été montré chez les mammifères, j'ai découvert que le temps passé dans le sommeil paradoxal diminue avec l'âge des poussins. On pense que ceci est dû aux changements développementaux au niveau du cerveau. Cette trajectoire développementale semble refléter une caractéristique fondamentale du sommeil. J'ai également découvert une association entre l'un des gènes impliqué dans le mélanisme, exprimé dans les follicules plumeux (proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 2, PCSK2), et les changements dans la structure du sommeil avec l'âge. Les poussins ayant un niveau d'expression génétique élevé de la PCSK2 présentent une structure du sommeil plus précoce et un taux de coloration dû à la mélanine plus élevé que des poussins avec un niveau d'expression moindre de la PCSK2. L'architecture du sommeil et le développement de la rythmicité dans le cerveau ainsi que l'activité physique sont également liés à la coloration des plumes des poussins et pourraient ainsi refléter des différences de stratégies d'histoire de vie, de comportements anti-prédateur et de vitesses développementales. Ainsi, des individus de coloration différente sembleraient traiter différemment les coûts et les bénéfices du sommeil, ce qui aurait des conséquences sur l'organisation cérébrale et pour finir, sur le succès reproducteur. Ces résultats devraient encourager les biologistes évolutionnistes à considérer le sommeil comme un important trait d'histoire de vie. Zusammenfassung Die Funktion von Schlaf ist noch unbekannt. Um mehr Einsicht in diese unter natürlichen Bedingungen zu bekommen, habe ich die Variation in der Schlafarchitektur und die Verknüpfung mit phänotypischen Merkmalen, die mit der Fitness zusammenhängen, studiert. Ich habe mir melanin-basierte Färbung angesehen, da die zugrunde liegende genetische Basis bekannt ist und somit die Möglichkeit gegeben ist, zu untersuchen, ob einige Gene beides regulieren, Färbung und Schlaf. Das melanocortin System generiert eine Kovariation zwischen melanin-basierter Färbung und anderen phänotypischer Merkmale wie Verhalten, Physiologie und Überlebensstrategien. Ich habe untersucht, ob dieses Gensystem an einer gleichzeitigen Steuerung von Färbung und Schlaf beteiligt ist. Dazu habe ich Schleiereulen (Tyto alba) studiert um einen möglichen Zusammenhang zwischen der Variation in der Pigmentierung und der Entwicklung des Schlafs unter natürlichen Bedingungen zu entdecken. Für diese Studie entwickelte ich eine Methode um die Gehirnaktivität (Elektroenzephalogramm) bei Eulen in der Natur aufzunehmen. Vögel sind besonders interessant, da sie die gleichen Schlafstadien aufweisen wie Säugetiere und diese unabhängig konvergent entwickelt haben. Genauso wie bei Säugetieren nahm die Dauer des sogenannten ,,rapid eye movement" (REM) - Schlafes mit zunehmendem Alter ab. Es wird angenommen, dass dieser Zusammenhang die Entwicklung des Gehirns widerspiegelt. Daher scheint dieses Entwicklungsmuster ein fundamentaler Aspekt von Schlaf zu sein. Zusätzlich entdeckte ich einen Zusammenhang zwischen der Aktivität eines Gens in den Federfollikeln (proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 2, PCSK2), das für die Ausprägung schwarzer Punkte auf den Federn der Eulen verantwortlich ist, und den altersabhängigen Änderungen im Schlafmuster im Gehirn. Küken mit höherer Aktivität von PCSK2 zeigten eine frühreifere Schlafentwicklung und eine dunklere Färbung als Küken mit niedriger PCSK2 Aktivität. Die Architekture des Schlafes und die Entwicklung der Rhythmik im Gehirn und die der physischen Aktivität ist mit der Färbung des Gefieders von den Küken und ihren Eltern verknüpft. Dieses Muster während der Entwicklung kann Unterschiede in Überlebensstrategien, Feindabwehrverhalten und in der Entwicklungsgeschwindigkeit reflektieren. Unterschiedlich gefärbte Individuen könnten unterschiedliche Strategien haben um zwischen den Kosten und Nutzen von Schlaf zu entscheiden, was zu Unterschieden in der Gehirnstruktur führen kann und letztendlich zur Fitness. Diese Ergebnisse sollten Evolutionsbiologen stimulieren Schlaf als einen wichtigen Bestandteil des Lebens zu behandeln.
Interactions of neurons with microglia may play a dominant role in sleep regulation. TNF may exert its somnogeneic effects by promoting attraction of microglia and their processes to the vicinity of dendrites and synapses. We found TNF to stimulate neurons (i) to produce CCL2, CCL7 and CXCL10, chemokines acting on mononuclear phagocytes and (ii) to stimulate the expression of the macrophage colony stimulating factor (M-CSF/Csf1), which leads to elongation of microglia processes. TNF may also act on neurons by affecting the expression of genes essential in sleep-wake behavior. The neuronal expression of Homer1a mRNA, increases during spontaneous and enforced periods of wakefulness. Mice with a deletion of Homer1a show a reduced wakefulness with increased non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep during the dark period. Recently the TNF-dependent increase of NREM sleep in the dark period of mice with CD40-induced immune activation was found to be associated with decreased expression of Homer1a. In the present study we investigated the effects of TNF and IL-1β on gene expression in cultures of the neuronal cell line HT22 and cortical neurons. TNF slightly increased the expression of Homer1a and IL-1β profoundly enhanced the expression of Early growth response 2 (Egr2). The data presented here indicate that the decreased expression of Homer1a, which was found in the dark period of mice with CD40-induced increase of NREM sleep is not due to inhibitory effects of TNF and IL-1β on the expression of Homer1a in neurons.
This study evaluated the effect of menopause, hormone therapy (HT) and aging on sleep. Further, the mechanisms behind these effects were examined by studying the associations between sleep and the nocturnal profiles of sleep-related hormones. Crosssectional study protocols were used to evaluate sleep in normal conditions and during recovery from sleep deprivation. The effect of initiation of HT on sleep and sleeprelated hormones was studied in a prospective controlled trial. Young, premenopausal and postmenopausal women were studied, and the methods included polysomnography, 24-h blood sampling, questionnaires and cognitive tests of attention. Postmenopausal women were less satisfied with their sleep quality than premenopausal women, but this was not reflected in sleepiness or attention. The objective sleep quality was mainly similar in pre- and postmenopausal women, but differed from young women. The recovery mechanisms from sleep deprivation were relatively well-preserved after menopause. HT offered no advantage to sleep after sleep deprivation or under normal conditions. The decreased growth hormone (GH) and prolactin (PRL) levels after menopause were reversible with HT. Neither menopause nor HT had any effect on cortisol levels. In premenopausal women, HT had only minor effects on PRL and cortisol levels. The temporal link between GH and slow wave sleep (SWS) was weaker after menopause. PRL levels were temporally associated with sleep stages, and higher levels were seen during SWS and lower during rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep. Sleep quality after menopause is better determined by age than by menopausal state. Although HT restores the decreased levels of GH and PRL after menopause, it offers no advantage to sleep quality under normal conditions or after sleep deprivation.
This article is a transcription of an electronic symposium held on February 5, 2001 by the Brazilian Society of Neuroscience and Behavior (SBNeC) during which eight specialists involved in clinical and experimental research on sleep and dreaming exposed their personal experience and theoretical points of view concerning these highly polemic subjects. Unlike most other bodily functions, sleep and dreaming cannot, so far, be defined in terms of definitive functions that play an ascribable role in maintaining the organism as a whole. Such difficulties appear quite clearly all along the discussions. In this symposium, concepts on sleep function range from a protective behavior to an essential function for maturation of the nervous system. Kleitman's hypothesis [Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease (1974), 159: 293-294] was discussed, according to which the basal state is not the wakeful state but sleep, from which we awake to eat, to protect ourselves, to procreate, etc. Dreams, on the other hand, were widely discussed, being considered either as an important step in consolidation of learning or simply the conscious identification of functional patterns derived from the configuration of released or revoked memorized information.
We sought to examine the possible participation of dopaminergic receptors in the phasic events that occur during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, known as sawtooth waves (STW). These phasic phenomena of REM sleep exhibit a unique morphology and, although they represent a characteristic feature of REM sleep, little is known about the mechanisms which generate them and which are apparently different from rapid eye movements. STW behavior was studied in 10 male volunteers aged 20 to 35 years, who were submitted to polysomnographic monitoring (PSG). On the adaptation night they were submitted to the first PSG and on the second night, to the basal PSG. On the third night the volunteers received placebo or haloperidol and spent the whole night awake. On the fourth night they were submitted to the third PSG. After a 15-day rest period, the volunteers returned to the sleep laboratory and, according to a double-blind crossover randomized design, received haloperidol or placebo and spent the whole night awake, after which they were submitted to the fourth PSG. The volunteers who were given haloperidol combined with sleep deprivation exhibited an elevation of the duration and density of the STW, without significant alterations of the other REM sleep phasic phenomena such as rapid eye movement. These findings suggest that sawtooth waves must have their own generating mechanisms and that the dopaminergic receptors must exert a modulating role since REM sleep deprivation, as well as administration of neuroleptics, produces supersensitivity of dopaminergic receptors.
Our objective was to examine the effet of gender on the sleep pattern of patients referred to a sleep laboratory. The data (questionnaires and polysomnographic recordings) were collected from a total of 2365 patients (1550 men and 815 women). The polysomnography permits an objective assessment of the sleep pattern. We included only polysomnography exams obtained with no more than one recording system in order to permit normalization of the data. Men had a significantly higher body mass index than women (28.5 ± 4.8 vs 27.7 ± 6.35 kg/m²) and had a significantly higher score on the Epworth Sleepiness Scale (10.8 ± 5.3 vs 9.5 ± 6.0), suggesting daytime sleepiness. Women had a significantly higher sleep latency than men, as well as a higher rapid eye movement (REM) latency. Men spent more time in stages 1 (4.6 ± 4.1 vs 3.9 ± 3.8) and 2 (57.0 ± 10.5 vs 55.2 ± 10.1) of non-REM sleep than women, whereas women spent significantly more time in deep sleep stages (3 and 4) than men (22.6 ± 9.0 vs 19.9 ± 9.0). The apnea/hypopnea and arousal indexes were significantly higher and more frequent in men than in women (31.0 ± 31.5 vs 17.3 ± 19.7). Also, periodic leg movement index did not differ significantly between genders, but rather differed among age groups. We did not find significant differences between genders in the percentage of REM sleep and sleep efficiency. The results of the current study suggest that there are specific gender differences in sleep pattern.
While sleep has been shown to be involved in memory consolidation and the selective enhancement of newly acquired memories of future relevance (Wilhelm, et al., 2011), limited research has investigated the role of sleep or future relevance in processes of memory reconsolidation. The current research employed a list-method directed forgetting procedure in which participants learned two lists of syllable pairs on Night 1 and received directed forgetting instructions on Night 2. On Night 2, one group (Labile; n = 15) received a memory reactivation treatment consisting of reminders designed to return memories of the learned lists to a labile state. A second group (Stable, n = 16) received similar reminders designed to leave memories of the learned lists in their stable state. No differences in forgetting were found across the two lists or groups. However, a negative correlation between frontal delta (1 – 4 Hz) electroencephalographic (EEG) power during Early Stage 2 non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep and forgetting of to-beremembered material was found exclusively in the Labile group (r = -.61, p < .05). Further, central theta (4 – 8 Hz ) EEG power during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep was found to correlate with directed forgetting exclusively in the Labile group (r = .81, p < .001) and total forgetting in the Stable group (r = .50, p < .05). These observed relationships support the proposed hypothesis suggesting that sleep processes are involved in the reconsolidation of labile memories, and that this reconsolidation may be selective for memories of future relevance. A role for sleep in the beneficial reprocessing of memories through the selective reconsolidation of labile memories in NREM sleep and the weakening of memories in REM sleep is discussed.
La présente thèse examine les liens entre le sommeil, la mémoire épisodique et les rêves. Dans une première étude, nous utilisons les technologies de la réalité virtuelle (RV) en liaison avec un paradigme de privation de sommeil paradoxal et de collecte de rêve en vue d'examiner l'hypothèse que le sommeil paradoxal et le rêve sont impliqués dans la consolidation de la mémoire épisodique. Le sommeil paradoxal a été associé au rappel des aspects spatiaux des éléments émotionnels de la tâche RV. De la même façon, l'incorporation de la tâche RV dans les rêves a été associée au rappel des aspects spatiaux de la tâche. De plus, le rappel des aspects factuels et perceptuels de la mémoire épisodique, formé lors de la tâche VR, a été associé au sommeil aux ondes lentes. Une deuxième étude examine l'hypothèse selon laquelle une fonction possible du rêve pourrait être de créer de nouvelles associations entre les éléments de divers souvenirs épisodiques. Un participant a été réveillé 43 fois lors de l'endormissement pour fournir des rapports détaillés de rêves. Les résultats suggèrent qu'un seul rêve peut comporter, dans un même contexte spatiotemporel, divers éléments appartenant aux multiples souvenirs épisodiques. Une troisième étude aborde la question de la cognition lors du sommeil paradoxal, notamment comment les aspects bizarres des rêves, qui sont formés grâce aux nouvelles combinaisons d'éléments de la mémoire épisodique, sont perçus par le rêveur. Les résultats démontrent une dissociation dans les capacités cognitives en sommeil paradoxal caractérisée par un déficit sélectif dans l'appréciation des éléments bizarres des rêves. Les résultats des quatre études suggèrent que le sommeil aux ondes lentes et le sommeil paradoxal sont différemment impliqués dans le traitement de la mémoire épisodique. Le sommeil aux ondes lentes pourrait être implique dans la consolidation de la mémoire épisodique, et le sommeil paradoxal, par l'entremise du rêve, pourrais avoir le rôle d'introduire de la flexibilité dans ce système mnémonique.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Background/Objectives: Sleep has been shown to enhance creativity, but the reason for this enhancement is not entirely known. There are several different physiological states associated with sleep. In addition to rapid (REM) and non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep, NREM sleep can be broken down into Stages (1-4) that are characterized by the degree of EEG slow wave activity. In addition, during NREM sleep there are transient but cyclic alternating patterns (CAP) of EEG activity and these CAPs can also be divided into three subtypes (A1-A3) according to speed of the EEG waves. Differences in CAP ratios have been previously linked to cognitive performances. The purpose of this study was to learn the relationship CAP activity during sleep and creativity. Methods: The participants were 8 healthy young adults (4 women), who underwent 3 consecutive nights of polysomnographic recording and took the Abbreviated Torrance Test for Adults (ATTA) on the 2 and 3rd mornings after the recordings. Results: There were positive correlations between Stage 1 of NREM sleep and some measures of creativity such as fluency (R= .797; p=.029) and flexibility ( R=.43; p=.002), between Stage 4 of Non-REM sleep and originality (R= .779; p=.034) and a global measure of figural creativity (R= .758; p=.040). There was also a negative correlation between REM sleep and originality (R= -.827; p= .042) . During NREM sleep the CAP rate, which in young people is primarily the A1 subtype, also correlated with originality (R= .765; p =.038). Conclusions: NREM sleep is associated with low levels of cortical arousal and low cortical arousal may enhance the ability of people to access to the remote associations that are critical for creative innovations. In addition, A1 CAP activity reflects frontal activity and the frontal lobes are important for divergent thinking, also a critical aspect of creativity.
The arousal scoring in Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (OSAS) is important to clarify the impact of the disease on sleep but the currently applied American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) definition may underestimate the subtle alterations of sleep. The aims of the present study were to evaluate the impact of respiratory events on cortical and autonomic arousal response and to quantify the additional value of cyclic alternating pattern (CAP) and pulse wave amplitude (PWA) for a more accurate detection of respiratory events and sleep alterations in OSAS patients. A retrospective revision of 19 polysomnographic recordings of OSAS patients was carried out. Analysis was focused on quantification of apneas (AP), hypopneas (H) and flow limitation (FL) events, and on investigation of cerebral and autonomic activity. Only 41.1% of FL events analyzed in non rapid eye movement met the AASM rules for the definition of respiratory event-related arousal (RERA), while 75.5% of FL events ended with a CAP A phase. The dual response (EEG-PWA) was the most frequent response for all subtypes of respiratory event with a progressive reduction from AP to H and FL. 87.7% of respiratory events with EEG activation showed also a PWA drop and 53,4% of the respiratory events without EEG activation presented a PWA drop. The relationship between the respiratory events and the arousal response is more complex than that suggested by the international classification. In the estimation of the response to respiratory events, the CAP scoring and PWA analysis can offer more extensive information compared to the AASM rules. Our data confirm also that the application of PWA scoring improves the detection of respiratory events and could reduce the underestimation of OSAS severity compared to AASM arousal.