498 resultados para Rainbow


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La guía cuenta con un anexo en el que se presenta información actualizada en virtud de la entrada en vigor de la nueva legislación sobre inmigración (Ley Orgánica 8/2000 de 22 de diciembre) y está editada por la Región de Murcia


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Proyecto de educación desarrollado por seis profesores en el CP 'La Higuera Canaria'. Los objetivos fueron: crear en los alumnos actitudes críticas y constructivas ante las distintas realidades sociales que les toca vivir, fomentar la responsabilidad y la solidaridad, estimular las acitudes de tolerancia, respeto y cooperación ante personas de distinas razas, creencias, culturas, costumbres y sexos, impulsar la utilización del diálogo, el intercambio de ideas, la generosidad y la sinceridad como formas de convivencia y guía para resolver conflictos, potenciar la autonomía de los alumnos, reconocer y apreciar el valor comunicativo de las lenguas extranjeras y la propia capacidad para aprender a utilizarlas y, desarrollar progresivamente las estrategias de aprendizaje autónomo. El desarrollo de la experiencia se ajustó a las siguientes pautas. En primer lugar se temporalizaron los dos temas transversales a desarrollar 'Educación Medioambiental' y 'Educación para la paz'. En segundo lugar, se formaron dos subgrupos, uno para educación primaria y otro para educación secundaria. En tercer lugar, se elaboraron las unidades didácticas 'Los animales domésticos y su cuidado' y 'Animales en peligro: su protección' y, finalmente, se abordó la elaboración de materiales incluyendo videos que se adjuntan con el proyecto, y puesta en práctica en el aula. La evaluación del alumnado se realizó mediante la observación sistemática, diarios, fichas de auto y coevaluación, puestas en común y las tareas y proyectos finales realizados. La evaluación del proceso se realizó en función de los resultados, realizándose los ajustes necesarios en las programaciones de aula, asimismo se revisó la actuación del profesorado participante tanto desde su intervención directa con el alumnado como en el trabajo del grupo y, en el ámbito de las etapas, se analizó la consecución de objetivos, la selección de contenidos y los criterios metodológicos aplicados. Los resultados fueron positivos pues: la dinámica de trabajo permitió que cada subgrupo se centrara en la elaboración y adaptación de materiales adecuados a su etapa, el material elaborado se consideró atractivo para el alumnado de las etapas trabajadas y contribuyó a fomentar en ellos/as actitudes de responsabilidad y respeto hacia otros seres vivos y hacia la conservación de la Naturaleza en su conjunto a través del inglés, siendo además un banco de actividades útil para el profesorado del área.


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Historia ilustrativa sobre el egoísmo y la vanidad. El pez más bello de todo el océano se niega a compartir sus brillantes escamas. Cuando su avaricia le deja sin amigos o admiradores el pez busca el consejo del sabio pulpo, que le asesora para regalar su belleza y descubrir cómo ser feliz.


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What do the designers tend to achieve? To relate themselves to the reality by producing visual registers of emotions and thoughts, or by projecting and producing objects that are functional, adapting technologies to daily needs. That requires that a designer be a keen observer of his physical surroundings and have a fine sensibility to cultures, enabling him to disassemble the latent forms of the reality and cultural symbolisms in order to perceive the order underlying them and the principles of their composition and unity. Only then could he reproduce the nature and respond to cultural callings. In this process of understanding the surrounding reality of nature and cultures, a designer always moves, generally without being aware of it, between two processes: identity search and self-identification.


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Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae is the myxozoan parasite causing proliferative kidney disease (PKD) of salmonid fishes in Europe and North America. The complete life cycle of the parasite remains unknown despite recent discoveries that the stages infectious for fish develop in freshwater bryozoans. During the course of examinations of the urine of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) with or recovering from PKD we identified spores with features similar to those of T. bryosalmonae found in the bryozoan host. Spores found in the urine were subspherical, with a width of 16 mum and height of 14 mum, and possessed two soft valves surrounding two spherical polar capsules (2 mum in diameter) and a single sporoplasm. The absence of hardened valves is a distinguishing characteristic of the newly established class Malacosporea that includes T. bryosalmonae as found in the bryozoan host. The parasite in the urine of rainbow trout possessed only two polar capsules and two valve cells compared to the four polar capsules and four valves observed in the spherical spores of 19 mum in diameter from T. bryosalmonae from the bryozoan host. Despite morphological differences, a relationship between the spores in the urine of rainbow trout and T. bryosalmonae was demonstrated by binding of monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies and DNA probes specific to T. bryosalmonae.


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Regional variation in properties of vertebral bone from brown Salmo trutta and rainbow trout Oncorhychus mykiss were explored by using microhardness tests. Statistically-significant positive correlations were identified between the microhardness of bone and its mineral content. In both brown and rainbow trout, the vertebrae from the caudal region were harder than those of the trunk region. There was a significant difference between the species; microhardness of bone from vertebrae of rainbow trout was greater than those from brown trout.


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Rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum), were first introduced into Australia over 100 years ago, and forms the basis of important recreational inland fisheries and an aquaculture industry in south-eastern Australia. This paper investigates the genetic variation within and between samples of Australian rainbow trout using allozyme electrophoresis. The levels of genetic diversity within Australia do not show marked differences from those observed in hatchery and wild populations from throughout North America, New Zealand and South Africa, but there is evidence for the loss of some rare alleles during translocation from California to Australia via New Zealand. No appreciable difference in genetic diversity was apparent between hatchery and self-sustaining wild populations of rainbow trout from mainland Australia. However, significant differences in allelic frequencies were observed, with consistent genetic differences between Victorian and New South Wales samples most likely reflecting state-based hatchery and stocking policies.


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The effect of finishing extensive farming period, to reduce fat content and manipulate the fatty acid profile of fish muscle, was evaluated in rainbow trout. Fish were stocked in an artificial lake, in which fish were fed only on naturally available nutrients with no supply of artificial feed, for different lengths of time from 0 to 120 days. No weight loss was noted during the whole finishing period while total length increased from 228±7 to 269±3 mm and the condition factor decreased from 1.41±0.04 to 0.89±0.02. The total fat content of the fillets decreased considerably from 4.7±0.6% at the beginning to 2.4±0.4% and 0.7±0.2% after 45 and 120 days respectively. Fillet fatty acid composition was affected by the time of stocking in the extensive farm. In contrast to the reduction in C18:1n-9, C18:2n-6, total monounsaturated fatty acid and total n-6 percent values, an increase in the C20:5n-3, C22:6n-3, total polyunsaturated fatty acid and total n-3 percent values was observed. It was shown that while other finishing strategies for salmonids have some disadvantages, the extensive culture system seems to be a potentially useful tool for increasing the general quality of the end product.


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In the context of contemporary tertiary education immersed as such in internationalisation strategies and internationalised curricula, the cultivation and promotion of international awareness in Australian graduates can be expected to lead to desirable lifelong attributes. Consideration of the need to be prepared for a globalised professional and cultural climate is integral to sustaining and growing the future and the fortunes of many. For the architectural community, the combined phenomena of globalisation and internationalisation strategies herald implications for the education and professional preparation of architects which traverse academia and architectural practice. This paper presents the case for exploring potential benefits of establishing closer links between academia and architecture practice, discusses the relevance of international student practice experience for the twenty first century and looks at its role within an intemationalised curriculum in preparing graduates for the future. Analysis of a survey of work experience as a component of Australian architecture courses is used to gauge the extent of current programs that seek to integrate the academic curriculum with practice experience, and the Deakin study (a work in progress) of architecture students in international practice contexts is presented as a vehicle for exploring the degree to which the combination of professional practice education and cultural experience may be beneficial to architecture students, academia and the profession more generally.


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Natriuretic peptide receptors mediate the physiological response of  natriuretic peptide hormones. One of the natriuretic peptide receptor types is the particulate guanylyl cyclase receptors, of which there are two identified: NPR-A and NPR-B. In fishes, these have been sequenced and characterized in eels, medaka, and dogfish shark (NPR-B only). The euryhaline rainbow trout provides an opportunity to further pursue examination of the system in teleosts. In this study, partial rainbow trout NPR-A-like and NPR-B-like mRNA sequences were identified via PCR and cloning. The sequence information was used in real-time PCR to examine mRNA expression in a variety of tissues of freshwater rainbow trout and rainbow trout acclimated to 35 parts per thousand seawater for a period of 10 days. In the excretory kidney and posterior intestine, real-time PCR analysis showed greater expression of NPR-B in freshwater fish than in those adapted to seawater; otherwise, there was no difference in the expression of the individual receptors in fresh water or seawater. In general, the expression of the NPR-A and NPR-B type receptors was quite low. These findings indicate that NPR-A and NPR-B mRNA expression is minimally altered under the experimental regime used in this study.


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The presence of carotenoids in animal tissue reflects their sources along the food chain. Astaxanthin, the main carotenoid used for salmonid pigmentation, is usually included in the feed as a synthetic product. However, other dietary sources of astaxanthin such as shrimp or krill wastes, algae meal or yeasts are also available on the market. Astaxanthin possesses two identical asymmetric atoms at C-3 and C-3' making possible three optical isomers with all-trans configuration of the chain: 3S,3'S, 3R,3'S, and 3R,3'R. The distribution of the isomers in natural astaxanthin differs from that of the synthetic product. This latter is a racemic mixture, with a typical ratio of 1:2:1 (3S,3'S:3R,3'S:3R,3'R), while astaxanthin from natural sources has a variable distribution of the isomers deriving from the different biological organism that synthesized it. The high-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) analysis of all-trans isomers of astaxanthin was performed in different pigment sources, such as red yeast Phaffia rhodozyma, alga meal Haematococcus pluvialis, krill meal and oil, and shrimp meal. With the aim to investigate astaxanthin isomer ratios in flesh of fish fed different carotenoid sources, three groups of rainbow trout were fed for 60 days diets containing astaxanthin from synthetic source, H. pluvialis algae meal and P. rhodozyma red yeast. Moreover, the distribution of optical isomers of astaxanthin in trout purchased on the Italian market was investigated. A characteristic distribution of astaxanthin stereoisomers was detected for each pigment sources and such distribution was reproduced in the flesh of trout fed with that source. Colour values measured in different sites of fillet of rainbow trout fed with different pigment sources showed no significant differences. Similarly, different sources of pigment (natural or synthetic) produced colour values of fresh fillet with no relevant or significant differences. The coefficient of distance computed amongst the feed ingredient and the trout fillet astaxanthin stereoisomers was a useful tool to identify the origin of the pigment used on farm.