985 resultados para Radio communications channel
Questa Tesi aspira a mostrare un codice a livello di pacchetto, che abbia performance molto vicine a quello ottimo, per progetti di comunicazioni Satellitari. L’altro scopo di questa Tesi è quello di capire se rimane ancora molto più difficile maneggiare direttamente gli errori piuttosto che le erasures. Le applicazioni per comunicazioni satellitari ora come ora usano tutte packet erasure coding per codificare e decodificare l’informazione. La struttura dell’erasure decoding è molto semplice, perché abbiamo solamente bisogno di un Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) per realizzarla. Il problema nasce quando abbiamo pacchetti di dimensioni medie o piccole (per esempio più piccole di 100 bits) perché in queste situazioni il costo del CRC risulta essere troppo dispendioso. La soluzione la possiamo trovare utilizzando il Vector Symbol Decoding (VSD) per raggiungere le stesse performance degli erasure codes, ma senza la necessità di usare il CRC. Per prima cosa viene fatta una breve introduzione su come è nata e su come si è evoluta la codifica a livello di pacchetto. In seguito è stato introdotto il canale q-ary Symmetric Channel (qSC), con sia la derivazione della sua capacità che quella del suo Random Coding Bound (RCB). VSD è stato poi proposto con la speranza di superare in prestazioni il Verification Based Decoding (VBD) su il canale qSC. Infine, le effettive performance del VSD sono state stimate via simulazioni numeriche. I possibili miglioramenti delle performance, per quanto riguarda il VBD sono state discusse, come anche le possibili applicazioni future. Inoltre abbiamo anche risposto alla domande se è ancora così tanto più difficile maneggiare gli errori piuttosto che le erasure.
Location-awareness indoors will be an inseparable feature of mobile services/applications in future wireless networks. Its current ubiquitous availability is still obstructed by technological challenges and privacy issues. We propose an innovative approach towards the concept of indoor positioning with main goal to develop a system that is self-learning and able to adapt to various radio propagation environments. The approach combines estimation of propagation conditions, subsequent appropriate channel modelling and optimisation feedback to the used positioning algorithm. Main advantages of the proposal are decreased system set-up effort, automatic re-calibration and increased precision.
The delay caused by the reflected ray in broadband communication has a great influence on the communications in subway tunnel. This paper presents measurements taken in subway tunnels at 2.4 GHz, with 5 MHz bandwidth. According to propagation characteristics of tunnel, the measurements were carried out with a frequency domain channel sounding technique, in three typical scenarios: line of sight (LOS), Non-line-of-sight (NLOS) and far line of sight (FLOS), which lead to different delay distributions. Firstly IFFT was chosen to get channel impulse response (CIR) h(t) from measured three-dimensional transfer functions. Power delay profile (PDP) was investigated to give an overview of broadband channel model. Thereafter, a long delay caused by the obturation of tunnel is observed and investigated in all the scenarios. The measurements show that the reflection can be greatly remained by the tunnel, which leads to long delay cluster where the reflection, but direct ray, makes the main contribution for radio wave propagation. Four important parameters: distribution of whole PDP power, first peak arriving time, reflection cluster duration and PDP power distribution of reflection cluster were studied to give a detailed description of long delay characteristic in tunnel. This can be used to ensure high capacity communication in tunnels
In recent years, spacial agencies have shown a growing interest in optical wireless as an alternative to wired and radio-frequency communications. The use of these techniques for intra-spacecraft communications reduces the effect of take-off acceleration and vibrations on the systems by avoiding the need for rugged connectors and provides a significant mass reduction. Diffuse transmission also eases the design process as terminals can be placed almost anywhere without a tight planification to ensure the proper system behaviour. Previous studies have compared the performance of radio-frequency and infrared optical communications. In an intra-satellite environment optical techniques help reduce EMI related problems, and their main disadvantages - multipath dispersion and the need for line-of-sight - can be neglected due to the reduced cavity size. Channel studies demonstrate that the effect of the channel can be neglected in small environments if data bandwidth is lower than some hundreds of MHz.
Although most of the research on Cognitive Radio is focused on communication bands above the HF upper limit (30 MHz), Cognitive Radio principles can also be applied to HF communications to make use of the extremely scarce spectrum more efficiently. In this work we consider legacy users as primary users since these users transmit without resorting to any smart procedure, and our stations using the HFDVL (HF Data+Voice Link) architecture as secondary users. Our goal is to enhance an efficient use of the HF band by detecting the presence of uncoordinated primary users and avoiding collisions with them while transmitting in different HF channels using our broad-band HF transceiver. A model of the primary user activity dynamics in the HF band is developed in this work to make short-term predictions of the sojourn time of a primary user in the band and avoid collisions. It is based on Hidden Markov Models (HMM) which are a powerful tool for modelling stochastic random processes and are trained with real measurements of the 14 MHz band. By using the proposed HMM based model, the prediction model achieves an average 10.3% prediction error rate with one minute-long channel knowledge but it can be reduced when this knowledge is extended: with the previous 8 min knowledge, an average 5.8% prediction error rate is achieved. These results suggest that the resulting activity model for the HF band could actually be used to predict primary users activity and included in a future HF cognitive radio based station.
Cognitive Radio principles can be applied to HF communications to make a more efficient use of the extremely scarce spectrum. In this contribution we focus on analyzing the usage of the available channels done by the legacy users, which are regarded as primary users since they are allowed to transmit without resorting any smart procedure, and consider the possibilities for our stations -over the HFDVL (HF Data+Voice Link) architecture- to participate as secondary users. Our goal is to enhance an efficient use of the HF band by detecting the presence of uncoordinated primary users and avoiding collisions with them while transmitting in different HF channels using our broad-band HF transceiver. A model of the primary user activity dynamics in the HF band is developed in this work. It is based on Hidden Markov Models (HMM) which are a powerful tool for modelling stochastic random processes, and is trained with real measurements from the 14 MHz band.
Multi-carrier modulations are widely employed in ionospheric communications to mitigate the adverse effects of the HF channel. In this paper we show how performance achieved by these modulations can be further increased by means of CSIbased precoding techniques in the context of our research on interactive digital voice communications. Depending on communication constraints and channel parameters, we will show which of the studied modulations and precoding techniques to select so that to maximise performance.
This paper presents an overview of preliminary results of investigations within the WHERE2 Project on identifying promising avenues for location aided enhancements to wireless communication systems. The wide ranging contributions are organized according to the following targeted systems: cellular networks, mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) and cognitive radio. Location based approaches are found to alleviate significant signaling overhead in various forms of modern communication paradigms that are very information hungry in terms of channel state information at the transmitter(s). And this at a reasonable cost given the ubiquitous availability of location information in recent wireless standards or smart phones. Location tracking furthermore opens the new perspective of slow fading prediction.
"Serial no. 95-117."
Mode of access: Internet.
"3 September 1982."
"July 1982."
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs), based on commodity hardware, present a promising technology for a wide range of applications due to their self-configuring and self-healing capabilities, as well as their low equipment and deployment costs. One of the key challenges that WMN technology faces is the limited capacity and scalability due to co-channel interference, which is typical for multi-hop wireless networks. A simple and relatively low-cost approach to address this problem is the use of multiple wireless network interfaces (radios) per node. Operating the radios on distinct orthogonal channels permits effective use of the frequency spectrum, thereby, reducing interference and contention. In this paper, we evaluate the performance of the multi-radio Ad-hoc On-demand Distance Vector (AODV) routing protocol with a specific focus on hybrid WMNs. Our simulation results show that under high mobility and traffic load conditions, multi-radio AODV offers superior performance as compared to its single-radio counterpart. We believe that multi-radio AODV is a promising candidate for WMNs, which need to service a large number of mobile clients with low latency and high bandwidth requirements.