993 resultados para RUNNING EXERCISE


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Introduction: Chez les mammifères, la naissance de nouveaux neurones se poursuit à l’âge adulte dans deux régions du cerveau: 1) l’hippocampe et 2) la zone sous-ventriculaire du prosencéphale. La neurogenèse adulte n’est pas un processus stable et peut être affectée par divers facteurs tels que l’âge et la maladie. De plus, les modifications de la neurogenèse peuvent être à l’origine des maladies de sorte que la régulation ainsi que le rétablissement de la neurogenèse adulte doivent être considérés comme d’importants objectifs thérapeutiques. Chez la souris saine ou malade, la neurogenèse hippocampale peut être fortement régulée par l’enrichissement environnemental ainsi que par l’activité physique. Cependant, lors même que l’activité physique et l’enrichissement environnemental pourraient contribuer au traitement de certaines maladies, très peu d’études porte sur les mécanismes moléculaires et physiologiques responsables des changements qui sont en lien avec ces stimuli. Objectifs et hypothèses: Les principaux objectifs de cette étude sont de caractériser les effets de stimuli externes sur la neurogenèse et, par le fait même, d’élucider les mécanismes sous-jacents aux changements observés. En utilisant le modèle d’activité physique volontaire sur roue, cette étude teste les deux hypothèses suivantes: tout d’abord 1) qu’une période prolongée d’activité physique peut influencer la neurogenèse adulte dans le prosencéphale et l’hippocampe, et 2) que l’activité volontaire sur roue peut favoriser la neurogenèse à travers des stimuli dépendants ou indépendants de la course. Méthodes: Afin de valider la première hypothèse, nous avons utilisé un paradigme incluant une activité physique volontaire prolongée sur une durée de six semaines, ainsi que des analyses immunohistochimiques permettant de caractériser l’activité de précurseurs neuronaux dans la zone sous-ventriculaire et l’hippocampe. Ensuite, pour valider la seconde hypothèse, nous avons utlisé une version modifiée du paradigme ci-dessous, en plaçant les animaux (souris) soit dans des cages traditionnelles, soit dans des cages munies d’une roue bloquée soit dans des cages munies d’une roue fonctionnelle. Résultats: En accord avec la première hypothèse, l’activité physique prolongée volontaire a augmenté la prolifération des précurseurs neuronaux ainsi que la neurogenèse dans le gyrus dentelé de l’hippocampe comparativement aux animaux témoins, confirmant les résultats d’études antérieures. Par ailleurs, dans ce paradigme, nous avons aussi observé de la prolifération acrue au sein de la zone sous-ventriculaire du prosencéphale. De plus, en accord avec la seconde hypothèse, les souris placées dans une cage à roue bloquée ont montré une augmentation de la prolifération des précurseurs neuronaux dans l’hippocampe comparable à celle observée chez les souris ayant accès à une roue fonctionnelle (coureurs). Cependant, seuls les animaux coureurs ont présenté une augmentation de la neurogenèse hippocampale. Conclusions: Ces résultats nous ont permis de tirer deux conclusions nouvelles concernant les effets de l’activité physique (course) sur la neurogenèse. Premièrement, en plus de la prolifération et de la neurogenèse dans le gyrus dentelé de l’hippocampe, la prolifération dans la zone sous-ventriculaire du prosencéphale peut être augmentée par l’activité physique sur roue. Deuxièmement, l’environnement dans lequel l’activité physique a lieu contient différents stimuli qui peuvent influencer certains aspects de la neurogenèse hippocampale en l’absence d’activité physique sur roue (course).


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Preeclampsia is among the leading causes of perinatal mortality and morbidity, affecting 2-7% of pregnancies. Its incidence increases to 10-25% in already hypertensive women. To date, no treatment, aside from delivery, is known. Interestingly, several studies have reported that exercise training (ExT) can reduce preeclampsia prevalence although the available studies are considered insufficient. Therefore, the aim of this study is to determine the impact of ExT when practiced before and during gestation on pregnancy outcome in a mouse model of preeclampsia superimposed on chronic hypertension (SPE). To do so, mice overexpressing both human angiotensinogen and renin (R+A+) were used because they are hypertensive at baseline and they develop many hallmark features of SPE. Mice were trained by placing them in a cage with access to a running wheel 4 weeks before and during gestation. ExT in this study prevented the rise in blood pressure at term observed in the sedentary transgenic mothers. This may be realized through an increased activity of the angiotensin-(1-7) axis in the aorta. In addition, ExT prevented the increase in albumin/creatinine ratio. Moreover, placental alterations were prevented with training in transgenic mice, leading to improvements in placental and fetal development. Placental mRNA and circulating levels of sFlt-1 were normalized with training. Additionally, the increase in angiotensin II type I receptor and the decrease in Mas receptor protein were reversed with training. ExT appears to prevent many SPE-like features that develop in this animal model and may be of use in the prevention of preeclampsia in women.


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Aging leads to changes in cardiac structure and function. Evidence suggests that the practice of regular exercise may prevent disturbances in the cardiovascular system during aging. We studied the effects of aging on the morphology and morphometry of cardiac neurons in Wistar rats and investigated whether a lifelong moderate exercise program could exert a protective effect toward some deleterious effects of aging. Aging caused a significant decline (28%) in the number of NADH-diaphorase-stained cardiac Animals submitted to a daily session of 60 min, 5 day/week, at 1.1 km/h of running in treadmill over the entire life span exhibited a reversion of the observed decline in the number of cardiac neurons. However, most interesting was that the introduction of this lifelong exercise protocol dramatically altered the sizes of cardiac neurons. There was a notable increase in the percentage of small neurons in the rats of the exercise group compared to the sedentary animals. This is the first time that a protective effect of lifelong regular aerobic exercise has been demonstrated on the deleterious effects of aging in cardiac neurons. (C) 2009 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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The practice of regular exercise is indicated to prevent some motility disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract, such as constipation, during aging. The motility alterations are intimately linked with its innervations. The goal of this study is to determine whether a program of exercise (running on the treadmill), during 6 months, has effects in the myenteric neurons (NADH- and NADPH-diaphorase stained neurons) in the colon of rats during aging. Male Wister rats 6 months (adult) and 12 months (middle-aged) old were divided into 3 different groups: AS (adult sedentary), MS (middle-aged sedentary) and MT (middle-aged submitted to physical activity). The aging did not cause a decline significant (p > 0.05) of the number of NADH-diaphorase stained neurons in sedentary rats (AS vs. MS group). In contrast, a decline of 3 1% was observed to NADPH-diaphorase stained neurons. Thus, animals that underwent physical activity (AS vs. MT group) rescued neurons from degeneration caused by aging (total number, density and profile of neurons did not change with age - NADH-diaphorase method). On the other hand, physical activity augmented the decline of NADPH-diaphorase positive neurons (total number, density and profile of neurons decreased). Collectively, the results show that exercise inhibits age-related decline of myenteric neurons however, exercise augments the decline of neurons with inhibitory activity (nitric oxide) in the colon of the rats. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The effects of exercise training on systolic blood pressure (BP), insulin sensitivity, and plasma membrane GLUT4 protein content in spontaneously hypertensive (SHR) and normotensive Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) rats were compared. 16 SHR and 16 WKY male rats, aged 6 months, were randomized into sedentary and trained (tread-mill running, 5 days/week, 60 min/day for 10 weeks) groups (n = 8/group). At baseline, SHR had lower insulin sensitivity than WKY rats, however, there were no differences between WKY and SHR GLUT4 expression. The 10-week training reduced BP by similar to 19% in SHR, improved insulin sensitivity by similar to 24% in SHR, but not in WKY, and increased GLUT4 expression in both animal models. Compared to the sedentary group, there was an increase of GLUT4 in WKY rats by similar to 25% in the heart, by similar to 23% in the gastrocnemius, and by similar to 15% in the fat tissue. Trained SHR presented an increase in GLUT4 of similar to 21%, similar to 20%, and similar to 14%, in the same tissues, respectively. There were no differences between SHR and WKY rats in post-training GLUT4 expression. We conclude that training determined BP and insulin resistance reduction in SHR, and increased GLUT4 expression in both normotensive and hypertensive rats. However, considering the similar rise in GLUT4-induced training in SHR and WKY, it is possible that GLUT4 levels in plasma membrane fraction do not have a pivotal role in the exercise-induced improvement of insulin sensitivity in SHR.


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Background: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of exhaustive exercise on proteins associated with muscle damage and regeneration, including IL-2, IL-4 and MyoD, in extensor digitorum longus (EDL) and soleus muscles and mesenteric (MEAT) and retroperitoneal adipose tissues (RPAT). Methods: Rats were killed by decapitation immediately (E0 group, n = 6), 2 (E2 group, n = 6) or 6 (E6 group, n = 6) hours after the exhaustion protocol, which consisted of running on a treadmill at approximately 70% of VO(2max) for fifty minutes and then at an elevated rate that increased at one m/min every minute, until exhaustion. Results: The control group (C group, n = 6) was not subjected to exercise. IL-2 protein expression increased at E0 in the soleus and EDL; at E2, this cytokine returned to control levels in both tissues. In the soleus, IL-2 protein expression was lower than that in the control at E6. IL-4 protein levels increased in EDL at E6, but the opposite result was observed in the soleus. MyoD expression increased at E6 in EDL. Conclusion: Exhaustive exercise was unable to modify IL-2 and IL-4 levels in MEAT and RPAT. The results show that exhaustive exercise has different effects depending on which muscle is analysed.


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Cytokines (IL-6, IL-10, and TNF-alpha) are increased after exhaustive exercise in the retroperitoneal adipose tissue (RPAT) and mesenteric adipose tissue (MEAT). An exhaustive acute exercise protocol induces inflammation in adipose tissue that lasts 6 h after the exercise has ended. It is well-established that this protocol increases circulating plasma levels of non-esterified fatty acids (NEFAs) and lipopolysaccharides (LPS), compounds that are important in stimulating signaling via toll like receptor-4 (TLR-4) in different type cells. In the present study, we investigated the regulation of TLR-4 and DNA-binding of nuclear factor-kappa Bp65 (NF-kappa Bp65) in different depots of adipose tissue in rats after exhaustive exercise. Rats were killed by decapitation immediately (E0 group, n = 6), 2 (E2 group, n = 6), and 6 h (E6 group, n = 6) after the exhaustive exercise, which consisted of running on a treadmill (approximately 70% V(O2max)) for 50 min and then running at an elevated rate that increased at 1 m/min, until exhaustion. The control group (C group, n = 6) was not subjected to exercise. In RPAT, TLR-4, MYD-88, and IkB alpha increased in the E2 group after exercise. MYD-88 and TRAF6 remained increased in the E6 group in comparison with the control group. DNA-binding of NF-kappa Bp65 was not altered. In MEAT, TLR-4, MYD-88, TRAF6, and DNA-binding of NF-kappa Bp65 were increased only in the E6 group. In conclusion, we have shown that increases in pro-inflammatory cytokines in adipose tissue pads after exhaustive exercise may be mediated via TLR-4 signaling, leading to increases in NF-kappa Bp65 binding to DNA in MEAT. J. Cell. Physiol. 226: 1604-1607, 2011. (C) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Microsomal triglyceride transfer protein (MTP) is a protein that exerts a central regulatory role in very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) assembly and secretion. The purpose of the study was to investigate the effects of all exercise-training program oil hepatic content of MTP and its relation to hepatic VLDL-triglyceride (VLDL-TG) production in response to lipid infusion. Female rats either fed a standard (SD) or all obesity-induced high-fat (HF; 43% as energy) diet for 8 weeks were Subdivided into sedentary (Sed) and trained (Tr) groups. Exercise training consisted Of Continuous running on a motor-driven rodent treadmill 5 times/week for 8 weeks. At the end of this period, all rats in the fasted state were intravenously infused with a 20% Solution of intralipid for 3 h followed by all injection of Triton WR1339 to block lipoprotein lipase. An additional control grout) consisting of Sed rats fed the SD diet was infused with saline (0.9% NaCl). Plasma TG accumulation was thereafter measured during 90 min to estimate VLDL-TG production. Under HF diet, hepatic MTP content and plasma TG accumulation after Triton blockade (thus reflecting VLDL-TG synthesis and secretion) were not changed in Sed rats, whereas liver TG content was highly increased (similar to 90%; p<0.01). Oil the other hand, training reduced liver MTP protein content in both SD(-18%) and HF(-23%) fed rats(p<0.05). Plasma VLDL-TG accumulation was also lower (p<0.05) in Tr than in Sed rats fed the HF diet. This effect was not observed in SD fed rats. Furthermore, the exercise training-induced decrease in VLDL-TG production in HF rats was associated with a decrease in liver TG levels. It is Concluded that in addition to a reduction in liver TG content, exercise training reduces VLDL synthesis and/or secretion in HF fed rats probably via MTP regulation.


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Voluntary physical activity improves memory and learning ability in rodents, whereas status epilepticus has been associated with memory impairment. Physical activity and seizures have been associated with enhanced hippocampal expression of BDNF, indicating that this protein may have a dual role in epilepsy. The influence of voluntary physical activity on memory and BDNF expression has been poorly studied in experimental models of epilepsy. In this paper, we have investigated the effect of voluntary physical activity on memory and BDNF expression in mice with pilocarpine-incluced epilepsy. Male Swiss mice were assigned to four experimental groups: pilocarpine sedentary (PS), pilocarpine runners (PRs), saline sedentary (SS) and saline runners (SRs). Two days after pilocarpine-induced status epilepticus, the affected mice (PR) and their running controls (SR) were housed with access to a running wheel for 28 days. After that, the spatial memory and the expression of the precursor and mature forms of hippocampal BDNF were assessed. PR mice performed better than PS mice in the water maze test. In addition, PR mice had a higher amount of mature BDNF (14 kDa) relative to the total BDNF (14 kDa + 28 kDa + 32 kDa forms) content when compared with PS mice. These results show that voluntary physical activity improved the spatial memory and increased the hippocampal content of mature BDNF of mice with pilocarpine-induced status epilepticus. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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It is well known that exhaustive exercise increases serum and skeletal muscle IL-6 concentrations. However, the effect of exhaustive exercise on the concentrations of other cytokines in the muscle and in the adipose tissue is controversial. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of exhaustive exercise on mRNA and protein expression of IL-10, TNF-alpha and IL-6 in different types of skeletal muscle (EDL, soleus) and in two different depots of white adipose tissue (mesenteric-MEAT and retroperitoneal-RPAT). Rats were killed by decapitation immediately (E0 group, n = 6), 2 (E2 group, n = 6) and 6 (E6 group, n = 6) hours after the exhaustion protocol, which consisted of running on a treadmill (approximately 70% VO(2max) for 50 min and then subsequently at an elevated rate that increased at 1 m/min every minute, until exhaustion). The control group (C group, n = 6) was not subjected to exercise. Cytokine protein expression increased in EDL, soleus, MEAT and RPAT from all exercised groups, as detected by ELISA. EDL IL-10 and TNF-alpha expression was higher than that of the soleus. The IL-10/TNF-alpha ratio was increased in the skeletal muscle, especially in EDL, but it was found to be decreased in the adipose tissue. These results show that exhaustive exercise presents a different effect depending on the tissue which is analysed: in the muscle, it induces an anti-inflammatory effect, especially in type 2 fibres, while the pro-inflammatory effect prevails in adipose tissue, possibly contributing to increased lipolysis to provide energy for the exercising muscle.


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It has been proposed that mitochondrial uncoupling protein 3 (UCP3) behaves as an uncoupler of oxidative phosphorylation. In a cross-sectional study, UCP3 protein levels were found to be lower in all fibre types of endurance-trained cyclists as compared to healthy controls. This decrease was greatest in the type I oxidative fibres, and it was hypothesised that this may be due to the preferential recruitment of these fibres during endurance training. To test this hypothesis, we compared the effects of 6 weeks of endurance (ETr) and sprint (STr) running training on UCP3 mRNA expression and fibre-type protein content using real-time PCR and immunofluorescence techniques, respectively. UCP3 mRNA and protein levels were downregulated similarly in ETr and STr (UCP3 mRNA: by 65 and 50 %, respectively; protein: by 30 and 27 %, respectively). ETr significantly reduced UCP3 protein content in type I, IIa and IIx muscle fibres by 54, 29 and 16 %, respectively. STr significantly reduced UCP3 protein content in type I, IIa and IIx muscle fibres by 24, 31 and 26 %, respectively. The fibre-type reductions in UCP3 due to ETr, but not STr, were significantly different from each other, with the effect being greater in type I than in type IIa, and in type IIa than in type IIx fibres. As a result, compared to STr, ETr reduced UCP3 expression significantly more in fibre type I and significantly less in fibre types IIx. This suggests that the more a fibre is recruited, the more it adapts to training by a decrease in its UCP3 expression. In addition, the more a fibre type depends on fatty acid beta oxidation and oxidative phosphorylation, the more it responds to ETr by a decrease in its UCP3 content.


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The effects of carbohydrate or water ingestion on metabolism were investigated in seven male subjects during two running and two cycling trials lasting 60 min at individual lactate threshold using indirect calorimetry, U-14C-labeled tracer-derived measures of the rates of oxidation of plasma glucose, and direct determination of mixed muscle glycogen content from the vastus lateralis before and after exercise. Subjects ingested 8 ml/kg body mass of either a 6.4% carbohydrate-electrolyte solution (CHO) or water 10 min before exercise and an additional 2 ml/kg body mass of the same fluid after 20 and 40 min of exercise. Plasma glucose oxidation was greater with CHO than with water during both running (65 ± 20 vs. 42 ± 16 g/h; P < 0.01) and cycling (57 ± 16 vs. 35 ± 12 g/h; P < 0.01). Accordingly, the contribution from plasma glucose oxidation to total carbohydrate oxidation was greater during both running (33 ± 4 vs. 23 ± 3%; P < 0.01) and cycling (36 ± 5 vs. 22 ± 3%; P < 0.01) with CHO ingestion. However, muscle glycogen utilization was not reduced by the ingestion of CHO compared with water during either running (112 ± 32 vs. 141 ± 34 mmol/kg dry mass) or cycling (227 ± 36 vs. 216 ± 39 mmol/kg dry mass). We conclude that, compared with water, 1) the ingestion of carbohydrate during running and cycling enhanced the contribution of plasma glucose oxidation to total carbohydrate oxidation but 2) did not attenuate mixed muscle glycogen utilization during 1 h of continuous submaximal exercise at individual lactate threshold.


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We determined the interaction of exercise and diet on glucose transporter (GLUT-4) protein and mRNA expression in type I (soleus) and type II [extensor digitorum longus (EDL)] skeletal muscle. Forty-eight Sprague Dawley rats were randomly assigned to one of two dietary conditions: high-fat (FAT, n =24) or high-carbohydrate (CHO, n =24). Animals in each dietary condition were allocated to one of two groups: control (NT, n =8) or a group that performed 8 weeks of treadmill running (4 sessions week<sup>–1</sup> of 1000 m @ 28 m min<sup>–1</sup> , RUN, n =16). Eight trained rats were killed after their final exercise bout for determination of GLUT-4 protein and mRNA expression: the remainder were killed 48 h after their last session for measurement of muscle glycogen and triacylglycerol concentration. GLUT-4 protein expression in NT rats was similar in both muscles after 8 weeks of either diet. However, there was a main effect of training such that GLUT-4 protein was increased in the soleus of rats fed with either diet (P < 0.05) and in the EDL in animals fed with CHO (P < 0.05). There was a significant diet–training interaction on GLUT-4 mRNA, such that expression was increased in both the soleus (100% ↑P < 0.05) and EDL (142% ↑P < 0.01) in CHO-fed animals. Trained rats fed with FAT decreased mRNA expression in the EDL (↓ 45%, P < 0.05) but not the soleus (↓ 14%, NS). We conclude that exercise training in CHO-fed rats increased both GLUT-4 protein and mRNA expression in type I and type II skeletal muscle. Despite lower GLUT-4 mRNA in muscles from fat-fed animals, exercise-induced increases in GLUT-4 protein were largely preserved, suggesting that control of GLUT-4 protein and gene expression are modified independently by exercise and diet.


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Purpose: The purpose of the present study was to profile the aerobic and anaerobic energy system contribution during high-speed treadmill exercise that simulated 200-, 400-, 800-, and 1500-m track running events.

Methods: Twenty highly trained athletes (Australian National Standard) participated in the study, specializing in either the 200-m (N = 3), 400-m (N = 6), 800-m (N = 5), or 1500-m (N = 6) event (mean O2 peak [mL·kg-1·min-1] ± SD = 56 ± 2, 59 ± 1, 67 ± 1, and 72 ± 2, respectively). The relative aerobic and anaerobic energy system contribution was calculated using the accumulated oxygen deficit (AOD) method.

Results: The relative contribution of the aerobic energy system to the 200-, 400-, 800-, and 1500-m events was 29 ± 4, 43 ± 1, 66 ± 2, and 84 ± 1% ± SD, respectively. The size of the AOD increased with event duration during the 200-, 400-, and 800-m events (30.4 ± 2.3, 41.3 ± 1.0, and 48.1 ± 4.5 mL·kg-1, respectively), but no further increase was seen in the 1500-m event (47.1 ± 3.8 mL·kg-1). The crossover to predominantly aerobic energy system supply occurred between 15 and 30 s for the 400-, 800-, and 1500-m events.

Conclusions: These results suggest that the relative contribution of the aerobic energy system during track running events is considerable and greater than traditionally thought.