132 resultados para RSM
The final contents of total and individual trans-fatty acids of sunflower oil, produced during the deacidification step of physical refining were obtained using a computational simulation program that considered cis-trans isomerization reaction features for oleic, linoleic, and linolenic acids attached to the glycerol part of triacylglycerols. The impact of process variables, such as temperature and liquid flow rate, and of equipment configuration parameters, such as liquid height, diameter, and number of stages, that influence the retention time of the oil in the equipment was analyzed using the response-surface methodology (RSM). The computational simulation and the RSM results were used in two different optimization methods, aiming to minimize final levels of total and individual trans-fatty acids (trans-FA), while keeping neutral oil loss and final oil acidity at low values. The main goal of this work was to indicate that computational simulation, based on a careful modeling of the reaction system, combined with optimization could be an important tool for indicating better processing conditions in industrial physical refining plants of vegetable oils, concerning trans-FA formation.
Optimization of photo-Fenton degradation of copper phthalocyanine blue was achieved by response surface methodology (RSM) constructed with the aid of a sequential injection analysis (SIA) system coupled to a homemade photo-reactor. Highest degradation percentage was obtained at the following conditions [H(2)O(2)]/[phthalocyanine] = 7, [H(2)O(2)]/[FeSO(4)] = 10, pH = 2.5, and stopped flow time in the photo reactor = 30 s. The SIA system was designed to prepare a monosegment containing the reagents and sample, to pump it toward the photo-reactor for the specified time and send the products to a flow-through spectrophotometer for monitoring the color reduction of the dye. Changes in parameters such as reagent molar ratios. residence time and pH were made by modifications in the software commanding the SI system, without the need for physical reconfiguration of reagents around the selection valve. The proposed procedure and system fed the statistical program with degradation data for fast construction of response surface plots. After optimization, 97% of the dye was degraded. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Trypanosomes are flagellated protozoa responsible for serious parasitic diseases that have been classified by the World Health Organization as tropical sicknesses of major importance. One important drug target receiving considerable attention is the enzyme glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase from the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi, the causative agent of Chagas disease (T. cruzi Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (TcGAPDH); EC TcGAPDH is a key enzyme in the glycolytic pathway of T. cruzi and catalyzes the oxidative phosphorylation of D-glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate (G3P) to 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate (1,3-BPG) coupled to the reduction of oxidized nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, (NAD(+)) to NADH, the reduced form. Herein, we describe the cloning of the T. cruzi gene for TcGAPDH into the pET-28a(+) vector, its expression as a tagged protein in Escherichia coli, purification and kinetic characterization. The His(6)-tagged TcGAPDH was purified by affinity chromatography. Enzyme activity assays for the recombinant His(6)-TcGAPDH were carried out spectrophotometrically to determine the kinetic parameters. The apparent Michaelis-Menten constant (K(M)(app)) determined for D-glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate and NAD(+) were 352 +/- 21 and 272 +/- 25 mu M, respectively, which were consistent with the values for the untagged enzyme reported in the literature. We have demonstrated by the use of Isothermal Titration Calorimetry (ITC) that this vector modification resulted in activity preserved for a higher period. We also report here the use of response surface methodology (RSM) to determine the region of optimal conditions for enzyme activity. A quadratic model was developed by RSM to describe the enzyme activity in terms of pH and temperature as independent variables. According to the RMS contour plots and variance analysis, the maximum enzyme activity was at 29.1 degrees C and pH 8.6. Above 37 degrees C, the enzyme activity starts to fall, which may be related to previous reports that the quaternary structure begins a process of disassembly. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Studien föranleds av den nya konkurrenslagstiftningen som påverkar gränsdragningen mellan privat och offentligt engagemang inom turismen. I studien görs ett försök att förstå den historiska utvecklingen utifrån institutionell teori. Att över tid följa hur turismen från att ha legat utanför samhällets intressesfär till att i allt högre grad inkluderas i och bli föremål för samhällsåtaganden till att i betydande utsträckning åter överflyttas till den privata sfären blir enligt författarnas mening begripligare om förändringsförloppet förstås i den referensram som den institutionella teorin erbjuder. Den pendelrörelse som på detta sätt kan urskiljas beträffande gränsdragningen mellan privat och offentligt är också en del i hur man skall förstå hur synen på konkurrensbetingelser inte är statisk utan i hög grad konstruerad och framförhandlad från tid till annan. Men det som gälller tid tycks också ha en geografisk dimension där vad som anses tillåtet i en del av landet inte uppfattas så på ett annat ställe. Det som uppfattas som ett juridiskt spörsmål i förstone vilar i realiteten i en komplex kontext med ingredienser av historia, ekonomi och geografi.
Esse trabalho tem por objetivo geral o desenvolvimento de uma metodologia de modelagem numérica que represente o escoamento e o fenômeno de mistura em um modelo físico de panela de aciaria de base elíptica. Os objetivos específicos do trabalho são: o estudo dos coeficientes das forças de interação líquido-bolha, dos modelos de turbulência e da mudança do formato da base da panela de circular para elíptica. O escoamento e o fenômeno de mistura foram calculados através do método de Volume Finitos baseado em Elementos por meio do software CFX5.7 da Ansys. Dados da literatura e ensaios em modelo físico, realizados em laboratório, auxiliaram na validação dos modelos numéricos. O estudo dos coeficientes das forças de não-arrasto mostrou que os resultados da distribuição de ar ao longo da altura do banho mudam com a variação dos coeficientes. No final, coeficientes para 3 configurações de panelas em diferentes vazões de ar foram encontrados. Com relação ao estudo dos modelos de turbulência, observou-se que para a solução do escoamento e do fenômeno de mistura em uma panela de base circular, o k-ε é o modelo de turbulência mais indicado. Por outro lado, para uma panela de base elíptica, o modelo RSM mostrou-se o mais adequado. Finalmente, com relação ao estudo da mudança do formato da base da panela, observou-se que os tempos de mistura de uma panela de base elíptica são maiores que uma de base circular e aumentam à medida que a vazão de ar diminui.
In this work, ceramic powders belonging to the system Nd2-xSrxNiO4 (x = 0, 0.4, 0.8, 1.2 and 1.6) were synthesized for their use as catalysts to syngas production partial. It was used a synthesis route, relatively new, which makes use of gelatin as organic precursor. The powders were analyzed at several temperatures in order to obtain the perovskite phase and characterized by several techniques such as thermal analysis, X-rays diffraction, Rietveld refinement method, specific surface area, scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive spectroscopy of X-rays and temperature programmed reduction. The results obtained using these techniques confirmed the feasibility of the synthesis method employed to obtain nanosized particles. The powders were tested in differential catalytic conditions for dry reforming of methane (DRM) and partial oxidation of methane (POM), then, some systems were chosen for catalytic integrals test for (POM) indicating that the system Nd2-xSrxNiO4 for x = 0, 0.4 and 1.2 calcined at 900 °C exhibit catalytic activity on the investigated experimental conditions in this work without showing signs of deactivation
Sugar esters are substances which possess surfactant, antifungical and bactericidal actions and can be obtained through two renewable sources of raw materials: sugars and vegetable oils. Their excellent biodegradability, allied to lhe fact that they are non toxic, insipid, inodorous, biocompatible, no-ionic, digestible and because they can resist to adverse conditions of temperature, pH and salinity, explain lhe crescent use of these substances in several sections of lhe industry. The objective of this thesis was to synthesize and characterize surfactants and polymers containing sugar branched in their structures, through enzymatic transesterification of vinyl esters and sugars, using alkaline protease from Bacillus subtilis as catalyst, in organic medium (DMF).Three types of sugars were used: L-arabinose, D-glucose and sucrose and two types of vinyl esters: vinyl laurate and vinyl adipate. Aiming to reach high conversions from substrates to products for a possible future large scale industrial production, a serie of variables was optimized, through Design of Experiments (DOE), using Response Surface Methodology (RSM).The investigated variables were: (1) enzyme concentration; (2) molar reason of substrates; (3) water/solvent rale; (4) temperature and (5) time. We obtained six distinct sugar esters: 5-0-lauroyl L-arabinose, 6-0-lauroyl D-glucose, 1'-O-lauroyl sucrose, 5-0-vinyladipoyl L-arabinose, 6-0-vinyladipoyl D-glucose and 1 '-O-vinyladipoyl sucrose, being lhe last three polymerizable. The progress of lhe reaction was monitored by HPLC analysis, through lhe decrease of sugar concentration in comparison to lhe blank. Qualitative analysis by TLC confirmed lhe formation of lhe products. In lhe purification step, two methodologies were adopted: (1) chromatographic column and (2) extraction with hot acetone. The acylation position and lhe chemical structure were determined by 13C-RMN. The polymerization of lhe three vinyl sugar esters was possible, through chemical catalysis, using H2O2 and K2S2O8 as initiators, at 60°C, for 24 hours. IR spectra of lhe monomers and respective polymers were compared revealing lhe disappearance of lhe vinyl group in lhe polymer spectra. The molar weights of lhe polymers were determined by GPC and presented lhe following results: poly (5-0-vinyladipoyl L-arabinose): Mw = 7.2 X 104; PD = 2.48; poly (6-0-vinyladipoyl D-glucose): Mw = 2.7 X 103; PD = 1.75 and poly (1'-O-vinyladipoyl sucrose): Mw = 4.2 X 104; PD = 6.57. The six sugar esters were submitted to superficial tension tests for determination of the critical micelle concentrations (CMC), which varied from 122 to 167 ppm. Finally, a study of applicability of these sugar esters, as lubricants for completion fluids of petroleum wells was' accomplished through comparative analysis of lhe efficiency of these sugar esters, in relation to three commercial lubricants. The products synthesized in this thesis presented equivalent or superior action to lhe tested commercial products
The extracellular glycerol kinase gene from Saccharomyces cerevisiae (GUT]) was cloned into the expression vector pPICZ alpha. A and integrated into the genome of the methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris X-33. The presence of the GUT1 insert was confirmed by PCR analysis. Four clones were selected and the functionality of the recombinant enzyme was assayed. Among the tested clones, one exhibited glycerol kinase activity of 0.32 U/mL, with specific activity of 0.025 U/mg of protein. A medium optimized for maximum biomass production by recombinant Pichia pastoris in shaker cultures was initially explored, using 2.31 % (by volume) glycerol as the carbon source. Optimization was carried out by response surface methodology (RSM). In preliminary experiments, following a Plackett-Burman design, glycerol volume fraction (phi(Gly)) and growth time (t) were selected as the most important factors in biomass production. Therefore, subsequent experiments, carried out to optimize biomass production, followed a central composite rotatable design as a function of phi(Gly) and time. Glycerol volume fraction proved to have a significant positive linear effect on biomass production. Also, time was a significant factor (at linear positive and quadratic levels) in biomass production. Experimental data were well fitted by a convex surface representing a second order polynomial model, in which biomass is a function of both factors (R(2)=0.946). Yield and specific activity of glycerol kinase were mainly affected by the additions of glycerol and methanol to the medium. The optimized medium composition for enzyme production was: 1 % yeast extract, 1 % peptone, 100 mM potassium phosphate buffer, pH=6.0, 1.34 % yeast nitrogen base (YNB), 4.10(-5) % biotin, 1 %, methanol and 1 %, glycerol, reaching 0.89 U/mL of glycerol kinase activity and 14.55 g/L of total protein in the medium after 48 h of growth.
Biotechnological conversion of biomass into fuels and chemicals requires hydrolysis of the polysaccharide fraction into monomeric sugars. Hydrolysis can be performed enzymatically and with dilute or concentrate mineral acids. The present study used dilute sulfuric acid as a catalyst for hydrolysis of Eucalyptus grandis residue. The purpose of this paper was to optimize the hydrolysis process in a 1.41 pilot-scale reactor and investigate the effects of the acid concentration, temperature and residue/acid solution ratio on the hemicellulose removal and consequently on the production of sugars (xylose, glucose and arabinose) as well as on the formation of by-products (furfural, 5-hydroxymethylfurfural and acetic acid). This study was based on a model composition corresponding to a 2 3 orthogonal factorial design and employed the response surface methodology (RSM) to optimize the hydrolysis conditions, aiming to attain maximum xylose extraction from hemicellulose of residue. The considered optimum conditions were: H2SO4 concentration of 0.65%, temperature of 157 degrees C and residue/acid solution ratio of 1/8.6 with a reaction time of 20 min. Under these conditions, 79.6% of the total xylose was removed and the hydrolysate contained 1.65 g/l glucose, 13.65 g/l xylose, 1.55 g/l arabinose, 3.10 g/l acetic acid, 1.23 g/l furfural and 0.20 g/l 5-hydroxymethylfurfural. (c) 2006 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
The clay swelling is today one of the major problems during the well drilling. Nearly 50% of clays that constitute shale expand easily in the presence of water molecules. During the drilling of a geological formation containing swelling clays, when is feasible the use of water base fluids, it is necessary to apply clay inhibitors. This avoids the incorporation of the cutting to the drilling fluid which is responsible for the wall swelling and crumbling. The aim of this work was to evaluate the synergistic behavior that occurs when swelling clay inhibitors are associated to NaCl and KCl salts. Three swelling clay inhibitors samples, INIB A, INIB B and INIB C, were analyzed. Each inhibitor was characterized by the amount of chlorides and active matter content. For the water-clay interaction evaluation in the presence of various fluids, it was used the Capillary Suction Timer (CST, Fann) and Linear Swell Meter (LSM 2000, Fann). For better interpretation of results, a Design of Experiments (DOE, Umetrics MODDE 7.0 TM) through Result Surface Methodology (RSM) was employed, taking into account the type, the swelling inhibitors concentration and the contact time with the clay. The results showed different efficiencies among the inhibitors employed, and the salt-inhibitors mixtures were more efficient than those products alone. However, for field operation, other parameters should be taking into account, as operational cost, environmental requests and time of application for each product
Objectives: To evaluate the influence of different protocols for resin cement removal during cementation on biofilm formation.Methods: Twenty-eight ceramic blocks, which were injected under pressure, were placed over enamel blocks obtained from freshly extracted bovine incisors. The ceramic blocks were cemented to the enamel blocks using a dual-cured resin cement and the excess resin was removed according to the experimental group: TS: Teflon spatula; BR: brush; BR+: brush and polishing; SB+: scalpel blade and polishing. After autoclaving, the samples were colonised by incubation in a sucrose broth suspension standardised with Streptococcus mutans in microaerophilic stove. Specimens were quantitatively analysed for bacterial adherence at the adhesive interface using confocal laser scanning microscopy and counting the colony forming units, and qualitatively analysed using SEM. The roughness (Ra/Rz/RSm) was also analysed. Data were analysed by 1-way ANOVA and Tukey's test (5%).Results: The roughness values ranged from 0.96 to 1.69 mu m for Ra (p > 0.05), from 11.59 to 22.80 mu m for Rz (p = 0.02 < 0.05) and from 293.2 to 534.3 mu m for RSm (p = 0.00). Bacterial adhesion varied between 1,974,000 and 2,814,000 CFU/ml (p = 0.00). Biofilm mean thickness ranged from 0.477 and 0.556 mu m (p > 0.05), whilst the biovolume values were between 0.388 and 0.547 mu m(3)/mu m(2) (p = 0.04). Lower values for roughness, bacterial adhesion, biofilm thickness and biovolume were found with BR, whilst TS presented the highest values for most of the parameters. SEM images confirmed the quantitative values.Conclusions: The restoration margin morphology and interface roughness affects bacterial accumulation. The brush technique promoted less bacterial colonisation at the adhesive interface than did the other removal methods.Clinical significance: The brush technique seems to be a good option for removing the excess resin cement after adhesive cementation in clinical practice, as indicated by its better results with lower bacterial colonisation. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The J/psipi --> (D) over barD*, D (D) over bar*, (D) over bar *D* and (D) over barD cross sections as a function of roots are evaluated in a QCD sum rule calculation. We study the Borel sum rule for the four point function involving pseudoscalar and vector meson currents, up to dimension four in the operator product expansion. We find that our results are smaller than the J/psipi --> charmed mesons cross sections obtained with models based on meson exchange, but are close to those obtained with quark exchange models. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
The QCD Sum Rules have been used to evaluate the form factor in the vertex KK*pi. The method of QCD Sum Rules is based on the duality principle in which it is assumed that the hadrons can simultaneously be described in two levels: quarks and hadrons. This work showed that the, axial current, used to describe the meson K is not appropriated to study the form factor.
We consider a Coulomb gauge quark model which includes an explicit construct for a nontrivial vacuum structure in QCD. The dynamics is described by a Hamiltonain that contains a linearly rising confining potential and longitudinal and transverse Coulomb-type interactions. The Coulomb potential gives rise to ultraviolate divergences which are non-perturbatively renormalized by adding appropriate counter terms to the Hamiltonian. The equation of state for u and d quark matter at zero temperature is derived in the Hartree-Fock approximation.
Nonlinear effects on the early stage of phase ordering are studied using Adomian's decomposition method for the Ginzburg-Landau equation for a nonconserved order parameter. While the long-time regime and the linear behavior at short times of the theory are well understood, the onset of nonlinearities at short times and the breaking of the linear theory at different length scales are less understood. In the Adomians decomposition method, the solution is systematically calculated in the form of a polynomial expansion for the order parameter, with a time dependence given as a series expansion. The method is very accurate for short times, which allows to incorporate the short-time dynamics of the nonlinear terms in a analytical and controllable way. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.