996 resultados para RHO-FAMILY GTPASES


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The effect of neoplastic transformation on the response to genotoxic stress is of significant clinical interest. In this study, we offer genetic evidence that the apoptotic response of neoplastically transformed cells to DNA damage requires RhoB, a member of the Rho family of actin cytoskeletal regulators. Targeted deletion of the rhoB gene did not affect cell cycle arrest in either normal or transformed cells after exposure to doxorubicin or gamma irradiation, but rendered transformed cells resistant to apoptosis. This effect was specific insofar as rhoB deletion did not affect apoptotic susceptibility to agents that do not damage DNA. However, rhoB deletion also affected apoptotic susceptibility to Taxol, an agent that disrupts microtubule dynamics. We have demonstrated that RhoB alteration mediates the proapoptotic and antineoplastic effects of farnesyltransferase inhibitors, and we show here that RhoB alteration is also crucial for farnesyltransferase inhibitors to sensitize neoplastic cells to DNA damage-induced cell death. We found RhoB to be an important determinant of long-term survival in vitro and tumor response in vivo after gamma irradiation. Our findings identify a pivotal role for RhoB in the apoptotic response of neoplastic cells to DNA damage at a novel regulatory point that may involve the actin cytoskeleton.


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We have cloned a fusion partner of the MLL gene at 11q23 and identified it as the gene encoding the human formin-binding protein 17, FBP17. It maps to chromosome 9q34 centromeric to ABL. The gene fusion results from a complex chromosome rearrangement that was resolved by fluorescence in situ hybridization with various probes on chromosomes 9 and 11 as an ins(11;9)(q23;q34)inv(11)(q13q23). The rearrangement resulted in a 5′-MLL/FBP17-3′ fusion mRNA. We retrovirally transduced murine-myeloid progenitor cells with MLL/FBP17 to test its transforming ability. In contrast to MLL/ENL, MLL/ELL and other MLL-fusion genes, MLL/FBP17 did not give a positive readout in a serial replating assay. Therefore, we assume that additional cooperating genetic abnormalities might be needed to establish a full malignant phenotype. FBP17 consists of a C-terminal Src homology 3 domain and an N-terminal region that is homologous to the cell division cycle protein, cdc15, a regulator of the actin cytoskeleton in Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Both domains are separated by a consensus Rho-binding motif that has been identified in different Rho-interaction partners such as Rhotekin and Rhophilin. We evaluated whether FBP17 and members of the Rho family interact in vivo with a yeast two-hybrid assay. None of the various Rho proteins tested, however, interacted with FBP17. We screened a human kidney library and identified a sorting nexin, SNX2, as a protein interaction partner of FBP17. These data provide a link between the epidermal growth factor receptor pathway and an MLL fusion protein.


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RAS2val19, a dominant activated form of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Ras2, stimulates both filamentous growth and expression of a transcriptional reporter FG(TyA)::lacZ but does not induce the mating pathway reporter FUS1::lacZ. This induction depends upon elements of the conserved mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway that is required for both filamentous growth and mating, two distinct morphogenetic events. Full induction requires Ste20 (homolog of mammalian p65PAK protein kinases), Ste11 [an MEK kinase (MEKK) or MAPK kinase (MEK) kinase], Ste7 (MEK or MAPK kinase), and the transcription factor Ste12. Moreover, the Rho family protein Cdc42, a conserved morphogenetic G protein, is also a potent regulator of filamentous growth and FG(TyA)::lacZ expression in S. cerevisiae. Stimulation of both filamentous growth and FG(TyA)::lacZ by Cdc42 depends upon Ste20. In addition, dominant negative CDC42Ala118 blocks RAS2val19 activation, placing Cdc42 downstream of Ras2. Our results suggest that filamentous growth in budding yeast is regulated by an evolutionarily conserved signaling pathway that controls cell morphology.


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An increasingly large number of proteins involved in signal transduction have been identified in recent years and shown to control different steps of cell survival, proliferation, and differentiation. Among the genes recently identified at the tip of the long arm of the human X chromosome, a novel gene, C1, encodes a protein that appears to represent a newly discovered member of the group of signaling proteins involved in regulation of the small GTP binding proteins of the ras superfamily. The protein encoded by C1, p115, is synthesized predominantly in cells of hematopoietic origin. It is characterized by two regions of similarity to motifs present in known proteins: GAP and SH3 homologous regions. Its localization in a narrow cytoplasmic region just below the plasma membrane and its inhibitory effect on stress fiber organization indicate that p115 may down regulate rho-like GTPases in hematopoietic cells.


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Bud formation by Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a fundamental process for yeast proliferation. Bud emergence is initiated by the polarization of the cytoskeleton, leading to local secretory vesicle delivery and gulcan synthase activity. The master regulator of polarity establishment is a small Rho-family GTPase – Cdc42. Cdc42 forms a clustered patch at the incipient budding site in late G1 and mediates downstream events which lead to bud emergence. Cdc42 promotes morphogenesis via its various effectors. PAKs (p21-activated kinases) are important Cdc42 effectors which mediate actin cytoskeleton polarization and septin filament assembly. The PAKs Cla4 and Ste20 share common binding domains for GTP-Cdc42 and they are partially redundant in function. However, we found that Cla4 and Ste20 behaved differently during the polarization and this depended on their different membrane interaction domains. Also, Cla4 and Ste20 compete for a limited number of binding sites at the polarity patch during bud emergence. These results suggest that PAKs may be differentially regulated during polarity establishment.

Morphogenesis of yeast must be coordinated with the nuclear cycle to enable successful proliferation. Many environmental stresses temporarily disrupt bud formation, and in such circumstances, the morphogenesis checkpoint halts nuclear division until bud formation can resume. Bud emergence is essential for degradation of the mitotic inhibitor, Swe1. Swe1 is localized to the septin cytoskeleton at the bud neck by the Swe1-binding protein Hsl7. Neck localization of Swe1 is required for Swe1 degradation. Although septins form a ring at the presumptive bud site prior to bud emergence, Hsl7 is not recruited to the septins until after bud emergence, suggesting that septins and/or Hsl7 respond to a “bud sensor”. Here we show that recruitment of Hsl7 to the septin ring depends on a combination of two septin-binding kinases: Hsl1 and Elm1. We elucidate which domains of these kinases are needed, and show that artificial targeting of those domains suffices to recruit Hsl7 to septin rings even in unbudded cells. Moreover, recruitment of Elm1 is responsive to bud emergence. Our findings suggest that Elm1 plays a key role in sensing bud emergence.


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Adult neural stem cells (NSCs) play important roles in learning and memory and are negatively impacted by neurological disease. It is known that biochemical and genetic factors regulate self-renewal and differentiation, and it has recently been suggested that mechanical and solid-state cues, such as extracellular matrix (ECM) stiffness, can also regulate the functions of NSCs and other stem cell types. However, relatively little is known of the molecular mechanisms through which stem cells transduce mechanical inputs into fate decisions, the extent to which mechanical inputs instruct fate decisions versus select for or against lineage-committed blast populations, or the in vivo relevance of mechanotransductive signaling molecules in native stem cell niches. Here we demonstrate that ECM-derived mechanical signals act through Rho GTPases to activate the cellular contractility machinery in a key early window during differentiation to regulate NSC lineage commitment. Furthermore, culturing NSCs on increasingly stiff ECMs enhances RhoA and Cdc42 activation, increases NSC stiffness, and suppresses neurogenesis. Likewise, inhibiting RhoA and Cdc42 or downstream regulators of cellular contractility rescues NSCs from stiff matrix- and Rho GTPase-induced neurosuppression. Importantly, Rho GTPase expression and ECM stiffness do not alter proliferation or apoptosis rates indicating that an instructive rather than selective mechanism modulates lineage distributions. Finally, in the adult brain, RhoA activation in hippocampal progenitors suppresses neurogenesis, analogous to its effect in vitro. These results establish Rho GTPase-based mechanotransduction and cellular stiffness as biophysical regulators of NSC fate in vitro and RhoA as an important regulatory protein in the hippocampal stem cell niche.


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During the rat submandibular gland (SMG) development, organogenesis and cytodifferentiation depend on the actin cytoskeleton, which is regulated by small Rho GTPases. These proteins link cell surface receptors to pathways that regulate cell motility, polarity, gene expression, vesicular trafficking, proliferation and apoptosis. The aim of this study was to evaluate, by immunohistochemistry, the distribution pattern of RhoA, RhoB, RhoC, Rac1 and Cdc42 during cytodifferentiation of the rat SMG and in male adults. All GTPases were found in epithelial and mesenchymal tissues throughout gland development. Rac1 appeared to be important for parenchyma expansion at the beginning of cytodifferentiation, while RhoC, Cdc42 and the inactive phosphorylated form of Rac1 seemed associated with lumen formation and cell polarization in terminal tubules. RhoA and RhoB labeling was evident throughout development. All GTPases were differentially expressed in the adult gland, suggesting that they play specific roles during differentiation and function of the rat SMG.


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Rho GTPases are proteins that regulate cell cycle, shape, polarization, invasion, migration, and apoptosis, which are important characteristics of normal and neoplastic cells. Rho GTPases expression has been reported in normal tooth germ and several pathologies; however, it has not been evaluated in ameloblastomas. The aim of this study was to analyze the expression and distribution of RhoA, RhoB, Rac1, and Cdc42 Rho GTPases in solid and unicystic ameloblastomas. Three-micrometer sections from paraffin- embedded specimens were evaluated by using an avidin- biotin immunohistochemical method with antibodies against the proteins mentioned above. RhoA and RhoB staining was observed in a high number of cells (P < 0.05) and greater intensity in non-polarized ones. Rac1 was not observed, andCdc42 didnot showany statistical differences between the number of non-polarized and basal positive cells (P > 0.05). Upon comparing the studied ameloblastomas, a higher number of positive cells in the unicystic variant was observed than that in the solid one (P < 0,05). The results obtained suggest that theseGTPases could play a role in the ameloblastoma neoplastic epithelial cell phenotype determination (polarized or non-polarized), as well as in variant (solid or unicystic) and subtype (follicular or plexiform) determination. Furthermore, they could participate in solid ameloblastoma invasion mechanisms. J Oral Pathol Med (2012) 41: 400-407


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Taking advantage of the ongoing Dictyostelium genome sequencing project, we have assembled >73 kb of genomic DNA in 15 contigs harbouring 15 genes and one pseudogene of Rho-related proteins. Comparison with EST sequences revealed that every gene is interrupted by at least one and up to four introns. For racC extensive alternative splicing was identified. Northern blot analysis showed that mRNAs for racA, racE, racG, racH and racI were present at all stages of development, whereas racJ and racL were expressed only at late stages. Amino acid sequences have been analysed in the context of Rho-related proteins of other organisms. Rac1a/1b/1c, RacF1/F2 and to a lesser extent RacB and the GTPase domain of RacA can be grouped in the Rac subfamily. None of the additional Dictyostelium Rho-related proteins belongs to any of the well-defined subfamilies, like Rac, Cdc42 or Rho. RacD and RacA are unique in that they lack the prenylation motif characteristic of Rho proteins. RacD possesses a 50 residue C-terminal extension and RacA a 400 residue C-terminal extension that contains a proline-rich region, two BTB domains and a novel C-terminal domain. We have also identified homologues for RacA in Drosophila and mammals, thus defining a new subfamily of Rho proteins, RhoBTB.


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In the 7 years since dynamin was first isolated from bovine brain in search of novel microtubule-based motors, our understanding of this enzyme has expanded significantly. We now know that brain dynamin belongs to a family of large GTPases, which mediate vesicle trafficking. Furthermore, this enzymatic activity is markedly increased through association with microtubules, acidic phospholipids, and certain regulatory proteins that contain Src homology 3 (SH3) domains. From functional, genetic, and cellular manipulations, it is now generally accepted that dynamin participates in the endocytic uptake of receptors, associated ligands, and plasma membrane following an exocytic event. These observations have confirmed at least one function of dynamin that was predicted from seminal studies on a pleiotropic mutant, shibirets (shits) in Drosophila melanogaster. Of equal interest is the finding that there are multiple dynamin gene products, including two that are expressed in a tissue-specific manner, and they share marked homology with a larger family of distinct but related proteins. Therefore, it is attractive to speculate that the different dynamins may participate in related cellular functions, such as distinct endocytic processes and even secretion. In turn, dynamin could play an important role in cell growth, cell spreading, and neurite outgrowth. The purpose of this review is to enumerate on the expansive dynamin literature and to discuss the nomenclature, expression, and putative functions of this growing and interesting family of proteins.


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Septins are an evolutionarily conserved group of GTP-binding and filament-forming proteins that belong to the large superclass of P-loop GTPases. While originally discovered in yeast as cell division cycle mutants with cytokinesis defects, they are now known to have diverse cellular roles which include polarity determination, cytoskeletal reorganization, membrane dynamics, vesicle trafficking, and exocytosis. Septin proteins form homo- and hetero-oligomeric polymers which can assemble into higher-order filaments. They are also known to interact with components of the cytoskeleton, ie actin and tubulin. The precise role of GTP binding is not clear but a current model suggests that it is associated with conformational changes which alter binding to other proteins. There are at least 12 human septin genes, and although information on expression patterns is limited, most undergo complex alternative splicing with some degree of tissue specificity. Nevertheless, an increasing body of data implicates the septin family in the pathogenesis of diverse disease states including neoplasia, neurodegenerative conditions, and infections. Here the known biochemical properties of mammalian septins are reviewed in the light of the data from yeast and other model organisms. The data implicating septins in human disease are considered and a model linking these data is proposed. It is posited that septins can act as regulatable scaffolds where the stoichiometry of septin associations, modifications, GTP status, and the interactions with other proteins allow the regulation of key cellular processes including polarity determination. Derangements of such septin scaffolds thus explain the role of septins in disease states. Copyright © 2004 Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland.