981 resultados para RAND-36-kysely


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BACKGROUND: Iron deficiency is a common and undertreated problem in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). AIM: To develop an online tool to support treatment choice at the patient-specific level. METHODS: Using the RAND/UCLA Appropriateness Method (RUAM), a European expert panel assessed the appropriateness of treatment regimens for a variety of clinical scenarios in patients with non-anaemic iron deficiency (NAID) and iron deficiency anaemia (IDA). Treatment options included adjustment of IBD medication only, oral iron supplementation, high-/low-dose intravenous (IV) regimens, IV iron plus erythropoietin-stimulating agent (ESA), and blood transfusion. The panel process consisted of two individual rating rounds (1148 treatment indications; 9-point scale) and three plenary discussion meetings. RESULTS: The panel reached agreement on 71% of treatment indications. 'No treatment' was never considered appropriate, and repeat treatment after previous failure was generally discouraged. For 98% of scenarios, at least one treatment was appropriate. Adjustment of IBD medication was deemed appropriate in all patients with active disease. Use of oral iron was mainly considered an option in NAID and mildly anaemic patients without disease activity. IV regimens were often judged appropriate, with high-dose IV iron being the preferred option in 77% of IDA scenarios. Blood transfusion and IV+ESA were indicated in exceptional cases only. CONCLUSIONS: The RUAM revealed high agreement amongst experts on the management of iron deficiency in patients with IBD. High-dose IV iron was more often considered appropriate than other options. To facilitate dissemination of the recommendations, panel outcomes were embedded in an online tool, accessible via http://ferroscope.com/.


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El present projecte descriu els inicis de la comunicació visual i la importància d’aquesta per els comerços que van néixer a rel de la Revolució Industrial. Analitza el moviment modern i l’aparició de la figura del Art Director als Estats Units en una època liderada per l’Avantguardisme i el Futurisme. S’endinsa en els treballs de tres figures importants en el món del disseny gràfic: William Addison, Paul Rand i Fortunato Depero. L’objectiu d’aquest treball es mostrar la influencia d’aquestes figures en la publicitat.


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El objetivo del estudio es la evaluación subjetiva del hombro a través del análisis de expectativas en el dolor, la funcionalidad, las actividades de la vida diaria y la fuerza que el paciente espera obtener tras el tratamiento de la patología del hombro, y posteriormente, evaluar la correlación de estos datos obtenidos con los resultados en la escala de Constant y en el SF- 36. La hipótesis que nos planteamos fue que las expectativas del paciente son independientes del estado funcional del hombro y de la percepción de la calidad de vida.


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Fluorescent activated cell sorter (FACS) analysis is useful for the detection of cellular surface antigens and intracellular proteins. We used this methodology in order to detect and quantify dengue antigens in highly susceptible cells such as clone C6/36 (Aedes albopictus) and Vero cells (green monkey kidney). Additionally, we analyzed the infection in vitro of human peripheral blood mononuclear leukocytes (PBML). FACS analysis turned out to be a reliable technique to quantify virus growth in traditional cell cultures of C6/36 as well as Vero cells. High rates of infection were achieved with a good statistical correlation between the virus amount used in infection and the percentage of dengue antigen containing cells detected in infected cultures. We also showed that human monocytes (CD14+) are preferred target cells for in vitro dengue infection among PBML. Monocytes were much less susceptible to virus infection than cell lines but they displayed dengue antigens detected by FACS five days after infection. In contrast, lymphocytes showed no differences in their profile for dengue specific immunofluorescence. Without an animal model to reproduce dengue disease, alternative assays have been sought to correlate viral virulence with clinical manifestations and disease severity. Study of in vitro interaction of virus and host cells may highlight this relationship.


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Report: Access to the New Social Work Degree for Relevant Graduate in Northern Ireland


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Response to the Office of Fair Trading on the Care Home Market


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Background: Ulcerative colitis (UC) is a chronic disease with a wide variety of treatment options many of which are not evidence based. Supplementing available guidelines, which are often broadly defined, consensus-based and generally not tailored to specifically reflect the individual patient situation, we developed explicit appropriateness criteria to assist, and improve treatment decisions. Methods: We used the RAND appropriateness method which does not force consensus. An extensive literature review was compiled based on and supplementing, where necessary, the ECCO UC 2011 guidelines. EPATUC (endorsed by ECCO) was formed by 8 gastroenterologists, 2 surgeons and 2 general practitioners from throughout Europe. Clinical scenarios reflecting practice were rated on a 9-point scale from 1 (extremely inappropriate) to 9 (extremely appropriate), based on the expert's experience and the available literature. After extensive discussion, all scenarios were re-rated at a two-day panel meeting. Median and disagreement were used to categorize ratings into 3 categories: appropriate, uncertain and inappropriate. Results: 718 clinical scenarios were rated, structured in 13 main clinical presentations: not refractory (n=64) or refractory (n=33) proctitis, mild to moderate left-sided (n=72) or extensive (n=48) colitis, severe colitis (n=36), steroid-dependant colitis (n=36), steroid-refractory colitis (n=55), acute pouchitis (n=96), maintenance of remission (n=248), colorectal cancer prevention (n=9) and fulminant colitis (n=9). Overall, 100 indications were judged appropriate (14%), 129 uncertain (18%) and 489 inappropriate (68%). Disagreement between experts was very low (6%). Conclusion: For the very first time, explicit appropriateness criteria for therapy of UC were developed that allow both specific and rapid therapeutic decision making and prospective assessment of treatment appropriateness. Comparison of these detailed scenarios with patient profiles encountered in the Swiss IBD cohort study indicates good concordance. EPATUC criteria will be freely accessible on the internet (epatuc.ch).


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(Résumé de l'ouvrage) Il "Commento a Giovanni" si presenta con caratteri di eccezionalità nell'ambito di una produzione origeniana, da collocare sotto il segno del genio.


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Objetivo. Analizar los resultados de la fijación transarticular e interarticular en dos series de pacientes. Métodos. Se analizaron 36 pacientes con inestabilidad C1-C2, 20 tratados mediante fijación transarticular, y 15 con fijación interarticular. Se obtuvieron datos sobre las complicaciones, evolución radiológica y resultados clínicos. Resultados. De los tratados con fijación transarticular se obtuvieron resultados buenos en 17 casos, regular en 2 y malo en 1. En la fijación interarticular en 14 se obtuvieron un buen resultado, y regular en 2. Conclusiones. La fijación C1-C2 transarticular e interarticular resulta segura, con presentando altas tasas de buenos resultados con pocas complicaciones.


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Ferran Rahola i Auguet va néixer a Girona el 14 de maig de 1914, fill primogènit de l'escriptor Carles Rahola i Llorens i de Rosa Auguet i Farró. Va viure i estudiar a la ciutat durant la seva infantesa i joventut, i després de cursar el batxillerat a l'institut va ingressar a estudiar magisteri a l'Escola Normal de Girona. Va iniciar els seus estudis el curs 1932-33 amb l'anomenat Pla Professional de 1931, el qual ha estat, en opinió deis estudiosos, el millor que han tingut les escoles normals d'Espanya, i responia al projecte global educatiu republicà, un dels pilars bàsics de la formació inicial de mestres. Es tractava d'uns estudis de magisteri professionals, amb un entroncament directe amb les escoles


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Introduction: Mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) accounts for 6% of all B-cell lymphomas and remains incurable for most patients. Those who relapse after first line therapy or hematopoietic stem cell transplantation have a dismal prognosis with short response duration after salvage therapy. On a molecular level, MCL is characterised by the translocation t[11;14] leading to Cyclin D1 overexpression. Cyclin D1 is downstream of the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) kinase and can be effectively blocked by mTOR inhibitors such as temsirolimus. We set out to define the single agent activity of the orally available mTOR inhibitor everolimus (RAD001) in a prospective, multi-centre trial in patients with relapsed or refractory MCL (NCT00516412). The study was performed in collaboration with the EU-MCL network. Methods: Eligible patients with histologically/cytologically confirmed relapsed (not more than 3 prior lines of systemic treatment) or refractory MCL received everolimus 10 mg orally daily on day 1 - 28 of each cycle (4 weeks) for 6 cycles or until disease progression. The primary endpoint was the best objective response with adverse reactions, time to progression (TTP), time to treatment failure, response duration and molecular response as secondary endpoints. A response rate of 10% was considered uninteresting and, conversely, promising if 30%. The required sample size was 35 pts using the Simon's optimal two-stage design with 90% power and 5% significance. Results: A total of 36 patients with 35 evaluable patients from 19 centers were enrolled between August 2007 and January 2010. The median age was 69.4 years (range 40.1 to 84.9 years), with 22 males and 13 females. Thirty patients presented with relapsed and 5 with refractory MCL with a median of two prior therapies. Treatment was generally well tolerated with anemia (11%), thrombocytopenia (11%), neutropenia (8%), diarrhea (3%) and fatigue (3%) being the most frequent complications of CTC grade III or higher. Eighteen patients received 6 or more cycles of everolimus treatment. The objective response rate was 20% (95% CI: 8-37%) with 2 CR, 5 PR, 17 SD, and 11 PD. At a median follow-up of 6 months, TTP was 5.45 months (95% CI: 2.8-8.2 months) for the entire population and 10.6 months for the 18 patients receiving 6 or more cycles of treatment. Conclusion: This study demonstrates that single agent everolimus 10 mg once daily orally is well tolerated. The null hypothesis of inactivity could be rejected indicating a moderate anti-lymphoma activity in relapsed/refractory MCL. Further studies of either everolimus in combination with chemotherapy or as single agent for maintenance treatment are warranted in MCL.


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A REEUSP é uma revista trimestral desde 1998, que publica de 11 a 13 artigos por número nas diferentes subáreas da Enfermagem, na sua maioria sobre ensino, tecnologia em saúde, saúde do adulto (nas suas diferentes especialidades), saúde mental e psiquiátrica. O enfoque dos artigos e pesquisas continua a ser hospitalar. Por estar ligada a uma unidade de ensino, apresenta qualidade nas suas publicações, muitas vezes geradas de teses e dissertações. Enfrenta o desafio de estimular a publicação de autores de outras instituições, para não se tornar endógena. Nos últimos 10 anos recebeu e publicou artigos de 18 estados brasileiros e de várias cidades do interior de São Paulo. Seu projeto gráfico também foi remodelado para 2003, permitindo maior legibilidade e facilidade na leitura. Aceita permuta com outros periódicos e é indexada em várias Bases de Dados. Recebeu a classificação C internacional pela CAPES.