999 resultados para R-MUTANTS


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The insertion of a DNA copy of its RNA genome into a chromosome of the host cell is mediated by the viral integrase with the help of mostly uncharacterized cellular cofactors. We have recently described that the transcriptional co-activator LEDGF/p75 strongly interacts with HIV-1 integrase. Here we show that interaction of HIV-1 integrase with LEDGF/p75 is important for viral replication. Using multiple approaches including two-hybrid interaction studies, random and directed mutagenesis, we could demonstrate that HIV-1 virus harboring a single mutation that disrupts integrase-LEDGF/p75 interaction, resulted in defective HIV-1 replication. Furthermore, we found that LEDGF/p75 tethers HIV-1 integrase to chromosomes and that this interaction may be important for the integration process and the replication of HIV-1.


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Two main types of noncoding small RNA molecules have been found in plants: microRNAs (miRNAs) and small interfering RNAs (siRNAs). They differ in their biogenesis and mode of action, but share similar sizes (20-24 nt). Their precursors are processed by Dicer-Like RNase III (dcl) proteins present in Arabidopsis thaliana, and in their mature form can act as negative regulators of gene expression, being involved in a vast array of plant processes, including plant development, genomic integrity or response to stress. Small-RNA mediated regulation can occurs at transcriptional level (TGS) or at post-transcriptional level (PTGS). In recent years, the role of gene silencing in the regulation of expression of genes related to plant defence responses against bacterial pathogens is becoming clearer. Comparisons carried out in our lab between the expression profiles of different mutants affected in gene silencing, and plants challenged with Pseudomonas syringae pathovar tomato DC3000, led us to identify a set of uncharacterized R genes, belonging to the TIR-NBS-LRR gene family, differentially expressed in these conditions. Through the use of bioinformatics tools, we found a miRNA* of 22 nt putatively responsible for down-regulating expression of these R genes through the generation of siRNAs. We have also found that the corresponding pri-miRNA is down-regulated after PAMP-perception in a SA-dependent manner. We also demonstrate that plants with altered levels of miRNA* (knockdown lines or overexpression lines) exhibit altered PTI-associated phenotypes, suggesting a role for this miRNA* in this defence response against bacteria. In addition we identify one of the target genes as a negative regulator of defence response against Pseudomonas syringae.


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Rhodococcus fascians é uma actinomiceta fitopatogénica que induz uma doença, conhecida como irritação frondosa, caracterizada pela indução de múltiplos rebentos, numa vasta gama de plantas herbáceas dicotiledóneas. O principal factor de patogenicidade da bactéria é a produção de uma mistura de 6 citoquininas codificadas pelos genes do operão fas que está localizado num plasmídeo linear associado à virulência, pFiD188. Este trabalho teve como objectivo a análise de dois novos loci deste plasmídeo associados à virulência: GT1 que codifica uma glicosiltransferase e os genes mtr1 e mtr2, grandemente homólogos, que codificam metiltransferases dependentes de SAM. Trabalhos prévios com 21D5, mutante na glicosiltransferase, mostraram que possui uma morfologia de colónia modificada e forma agregados em culturas líquidas. Neste trabalho demonstrou-se que essas características não afectam o crescimento em meio de cultura rico, mas levam à incapacidade de proliferação em condições de privação de nutrientes, tendo um impacto forte na competência epifítica. Este impacto foi demostrado pela atenuação severa da virulência em 21D5, que foi acompanhada de uma expressão alterada dos genes fas e att, essenciais para a virulência, e consequente redução da capacidade de invasão dos tecidos da planta e de produção dos factores de virulência. Demonstrou-se também que a expressão de GT1 é induzida por compostos que são acumulados em plantas nas fases iniciais da infecção, colocando a função de GT1 no começo da interacção. Tal como R. fascians, Streptomyces turgidiscabies possui um operão fas e dois genes mtr associados. R. fascians mutantes nestes genes mtr’s perderam a capacidade de provocar sintomas, mas produziram 2MeS-citoquininas, implicando que outras citoquininas metiladas são cruciais para a indução da doença. De modo a identificar os produtos de reacção das MTRs procedeu-se à análise do perfil de citoquininas de R. fascians em condições que induzem a expressão dos genes do operão fas e de S. turgidiscabies alimentados com SAM e adenina marcadas com 14C em TLC. No entanto, não foi possível a identificação de compostos dependentes de fas ou mtr nos sobrenadantes. Pela determinação do perfil de expressão dos genes mtr in vitro e in planta tornou-se claro que a regulação destes genes é muito complexa, sendo a sua expressão limitada a células de R. fascians que colonizam o hospedeiro. Para possibilitar a identificação dos produtos de recção de MTR, desenvolveu-se um protocolo que permite a expressão in planta em condições in vitro, o que permitirá a repetição dos ensaios de marcação com 14C.


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Industrial employment growth has been one of the most dynamic areas of expansion in Asia; however, current trends in industrialised working environments have resulted in greater employee stress. Despite research showing that cultural values affect the way people cope with stress, there is a dearth of psychometrically established tools for use in non-Western countries to measure these constructs. Studies of the "Way of Coping Checklist-Revised" (WCCL-R) in the West suggest that the WCCL-R has good psychometric properties, but its applicability in the East is still understudied. A confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) is used to validate the WCCL-R constructs in an Asian population. This study used 1,314 participants from Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Singapore, and Thailand. An initial exploratory factor analysis revealed that original structures were not confirmed; however, a subsequent EFA and CFA showed that a 38-item, five-factor structure model was confirmed. The revised WCCL-R in the Asian sample was also found to have good reliability and sound construct and concurrent validity. The 38-item structure of the WCCL-R has considerable potential in future occupational stress-related research in Asian countries.


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The current study aims to investigate the non-linear relationship between the JD-R model and work engagement. Previous research has identified linear relationships between these constructs; however there are strong theoretical arguments for testing curvilinear relationships (e.g., Warr, 1987). Data were collected via a self-report online survey from officers of one Australian police service (N = 2,626). Results demonstrated a curvilinear relationship between job demands and job resources and engagement. Gender (as a control variable) was also found to be a significant predictor of work engagement. The results indicated that male police officers experienced significantly higher job demands and colleague support than female officers. However, female police officers reported significantly higher levels of work engagement than male officers. This study emphasises the need to test curvilinear relationships, as well as simple linear associations, when measuring psychological health.


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Significant sums of money are invested in developing technological innovations that have low levels and rates of adoption. Several approaches have been put forward in an effort to improve rates of adoption. This paper presents the results of study that examined the innovation fit of key technological innovations in the beef industry. Findings indicate that be assessing the innovation fit throughout the R&D process researchers and end users can collaborate to improve the innovation fit and the rate of adoption. The paper also put forward a model that demonstrates the linkages between R&D, adoption and innovation fit.


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This book is a thorough investigation of the relationship between land use planning and the railways in Britain, through review of the factors affecting the two sectors and their integration during the period of public ownership. The rationale behind the book is explained as a timely analysis of the dynamic correlation involving town planning and management of the railway in a period when growing congestion on the road network is forcing people to look for alternative modes and capacity is badly needed to accommodate this increased demand for travel. The book calls for a modal shift from road to rail for passenger and freight traffic.


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The 1:1 proton-transfer compound of the potent substituted amphetamine hallucinogen (R)-1-(8-bromobenzo[1,2-b; 4,5-b']difuran-4-yl)-2-aminopropane (common trivial name 'bromodragonfly') with 3,5-dinitrosalicylic acid, 1-(8-bromobenzo[1,2-b;4,5-b']difuran-4-yl)-2-mmoniopropane 2-carboxy-4,6-dinitrophenolate, C13H13BrNO2+ C7H3N2O7- forms hydrogen-bonded cation-anion chain substructures comprising undulating head-to-tail anion chains formed through C(8) carboxyl O-H...O(nitro) associations and incorporating the aminium groups of the cations. The intra-chain cation-anion hydrogen-bonding associations feature proximal cyclic R33(8) interactions involving both a N+-H...O(phenolate) and the carboxyl O--H...O(nitro)associations. Also present are aromatic pi-pi ring interactions [minimum ring centroid separation, 3.566(2)A; inter-plane dihedral angle, 5.13(1)deg]. A lateral hydrogen-bonding interaction between the third aminium proton and a carboxyl O acceptor link the chain substructures giving a two-dimensional sheet structure. This determination represents the first of any form of this compound and confirms that it has the (R) absolute configuration. The atypical crystal stability is attributed both to the hydrogen-bonded chain substructures provided by the anions, which accommodate the aminium proton-donor groups of the cations and give cross-linking, and to the presence of cation--anion aromatic ring pi-pi interactions.


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New Farm Park; p.436 Oakman, H.O. (with Jan Seto); p.449 Paranella, Jose; p.463 Perrott family; p.469 Pink, James; p.475 Queensland; pp.495-497 The Queenslander; pp.497-498 The Queensland Horticulturist; p.498 Rawson, Mina; p.502 Rockhampton Botanic Gardens; p.572


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Expenditure on R&D in the China construction industry has been relatively low in comparison with many developed countries for a number of years – a situation considered to be a major barrier to the industry’s competitiveness in general and unsatisfactory industry development of the 31 regions involved. A major problem with this is the lack of a sufficiently sophisticated method of objectively evaluating R&D activity in what are quite complex circumstances considering the size and regional differences that exist in this part of the world. A regional construction R&D evaluation system (RCRES) is presented aimed at rectifying the situation. This is based on 12 indicators drawn from the Chinese Government’s R&D Inventory of Resources in consultation with a small group of experts in the field, and further factor analysed into three groups. From this, the required evaluation is obtained by a simple formula. Examination of the results provides a ranking list of the R&D performance of each of the 31 regions, indicating a general disproportion between coastal and inland regions and highlighting regions receiving special emphasis or currently lacking in development. The understanding on this is vital for the future of China’s construction industry.


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Human SSB1 (single-stranded binding protein 1 [hSSB1]) was recently identified as a part of the ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM) signaling pathway. To investigate hSSB1 function, we performed tandem affinity purifications of hSSB1 mutants mimicking the unphosphorylated and ATM-phosphorylated states. Both hSSB1 mutants copurified a subset of Integrator complex subunits and the uncharacterized protein LOC58493/c9orf80 (henceforth minute INTS3/hSSB-associated element [MISE]). The INTS3–MISE–hSSB1 complex plays a key role in ATM activation and RAD51 recruitment to DNA damage foci during the response to genotoxic stresses. These effects on the DNA damage response are caused by the control of hSSB1 transcription via INTS3, demonstrating a new network controlling hSSB1 function.


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This paper addresses how social media was used to leverage votes in new media environments. Barack Obama’s social media campaign is analysed and illustrates how the Obama brand benefited from integrating social media into the campaign. Voting behaviour has changed; politicians are continually seeking new ways to communicate with their constituents. Voting on political ‘brands’ is based on an identity or image, rather than central issues. While political parties rely upon an integrated marketing communication (IMC) approach, with a focus on building the (political) brand of the party and brand relationships, communication is no longer fully controlled by the marketers.