966 resultados para Quinn, Susan: Marie Curie : elämä
Small changes in DNA sequence can often have major biological effects. Here the rates and yields of guanine photo-oxidation by Λ [Ru(TAP)2(dppz)]2+ have been compared in 5′-{CCGGATCCGG}2 and 5′-{CCGGTACCGG}2 using ps/ns transient visible and time-resolved IR (TRIR) spectroscopy. The inefficiency of electron transfer in the TA sequence is consistent with the 5′-TA-3′ vs. 5′-AT-3′ binding preference predicted by X-ray crystallography. The TRIR spectra also reveal the differences in binding sites in the two oligonucleotides.
To understand the molecular origins of diseases caused by ultraviolet and visible light, and also to develop photodynamic therapy, it is important to resolve the mechanism of photoinduced DNA damage. Damage to DNA bound to a photosensitizer molecule frequently proceeds by one-electron photo-oxidation of guanine, but the precise dynamics of this process are sensitive to the location and the orientation of the photosensitizer, which are very difficult to define in solution. To overcome this, ultrafast time-resolved infrared (TRIR) spectroscopy was performed on photoexcited ruthenium polypyridyl–DNA crystals, the atomic structure of which was determined by X-ray crystallography. By combining the X-ray and TRIR data we are able to define both the geometry of the reaction site and the rates of individual steps in a reversible photoinduced electron-transfer process. This allows us to propose an individual guanine as the reaction site and, intriguingly, reveals that the dynamics in the crystal state are quite similar to those observed in the solvent medium.
UV-generated excited states of cytosine (C) nucleobases are precursors to mutagenic photoproduct formation. The i-motif formed from C-rich sequences is known to exhibit high yields of long-lived excited states following UV absorption. Here the excited states of several i-motif structures have been characterized following 267 nm laser excitation using time-resolved infrared spectroscopy (TRIR). All structures possess a long-lived excited state of ~300 ps and notably in some cases decays greater than 1 ns are observed. These unusually long-lived lifetimes are attributed to the interdigitated DNA structure which prevents direct base stacking overlap.
We obtained long-slit spectra of high signal-to-noise ratio of the galaxy M32 with the Gemini Multi-Object Spectrograph at the Gemini-North telescope. We analysed the integrated spectra by means of full spectral fitting in order to extract the mixture of stellar populations that best represents its composite nature. Three different galactic radii were analysed, from the nuclear region out to 2 arcmin from the centre. This allows us to compare, for the first time, the results of integrated light spectroscopy with those of resolved colour-magnitude diagrams from the literature. As a main result we propose that an ancient and an intermediate-age population co-exist in M32, and that the balance between these two populations change between the nucleus and outside one effective radius (1r(eff)) in the sense that the contribution from the intermediate population is larger at the nuclear region. We retrieve a smaller signal of a young population at all radii whose origin is unclear and may be a contamination from horizontal branch stars, such as the ones identified by Brown et al. in the nuclear region. We compare our metallicity distribution function for a region 1 to 2 arcmin from the centre to the one obtained with photometric data by Grillmair et al. Both distributions are broad, but our spectroscopically derived distribution has a significant component with [Z/Z(circle dot)] <= -1, which is not found by Grillmair et al.
Early American crania show a different morphological pattern from the one shared by late Native Americans. Although the origin of the diachronic morphological diversity seen on the continents is still debated, the distinct morphology of early Americans is well documented and widely dispersed. This morphology has been described extensively for South America, where larger samples are available. Here we test the hypotheses that the morphology of Early Americans results from retention of the morphological pattern of Late Pleistocene modern humans and that the occupation of the New World precedes the morphological differentiation that gave rise to recent Eurasian and American morphology. We compare Early American samples with European Upper Paleolithic skulls, the East Asian Zhoukoudian Upper Cave specimens and a series of 20 modern human reference crania. Canonical Analysis and Minimum Spanning Tree were used to assess the morphological affinities among the series, while Mantel and Dow-Cheverud tests based on Mahalanobis Squared Distances were used to test different evolutionary scenarios. Our results show strong morphological affinities among the early series irrespective of geographical origin, which together with the matrix analyses results favor the scenario of a late morphological differentiation of modern humans. We conclude that the geographic differentiation of modern human morphology is a late phenomenon that occurred after the initial settlement of the Americas. Am J Phys Anthropol 144:442-453, 2011. (c) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
The protozoan parasite Leishmania causes serious infections in humans all over the world. After being inoculated into the skin through the bite of an infected sandfly, Leishmania promastigotes must gain entry into macrophages to initiate a successful infection. Specific, surface exposed phospholipids have been implicated in Leishmania-macrophage interaction but the mechanisms controlling and regulating the plasma membrane lipid distribution remains to be elucidated. Here, we provide evidence for Ca(2+)-induced phospholipid scrambling in the plasma membrane of Leishmania donovani. Stimulation of parasites with ionomycin increases intracellular Ca(2+) levels and triggers exposure of phosphatidylethanolamine at the cell surface. We found that increasing intracellular Ca(2+) levels with ionomycin or thapsigargin induces rapid transbilayer movement of NBD-labelled phospholipids in the parasite plasma membrane that is bidirectional, independent of cellular ATP and not specific to the polar lipid head group. The findings suggest the presence of a Ca(2+)-dependent lipid scramblase activity in Leishmania parasites. Our studies further show that lipid scrambling is not activated by rapid exposure of promastigotes to higher physiological temperature that increases intracellular Ca(2+) levels. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We report on the size, shape, structure, and interactions of lysozyme in the ternary system lysozyme/DMSO/water at low protein concentrations. Three structural regimes have been identified, which we term the ""folded"" (0 < phi(DMSO) < 0.7), ""unfolded"" (0.7 <= phi(DMSO) < 0.9), and ""partially collapsed"" (0.9 <= phi(DMSO) < 1.0) regime. Lysozyme resides in a folded conformation with an average radius of gyration of 1.3 +/- 0.1 nm for phi(DMSO) < 0.7 and unfolds (average R(g) of 2.4 +/- 0.1 nm) above phi(DMSO) > 0.7. This drastic change in the protein`s size coincides with a loss of the characteristic tertiary structure. It is preceded by a compaction of the local environment of the tryptophan residues and accompanied by a large increase in the protein`s overall flexibility. In terms of secondary structure, there is a gradual loss of alpha-helix and concomitant increase of beta-sheet structural elements toward phi(DMSO) = 0.7, while an increase in phi(DMSO) at even higher DMSO volume fractions reduces the presence of both a-helix and beta-sheet secondary structural elements. Protein-protein interactions remain overall repulsive for all values of phi(DMSO) An attempt is made to relate these structural changes to the three most important physical mechanisms that underlie them: the DMSO/water microstructure is strongly dependent on the DMSO volume fraction, DMSO acts as a strong H-bond acceptor, and DMSO is a bad solvent for the protein backbone and a number of relatively polar side groups, but a good solvent for relatively apolar side groups, such as tryptophan.
SolNET var den första europeiska forskarskolan för termisk solvenergi med 10 doktorander, där sju gemensamma doktorandkurser utvecklades och genomfördes under projektets gång. Projektet stöddes av EU-programmet Marie-Curie från juni 2006 till maj 2010.Centrum för solenergiforskning SERC vid Högskolan Dalarna deltog med en doktorand, Janne Paavilainen. SERC genomförde den första av doktorandkurserna, om dynamisk systemsimulering. 30 studenter deltog från 16 länder varav 22 var doktorander och tre var från industri.Under 2007 genomförde Paavilainen en teknoekonomisk utvärdering av mellanstora pellet- och solvärmesystem för närvärme som presenterades vid konferensen Eurosun 2008. Resultaten visar under vilka förutsättningar som solvärme kan vara ekonomisk lönsamt i närvärmesystem i Sverige och Finland. Paavilainen har varit medförfattare till en tidsskriftsartikel om SERCs simuleringsmodell för pelletspannor och –kaminer samt varit medförfattare till två tidsskriftsartiklar tillsammans med SPF (Schweiz) och TU Graz (Österrike) om en ny pannmodell för gas, olja och pellets. Dessa två validerade modeller i programmet TRNSYS används nu rutinmässigt i Sverige av SP och SERC och i Europa av ett flertal forskargrupper. Den nya pannmodellen som utvecklades med SPF och TU Graz har också införlivats i programmet Polysun som används av flera hundra användare runt hela världen, inkl. SERCs magisterstudenter.
The Solar HeatIntegration NEtwork (SHINE) is a European research school in which 13 PhDstudents in solar thermal technologies are funded by the EU Marie-Curie program.It has five PhD course modules as well as workshops and seminars dedicated to PhDstudents both within the project as well as outside of it. The SHINE researchactivities focus on large solar heating systems and new applications: ondistrict heating, industrial processes and new storage systems. The scope ofthis paper is on systems for district heating for which there are five PhDstudents, three at universities and two at companies. The PhD students allstarted during the early part of 2014 and their initial work has concentratedon literature studies and on setting up models and data collection to be usedfor validation purposes. The PhD students will complete their studies in2017-18.
Because GABA(A) receptors containing alpha 2 subunits are highly represented in areas of the brain, such as nucleus accumbens (NAcc), frontal cortex, and amygdala, regions intimately involved in signaling motivation and reward, we hypothesized that manipulations of this receptor subtype would influence processing of rewards. Voltage-clamp recordings from NAcc medium spiny neurons of mice with alpha 2 gene deletion showed reduced synaptic GABA(A) receptor-mediated responses. Behaviorally, the deletion abolished cocaine`s ability to potentiate behaviors conditioned to rewards (conditioned reinforcement), and to support behavioral sensitization. In mice with a point mutation in the benzodiazepine binding pocket of alpha 2-GABA(A) receptors (alpha 2H101R), GABAergic neurotransmission in medium spiny neurons was identical to that of WT (i.e., the mutation was silent), but importantly, receptor function was now facilitated by the atypical benzodiazepine Ro 15-4513 (ethyl 8-amido-5,6-dihydro-5-methyl-6-oxo-4H-imidazo [1,5-a] [1,4] benzodiazepine-3-carboxylate). In alpha 2H101R, but not WT mice, Ro 15-4513 administered directly into the NAcc-stimulated locomotor activity, and when given systemically and repeatedly, induced behavioral sensitization. These data indicate that activation of alpha 2-GABA(A) receptors (most likely in NAcc) is both necessary and sufficient for behavioral sensitization. Consistent with a role of these receptors in addiction, we found specific markers and haplotypes of the GABRA2 gene to be associated with human cocaine addiction.
Objective-Blood-sucking arthropods' salivary glands contain a remarkable diversity of antihemostatics. The aim of the present study was to identify the unique salivary anticoagulant of the sand fly Lutzomyia longipalpis, which remained elusive for decades. Methods and Results-Several L. longipalpis salivary proteins were expressed in human embryonic kidney 293 cells and screened for inhibition of blood coagulation. A novel 32.4-kDa molecule, named Lufaxin, was identified as a slow, tight, noncompetitive, and reversible inhibitor of factor Xa (FXa). Notably, Lufaxin's primary sequence does not share similarity to any physiological or salivary inhibitors of coagulation reported to date. Lufaxin is specific for FXa and does not interact with FX, Dansyl-Glu-Gly-Arg-FXa, or 15 other enzymes. In addition, Lufaxin blocks prothrombinase and increases both prothrombin time and activated partial thromboplastin time. Surface plasmon resonance experiments revealed that FXa binds Lufaxin with an equilibrium constant approximate to 3 nM, and isothermal titration calorimetry determined a stoichiometry of 1:1. Lufaxin also prevents protease-activated receptor 2 activation by FXa in the MDA-MB-231 cell line and abrogates edema formation triggered by injection of FXa in the paw of mice. Moreover, Lufaxin prevents FeCl3-induced carotid artery thrombus formation and prolongs activated partial thromboplastin time ex vivo, implying that it works as an anticoagulant in vivo. Finally, salivary gland of sand flies was found to inhibit FXa and to interact with the enzyme. Conclusion-Lufaxin belongs to a novel family of slow-tight FXa inhibitors, which display antithrombotic and anti-inflammatory activities. It is a useful tool to understand FXa structural features and its role in prohemostatic and proinflammatory events. (Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2012;32:2185-2196.)
VIEIRA, R. D. P., A. C. TOLEDO, L. B. SILVA, F. M. ALMEIDA, N. R. DAMACENO-RODRIGUES, E. G. CALDINI, A. B. G. SANTOS, D. H. RIVERO, D. C. HIZUME, F. D. T. Q. S. LOPES, C. R. OLIVO, H. C. CASTRO-FARIA-NETO, M. A. MARTINS, P. H. N. SALDIVA, and M. DOLHNIKOFF. Anti-inflammatory Effects of Aerobic Exercise in Mice Exposed to Air Pollution. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., Vol. 44, No. 7, pp. 1227-1234, 2012. Purpose: Exposure to diesel exhaust particles (DEP) results in lung inflammation. Regular aerobic exercise improves the inflammatory status in different pulmonary diseases. However, the effects of long-term aerobic exercise on the pulmonary response to DEP have not been investigated. The present study evaluated the effect of aerobic conditioning on the pulmonary inflammatory and oxidative responses of mice exposed to DEP. Methods: BALB/c mice were subjected to aerobic exercise five times per week for 5 wk, concomitantly with exposure to DEP (3 mg.mL (1); 10 mu L per mouse). The levels of exhaled nitric oxide, reactive oxygen species, cellularity, interleukin 6 (IL-6), and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) were analyzed in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid, and the density of neutrophils and the volume proportion of collagen fibers were measured in the lung parenchyma. The cellular density of leukocytes expressing IL-1 beta, keratinocyte chemoattractant (KC), and TNF-alpha in lung parenchyma was evaluated with immunohistochemistry. The levels of IL-1 beta, KC, and TNF-alpha were also evaluated in the serum. Results: Aerobic exercise inhibited the DEP-induced increase in the levels of reactive oxygen species (P < 0.05); exhaled nitric oxide (P < 0.01); total (P < 0.01) and differential cells (P < 0.01); IL-6 and TNF-alpha levels in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (P < 0.05); the level of neutrophils (P < 0.001); collagen density in the lung parenchyma (P < 0.05); the levels of IL-6, KC, and TNF-alpha in plasma (P < 0.05); and the expression of IL-1 beta, KC, and TNF-alpha by leukocytes in the lung parenchyma (P < 0.01). Conclusions: We conclude that long-term aerobic exercise presents protective effects in a mouse model of DEP-induced lung inflammation. Our results indicate a need for human studies that evaluate the pulmonary responses to aerobic exercise chronically performed in polluted areas.
Communities in fragmented landscapes are often assumed to be structured by species extinction due to habitat loss, which has led to extensive use of the species-area relationship (SAR) in fragmentation studies. However, the use of the SAR presupposes that habitat loss leads species to extinction but does not allow for extinction to be offset by colonization of disturbed-habitat specialists. Moreover, the use of SAR assumes that species richness is a good proxy of community changes in fragmented landscapes. Here, we assessed how communities dwelling in fragmented landscapes are influenced by habitat loss at multiple scales; then we estimated the ability of models ruled by SAR and by species turnover in successfully predicting changes in community composition, and asked whether species richness is indeed an informative community metric. To address these issues, we used a data set consisting of 140 bird species sampled in 65 patches, from six landscapes with different proportions of forest cover in the Atlantic Forest of Brazil. We compared empirical patterns against simulations of over 8 million communities structured by different magnitudes of the power-law SAR and with species-specific rules to assign species to sites. Empirical results showed that, while bird community composition was strongly influenced by habitat loss at the patch and landscape scale, species richness remained largely unaffected. Modeling results revealed that the compositional changes observed in the Atlantic Forest bird metacommunity were only matched by models with either unrealistic magnitudes of the SAR or by models ruled by species turnover, akin to what would be observed along natural gradients. We show that, in the presence of such compositional turnover, species richness is poorly correlated with species extinction, and z values of the SAR strongly underestimate the effects of habitat loss. We suggest that the observed compositional changes are driven by each species reaching its individual extinction threshold: either a threshold of forest cover for species that disappear with habitat loss, or of matrix cover for species that benefit from habitat loss.
Recently, a nongenomic cytotoxic component of the chemotherapeutic agent tamoxifen (TAM) has been identified that predominantly triggers mitochondrial events. The present study delineates the intracellular fate of TAM and studies its interaction with a spectrum of cell homeostasis modulators primarily relevant to mitochondria. The subcellular localization of TAM was assessed by confocal fluorescence microscopy. The effect of the modulators on TAM cytotoxicity was assessed by standard MTT assays. Our findings show that in estrogen receptor positive MCF7 breast adenocarcinoma cells and DU145 human prostate cancer cells, TAM largely accumulates in the mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum, but not lysosomes. Our results further demonstrate that in MCF7, but not in DU145 cells, mitochondrial electron transport chain complex I and III inhibitors exacerbate TAM toxicity with an order of potency of myxothiazol = stigmatellin > rotenone > antimycin A, suggesting a cell-specific cytotoxic interplay between mitochondrial complex I and III function and TAM action.
The Pierre Auger Observatory is a facility built to detect air showers produced by cosmic rays above 10(17) eV. During clear nights with a low illuminated moon fraction, the UV fluorescence light produced by air showers is recorded by optical telescopes at the Observatory. To correct the observations for variations in atmospheric conditions, atmospheric monitoring is performed at regular intervals ranging from several minutes (for cloud identification) to several hours (for aerosol conditions) to several days (for vertical profiles of temperature, pressure, and humidity). In 2009, the monitoring program was upgraded to allow for additional targeted measurements of atmospheric conditions shortly after the detection of air showers of special interest, e. g., showers produced by very high-energy cosmic rays or showers with atypical longitudinal profiles. The former events are of particular importance for the determination of the energy scale of the Observatory, and the latter are characteristic of unusual air shower physics or exotic primary particle types. The purpose of targeted (or "rapid") monitoring is to improve the resolution of the atmospheric measurements for such events. In this paper, we report on the implementation of the rapid monitoring program and its current status. The rapid monitoring data have been analyzed and applied to the reconstruction of air showers of high interest, and indicate that the air fluorescence measurements affected by clouds and aerosols are effectively corrected using measurements from the regular atmospheric monitoring program. We find that the rapid monitoring program has potential for supporting dedicated physics analyses beyond the standard event reconstruction.