85 resultados para Quassia amara


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These data sets report the fossil beetle assemblages identified from the Mesolithic to Late Bronze Age at eight sites in the London region. All but one of the study sites are within 2 km of the modern course of the Thames. The sites produced 128 faunal assemblages that yielded 218 identified species in 41 families of Coleoptera (beetles).  Beetle faunas of Mesolithic age indicate extensive wetlands near the Thames, bordered by rich deciduous woodlands. The proportion of woodland species declined in the Neolithic, apparently because of the expansion of wetlands, rather than because of human activities. The Early Bronze Age faunas contained a greater proportion of coniferous woodland and aquatic (standing water) species. An increase in the dung beetle fauna indicates the presence of sheep, cattle and horses, and various beetles associated with crop lands demonstrate the local rise of agriculture, albeit several centuries after the beginnings of farming in other regions of Britain. Late Bronze Age faunas show the continued development of agriculture and animal husbandry along the lower Thames. About 33% of the total identified beetle fauna from the London area sites have limited modern distributions or are extinct in the U.K. Some of these species are associated with the dead wood found in primeval forests; others are wetland species whose habitat has been severely reduced in recent centuries. The third group is stream-dwelling beetles that require clean, clear waters and river bottoms.


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El pájaro posado en la colina Sobre el edificio TITSA en Tenerife de NTRES arquitectos (Arsenio Pérez Amara/, Antonio Corona Bosch y Eustaquio Martínez García)


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Thirty-seven varieties of a Mediterranean durum wheat collection grown in Tunisia and Spain were analysed for their allelic composition in prolamins, as well as their protein concentration, sodium dodecyl sulphate sedimentation (SDSS) test and mixograph parameters. Genotype was a greater source of variation in all measurements than locality. Uncommon high and low molecular glutenin subunits (HMW-GS and LMW-GS) were found (V and 2? subunits at Glu-A1, 13 þ 16 at Glu-B1, 5* subunit and ax allele at Glu-A3). The rare combinations 2 þ 4þ14 þ 18 and 8 þ 9þ13 þ 16þ18 subunits at the Glu-B3 locus were found. Glu-A3ax had a positive influence on SDSS and mixograph parameters. Of all the prolamins, those that have the B-LMW-GS composition aaa (for Glu-A3, Glu-B3 and Glu-B2 loci, respectively), when associated with the Glu-A1c and Glu-B1d gave the best semolina quality. By contrast, semolina quality is poor when this same composition is associated with the Glu-A1c and Glu-B1e and even poorer when associated with the Glu-A1c and Glu-B1f. In addition, the cultivars with B-LMW-GS allelic composition aab (for Glu-A3, Glu-B3 and Glu-B2 loci, respectively), when associated with the Glu- A1c and Glu-B1d, gave high quality, whereas when associated with the Glu-A1c and Glu-B1e or with Glu- A1o and Glu-B1f, the quality was very poor.


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The use of low molecular weight organic compounds to induce dimerization or oligomerization of engineered proteins has wide-ranging utility in biological research as well as in gene and cell therapies. Chemically induced dimerization can be used to activate intracellular signal transduction pathways or to control the activity of a bipartite transcription factor. Dimerizer systems based on the natural products cyclosporin, FK506, rapamycin, and coumermycin have been described. However, owing to the complexity of these compounds, adjusting their binding or pharmacological properties by chemical modification is difficult. We have investigated several families of readily prepared, totally synthetic, cell-permeable dimerizers composed of ligands for human FKBP12. These molecules have significantly reduced complexity and greater adaptability than natural product dimers. We report here the efficacies of several of these new synthetic compounds in regulating two types of protein dimerization events inside engineered cells—–induction of apoptosis through dimerization of engineered Fas proteins and regulation of transcription through dimerization of transcription factor fusion proteins. One dimerizer in particular, AP1510, proved to be exceptionally potent and versatile in all experimental contexts tested.


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To investigate the contribution of individual serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine; 5-HT) receptors to mood control, we have used homologous recombination to generate mice lacking specific serotonergic receptor subtypes. In the present report, we demonstrate that mice without 5-HT1A receptors display decreased exploratory activity and increased fear of aversive environments (open or elevated spaces). 5-HT1A knockout mice also exhibited a decreased immobility in the forced swim test, an effect commonly associated with antidepressant treatment. Although 5-HT1A receptors are involved in controlling the activity of serotonergic neurons, 5-HT1A knockout mice had normal levels of 5-HT and 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid, possibly because of an up-regulation of 5-HT1B autoreceptors. Heterozygote 5-HT1A mutants expressed approximately one-half of wild-type receptor density and displayed intermediate phenotypes in most behavioral tests. These results demonstrate that 5-HT1A receptors are involved in the modulation of exploratory and fear-related behaviors and suggest that reductions in 5-HT1A receptor density due to genetic defects or environmental stressors might result in heightened anxiety.


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FKBP ligand homodimers can be used to activate signaling events inside cells and animals that have been engineered to express fusions between appropriate signaling domains and FKBP. However, use of these dimerizers in vivo is potentially limited by ligand binding to endogenous FKBP. We have designed ligands that bind specifically to a mutated FKBP over the wild-type protein by remodeling an FKBP-ligand interface to introduce a specificity binding pocket. A compound bearing an ethyl substituent in place of a carbonyl group exhibited sub-nanomolar affinity and 1,000-fold selectivity for a mutant FKBP with a compensating truncation of a phenylalanine residue. Structural and functional analysis of the new pocket showed that recognition is surprisingly relaxed, with the modified ligand only partially filling the engineered cavity. We incorporated the specificity pocket into a fusion protein containing FKBP and the intracellular domain of the Fas receptor. Cells expressing this modified chimeric protein potently underwent apoptosis in response to AP1903, a homodimer of the modified ligand, both in culture and when implanted into mice. Remodeled dimerizers such as AP1903 are ideal reagents for controlling the activities of cells that have been modified by gene therapy procedures, without interference from endogenous FKBP.


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Title also in Russian.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Another issue in 8 vols. has title: The story of the great war, the complete historical records of events to date. Illustrated with drawings, maps and photographs by Francis J. Reynolds ... Allen L. Churchill ... Francis Trevelyan Miller ...


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We introduce the convex cone constituted by the directions of majoration of a quasiconvex function. This cone is used to formulate a qualification condition ensuring the epiconvergence of a sequence of general quasiconvex marginal functions in finite dimensional spaces.


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Developing cleaner chemical processes often involves sophisticated flow-chemistry equipment that is not available in many economically developing countries. For reactions where it is the data that are important rather than the physical product, the networking of chemists across the internet to allow remote experimentation offers a viable solution to this problem.


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In this paper we propose a class for introducing the probability teaching using the game discs which is based on the concept of geometric probability and which is supposed to determine the probability of a disc randomly thrown does not intercept the lines of a gridded surface. The problem was posed to a group of 3nd year of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio Grande do Norte - Jo~ao C^amara. Therefore, the students were supposed to build a grid board in which the success percentage of the players had been previously de ned for them. Once the grid board was built, the students should check whether that theoretically predetermined percentage corresponded to reality obtained through experimentation. The results and attitude of the students in further classes suggested greater involvement of them with discipline, making the environment conducive for learning.