971 resultados para Quasi-phase matching (QPM)


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In questo lavoro di tesi si studia un processo sperimentale necessario alla realizza- zione di un esperimento di Fisica Atomica. L’attivit`a svolta consiste nell’ottimizzazione dei paramentri di un algoritmo di con- trollo PI (proporzionale-integrale) atto a stabilizzare la temperatura di un Diodo Laser entro 1mK. Nella branca dell’Ottica Non Lineare (dove la polarizzazione del mezzo ha una rispo- sta non lineare al campo elettrico) si possono presentare casi in cui la birifrangenza del mezzo ha una forte dipendenza dalla temperatura. Questa pu o ` essere control- lata per il raggiungimento delle condizioni di phase matching. Le fluttuazioni di temperatura possono minare tramite la dilatazione termica la precisione di una ca- vit`a Fabry-Perot, utilizzata per controllare e misurare la lunghezza d’onda della luce, dato che nominalmente ∆ν/ν = − ∆L/L. Negli esperimenti di Laser Cooling infi- ne si lavora spesso con transizioni la cui larghezza naturale Γ ∼ 1MHz , mentre la frequenza di un laser pu o ́ dipendere dalla temperatura con coefficienti tipicamente dell’ordine del GHz/K. Questa stabilizzazione risulta dunque fondamentale per una vasta classe di esperi- menti nei quali le derive termiche possono influenzare drammaticamente il processo di misura. La tesi, in particolare, si apre con un capitolo nel quale si tratta brevemente il con- testo matematico di riferimento per i sistemi di controllo a retroazione. Tra questi e ` di particolare interesse la regolazione proporzionale-integrale. Il secondo capitolo si concentra sulla caratterizzazione del sistema in oggetto al fine di trovare la sua funzione di trasferimento ad anello aperto. Nel terzo capitolo infine, si utilizzano gli strumenti matematici descritti precedente- mente per ottimizzare i parametri del regolatore e si discutono i risultati ottenuti e le misure finali.


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Originally developed in the context of quantum field theory, the concept of supersymmetry can be used to systematically design a new class of optical structures. In this work, we demonstrate how key features arising from optical supersymmetry can be exploited to control the flow of light for mode division multiplexing applications. Superpartner configurations are experimentally realized in coupled optical networks, and the corresponding light dynamics in such systems are directly observed. We show that supersymmetry can be judiciously utilized to remove the fundamental mode of a multimode optical structure, while establishing global phase matching conditions for the remaining set of modes. Along these lines, supersymmetry may serve as a promising platform for versatile optical components with desirable properties and functionalities.


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We report on the existence of nondiffracting Bessel surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs), advancing at either superluminal or subluminal phase velocities. These wave fields feature deep subwavelength FWHM, but are supported by high-order homogeneous SPPs of a metal/dielectric (MD) superlattice. The beam axis can be relocated to any MD interface, by interfering multiple converging SPPs with controlled phase matching. Dissipative effects in metals lead to a diffraction-free regime that is limited by the energy attenuation length. However, the ultra-localization of the diffracted wave field might still be maintained by more than one order of magnitude.


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The multimode operation of an optical parametric oscillator (OPO) operating below threshold is calculated. We predict that squeezing can be generated in a comb that is limited only by the phase matching bandwidth of the OPO. Effects of technical noise on the squeezing spectrum are investigated. It is shown that maximal squeezing can be obtained at high frequency even in the presence of seed laser noise and cavity length fluctuations. Furthermore the spectrum obtained by detuning the laser frequency off OPO cavity resonance is calculated.


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We present a theory of coherent propagation and energy or power transfer in a low-dimension array of coupled nonlinear waveguides. It is demonstrated that in the array with nonequal cores (e.g., with the central core) stable steady-state coherent multicore propagation is possible only in the nonlinear regime, with a power-controlled phase matching. The developed theory of energy or power transfer in nonlinear discrete systems is rather generic and has a range of potential applications including both high-power fiber lasers and ultrahigh-capacity optical communication systems. © 2012 American Physical Society.


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This thesis describes the study of various grating based optical fibre sensors for applications in refractive index sensing. The sensitivity of these sensors has been studied and in some cases enhanced using novel techniques. The major areas of development are as follows. The sensitivity of long period gratings (LPGs) to surrounding medium refractive index (SRI) for various periods was investigated. The most sensitive period of LPG was found to be around 160 µm and this was due to the core mode coupling to a single cladding mode but phase matching at two wavelength locations, creating two attenuation peaks, close to the waveguide dispersion turning point. Large angle tilted fibre gratings (TFGs) have similar behaviour to LPGs, in that they couple to the co-propagating cladding modes. The tilted structure of the index modulation within the core of the fibre gives rise to a polarisation dependency, differing the large angle TFG from a LPG. Since the large angle TFG couple to the cladding mode they are SRI sensitive, the sensitivity to SRI can be further increased through cladding etching using HF acid. The thinning of the cladding layer caused a reordering of the cladding modes and shifted to more SRI sensitive cladding modes as the investigation discovered. In a SRI range of 1.36 to 1.40 a sensitivity of 506.9 nm/URI was achieved for the etched large angle TFG, which is greater than the dual resonance LPG. UV inscribed LPGs were coated with sol-gel materials with high RIs. The high RI of the coating caused an increase in cladding mode effective index which in turn caused an increase in the LPG sensitivity to SRI. LPGs of various periods of LPG were coated with sol-gel TiO2 and the optimal thickness was found to vary for each period. By coating of the already highly SRI sensitive 160µm period LPG (which is a dual resonance) with a sol-gel TiO2, the SRI sensitivity was further increased with a peak value of 1458 nm/URI, which was an almost 3 fold increase compared to the uncoated LPG. LPGs were also inscribed using a femtosecond laser which produced a highly focused index change which was no uniform throughout the core of the optical fibre. The inscription technique gave rise to a large polarisation sensitivity and the ability to couple to multiple azimuthal cladding mode sets, not seen with uniform UV inscribed gratings. Through coupling of the core mode to multiple sets of cladding modes, attenuation peaks with opposite wavelength shifts for increasing SRI was observed. Through combining this opposite wavelength shifts, a SRI sensitivity was achieved greater than any single observed attenuations peak. The maximum SRI achieved was 1680 nm/URI for a femtosecond inscribed LPG of period 400 µm. Three different types of surface plasmon resonance (SPR) sensors with a multilayer metal top coating were investigated in D shape optical fibre. The sensors could be separated into two types, utilized a pre UV inscribed tilted Bragg grating and the other employed a post UV exposure to generate surface relief grating structure. This surface perturbation aided the out coupling of light from the core but also changed the sensing mechanism from SPR to localised surface plasmon resonance (LSPR). This greatly increased the SRI sensitivity, compared to the SPR sensors; with the gold coated top layer surface relief sensor producing the largest SRI sensitivity of 2111.5nm/URI was achieved. While, the platinum and silver coated top layer surface relief sensors also gave high SRI sensitivities but also the ability to produce resonances in air (not previously seen with the SPR sensors). These properties were employed in two applications. The silver and platinum surface relief devices were used as gas sensors and were shown to be capable of detecting the minute RI change of different gases. The calculated maximum sensitivities produced were 1882.1dB/URI and 1493.5nm/URI for silver and platinum, respectively. Using a DFB laser and power meter a cheap alternative approach was investigated which showed the ability of the sensors to distinguish between different gases and flow rates of those gases. The gold surface relief sensor was coated in a with a bio compound called an aptamer and it was able to detect various concentrations of a biological compound called Thrombin, ranging from 1mM to as low as 10fM. A solution of 2M NaCl was found to give the best stripping results for Thrombin from the aptamer and showed the reusability of the sensor. The association and disassociation constants were calculated to be 1.0638×106Ms-1 and 0.2482s-1, respectively, showing the high affinity of the Aptamer to thrombin. This supports existing working stating that aptamers could be alternative to enzymes for chemical detection and also helps to explain the low detection limit of the gold surface relief sensor.


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In order to characterise long period gratings fabricated in endlessly single mode photonic crystal fibres with bulk cladding we perform eigenanalysis of guided modes supported by these fibres. Resonant coupling occurs only when the beating length equals the multiple grating periods. Experimentally obtained grating spectra and sensitivity are fully explained using modified phase matching condition.


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In order to characterise long period gratings fabricated in endlessly single mode photonic crystal fibres with bulk cladding we perform eigenanalysis of guided modes supported by these fibres. Resonant coupling occurs only when the beating length equals the multiple grating periods. Experimentally obtained grating spectra and sensitivity are fully explained using modified phase matching condition. © Springer 2006.


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We introduce two techniques to measure the efficiency of inter mode FWM with respect to intra mode FWM. The first technique allows an estimation of the additional FWM penalty for any given system; the second isolates the contribution of each mode. Measurements are compared to an analytical model showing the FWM signal increases by ∼2dB with inter mode phase matching.


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Long period gratings in two types of photonic crystal fibre have been studied. The gratings display negligible temperature sensitivity but useful sensitivity to other measurands. Theoretical modelling suggests that unusual phase matching conditions apply.


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A comprehensive eigenmode analysis is performed of the guided modes supported by typical photonic crystal fiber. These modes exhibit unusual phase matching conditions requiring multiple grating periods for resonant coupling. All the signature features of the experimentally observed transmission spectra are explained by multiple-period resonances.


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Long period grating was UV inscribed into a multicore fiber consisting of 120 single mode cores. The multicore fiber that hosts the grating was fusion spliced into a single mode fiber at both ends. The splice creates a taper transition between the two types of fiber that produces a nonadiabatic mode evolution; this results in the illumination of all the modes in the multicore fiber. The spectral characteristics of this fiber device as a function of curvature were investigated. The device yielded a significant spectral sensitivity as high as 1.23 nm/m-1 and 3.57 dB/m-1 to the ultra-low curvature values from 0 to 1 m-1. This fiber device can also distinguish the orientation of curvature experienced by the fiber as the long period grating attenuation bands producing either a blue or red wavelength shift. The finite element method (FEM) model was used to investigate the modal behavior in multicore fiber and to predict the phase-matching curves of the long period grating inscribed into multicore fiber. © 2014 Optical Society of America.


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Binocular combination for first-order (luminancedefined) stimuli has been widely studied, but we know rather little about this binocular process for spatial modulations of contrast (second-order stimuli). We used phase-matching and amplitude-matching tasks to assess binocular combination of second-order phase and modulation depth simultaneously. With fixed modulation in one eye, we found that binocularly perceived phase was shifted, and perceived amplitude increased almost linearly as modulation depth in the other eye increased. At larger disparities, the phase shift was larger and the amplitude change was smaller. The degree of interocular correlation of the carriers had no influence. These results can be explained by an initial extraction of the contrast envelopes before binocular combination (consistent with the lack of dependence on carrier correlation) followed by a weighted linear summation of second-order modulations in which the weights (gains) for each eye are driven by the first-order carrier contrasts as previously found for first-order binocular combination. Perceived modulation depth fell markedly with increasing phase disparity unlike previous findings that perceived first-order contrast was almost independent of phase disparity. We present a simple revision to a widely used interocular gain-control theory that unifies first- and second-order binocular summation with a single principle-contrast-weighted summation-and we further elaborate the model for first-order combination. Conclusion: Second-order combination is controlled by first-order contrast.


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An invariant imbedding method yields exact analytical results for the distribution of the phase theta (L) of the reflection amplitude and for low-order resistance moments (pn) for a disordered conductor of length L in the quasi-metallic regime L<