840 resultados para Qualitative Data


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Background and Purpose: What drives some athletes to achieve at the highest level whilst other athletes fail to achieve their physical potential? Why does the ‘fire’ burn so brightly for some elite athletes and not for others? A good understanding of an athlete’s motivation is critical to a coach designing an appropriate motivational climate to realize an athlete’s physical talent. This paper examines the motivational processes of elite athletes within the framework of three major social-cognitive theories of motivation. Method: Participants were five male and five female elite track and field athletes from Australia who had finished in the top ten at either the Olympic Games and/or the World Championships in the last six years. Qualitative data were collected using semi-structured interviews. Results and Discussion: Inductive analyses revealed several major themes associated with the motivational processes of elite athletes: (a) they were highly driven by personal goals and achievement, (b) they had strong self-belief, and (c) track and field was central to their lives. The findings are discussed in light of recent social-cognitive theories of motivation, namely, self-determination theory, the hierarchical model of motivation, and achievement goal theory. Self-determined forms of motivation characterised the elite athletes in this study and, consistent with social-cognitive theories of motivation, it is suggested that goal accomplishment enhances perceptions of competence and consequently promotes self-determined forms of motivation.


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In a study of merger-evoked cultural change in three organizations, quantitative and qualitative data were collected from individuals at all employment levels in both merger partners within each organization. Results were that most individuals perceived that the merger had impacted significantly on them personally. There was, however, a perceived lack of congruence between the organizational cultures of merging partners, resulting in cultural clashes and significant changes to the organizations' organizational cultures. More specifically, outcomes for both individuals and the subsequent acculturation following the mergers were related to the approach adopted to manage the merger process: incremental, immediate, or indifferent.


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Appropriate ways to monitor the availability and use of illicit drugs were examined. Four methods were tested concurrently: (1) a quantitative survey of injecting drug users, (2) a qualitative key informant study of illicit drug users and professionals working in the drug field, (3) examination of existing sources of survey, health and law enforcement data and (4) an ethnographic study of a high risk group of illicit drug users. The first three methods were recommended for inclusion in an ongoing national monitoring system, enabling the collection of both quantitative and qualitative data on a range of illicit drugs in a relatively brief, quick and cost-effective manner. A degree of convergent validity was also noted among these methods, improving the degree of confidence in drug trends. The importance of injecting drug users as a sentinel population of illicit drug users was highlighted, along with optimal methods for qualitative research.


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More than 41,000 women aged 18-23, 45-50, and 70-75 years in 1996 are participating in the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women's Health (Women's Health Australia). Baseline surveys were conducted for all three cohorts in 1996, and the first follow-up survey of the mid-age group in 1998 has achieved a response rate exceeding 90%. The main findings so far reflect the large differences in the life experiences of the three cohorts. The young women report high levels of stress. The physical and mental health of those with young children is worse than for those without children, but confounding by sociodemographic characteristics may account for the differences. Two thirds of young women in the healthy weight or underweight range would like to weigh less, and early onset of dieting is associated with poorer physical and mental health. Most of the women in the mid-age group have multiple roles-in paid work, home duties, and caring for children and other dependents. The potential of the study to investigate the long-term impact of such busy lives on health outcomes is considerable. At this stage, the main health issues for these women relate to tiredness, weight gain, and menopause. The older cohort presents a picture of positive aging. These women are heavier users of health services than the mid-age and younger women, and they are also more satisfied with these services. Although their physical health is poorer, their mental health is better, and they report less stress than women in the other two cohorts. The follow-up survey of this group, planned for 1999, will focus on the coping strategies used by these women. An overall goal of the project is to understand the interactions among social roles, life events, and women's health in order to provide a basis for improved health policies and services. Analysis of these interactions, which relies on both quantitative and qualitative data, poses many challenges that will be addressed as the longitudinal data become available.


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Objective: Characteristics of patients who committed suicide were examined to provide a picture of the treatment they received before death and to determine whether and how the suicides could have been pre vented by the service system. Methods: The unnatural-deaths register was matched to the psychiatric case register in the state of Victoria in Australia to identify suicides by people with a history of public-sector psychiatric service use who committed suicide between July 1, 1989, and June 30, 1994. Data on patient and treatment characteristics were examined by three experienced clinicians, who made judgments about whether the suicide could have been prevented had the service system responded differently. Quantitative and qualitative data were descriptively analyzed. Results: A total of 629 psychiatric patients who had committed suicide were identified. Seventy-two percent of the patients were male, 62 percent were under 40 years old, and 51 percent were unmarried. They had a range of disorders, with the most common being schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder (36 percent). Sixty-seven percent had previously attempted suicide. A total of 311 patients (49 percent) received care within four weeks of death. Twenty percent of the suicides were considered preventable. Key factors associated with preventability were poor staff-patient relationships, incomplete assessments, poor assessment and treatment of depression and psychological problems, and poor continuity of care. Conclusions: Opportunities exist for the psychiatric service system to alter practices at several levels and thereby reduce patient suicides.


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Attempts to understand why people with adequate communication skills do not always perform well have focused on personality or personal style variables. This research focuses on the situational context and the difficulty inherent in particular encounters. This paper reports two studies concerned with what makes difficult face-to-face communication in work settings difficult or demanding. The first study (Study 1) identifies the types of face-to-face communication encounters that people find difficult to manage in the workplace. Quantitative and qualitative data were gathered to define 41 difficult communication situations representing situations difficult for superiors, colleagues and subordinates, as well as generically difficult situations. In Study 2, quantitative data were analysed using multidimensional scaling techniques to reveal the underlying structure of the situations. Four dimensions were identified: protection/approach, vulnerability, self-management, and involvement/engagement. The results provide insight into the ways in which people construe these types of situations and also provide a taxonomy of difficult communication situations in the workplace. Theoretical and practical implications of the findings are discussed.


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This paper describes the ways in which older people contribute to their communities and families as informal volunteers. It challenges current ways of thinking that assign an economic value to the productive activities undertaken by older people. Using qualitative data from a study of older people resident in Queensland, Australia, the paper explores the ways that older people contribute to their families and to the community and the outcomes associated with these activities. Two specific themes emerged from the data: first, the ways' in which older people contribute to strong inter-generational relations, and second, how they provide essential mutual support that permits many older people to remain living in the community. These contributions, while often small in themselves, are in aggregate critical both to family functioning and to the maintenance of sustainable and healthy communities. Many are reciprocal interactions that add value to the lives of individuals and offer positive social roles in later life, and they may be particularly important for those from minority cultural backgrounds or at risk of social isolation. The findings suggest that older people are integral to community and civil society and, therefore, that social policy should respond to the ageing of Australia's population and recognise the positive contributions of older people, rather than emphasising the costs of demographic change.


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Objective: High levels of domestic violence, mental illness, and alienation from authorities are associated with high incidence of children/adolescents living on the streets in low and middle income countries. The Equilibrium Project (Programa Equilibrio) was created to facilitate social reintegration through a virtual partnership between an academic psychiatric institute and highly vulnerable children and adolescents living on the streets, in group shelter with supervision, and in other high risk situations. Methods: Descriptive presentation of qualitative data and analysis of preliminary empirical data collected over a 24-month period. Results: Dialogue between academic professionals, street children, and city officials shaped The Equilibrium Project over the last 2 years. The program has progressively moved from a professional clinic setting to a community-based but protected activity center with recreational and professional services and an emphasis on linkage with social service agencies, city government and law enforcement officials in an academic research context. A total of 351 patients have been served of whom virtually all were neglected by their parents, 58.4% report physical or sexual abuse, 88.89% have been diagnosed with a psychiatric disorder, 40.4% drug use. After 2 years of operation, 63.5% (n = 223) successfully completed or continue in treatment and 34.8% (n = 122) were reunited with their families. Conclusions and Practice implications: Program development guided by consumer input led to a successful program offering professional services in a protected community setting that facilitates social reintegration by providing ""go between"" services integrating relationships between alienated consumers and formal psychiatric, pediatric, social service, and criminal justice systems. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This exploratory study investigated factors associated with the wish to hasten death among a sample of terminally ill cancer patients. Semi-structured interviews conducted on a total of 72 hospice and home palliative care patients were subjected to qualitative analysis using QSR-NUDIST. The main themes to emerge suggested that patients with a high wish to hasten death had greater concerns with physical symptoms and psychological suffering, perceived themselves to be more of a burden to others, and experienced higher levels of demoralization, while also reporting less confidence in symptom control, fewer social supports, less satisfaction with life experiences and fewer religious beliefs when compared with patients who had a moderate or no wish to hasten death. The implications of these findings will be discussed.


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Esta pesquisa teve por objetivo avaliar o desempenho em inglês como L2 de alunos submetidos a atividades em uma abordagem híbrida com o uso de ferramentas da internet na Escola de Aprendizes-Marinheiros do Espírito Santo. Quarenta alunos de duas turmas intactas foram divididos em dois grupos, o experimental (ensino tradicional + ambiente virtual) e o controle (ensino tradicional apenas). O referencial teórico revisou a literatura sobre a abordagem de ensino de línguas estrangeiras baseada em tarefas, metodologias híbridas de ensino de L2, multiletramentos e novas tecnologias. A metodologia de pesquisa usada foi mista com dados qualitativos e quantitativos. O estudo avaliou o impacto de atividades on-line na aprendizagem de L2 e no desenvolvimento da autonomia e do letramento digital. Três tarefas usando variados sítios da internet foram administradas ao grupo experimental, seguidas de um questionário para cada uma, usado para a avaliação qualitativa. A análise quantitativa foi feita por meio de pré e pós-testes analisados estatisticamente. Para esta pesquisa-ação, foram utilizados questionários, entrevistas semiestruturadas e o diário da professora-pesquisadora como instrumentos de coleta de dados. De forma geral, os resultados não mostraram ganhos estatisticamente significativos no tratamento, porém a análise qualitativa das impressões dos alunos-participantes sobre as tarefas realizadas revelou que a abordagem híbrida de ensino de L2 pode ajudar os alunos a desenvolver a autonomia, motivação, um maior contato com a língua-alvo e o letramento digital.


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Esta dissertação tem como objetivo investigar as práticas pedagógicas inclusivas instituídas no cotidiano da educação infantil a partir de um olhar para a infância e para a criança com deficiência e transtornos globais do desenvolvimento. Apontamos como objetivos específicos: definir o que está sendo reconhecido como práticas educacionais inclusivas a partir de indicadores estabelecidos para identificá- las no contexto de uma escola de educação infantil; investigar como a escola reflete, dialoga sobre as questões da inclusão das crianças na primeira infância na unidade de educação infantil e como se configuram as propostas de formação dos professores neste espaço, a fim de constituir práticas pedagógicas inclusivas na unidade escolar; escutar as crianças com deficiência e transtornos globais do desenvolvimento e as demais crianças sobre como estão compreendendo o acontecimento das práticas pedagógicas em geral e as práticas pedagógicas inclusivas da unidade de ensino de educação infantil. Para tanto, desenvolvemos um estudo de natureza qualitativa, tendo como base a metodologia do estudo de caso etnográfico numa perspectiva colaborativa, no qual realizamos análise documental, entrevistas semiestruturadas, observações participantes, ciclos de formação com os professores e roda de conversa com as crianças, que foram registrados por meio de fotografias, áudio e videogravações. O estudo foi desenvolvido no contexto de uma escola pública de educação infantil do município de Cachoeiro de Itapemirim – ES. Os participantes foram oito crianças público-alvo da educação especial, com idade entre dois a seis anos de idade, dez professores, três pedagogas, uma diretora, uma coordenadora e duas auxiliares de turma que se envolveram direta ou indiretamente com o estudo. O estudo foi realizado durante quatorze meses, no período de 28 de outubro de 2011 a 10 de dezembro de 2012, em uma Escola Municipal de Educação Básica do município de Cachoeiro do Itapemirim/ES, que atende exclusivamente aos alunos da educação infantil, em duas turmas de creche e três de pré-escola. Os aportes teóricos fundamentam-se na abordagem histórico-cultural e nos estudos de Phelippe Meirieu. Os dados foram organizados em temáticas e “episódios interativos” e analisados por meio da abordagem microgenética e das análises das narrativas. A análise dos resultados evidenciou a importância do investimento na formação dos professores, a constituição de relações de colaboração entre professores regentes e de Educação Especial e a assunção de que toda criança tem capacidade de aprender, pois esses elementos influenciam as práticas pedagógicas constituídas nos espaços-tempos da Educação Infantil mediante o desafio de inclusão escolar de crianças com deficiência e com transtornos globais do desenvolvimento.


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The main purpose of performance appraisal in organizations is, or should be, to improve the engagement, learning process and progress of the employees and to align individual with team and organizational performance. However, performance appraisal can also be interpreted as an instrument of normalization, discipline and surveillance. This study thus aims to explore and discuss the complex schema of intrinsic and extrinsic objectives of performance appraisal system of the Portuguese public organizations (SIADAP - Performance Evaluation Integrated System). We have developed an exploratory and qualitative case study to capture appraisers and appraises perceptions. The data were analyzed in light of foucauldian theories. According to the qualitative data, namely the discourses of the appraisers and their subordinates, the SIADAP is seen as an instrument of control and dominance that aims to introduce political rationalities, limiting the career progression of the employees. Though some key points of Foucault’s perspective were identified, foucauldian framework revealed some limitations to capture all the complexity inherent to performance appraisal. This study opens new perspectives about the SIADAP and can be of major importance as far as political reflection about performance appraisal in public organizations is concerned.


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A EUCERD Joint Action (EJA) para as Doenças Raras (DR) integrou cinco domínios: planos nacionais e estratégias, nomenclatura internacional para DR, serviços sociais especializados, qualidade dos cuidados/centros de referência e integração de iniciativas em DR. O objetivo deste artigo é descrever o enquadramento português nas DR. Em novembro de 2014 foi realizado um workshop em Portugal com oito países participantes. Foi descrita a situação europeia para as DR e comparada com a realidade portuguesa. Estiveram presentes: autoridades europeias, parceiros da EJA, especialistas, investigadores, profissionais de saúde e associações de doentes. Realizou-se uma análise qualitativa dos conteúdos das apresentações, posteriormente atualizada através de análise documental. No domínio dos planos e estratégias foi aprovada a Estratégia Integrada para as Doenças Raras 2015-2020 que assenta numa cooperação interministerial, intersectorial e interinstitucional. Em relação à nomenclatura, foi discutida e proposta a utilização do Orphanumber. Foram descritas várias iniciativas no âmbito das DR e observados exemplos de boas práticas na área dos serviços socias especializados. Recentemente, Portugal reconheceu oficialmente vários Centros de Referência Nacionais, onde se incluem alguns para as DR. Em conclusão, Portugal tem vindo a desenvolver diversas atividades no domínio das DR sendo necessário continuar com a integração das mesmas.


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O presente estudo visou caraterizar as representações que técnicos de intervenção precoce têm sobre famílias que vivem em meio rural e em meio urbano que recebem apoio das equipas. Foram realizadas entrevistas semi-diretivas, os participantes e entrevistados foram dez docentes com intervenção educativa nas equipas, cinco em apoio direto a famílias de meio rural e cinco a realizar intervenções com famílias de meio urbano. Deste estudo resultaram vários dados qualitativos que depois de analisados e discutidos, levaram a diversas conclusões que vem dar respostas às questões e problemática iniciais. As famílias inseridas nestes contextos têm características que as diferenciam; habilitações, recursos, necessidades e comportamentos em comunidade. Tem aspetos culturais que influenciam as suas atitudes, participação e autonomia e são ou não decisivas no desenvolvimento da criança. Em contexto rural as famílias apresentam um maior número de necessidades comparativamente às famílias de meio urbano. As maiores necessidades das famílias em contexto rural situam-se nas questões financeiras, de formação e apoio técnico e especializado. As maiores necessidades das famílias de contexto urbano situam-se ao nível do fraco apoio familiar e das redes sociais. As necessidades comuns situam-se nas necessidades de informação e promoção da autonomia e competências parentais. As visitas e intervenções domiciliares podem permitir melhorar a identificação das necessidades e recursos das famílias e compreender melhor os critérios de referência de algumas crianças. As oportunidades de aprendizagem são maiores nestes encontros em domicílio, estão presentes em muitos casos, elementos da família alargada, que muitas vezes tem um papel fundamental na educação e estimulação destas crianças. Os docentes de IP em intervenção em contexto urbano, comparativamente com os docentes inseridos em contexto rural, apoiam famílias que na generalidade abrangem áreas profissionais mais vantajosas financeiramente. Estas famílias terão á partida melhores condições para aceder a mais recursos e apoios. Nos dois contextos existe uma necessidade comum, falta de informação e alguma autonomia e competências parentais em relação ao crescimento das crianças. A realização de iii encontros de pais ou criação de grupos de pais que tenham por base a partilha de experiencias e informação, estão planeadas mas não são uma realidade nestas equipas. Nas práticas de qualidade, o profissional deve atuar nos contextos naturais como, a família, ou a comunidade, mas pode incluir também rotinas, brincadeiras, festas etc. cenários que facilitem o dia-a-dia. As famílias têm contextos e rotinas próprias que os profissionais devem identificar, os dados que recolhemos indicam essa necessidade de proceder a avaliação mais atenta das necessidades das famílias. As práticas recomendadas e o enquadramento legislativo são tidos em conta pelos docentes e profissionais das equipas, os recursos documentais são na sua maioria comuns, a todas as equipas participantes, seguindo as orientações e documentos/minutas facultadas pela comissão coordenadora do SNIPI (Sistema Nacional de Intervenção Precoce na Infância) Apesar das recomendações teóricas para práticas de qualidade centradas na família, verificamos que estas fazem parte das preocupações destes docentes, mas nem sempre são implementadas. A problemática da criança parece ser ainda o ponto mais importante dos programas e planos de intervenção e mesmo o critério decisivo para delinear a duração e frequência das intervenções, seja em contexto urbano ou rural. - ABSTRACT This study aimed to characterize the families of rural and urban areas that receive support from Early Intervention Teams. It has been proposed yet whether professionals IP suit their practices to the characteristics of these families and communities integrated in different cultural contexts. Interviews were conducted semidirective, participants were ten respondents and teachers with educational intervention teams, five in direct support to families in rural areas and five interventions with families in urban areas. This study resulted in a number of qualitative data that then analyzed and discussed, led to several conclusions that comes to answer the questions and problems early. The families included in these contexts have characteristics that differentiate them; qualifications, resources, needs and behaviors in the community. Has cultural aspects that influence their attitudes, participation and autonomy and are not decisive in the development of the child. In the rural households have a greater number of needs compared to urban families. The greatest needs of families in rural settings are located in financial matters, training and technical support and expertise. The greatest needs of the urban households are located at the level of weak family support and social networks. Common needs lie in information needs and promoting autonomy and parenting skills. The home visits and interventions may allow improved identification of needs and resources of families and understand the benchmarks of some children. Learning opportunities are greater in these meetings at home, are present in many cases, elements of the extended family, which often plays a key role in education and stimulation of these children. Teachers IP intervention in the urban compared with rural teachers placed in context, support families in general include professional areas more financially advantageous. These families will have better starting conditions for access to more resources and support. In both contexts there is a common need, lack of information and some autonomy and parenting skills in relation to the growth of children. The meetings of parents or creating parent groups that are based on the sharing of information and experiences are planned but are not a reality in these teams. In quality practices, the professional must act in natural contexts like the family or the community, but may also include routines, jokes, and parties’ etc. scenarios that v facilitate the day-to-day. Families have their own contexts and routines that professionals should identify, collect the data indicate that the need for more careful assessment of the needs of families. Best practices and legislative environment are taken into account by teachers and professional teams, the documentary resources are mostly common to all participating teams, following the guidelines and documents / drafts provided by the coordinating committee SNIPI (National Intervention Early Childhood) Despite the theoretical recommendations for quality practices family-centered, we see that these are part of the concerns of teachers, but are not always implemented. The issue of child seems to be still the most important programs and plans and even the decisive criterion for delineating the duration and frequency of interventions whether in urban or rural.


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Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências da Educação - Especialização em Educação Especial, Domínio Cognição e Multideficiência