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A string of repulsively interacting particles exhibits a phase transition to a zigzag structure, by reducing the transverse trap potential or the interparticle distance. Based on the emergent symmetry Z2 it has been argued that this instability is a quantum phase transition, which can be mapped to an Ising model in transverse field. An extensive Density Matrix Renormalization Group analysis is performed, resulting in an high-precision evaluation of the critical exponents and of the central charge of the system, confirming that the quantum linear-zigzag transition belongs to the critical Ising model universality class. Quantum corrections to the classical phase diagram are computed, and the range of experimental parameters where quantum effects play a role is provided. These results show that structural instabilities of one-dimensional interacting atomic arrays can simulate quantum critical phenomena typical of ferromagnetic systems.


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We express various sets of quantum correlations studied in the theoretical physics literature in terms of different tensor products of operator systems of discrete groups. We thus recover earlier results of Tsirelson and formulate a new approach for the study of quantum correlations. To do this we formulate a general framework for the study of operator systems arising from discrete groups. We study in detail the operator system of the free group Fn on n generators, as well as the operator systems of the free products of finitely many copies of the two-element group Z2. We examine various tensor products of group operator systems, including the minimal, the maximal, and the commuting tensor products. We introduce a new tensor product in the category of operator systems and formulate necessary and sufficient conditions for its equality to the commuting tensor product in the case of group operator systems.


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Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D degree in Engineering Sciences and Technology


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The transport and magnetotransport properties of the metallic and ferromagnetic SrRuO3 (SRO) and the metallic and paramagnetic LaNiO3 (LNO) epitaxial thin films have been investigated in fields up to 55 T at temperatures down to 1.8 K . At low temperatures both samples display a well-defined resistivity minimum. We argue that this behavior is due to the increasing relevance of quantum corrections to the conductivity (QCC) as temperature is lowered; this effect being particularly relevant in these oxides due to their short mean free path. However, it is not straightforward to discriminate between contributions of weak localization and renormalization of electron-electron interactions to the QCC through temperature dependence alone. We have taken advantage of the distinct effect of a magnetic field on both mechanisms to demonstrate that in ferromagnetic SRO the weak-localization contribution is suppressed by the large internal field leaving only renormalized electron-electron interactions, whereas in the nonmagnetic LNO thin films the weak-localization term is relevant.


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Time resolved studies of silylene, SiH2, generated by the 193 nm laser. ash photolysis of phenylsilane, have been carried out to obtain rate coefficients for its bimolecular reactions with methyl-, dimethyl- and trimethyl-silanes in the gas phase. The reactions were studied over the pressure range 3 - 100 Torr with SF6 as bath gas and at five temperatures in the range 300 - 625 K. Only slight pressure dependences were found for SiH2 + MeSiH3 ( 485 and 602 K) and for SiH2 + Me2SiH2 ( 600 K). The high pressure rate constants gave the following Arrhenius parameters: [GRAPHICS] These are consistent with fast, near to collision-controlled, association processes. RRKM modelling calculations are consistent with the observed pressure dependences ( and also the lack of them for SiH2 + Me3SiH). Ab initio calculations at both second order perturbation theory (MP2) and coupled cluster (CCSD(T)) levels, showed the presence of weakly-bound complexes along the reaction pathways. In the case of SiH2 + MeSiH3 two complexes, with different geometries, were obtained consistent with earlier studies of SiH2 + SiH4. These complexes were stabilised by methyl substitution in the substrate silane, but all had exceedingly low barriers to rearrangement to product disilanes. Although methyl groups in the substrate silane enhance the intrinsic SiH2 insertion rates, it is doubtful whether the intermediate complexes have a significant effect on the kinetics. A further calculation on the reaction MeSiH + SiH4 shows that the methyl substitution in the silylene should have a much more significant kinetic effect ( as observed in other studies).


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This paper considers left-invariant control systems defined on the Lie groups SU(2) and SO(3). Such systems have a number of applications in both classical and quantum control problems. The purpose of this paper is two-fold. Firstly, the optimal control problem for a system varying on these Lie Groups, with cost that is quadratic in control is lifted to their Hamiltonian vector fields through the Maximum principle of optimal control and explicitly solved. Secondly, the control systems are integrated down to the level of the group to give the solutions for the optimal paths corresponding to the optimal controls. In addition it is shown here that integrating these equations on the Lie algebra su(2) gives simpler solutions than when these are integrated on the Lie algebra so(3).


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Time-resolved kinetic studies of the reactions of silylene, SiH2, and dideutero-silylene, SiD2, generated by laser. ash photolysis of phenylsilane and phenylsilane-d(3), respectively, have been carried out to obtain rate coefficients for their bimolecular reactions with 2-butyne, CH3C CCH3. The reactions were studied in the gas phase over the pressure range 1-100 Torr in SF6 bath gas at five temperatures in the range 294-612 K. The second-order rate coefficients, obtained by extrapolation to the high pressure limits at each temperature, fitted the Arrhenius equations where the error limits are single standard deviations: log(k(H)(infinity)/cm(3) molecule(-1) s(-1)) = (-9.67 +/- 0.04) + (1.71 +/- 0.33) kJ mol(-1)/RTln10 log(k(D)(infinity)/cm(3) molecule(-1) s(-1)) = (-9.65 +/- 0.01) + (1.92 +/- 0.13) kJ mol(-1)/RTln10 Additionally, pressure-dependent rate coefficients for the reaction of SiH2 with 2-butyne in the presence of He (1-100 Torr) were obtained at 301, 429 and 613 K. Quantum chemical (ab initio) calculations of the SiC4H8 reaction system at the G3 level support the formation of 2,3-dimethylsilirene [cyclo-SiH2C(CH3)=C(CH3)-] as the sole end product. However, reversible formation of 2,3-dimethylvinylsilylene [CH3CH=C(CH3)SiH] is also an important process. The calculations also indicate the probable involvement of several other intermediates, and possible products. RRKM calculations are in reasonable agreement with the pressure dependences at an enthalpy value for 2,3-dimethylsilirene fairly close to that suggested by the ab initio calculations. The experimental isotope effects deviate significantly from those predicted by RRKM theory. The differences can be explained by an isotopic scrambling mechanism, involving H - D exchange between the hydrogens of the methyl groups and the D-atoms in the ring in 2,3-dimethylsilirene-1,1-d(2). A detailed mechanism involving several intermediate species, which is consistent with the G3 energy surface, is proposed to account for this.


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In this work, we present a detailed study on the optical properties of two GaAs/Al(0.35)Ga(0.65)As coupled double quantum wells (CDQWs) with inter-well barriers of different thicknesses, by using photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy. The two CDQWs were grown in a single sample, assuring very similar experimental conditions for measurements of both. The PL spectrum of each CDQW exhibits two recombination channels which can be accurately identified as the excitonic e(1)-hh(1) transitions originated from CDQWs of different effective dimensions. The PL spectra characteristics and the behavior of the emissions as a function of temperature and excitation power are interpreted in the scenario of the bimodal interface roughness model, taking into account the exciton migration between the two regions considered in this model and the difference in the potential fluctuation levels between those two regions. The details of the PL spectra behavior as a function of excitation power are explained in terms of the competition between the band gap renormalization (BGR) and the potential fluctuation effects. The results obtained for the two CDQWs, which have different degrees of potential fluctuation, are also compared and discussed. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We investigate the combined influence of quenched randomness and dissipation on a quantum critical point with O(N) order-parameter symmetry. Utilizing a strong-disorder renormalization group, we determine the critical behavior in one space dimension exactly. For super-ohmic dissipation, we find a Kosterlitz-Thouless type transition with conventional (power-law) dynamical scaling. The dynamical critical exponent depends on the spectral density of the dissipative baths. We also discuss the Griffiths singularities, and we determine observables.


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The dideprotonation of 4-(4-nitrophenylazo)resorcinol generates an anionic species with substantial electronic pi delocalization. As compared to the parent neutral species, the anionic first excited electronic transition, characterized as an intramolecular charge transfer (ICT) from the CO(-) groups to the NO(2) moiety, shows a drastic red shift of ca. 200 nm in the lambda(max) in the UV-vis spectrum, leading to one of the lowest ICT energies observed (lambda(max) = 630 nm in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO)) in this class of push-pull molecular systems. Concomitantly, a threefold increase in the molar absorptivity (epsilon(max)) in comparison to the neutral species is observed. The resonance Raman enhancement profiles reveal that in the neutral species the chromophore involves several modes, as nu(C-N), nu(N=N), nu(C=C) and nu(s)(NO(2)), whereas in the dianion, there is a selective enhancement of the NO(2) vibrational modes. The quantum chemical calculations of the electronic transitions and vibrational wavenumbers led to a consistent analysis of the enhancement patterns observed in the resonance Raman spectra. Copyright (C) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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A new characteristic free approach to constructing large sets of mutually unbiased bases in Hilbert space is developed. We associate with a seed set of bases a finite subgroup of which defines a strongly regular graph. Large sets of mutually unbiased bases are obtained as the cliques of the graph.


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Using the functional integral formalism for the statistical generating functional in the statistical (finite temperature) quantum field theory, we prove the equivalence of many-photon Greens functions in the Duffin-Kennner-Petiau and Klein-Gordon-Fock statistical quantum field theories. As an illustration, we calculate the one-loop polarization operators in both theories and demonstrate their coincidence.


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Renormalized fixed-point Hamiltonians are formulated for systems described by interactions that originally contain point-like singularities (as the Dirac-delta and/or its derivatives). They express the renormalization group invariance of quantum mechanics. The present approach for the renormalization scheme relies on a subtracted T-matrix equation.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)