733 resultados para Pyrethroid Insecticides


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Thrips are reported as important pests on table grapes in United States and several countries of Europe. Damage caused by thrips, particulary Frankliniella occidentalis, was observed on niagara table grape crop in Limeira-SP, Brazil. During the blooming period, high thrips densities were observed feeding on pollen and small berries. The symptoms left were more visible after the development of the berries and were characterized by dark scars and suberized surface on berries, sometimes causing the berry to crack, and the seed to prolapse. The effect of insecticides thiacloprid or methiocarb, associated or not with the entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium anisopliae were evaluated during the blooming period. For evaluation of thrips damage on fruits, the treatments were applied three additional times, 7, 14 and 21 days after the first application. The treatments were: a) M. anisopliae (strain 1037) 1x10(7) conidia/mL; b) thiacloprid 20mL/100L; c-d) methiocarb 100 and 150mL/100L; e) methiocarb 100mL/100L + M. anisopliae 1x10(7) conidia/mL. Only methiocarb, associated or not with the fungus, was effective in reducing thrips infestation, and no phytotoxic damage was observed. The efficiency of methiocarb 150mL/100L and the insecticide associated with the fungus for the control of the thrips population was 84.2 and 95.5%, respectively. In both cases, there was a reduction of approximately 70% in the number of berries with scars symptoms. For control of thrips on table grapes, chemical insecticides associated or not with M. anisopliae should be applied during the blooming period of the crop.


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Les pyréthrinoïdes et les pyréthrines sont des insecticides neurotoxiques auxquels on attribue également des effets néfastes sur les systèmes immunitaire, hormonal et reproducteur. Ils sont abondamment utilisés en agriculture, mais aussi en horticulture, en extermination et dans le traitement d’infestations parasitaires humaines et animales (gale, poux). Il y a donc un intérêt en santé environnementale à connaître l’ampleur de l’exposition humaine à ces pesticides. La mesure des métabolites urinaires des pyréthrinoïdes et des pyréthrines apparaît une approche de choix pour arriver à cette fin puisqu’elle permet, en théorie, d’obtenir un portrait global de l’exposition. Or,traditionnellement et par soucis de simplicité les concentrations volumiques ou ajustées pour la créatinine) de ces biomarqueurs dans des urines ponctuelles sont déterminées, mais l’effet de l’utilisation de ces unités sur la validité des estimations de dose quotidienne absorbée n’a jamais été vérifié. L’objectif général de cette thèse était donc de développer, appliquer et valider une nouvelle stratégie de mesure et d’analyse de biomarqueurs pour améliorer la précision et la fiabilité des évaluations de l’exposition individuelles et populationnelles aux pyréthrinoïdes et pyréthrines. Les objectifs spécifiques étaient : i) de caractériser l’exposition humaine à ces contaminants en région urbaine et rurale au Québec et ii) de comparer la validité de la nouvelle stratégie de mesure et d’analyse de biomarqueurs urinaires proposée avec les autres méthodes plus usuelles utilisées pour estimer l’exposition individuelle et populationnelle et les doses absorbées de pyréthrinoïdes. Des adultes et des enfants, recrutés dans la population de l’Île de Montréal et de la Montérégie ont recueilli leurs urines pendant une période d’au moins douze heures et complété un questionnaire documentant les sources potentielles d’exposition. Les quantités de métabolites de pyréthrinoïdes et pyréthrines (pmol) mesurées dans les urines ont été ajustées pour une période de douze heures exactement et pour le poids corporel. Les quantités excrétées en région urbaine ont été comparées à celles excrétées en région rurale et les données individuelles et populationnelles ont été comparées à celles qui auraient été obtenues si des concentrations volumiques ou ajustées pour la créatinine avaient été mesurées. Les résultats montrent que l’exposition à ces pesticides est ubiquiste puisque plus de 90% des participants excrétaient les principaux métabolites de pyréthrinoïdes et pyréthrines à un niveau supérieur au seuil de détection analytique. Les résultats suggèrent que l’alimentation pourrait être à l’origine de ce niveau de base puisque les autres sources d’exposition connues n’ont été que rarement rapportées. Au Québec, l’exposition en milieu rural apparaissait légèrement plus importante qu’en milieu urbain et certains facteurs d’exposition, comme l’utilisation de pesticides domestiques, ont été rapportés plus fréquemment en milieu rural. Enfin, il a été démontré que la mesure des concentrations volumiques ou ajustées pour la créatinine de biomarqueurs est une approche qui peut entraîner des biais importants (jusqu’à 500% d’erreur et plus) en particulier lors de l’évaluation de l’exposition individuelle. Il est évident que les autorités de santé publique et de santé environnementale employant des biomarqueurs urinaires afin d’évaluer l’exposition aux pyréthrinoïdes et aux pyréthrines (ainsi qu’à d’autres molécules ayant des demi-vies d’élimination similaire)devraient diriger leurs efforts vers la mesure des quantités excrétées pendant une période d’au moins douze heures pour obtenir un portrait le plus valide possible de l’exposition. Il serait aussi souhaitable de mieux documenter la toxicocinétique de ces molécules chez l’humain afin d’établir avec une plus grande confiance la relation entre les quantités excrétées de biomarqueurs et les doses absorbées de ces contaminants.


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Les pyréthrinoïdes sont des insecticides largement utilisés. La population générale y est exposée par l’alimentation tandis que les travailleurs agricoles y sont exposés lors de tâches diverses en champs. Leurs effets neurotoxiques, immunitaires et endocriniens potentiels en font des composés à surveiller pour assurer la santé de la population. La mesure de biomarqueurs d’exposition, qui consiste à quantifier la concentration dans l’organisme d’une substance ou de ses métabolites, permet d’estimer les doses absorbées. Les biomarqueurs peuvent également être des molécules répondant à un stress physiologique, identifiées comme des biomarqueurs d’effets. Pour raffiner les stratégies de biosurveillance de l’exposition, on se doit de bien connaître la toxicocinétique d’un xénobiotique; actuellement, les études de biosurveillance considèrent rarement la variabilité temporelle, intra-invidivuelle et inter-individuelle, qui pourrait influencer l’estimation de l’exposition. L’objectif de la thèse est donc d’appliquer une approche cinétique pour l’évaluation de l’exposition aux pyréthrinoïdes en conditions contrôlées et en milieu de travail. Dans un volet exploratoire, l’effet de cette exposition sur des changements métaboliques précoces a également évalué. Trois métabolites finaux (cis-DCCA, trans-DCCA et 3-PBA) de deux pyréthrinoïdes les plus utilisés, soient la perméthrine et la cyperméthrine, ont été mesurés dans le plasma et l’urine de six volontaires oralement exposés à une dose équivalente à la dose de référence. Une demi-vie moyenne (t½) d’élimination apparente du trans-DCCA, cis-DCCA et 3-PBA dans le plasma de 5,1, 6,9 et 9,2 h, respectivement, a été obtenue après exposition orale à la cyperméthrine, comparativement à 7,1, 6,2 et 6,5 h après exposition à la perméthrine. Dans l’urine, la demi-vie d'élimination apparente (t½) était de 6,3, 6,4 et 6,4 h pour le trans-DCCA, cis-DCCA et 3-PBA, respectivement, après administration de la cyperméthrine comparé à 5,4, 4,5 et 5,7 h après administration de la perméthrine. Les profils temporels étaient semblables suite à l’exposition à la cyperméthrine et perméthrine. Ensuite, une étude en milieu agricole a été réalisée avec la participation de travailleurs pour évaluer leur exposition et raffiner les stratégies de biosurveillance. La variabilité intra-individuelle dans les niveaux de biomarqueurs d’exposition chez plusieurs travailleurs était plus importante que la variabilité inter-individuelle. Les échantillons urinaires ont également été utilisés pour identifier des modifications du métabolome pouvant fournir de nouveaux biomarqueurs d’effets précoces. Chez les travailleurs, une augmentation de l'hippurate urinaire (p <0,0001) a été observée après exposition aux pyréthrinoïdes, un biomarqueur de la conjugaison de l’acide benzoïque. En conclusion, cette étude a permis de mieux documenter la cinétique de biomarqueurs d’exposition aux pyréthrinoïdes dans des conditions contrôlées et réelles afin de raffiner les stratégies de biosurveillance. Elle a aussi contribué à renseigner sur les niveaux d’exposition agricole québécois et sur les paramètres professionnels associés à une plus forte exposition. Ce projet s’insère dans une démarche d’analyse de risque en santé au travail.


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Instead of developing easily degradable, and low-priced insecticides, we are going after highly sophisticated chemicals. Here, an attempt is being made to develop safer formulations of insecticides of botanical origin. Different parts of the plants were chosen based on their use in countryside and villages The dried plant materials were extracted with petroleum ether, and were applied on Tribolium castaneum. The results were statistically analysed. The active principles from Croton tigilium and Leea sambucina, the most potential plants, were isolated using Column Chromatography, TLC, and Hydrolysis. The isolated principles were analysed spectroscopically ( UV-Vis., IR, NMR, and MS ) to identify their chemical nature. The active principles from Leea and Croton were identified as a cholisterate derivative and a phorbol derivative respectively. In order to ascertain the environmental combatibility of the principles, degradation by soil bacteria was studied. The isolated principles were made into three type of formulations using stabilizers .The formulations were applied on Snake gourd semilooper, Pulse beetle, and mosquito larvae. Also the biocidal activity of the formulations was studied. Both Leea derivative and Croton derivative could be formulated effectively and were effective against a variety of pests. They are eco-friendly, as there is no artificial chemicals involved.


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Cochin University of Science And Technology


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Bed-sediments are a sink for many micro-organic contaminants in aquatic environments. The impact of toxic contaminants on benthic fauna often depends on their spatial distribution, and the fate of the parent compounds and their metabolites. The distribution of a synthetic pyrethroid, permethrin, a compound known to be toxic to aquatic invertebrates, was studied using river bed-sediments in lotic flume channels. trans/cis-Permethrin diagnostic ratios were used to quantify the photoisomerization of the trans isomer in water. Rates were affected by the presence of sediment particles and colloids when compared to distilled water alone. Two experiments in dark/light conditions with replicate channels were undertaken using natural sediment, previously contaminated with permethrin, to examine the effect of the growth of an algal biofilm at the sediment-water interface on diffusive fluxes of permethrin into the sediment. After 42 days, the bulk water was removed, allowing a fine sectioning of the sediment bed (i.e., every mm down to 5 mm and then 5-10 mm, then every 10 mm down to 50 mm). Permethrin was detected in all cases down to a depth of 5-10 mm, in agreement with estimates by the Millington and Quirk model, and measurements of concentrations in pore water produced a distribution coefficient (K-d) for each section, High K-d's were observed for the top layers, mainly as a result of high organic matter and specific surface area. Concentrations in the algal biofilm measured at the end of the experiment under light conditions, and increases in concentration in the top 1 mm of the sediment, demonstrated that algal/bacterial biofilm material was responsible for high K-d's at the sediment surface, and for the retardation of permethrin diffusion. This specific partition of permethrin to fine sediment particles and algae may enhance its threat to benthic invertebrates. In addition,the analysis of trans/cis-permethrin isomer ratios in sediment showed greater losses of trans-permethrin in the experiment under light conditions, which may have also resulted from enhanced biological activity at the sediment surface.


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The promotion of technologies seen to be aiding in the attainment of agricultural sustainability has been Popular amongst Northern-based development donors for many years. One of these, botanical insecticides (e.g., those based on neem, Pyrethrum and tobacco) have been a particular favorite as they are equated with being 'natural' and hence less damaging to human health and the environment. This paper describes the outcome of interactions between one non-government organisation (NGO), the Diocesan Development Services (DDS), based in Kogi State, Nigeria, and a major development donor based in Europe that led to the establishment of a programme designed to promote the Virtues of a tobacco-based insecticide to small-scale farmers. The Tobacco Insecticide Programme (TIP) began in the late 1980s and ended in 200 1, absorbing significant quantities of resource in the process. TIP began with exploratory investigations of efficacy on the DDS seed multiplication farm followed by stages of researcher-managed and farmer-managed on-farm trials. A survey in 2002 assessed adoption of the technology by farmers. While yield benefits from using the insecticide were nearly always positive and statistically significant relative to an untreated control, they were not as good as commercial insecticides. However, adoption of the tobacco insecticide by local farmers was poor. The paper discusses the reasons for poor adoption, including relative benefits in gross margin, and uses the TIP example to explore the differing power relationships that exist between donors, their field partners and farmers. (C) 2004 by The Haworth Press, Inc. All rights reserved.


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In a field experiment the effects of Sumicidin (super) 5EC (fenitrothion), Metasystox EC25 (oxydemeton-methyl) and Tamaron SL600 (methamidophos), applied at different dosages, were evaluated against peach-potato aphid, Myzus persicae (Sulzer) and its parasitoid Aphidius matricariae Haliday on Cardinal and Desiree (respectively partially resistant and susceptible potato cultivars to M. persicae). Sumicidin (super) 5EC was found about 30% more effective in reducing aphid populations than the other insecticides tested. The highest doses of each insecticide caused maximum aphid mortality; in general aphid mortality appeared dose dependent. Almost all the higher and lower doses of the tested insecticides were about 19% more effective on Cardinal than on Desiree. The most significant result was the synergistic interaction at the lower doses with plant resistance, so that the same level of control was recorded with second highest dose on Cardinal as with the highest dose on Desiree. Also the same control level was achieved at the lowest dosage rate on Cardinal compared with the next higher dose on the Desiree. Sumicidin (super) 5EC was found least toxic to the parasitoid, A. matricariae in terms of percent parasitism, emergence of parasitoids and number of mature eggs in the emerging female parasitoids; increase of about 22, 67 and 47% respectively were found in parasitoid performance with Tamaron SL600 which was found comparatively highly toxic. The highest doses of all insecticides were found clearly toxic to the parasitoid. In general, effects on the parasitoid were dose dependent. Maximum yield was obtained from the second highest dose of Sumicidin (super) 5EC.


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Field studies were conducted in Pakistan to examine the effects and the interaction of two differentially resistant potato cultivars i.e. Cardinal and Desiree (one partially resistant and one susceptible to Myzus persicae (Sulzer), respectively) with different dosage rates of granular insecticides, at different time intervals after application in relation to percent kill of M. persicae and effects on the parasitoid Aphidius matricariae Haliday (i.e. the third trophic level) within the aphid mummies, percent parasitism and Thimet 10G (phorate) was found about 30% more effective in reducing aphid population than the Furadan 3G (carbofuran). The highest doses of each insecticide caused maximum aphid mortality, in general aphid mortality appeared dose dependent. Mostly all the higher and lower doses of the tested insecticides were about 10% more effective on Cardinal than on Desiree. The most significant result was the synergistic interaction at the lower doses with plant resistance, so that the same level of control was recorded with the second highest dose on Cardinal as with the highest dose on Desiree. Also the same level of control was observed at the lowest dose on Cardinal as with the second last lowest dose on Desiree. Furadan 3G was found least toxic to the A. matricariae in terms of percent parasitism, emergence of parasitoids and number of mature eggs in the emerging females. Furadan 3G gave 13, 15 and 6% higher figures, respectively from the parasitoid characteristics than Thimet 10G. The highest doses of both insecticides were clearly toxic to the parasitoid. In general, the effects on the parasitoid were dose dependent. The second highest dose of Thimet 10G, gave the maximum yield


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Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity was measured in Daphnia magna that had been exposed to four organophosphates (OPs; parathion, chlorpyrifos, malathion, and acephate) and one carbamate (propoxur) for 48 h. These results were related to acute toxicity (median effective concentration [EC50] for immobility). For the four OPs, the EC50s were 7.03 pM, 3.17 pM, 10.56 pM, and 309.82 muM, respectively. The EC50 for propoxur was 449.90 pM. Reduction in AChE activity was directly related to an increase in immobility in all chemicals tested. However, the ratio between the EC50 and the AChE median inhibiting concentration ranged from 0.31 to 0.90. A 50% reduction in AChE activity generally was associated with detrimental effects on mobility. However, for acephate, high levels of AChE inhibition (70%) were observed in very low concentrations and were not associated with immobility. In addition, increasing the concentration of acephate further had a slight negative effect oil AChE activity but a Strong detrimental effect on mobility. Binding sites other than AChE possibly are involved in acephate toxicity to D. magna. Our findings demonstrate different associations between AChE inhibition and toxicity when different chemicals are compared. Therefore, the value of using AChE activity as a biomarker in D. magna will be dependent on the chemical tested.


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This study was designed to test the feasibility of integrating in situ, single species exposures and biomarker analysis into microcosm studies. Experimental ponds were dosed with pirimiphos methyl (PM) and lindane. C. riparius fourth instar larvae were deployed for 48 h on nine separate occasions during the study period before and after treatment. Surviving larvae were analysed for acetylcholinesterase activity (AChE). Survival and biomarker data were compared to chironomid assemblage analysis by monitoring insects emerging from the microcosms. Survival of chironomids within the in situ systems commenced on day + 16 after treatment with 31.6% and 53.3% survival in the lindane and PM treated ponds, respectively. In contrast, the first emergence from the microcosms occurred on days + 27, in respect to lindane, and + 59 for the PM treated ponds. Thus the in situ bioassay was able to demonstrate gradual reduction in toxicity within the sediment before this was evident from macroinvertebrate monitoring. Significant ACNE inhibition was only detected on exposure to PM. Levels decreased from 75% on day + 16 to 26% by day +29. The biomarker analysis confirmed that, by the end of the study, the insecticide was no longer exerting an effect. We discuss how the use of in situ bioassays could also aid comparison of microcosm studies by adding a standardized dimension. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity was measured in Daphnia magna that had been exposed to four organophosphates (OPs; parathion, chlorpyrifos, malathion, and acephate) and one carbamate (propoxur) for 48 h. These results were related to acute toxicity (median effective concentration [EC50] for immobility). For the four OPs, the EC50s were 7.03 pM, 3.17 pM, 10.56 pM, and 309.82 microM, respectively. The EC50 for propoxur was 449.90 pM. Reduction in AChE activity was directly related to an increase in immobility in all chemicals tested. However, the ratio between the EC50 and the AChE median inhibiting concentration ranged from 0.31 to 0.90. A 50% reduction in AChE activity generally was associated with detrimental effects on mobility. However, for acephate, high levels of AChE inhibition (70%) were observed in very low concentrations and were not associated with immobility. In addition, increasing the concentration of acephate further had a slight negative effect on AChE activity but a strong detrimental effect on mobility. Binding sites other than AChE possibly are involved in acephate toxicity to D. magna. Our findings demonstrate different associations between AChE inhibition and toxicity when different chemicals are compared. Therefore, the value of using AChE activity as a biomarker in D. magna will be dependent on the chemical tested.


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There is evidence that in Europe and North America many species of pollinators are in decline, both in abundance and distribution. Although there is a long list of potential causes of this decline, there is concern that neonicotinoid insecticides, in particular through their use as seed treatments are, at least in part, responsible. This paper describes a project that set out to summarize the natural science evidence base relevant to neonicotinoid insecticides and insect pollinators in as policy-neutral terms as possible. A series of evidence statements are listed and categorized according to the nature of the underlying information. The evidence summary forms the appendix to this paper and an annotated bibliography is provided in the electronic supplementary material.


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To investigate the kdr (knockdown resistance) resistance-associated gene mutation and determine its frequency in pyrethroid-resistant horn fly (Haematobia irritans) populations, a total of 1,804 horn flies of 37 different populations from all Brazilian regions (North, Northeast, Central-West, Southeast, and South) were molecular screened through polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The kdr gene was not detected in 87.08% of the flies. However, the gene was amplified in 12.92% of the flies, of which 11.70% were resistant heterozygous and 1.22% were resistant homozygous. Deviation from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (HWE) was found only in 1 ranch with an excess of heterozygous. When populations were grouped by region, three metapopulations showed significant deviations of HWE (Central-West population, South population and Southeast population). This indicates that populations are isolated one from another and kdr occurrence seems to be an independent effect probably reflecting the insecticide strategy used by each ranch. Although resistance to pyrethroids is disseminated throughout Brazil, only 48% of resistant populations had kdr flies, and the frequency of kdr individuals in each of these resistant populations was quite low. But this study shows that, with the apparent exception of the Northeast region, the kdr mechanism associated with pyrethroid resistance occurs all over Brazil.