723 resultados para Pulsão politradutória


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O objetivo central deste trabalho é o estudo e a aplicação do método Kalman-Bucy no processo de deconvolução ao impulso e de deconvolução com predição, onde é considerado que os dados observados são classificados como não-estacionários. Os dados utilizados neste trabalho são sintéticos e, com isto, esta Tese tem características de um exercício numérico e investigativo. O operador de deconvolução ao impulso é obtido a partir da teoria de CRUMP (1974) fazendo uso das soluções das equações Wiener-Hopf apresentadas por KALMAN-BUCY (1961) nas formas contínuas e discretas considerando o processo como não estacionário. O operador de predição (KBCP) está baseado nas teorias de CRUMP (1974) e MENDEL ET AL (1979). Sua estrutura assemelha-se ao filtro Wiener-Hopf onde os coeficientes do operador (WHLP) são obtidos através da autocorrelação, e no caso (KBCP) são obtidos a partir da função bi(k). o problema é definido em duas etapas: a primeira consta da geração do sinal, e a segunda da sua avaliação. A deconvolução realizada aqui é classificada como estatística, e é um modelo fortemente baseado nas propriedades do sinal registrado e de sua representação. Os métodos foram aplicados apenas em dados sintéticos de seção fonte-comum obtida a partir dos modelos com interfaces contínuas e camadas homogêneas.


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We investigate the formation of molecules under the action of external field acting during the atomic collision. To describe this process, the collision of atomic pairs, we use the Morse oscillator model driven The study was developed from the standpoint of classical mechanics by analyzing the sensitivity of the system with respect to initial conditions, the verification of chaotic dynamics associated with the process of formation of molecules with laser and analysis of system dynamics and the likelihood of photoassociation in response to the external field parameters


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This article approaches the definition of sexual drive proposed by Freud in the Three Essays and how the psychoanalytic conception of human sexuality has been theoretically presented from this first exposition: both as a construct of the species and as an individual construct. It seeks to show how the very metapsychological definition of drive (Trieb) – in 1905 and also in Freud’s 1915 Instincts and their Vicissitudes – interlaced biological contributions and the psychoanalytic clinic in the formulation of an original concept of the human sexuality. The paper also discusses how, because of this duplicity, there is sometimes a developmental interpretation of sexuality in the Three Essays. In the first two of the Three essays, Freud tried to expand the possibilities of sexual behavior, analyzing the drives in the diversity of perversions and in children’s sexuality, while in the third essay the focus was on the adult sexual drive from the moment it organizes itself around an object (hence being no longer auto-erotic) and the reproduction function. Certain experts have occasionally questioned whether the 1905 article attributed a biological teleology to the human sexuality by assigning reproduction as the eventual purpose of the sexual drive – that is, a reproductive goal achieved through the sexual intercourse (coitus). Our study seeks to show how the physiological point of view proposed by Freud in his 1915 article on Instincts sheds some light on how the very biological origin of the drives denies this supposed exclusive reproductive purpose of sexuality. The duplicity of Freud’s concept of drive – as expressed in the enigmatic sentence where he states that this is a concept situated on the border between the psychical and the physical – is then discussed taking into account this intercrossing between the biological and the psychical presented in the Three Essays. The points of view proposed by Freud in 1915 for the definition of the concept of drive – the physiological and the biological points of view – are suggested as conceptual tools to the understanding of this twofold character of human sexuality, according to psychoanalysis.


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