984 resultados para Public buildings


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A racionalização do uso da energia elétrica nas edificações é um assunto atual e de grande importância face ao grande impacto ambiental produzido. O consumo de energia elétrica no Brasil nas edificações residenciais, comerciais, de serviços e públicas é bastante significativo. Calcula-se que quase 50% da energia elétrica produzida no país seja consumida não só na operação e manutenção das edificações como também nos sistemas artificiais, que proporcionam conforto ambiental para seus usuários como iluminação, climatização e aquecimento de água. O Regulamento Técnico de Qualidade do Nível de Eficiência Energética de Edifícios Comerciais e Serviços e Públicos, RQT-C do INMETRO surge como uma contribuição à etiquetagem do nível de eficiência energética das edificações de uso coletivo. Para a determinação da eficiência são considerados três requisitos: envoltória da edificação, sistema de iluminação e sistema de condicionamento de ar. Todos os requisitos têm cinco níveis de eficiência que variam de A (mais eficiente) até E (menos eficiente), que associados com algumas bonificações (uso da energia solar, ventilação natural, etc.) tornam possível a atribuição de uma classificação geral para o edifício em seu todo. Neste trabalho objetivou-se avaliar esse desempenho energético para o prédio do Instituto Brasileiro de Adminstração Municipal -IBAM, situado na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, de concepção modernista. Foi mostrado como as decisões arquitetônicas tomadas e o uso da ventilação natural podem influenciar na avaliação de sua eficiência energética.


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This presentation will attempt to address the issue of whether the engineering design community has the knowledge, data and tool sets required to undertake advanced evacuation analysis. In discussing this issue I want to draw on examples not only from the building industry but more widely from where ever people come into contact with an environment fashioned by man. Prescriptive design regulations the world over suggest that if we follow a particular set of essentially configurational regulations concerning travel distances, number of exits, exit widths, etc it should be possible to evacuate a structure within a pre-defined acceptable amount of time. In the U.K. for public buildings this turns out to be 2.5 minutes, internationally in the aviation industry this is 90 seconds, in the UK rail industry this is 90 seconds and the international standard adopted by the maritime industry is 60 minutes. The difficulties and short comings of this approach are well known and so I will not repeat them here, save to say that this approach is usually littered with “magic numbers” that do not stand up to scrutiny. As we are focusing on human behaviour issues, it is also worth noting that more generally, the approach fails to take into account how people actually behave, preferring to adopt an engineer’s view of what people should do in order to make their design work. Examples of the failure of this approach are legion and include the; Manchester Boeing 737 fire, Kings Cross underground station fire, Piper Alpha oil platform explosion, Ladbroke Grove Rail crash and fire, Mont Blanc tunnel fire, Scandinavian Star ferry fire and the Station Nightclub fire.


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The Regional Cultural Centre in Letterkenny is a new 2000sqm arts center containing theatre, galleries, workshops and ancillary offices. The site is set back from the street, on high ground with good views. The form and envelope of the building was derived from geometrically connecting the site with the town’s two other main public buildings, the Cathedral (1901) and new Civic Offices (2002, also designed by MacGabhann Architects). This geometrical connection or vectors informed the geometry and shape of the building. This urban matrix of geometrically connecting three corner stones of society, namely the ecclesiastical headquarters, the administrative head quarters and the art centre helps to improve the town planning and urban design of the disparate and chaotic development that Letterkenny has become.
The large cantilever, which houses a 300sqm gallery, is aligned towards the Civic Offices, marks the entrance, and signifies a change of direction of the pedestrian route past the building, like a modern day obelisk.
The circulation routes and stairs internally provide views towards the civic offices and cathedral, thus reinforcing the connection between the three buildings and helps visitors make some sense of Letterkenny as an urban center. The main stairs and vertical circulation are contained behind the large glazed foyer, which is framed to be viewed externally like a proscenium stage, with visitors to the building passively acting their routes through the building.


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A grande motivação para este trabalho resultou na avaliação da vulnerabilidade sísmica das escolas básicas e secundárias que fazem parte integrante do parque escolar de Portugal Continental. Apesar de até ao momento apenas se terem estudado a vulnerabilidade de algumas escolas em algumas zonas particulares do nosso país, para este trabalho de investigação tivemos uma ambição muito maior e obviamente fizemos um esforço muito maior. Estabelecemos assim como meta, a avaliação de todo o parque escolar. Embora todo o parque escolar possua na ordem das três centenas de escolas em todo o território nacional e sendo este projeto de reabilitação, um projeto com a duração de 2007 a 2015. Em 2011, por motivos da crise económica, todo o projeto congelou sendo reabilitadas até à data cerca de apenas um terço das escolas. Esta quantidade foi o número de escolas que avaliamos em todo o país. As escolas, sendo edifícios públicos com uma importância fundamental, tanto pela elevada concentração de jovens, como pela função essencial como centros de aprendizagem para as gerações vindouras, como também pela ameaça que representam na eventualidade dum cenário sísmico pela enorme densidade de utilizadores, e pela vantagem de nesse cenário de catástrofe a importância estrutural ser superior em relação à maior parte dos edifícios correntes, devidamente demonstrado pelos argumentos enumerados, consequentemente as escolas podem servir como instalações de proteção civil perante uma catástrofe sísmica para apoio das populações circundantes afetadas. Portanto para cada uma das escolas cordialmente fornecidas pelo Parque Escolar, E.P.E., foi feito um estudo exaustivo e muito individual de cada uma das escolas, onde cada análise foi desenvolvida por uma metodologia simplificada, sendo cada análise sempre individual, e nunca tendo sida aplicada em série, este fator melhora substancialmente a eficácia da avaliação para a quantificação das vulnerabilidades e da determinação do grau de dano e das frações de perda para os requisitos fundamentais de limitação de danos, de não colapso, e de colapso iminente que correspondem a ações com períodos de retorno de 95, 475 e 975 anos. Este trabalho é fundamental para as entidades competentes terem a consciência da vulnerabilidade das escolas secundárias, para puderem atuar a nível estrutural e diminuir assim a vulnerabilidade sísmica, e mesmo que por impossibilidade económica o poder governamental não intervenha, então pode e principalmente deve, elaborar planos de emergência tanto com engenheiros civis qualificados como com a total colaboração das corporações de bombeiros que fazem parte das forças de operação e socorro da Autoridade Nacional de Proteção Civil (ANPC).


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Cette thèse contribue à une théorie générale de la conception du projet. S’inscrivant dans une demande marquée par les enjeux du développement durable, l’objectif principal de cette recherche est la contribution d’un modèle théorique de la conception permettant de mieux situer l’utilisation des outils et des normes d’évaluation de la durabilité d’un projet. Les principes fondamentaux de ces instruments normatifs sont analysés selon quatre dimensions : ontologique, méthodologique, épistémologique et téléologique. Les indicateurs de certains effets contre-productifs reliés, en particulier, à la mise en compte de ces normes confirment la nécessité d’une théorie du jugement qualitatif. Notre hypothèse principale prend appui sur le cadre conceptuel offert par la notion de « principe de précaution » dont les premières formulations remontent du début des années 1970, et qui avaient précisément pour objectif de remédier aux défaillances des outils et méthodes d’évaluation scientifique traditionnelles. La thèse est divisée en cinq parties. Commençant par une revue historique des modèles classiques des théories de la conception (design thinking) elle se concentre sur l’évolution des modalités de prise en compte de la durabilité. Dans cette perspective, on constate que les théories de la « conception verte » (green design) datant du début des années 1960 ou encore, les théories de la « conception écologique » (ecological design) datant des années 1970 et 1980, ont finalement convergé avec les récentes théories de la «conception durable» (sustainable design) à partir du début des années 1990. Les différentes approches du « principe de précaution » sont ensuite examinées sous l’angle de la question de la durabilité du projet. Les standards d’évaluation des risques sont comparés aux approches utilisant le principe de précaution, révélant certaines limites lors de la conception d’un projet. Un premier modèle théorique de la conception intégrant les principales dimensions du principe de précaution est ainsi esquissé. Ce modèle propose une vision globale permettant de juger un projet intégrant des principes de développement durable et se présente comme une alternative aux approches traditionnelles d’évaluation des risques, à la fois déterministes et instrumentales. L’hypothèse du principe de précaution est dès lors proposée et examinée dans le contexte spécifique du projet architectural. Cette exploration débute par une présentation de la notion classique de «prudence» telle qu’elle fut historiquement utilisée pour guider le jugement architectural. Qu’en est-il par conséquent des défis présentés par le jugement des projets d’architecture dans la montée en puissance des méthodes d’évaluation standardisées (ex. Leadership Energy and Environmental Design; LEED) ? La thèse propose une réinterprétation de la théorie de la conception telle que proposée par Donald A. Schön comme une façon de prendre en compte les outils d’évaluation tels que LEED. Cet exercice révèle cependant un obstacle épistémologique qui devra être pris en compte dans une reformulation du modèle. En accord avec l’épistémologie constructiviste, un nouveau modèle théorique est alors confronté à l’étude et l’illustration de trois concours d'architecture canadienne contemporains ayant adopté la méthode d'évaluation de la durabilité normalisée par LEED. Une série préliminaire de «tensions» est identifiée dans le processus de la conception et du jugement des projets. Ces tensions sont ensuite catégorisées dans leurs homologues conceptuels, construits à l’intersection du principe de précaution et des théories de la conception. Ces tensions se divisent en quatre catégories : (1) conceptualisation - analogique/logique; (2) incertitude - épistémologique/méthodologique; (3) comparabilité - interprétation/analytique, et (4) proposition - universalité/ pertinence contextuelle. Ces tensions conceptuelles sont considérées comme autant de vecteurs entrant en corrélation avec le modèle théorique qu’elles contribuent à enrichir sans pour autant constituer des validations au sens positiviste du terme. Ces confrontations au réel permettent de mieux définir l’obstacle épistémologique identifié précédemment. Cette thèse met donc en évidence les impacts généralement sous-estimés, des normalisations environnementales sur le processus de conception et de jugement des projets. Elle prend pour exemple, de façon non restrictive, l’examen de concours d'architecture canadiens pour bâtiments publics. La conclusion souligne la nécessité d'une nouvelle forme de « prudence réflexive » ainsi qu’une utilisation plus critique des outils actuels d’évaluation de la durabilité. Elle appelle une instrumentalisation fondée sur l'intégration globale, plutôt que sur l'opposition des approches environnementales.


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Per tal que un edifici de sortida de telecabines d'Espui obtingui una qualificació energètica, es fa un estudi mitjançant sistemes de simulació energètica


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El servicio WFS-G de Nomenclátor del Instituto de Cartografía de Andalucía (ICA) basa sus servicios en una base de datos que sigue el estándar del Modelo de Nomenclátor de España y que actualmente contiene unos 149.500 topónimos e identificadores geográficos clasificados temáticamente en áreas administrativas, entidades de población, hidrografía, orografía, patrimonio, infraestructuras, actividades industriales, extractivas, servicios y equipamientos. Este servicio OGC basado en el software libre Deegree 2.2. trata de dar servicio a otros proyectos del ICA como la IDEAndalucia, el catálogo de productos on-line LINE@ y en un futuro al buscador de cartografía histórica; por otro lado dispone de un visor propio de búsqueda de nombres geográficos con utilidades de descarga, rectificación y localización de topónimos cercanos


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De acuerdo con el Programa de la Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente (PNUMA), la producción más limpia «es una estrategia ambiental preventiva integrada que se aplica a los procesos, productos y servicios a fin de aumentar la eficiencia y reducir los riesgos para los seres humanos y el ambiente.» (Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente (PNUMA), 2006) Esta estrategia es aplicable para cualquier proceso, producto o servicio y contiene diversas acciones que incluyen sencillos pasos que van desde pequeños cambios en los procedimientos operacionales de fácil e inmediata ejecución, hasta cambios mayores que impliquen la sustitución de materias primas, insumos o líneas de producción a unas más eficientes. De acuerdo con la investigación realizada, se formuló un plan estratégico de PML para la Universidad del Rosario que permita la conservación de las materias primas, como el agua y el manejo energético eficiente, la reducción de las materias primas toxicas, en cuanto a toxicidad y cantidad, y la reducción de emisiones y residuos que van al agua y a la atmósfera impactando el entorno a causa de los procesos que se desarrollan en la Universidad para la prestación de sus servicios. En este orden de ideas, la Producción más Limpia implementada en la Universidad requiere que se modifiquen ciertas actitudes, el desarrollo de una gestión ambiental responsable, la creación de políticas convenientes y la evaluación de nuevas opciones tecnologías que impacten de manera positiva su implementación a través de las siguientes técnicas: • Mejoras en el proceso • Buenas prácticas operativas • Mantenimiento de equipos • Reutilización y reciclaje • Cambios en la materia prima • Cambios en la tecnología De esta manera los resultados presentarán un modelo transformador para la Institución, que permita su perdurabilidad, convirtiéndola en una Universidad pionera capaz de disminuir su impacto de operaciones en la sociedad.


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The design of accessible environments, for use by all, is a legal requirement for all public buildings, under the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (DDA, 1995) since October 1999 and the removal of all physical barriers becomes enforceable in 2004. Accessibility has transferred from being a social and moral issue to a legal requirement. The Research Group for Inclusive Environments at the University of Reading undertakes research to better understand methods to make the built environment more accessible. This paper presents the findings from the research project, Project Crystal, investigating the design of environments for better communication for deaf and hard of hearing people. At the last COBRA conference the preliminary findings from the pilot questionnaire were presented. During the year the questionnaire has been distributed more widely and a test environment has been used to investigate the effects the variables of lighting and colour have on people's ability to communicate. This paper will present some of the findings from the project, which is almost complete, and generalise on the effect wall surface design has on accessibility of an environment for people with a hearing impairment.


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The Lifetime Homes (LTH) concept initiated in 1989 by the Helen Hamlyn Trust, and subsequently promoted by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, emerged at a point when there was growing awareness of the decline of both private and public sector housing quality, especially in relation to floorspace standards (Karn & Sheridan, 1994). LTH were intended to offset the concerns of first, the house buying public of the appearance and affordability of homes suitable for successive generations, second, the private house building industry of the cost and marketability of incorporating 'inclusive' design features, and third, Registered Social Landlords (RSLs), who had to balance cost constraints with addressing the needs of a growing number of households with older and/or disabled people. Approved Document Part M of the building regulations was extended in 1999, from public buildings to private dwellings, and currently requires that all new housing meet minimal 'visitability' criteria. Indeed, although the signs are that Part M will be incrementally extended to comprise LTH principles, the paper argues that in their existing form they are insufficient to act as a key component of the government's 'new agenda for British housing'. This paper therefore explores how they might usefully be expanded from an approach, largely based on compromise, to one that inspires innovative, flexible and inclusive house forms, which also challenge design conventions.


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The problems encountered by individuals with disabilities when accessing large public buildings is described and a solution based on the generation of virtual models of the built environment is proposed. These models are superimposed on a control network infrastructure, currently utilised in intelligent building applications such as lighting, heating and access control. The use of control network architectures facilitates the creation of distributed models that closely mirror both the physical and control properties of the environment. The model of the environment is kept local to the installation which allows the virtual representation of a large building to be decomposed into an interconnecting series of smaller models. This paper describes two methods of interacting with the virtual model, firstly a two dimensional aural representation that can be used as the basis of a portable navigational device. Secondly an augmented reality called DAMOCLES that overlays additional information on a user’s normal field of view. The provision of virtual environments offers new possibilities in the man-machine interface so that intuitive access to network based services and control functions can be given to a user.


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Video surveillance is a part of our daily life, even though we may not necessarily realize it. We might be monitored on the street, on highways, at ATMs, in public transportation vehicles, inside private and public buildings, in the elevators, in front of our television screens, next to our baby?s cribs, and any spot one can set a camera.


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Buildings affect people in various ways. They can help us to work more effectively; they also present a wide range of stimuli for our senses to react to. Intelligent buildings are designed to be aesthetic in sensory terms not just visually appealing but ones in which occupants experience delight, freshness, airiness, daylight, views out and social ambience. All these factors contribute to a general aesthetic which gives pleasure and affects one’s mood. If there is to be a common vision, it is essential for architects, engineers and clients to work closely together throughout the planning, design, construction and operational stages which represent the conception, birth and life of the building. There has to be an understanding of how patterns of work are best suited to a particular building form served by appropriate environmental systems. A host of technologies are emerging that help these processes, but in the end it is how we think about achieving responsive buildings that matters. Intelligent buildings should cope with social and technological changes and also be adaptable to short-term and long-term human needs. We live through our senses. They rely on stimulation from the tasks we are focused on; people around us but also the physical environment. We breathe air and its quality affects the olfactory system; temperature is felt by thermoreceptors in the skin; sound enters our ears; the visual scene is beheld by our eyes. All these stimuli are transmitted along the sensory nervous system to the brain for processing from which physiological and psychological reactions and judgments are formed depending on perception, expectancies and past experiences. It is clear that the environmental setting plays a role in this sensory process. This is the essence of sensory design. Space plays its part as well. The flow of communication is partly electronic but also largely by people meeting face to face. Our sense of space wants different things at different times. Sometimes privacy but other times social needs have to be satisfied besides the organizational requirement to have effective human communications throughout the building. In general if the senses are satisfied people feel better and work better.


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The urban landscapes of Yangon and Mandalay in Burma (Myanmar) exhibit a rich cultural layering and complex blending of urban forms and architectural styles. But while both cities today are shaped by contemporary economic and political realities, they also clearly reflect
their historical origins—Yangon as the British colonial capital and Mandalay as the last seat of the monarchy. Burma’s ancient religious monuments, monarchical and colonial heritage on the one hand, and new religious edifices, international standard hotels, commercial enterprises, new public buildings and satellite towns on the other hand, represent the two poles of the dialectic of tradition and modernity. The landscapes, as symbolic representations, have been appropriated by
the authoritarian military regime, the State Peace and Development Council (SPDC) for nation building purposes. But the urban landscapes are also contested and appropriated in symbolic ways and invested with meanings as sites of resistance and struggle by those in opposition, and
are thus contested sites where the power relations of domination and resistance intersect. The paper illustrates these themes with examples drawn from Yangon and Mandalay.