978 resultados para Productivity differences


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In the absence of financial information on Australian mohair enterprises we aimed to determine the gross margins (per dry sheep equivalent, DSE) and their relationships with farm inputs, productivity and mohair quality in Australian mohair enterprises. Using established Victorian Farm and Sheep Monitor Project protocols we collected data for the financial years 200405, 200506 and 200607 from farmers in south-eastern Australia and made comparisons with data from wool enterprises of similar farm area. Over 3 years the financial returns from mohair exceeded that from wool in terms of $/DSE ($23.0 v. 11.3) and $/ha ($132 v. $116). This result was achieved despite the mohair enterprises grazing their goats far less intensively compared with the grazing intensity of sheep (5.9 v. 10.311.1 DSE/ha) and by using far less phosphate fertiliser than used in the wool enterprises (2.2 v. 4.66.1 kg P/ha). These differences were counterbalanced by higher prices for mohair compared with fine wool ($13.15/kg v. $8.35/kg clean fibre). Gross margin for the mohair enterprise did not increase as stocking rate increased. Income from mohair sales declined as the proportion of does in the flock increased. Increasing the proportion of does in the flock was associated with a decline in the average price of mohair ($16/kg greasy at 42% does to $8/kg greasy at 83% does in the flock). This decline was closely associated with the increasing proportion of the total amount of mohair coarser than 34.0 μm (either fine hair or hair) plus stained mohair. The variation in profitability between farms indicates significant scope for many mohair enterprises to increase profit. A focus on producing finer quality mohair will increase mohair profitability.


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Consistent individual differences (CIDs) in behavior are a widespread phenomenon in animals, but the proximate reasons for them are unresolved. We discuss evidence for the hypothesis that CIDs in energy metabolism, as reflected by resting metabolic rate (RMR), promote CIDs in behavior patterns that either provide net energy (e.g. foraging activity), and/or consume energy (e.g. courtship activity). In doing so, we provide a framework for linking together RMR, behavior, and life-history productivity. Empirical studies suggest that RMR is (a) related to the capacity to generate energy, (b) repeatable, and (c) correlated with behavioral output (e.g. aggressiveness) and productivity (e.g. growth). We conclude by discussing future research directions to clarify linkages between behavior and energy metabolism in this emerging research area.


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Animal personality traits such as boldness, activity and aggressiveness have been described for many animal species. However, why some individuals are consistently bolder or more active than others, for example, is currently obscure. Given that life-history tradeoffs are common and known to promote inter-individual differences in behavior, we suggest that consistent individual differences in animal personality traits can be favored when those traits contribute to consistent individual differences in productivity (growth and/or fecundity). A survey of empirical studies indicates that boldness, activity and/or aggressiveness are positively related to food intake rates, productivity and other life-history traits in a wide range of taxa. Our conceptual framework sets the stage for a closer look at relationships between personality traits and life-history traits in animals.


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The influence of energy or protein supplementation or energy restriction on cashmere growth was studied in 35 highly productive cashmere wether goats. The goats were shorn on 3 December and randomly allocated to 3 levels of energy intake: M, goats fed to maintain liveweight; 0.8M, goats fed to lose 5 kg liveweight from December to April and then fed ad libitum; and >M, goats fed to gain liveweight. Nested within >M were ADLIB (goats offered feed ad libitum), and 1.25M and l.5M (goats fed M plus 25 or 50% of the difference in mean intake between M and ADLIB). The metabolisable energy requirement to maintain liveweight was 250 kJ kg-0.75 day-1 but to maintain body condition (l.25M) it was 3 12 kJ kg-0.75 day-1. Goats fed 0.8M had a mean intake of 0.68M and lost 26 g day-1 liveweight until April, but when fed ad libitum consumed 2.15M in June and grew rapidly in late autumn and winter at 93 g day-1. Goats fed ADLIB consumed 2.30M in February and gained 87 g day-1 from December to February, but intake declined to 1.61 M in June and they gained 20 g day-1 from April to June. Cashmere growth and fibre diameters of fleeces shorn on 17 June of goats fed >M (221g, 17.69 pm) were significantly greater (P< 0.02) than those of goats fed 0.8M (146 g, 16.67 ¦m), with levels of M-fed goats being intermediate. Within >M, there were no significant differences in cashmere growth. Protein supplementation within M (27 or 54 g day -1 formaldehyde- treated casein) resulted in 40% more wool growth in sheep (P<0.001), but no increase in cashmere or hair growth in goats. Goats fed ADLIB had significantly reduced cashmere yields (P < 0.05) and grew more hair (P<0.05) than did goats in other treatments. About 4 weeks after energy supplementation, fibre diameter of previously energy-deprived goats increased (P< 0.01). Midside patches indicated that energy-deprived goats, which lost liveweight, diverted nutrients preferentially to cashmere growth, while goats fed ADLIB partitioned nutrients towards hair growth. To maximise cashmere growth, supplementary energy should be supplied to avoid liveweight loss from December to April. Goats that had small (1-2 kg) liveweight gains and maintained body condition achieved near maximal levels of cashmere growth.


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Determining the periodicity of the reproductive cycle in chondrichthyan species when the population is recruiting asynchronously, as found for Urolopus viridis, can be problematic. The reproductive cycle generally requires distinguishable trends in reproductive indices across the population. The present study utilised other similar and sympatric urolophid species with synchronous reproductive cycles. Through data collected in the present study and comparisons of maximum total length (TL), periodicity of egg and embryo in utero, ovarian cycles, largest ovarian follicle diameter, and matrotrophic contribution (percentage increase from egg to embryo after maternal histotroph supplement) from similar studies, an annual reproductive cycle can be hypothesised. Sampling across two separate regions of Lakes Entrance (LE) and Western Bass Strait (WBS), U. viridis also showed regionality in several of the reproductive indices. Maximum TL and mass for females, mean size-at-birth, and female size-at-maturity and size-at-maternity in LE were markedly smaller than in WBS. In both regions litter size (1–2) increased with TL, with an exception of one female in WBS producing a litter of 3 which could be attributed to the larger TL. The implication of U. viridis producing such few young annually is they have the lowest biological productivity of any urolophid species in south-eastern Australia.


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1.The evolutionary causes of consistent individual differences in behavior are currently a source of debate. A recent hypothesis suggests that consistent individual differences in life-history productivity (growth and/or fecundity) may covary with behavioral traits that contribute to growth-mortality trade-offs, such as risk-proneness (boldness) and foraging activity (voraciousness). It remains unclear, however, to what extent individual behavioral and life-history profiles are set early in life, or are a more flexible result of specific environmental or developmental contexts that allow bold and active individuals to acquire more resources. 2.Longitudinal studies of individually housed animals under controlled conditions can shed light on this question. Since growth and behaviour can both vary within individuals (they are labile), studying between-individual correlations in behaviour and growth rate requires repeated scoring for both variables over an extended period of time. However, such a study has not yet been done. 3.Here, we repeatedly measured individual mass 7-times each, boldness 40-times each, and voracity 8-times each during the first four months of life on 90 individually-housed crayfish (Cherax destructor). Animals were fed ad-libitum, generating a context where individuals can express their intrinsic growth rate (i.e. growth capacity), but in which bold and voracious behaviour is not necessary for high resource acquisition (crayfish can and do hoard food back to their burrow). 4.We show that individuals that were consistently bold over time during the day were also bolder at night, were more voracious, and maintained higher growth rates over time than shy individuals. Independent of individual differences, we also observed that males were faster growing, bolder, and more voracious than females. 5.Our findings imply that associations between bold behaviour and fast growth can occur in unlimited food contexts where there is no necessary link between bold behaviour and resource acquisition - offering support for the 'personality- productivity' hypothesis. We suggest future research should study links between consistent individual differences in behaviour and life-history under a wider range of contexts, in order to shed light on the role of biotic and abiotic conditions in the strength, direction and stability of their covariance. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.


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Although agricultural productivity is critical for economic development very little is known about the causes of the large dispersion in agricultural productivity across the world. Microeconomic studies increasingly stress the lack of land rights in many poor countries as an important source of low productivity. This paper examines the role played by land titles in explaining differences in agricultural productivity for 93 countries. Using the per capita accumulated value of gold and silver production in the 16th and 17th centuries as instruments for land rights it is shown that enforcement of land titles is a significant source of agricultural productivity inequality across the world.


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The available empirical literature comparing the efficiency and productivity of labor-managed and capital-managed firms is reviewed and meta-analysed. The results suggest that labor-managed firms are not less efficient or less productive than capital-managed firms. Labor-managed firms have lower output-to-labor ratios and even lower capital-to-labor ratios. However, the differences in these ratios are not statistically significant. The labor-managed firm's democratic governance, industrial relations climate, and organisational setting do not appear to adversely affect productivity and efficiency. © 1997 by URPE All rights of reproduction in any form reserved.


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This Paper Tackles the Problem of Aggregate Tfp Measurement Using Stochastic Frontier Analysis (Sfa). Data From Penn World Table 6.1 are Used to Estimate a World Production Frontier For a Sample of 75 Countries Over a Long Period (1950-2000) Taking Advantage of the Model Offered By Battese and Coelli (1992). We Also Apply the Decomposition of Tfp Suggested By Bauer (1990) and Kumbhakar (2000) to a Smaller Sample of 36 Countries Over the Period 1970-2000 in Order to Evaluate the Effects of Changes in Efficiency (Technical and Allocative), Scale Effects and Technical Change. This Allows Us to Analyze the Role of Productivity and Its Components in Economic Growth of Developed and Developing Nations in Addition to the Importance of Factor Accumulation. Although not Much Explored in the Study of Economic Growth, Frontier Techniques Seem to Be of Particular Interest For That Purpose Since the Separation of Efficiency Effects and Technical Change Has a Direct Interpretation in Terms of the Catch-Up Debate. The Estimated Technical Efficiency Scores Reveal the Efficiency of Nations in the Production of Non Tradable Goods Since the Gdp Series Used is Ppp-Adjusted. We Also Provide a Second Set of Efficiency Scores Corrected in Order to Reveal Efficiency in the Production of Tradable Goods and Rank Them. When Compared to the Rankings of Productivity Indexes Offered By Non-Frontier Studies of Hall and Jones (1996) and Islam (1995) Our Ranking Shows a Somewhat More Intuitive Order of Countries. Rankings of the Technical Change and Scale Effects Components of Tfp Change are Also Very Intuitive. We Also Show That Productivity is Responsible For Virtually All the Differences of Performance Between Developed and Developing Countries in Terms of Rates of Growth of Income Per Worker. More Important, We Find That Changes in Allocative Efficiency Play a Crucial Role in Explaining Differences in the Productivity of Developed and Developing Nations, Even Larger Than the One Played By the Technology Gap


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Although the subject of a large number of studies, the debate on the links between trade reform and productivity growth is still unresolved and most studies at the micro level have not been able to establish a relationship between the two phenomena. Brazil provides a natural experiment to study this issue that is seldom available: it was one of the closest economies in the world until 1988, when trade reform was launched, and intra-industry data are available on an annual basis before, during and after liberalization. Using a panel of industry sectors this paper tests and measures the impact of trade reform on productivity growth. Results confirm the association between the former and the latter and show that the magnitude of the impact of tariff reduction on the growth rates of TFP and output per worker was substantial. Our data reveal large and widespread productivity improvement, so that the estimations in this paper are an indication that liberalization had an important effect on industrial performance in the country. Cross-sectional differences in protection are also investigated.


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We investigate the role of sectorial differences in labor productivity and the process of structural transformation (reallocation of labor across sectors) in accounting for the time path of aggregate productivity across six Latin American countries (Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Colombia, Mexico and Venezuela) from 1950 to 2003. We used a general equilibrium model with three sectors (agriculture, industry and services) calibrated to those six economies. The model is used to compare the trajectory of productivity in each sector of activity with that of the United States and it impact on aggregate productivity.While in Brazil and Argentina, the Service Sector was responsible for reversing the process of catch up in productivity that occurred until the 1980s, in others, like Colombia, Mexico and Venezuela, low productivity growth of the three sectors explain their poor performance.


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The seasonal variation of the periphytic community attached to an artificial substratum (glass tubes) was studied during two different periods in a lagoon connected to the Paranapanema River, the main tributary of the Jurumirim Reservoir (São Paulo-Brazil). An analysis of dry weight, ash free dry weight, chlorophyll a, phaeophytin and primary productivity of periphyton was carried out. The first experiment lasted from August to December 1993, the second from February to June 1994. Tubes were removed after 7, 14, 21, 28, 60, 90 and 119 days of incubation. In the 1st experiment, the periphytic community reached a higher biomass after the 4th week of colonization (28th day), in the 2nd experiment after the 2nd week (14th day). This discrepancy is related to seasonal differences in environmental factors (water temperature, nutrients concentrations and water discharge) that determine initial colonization. After the first stages of colonization, the biomass and primary productivity of periphyton reached their maximum values after the 60th day of incubation. In both experiments, three developmental phases could be discerned. In the initial phase, an exponential growth was observed. In the second phase, the bioderm reached its maximum biomass and productivity. In the third phase, a decrease of biomass and productivity occurred.


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Depth-integrated primary productivity (PP) estimates obtained from satellite ocean color-based models (SatPPMs) and those generated from biogeochemical ocean general circulation models (BCGCMs) represent a key resource for biogeochemical and ecological studies at global as well as regional scales. Calibration and validation of these PP models are not straightforward, however, and comparative studies show large differences between model estimates. The goal of this paper is to compare PP estimates obtained from 30 different models (21 SatPPMs and 9 BOGCMs) to a tropical Pacific PP database consisting of similar to 1000 C-14 measurements spanning more than a decade (1983-1996). Primary findings include: skill varied significantly between models, but performance was not a function of model complexity or type (i.e. SatPPM vs. BOGCM); nearly all models underestimated the observed variance of PR specifically yielding too few low PP (< 0.2 g Cm-2 d(-1)) values; more than half of the total root-mean-squared model-data differences associated with the satellite-based PP models might be accounted for by uncertainties in the input variables and/or the PP data; and the tropical Pacific database captures a broad scale shift from low biomassnormalized productivity in the 1980s to higher biomass-normalized productivity in the 1990s, which was not successfully captured by any of the models. This latter result suggests that interdecadal and global changes will be a significant challenge for both SatPPMs and BOGCMs. Finally, average root-mean-squared differences between in situ PP data on the equator at 140 degrees W and PP estimates from the satellite-based productivity models were 58% lower than analogous values computed in a previous PP model comparison 6 years ago. The success of these types of comparison exercises is illustrated by the continual modification and improvement of the participating models and the resulting increase in model skill. (C) 2008 Elsevier BY. All rights reserved.


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The aim of this study was to analyze temporal ..d vertical variation of the biomass and of phytoplankton primary productivity in an urban eutrophic reservoir, in relation to the physical and chemical characteristics of the water. The physical and chemical variables of the water were defined in the limnetic region of the reservoir, at depths of 0.0; 0.5; 1.0; 2.0; 3.0 and 4.0 meters. Three samples were taken to define both the physical and chemical variables, concomitantly with the biomass (chlorophyll-a and phaeophytin) and phytoplankton primary productivity (C-14 method). Based on data obtained on differences in depth of the mixture zone and the euphotic zone, it is hypothesised that, depending on the time of the year, phytoplankton is conditioned by differences in the light and nutrient regimes, which change according to the constant loads of nutrients thrown into the system. The highest concentration of chlorophyll-a in the photic zone of the limnetic region was observed in November 2000 (1,197.3 mg Chl L -1) and the lowest in November 1999 (94.0 mg ChI L -1), whereas the profiles of primary activity of phytoplankton presented the highest rates on the surface of the water column, with values varying from 84.7 (May 2000) to 1,376.7mg C m -3 h -1 (December 2000). Annual primary productivity was calculated at 1,567.0gC m -2y -1, considered euproductive. The primary productivity profiles reported in this study are typical of aquatic eutrophic systems, rich in plankton and with low light penetration. It can be stated that Garças Lake is a system that suffers from anthropogenic impact, through receiving large loads of organic pollution, reflecting on the physical and chemical characteristics of the water and on the high values of biomass and primary phytoplankton activity. © National Institute of Ecology, New Delhi.


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This issue of the FAL Bulletin shows productivity trends at container terminals in Latin America and the Caribbean during the period from 2005 to 2013, comparing them to the trend of earlier years (2000 to 2004). One of the conclusions of the study is that most terminals in the region have improved their quay productivity in recent years, although there are large differences between the three container terminal size categories analysed. However, the author identifies a number of challenges still to be met at the region’s ports.