231 resultados para Prochilodus nigricans


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No presente trabalho, testou-se o efeito de fatores químicos liberados por coespecíficos sobre o crescimento e sua variabilidade no grupo (crescimento heterogêneo, CHet), numa espécie gregária, o curimbatá, Prochilodus lineatus. O CHet foi avaliado pelo coeficiente de variação do peso dos animais, em dois períodos consecutivos de 21 dias. Os peixes foram agrupados em aquários (4 peixes cada) que receberam água corrente, com vazão constante, de tanques contendo (C) ou não (N) coespecíficos. Quatro condições foram delineadas de acordo com a água que abastecia os aquários: a) água com contato prévio com coespecíficos durante todo o experimento (CC); b) água sem contato prévio com coespecíficos durante todo o experimento (NN); c) água com contato prévio com coespecíficos apenas no primeiro período, 0 a 21 dias (CN); e d) apenas no período de 21 a 42 dias (NC). Ao término dos experimentos, verificou-se que ocorre modulação química sobre a variabilidade de crescimento em P. lineatus: os peixes que receberam água com contato prévio com coespecífico (C) apresentaram exacerbação do CHet. Fato que corrobora a idéia de que o mecanismo predominante da determinação da variação intra-específica do crescimento, em espécies gregárias, está associado à ação de fatores químicos liberados por coespecíficos.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O gênero Prochilodus é amplamente distribuído pela América do Sul, incluindo várias espécies que apresenta certo grau de endemismo nas diferentes bacias. Essas espécies alimentam-se basicamente de detritos orgânicos, organismos do benton, e alimentações artificiais. O objetivo deste estudo foi testar três densidades de estocagem (0,5, 0,75, e 1 larva/litro) e dietas contendo dois níveis diferentes de proteína bruta (35 e 40% PB) nos parâmetros do crescimento e na taxa da sobrevivência do curimbatá, Prochilodus scrofa. As larvas foram estocadas em aquários experimentais de 100 litros, mantidos com volume de 60 litros, com o fluxo de água contínuo, proveniente de poço semi-artesiano. A maior média foi proporcionada pela ração com 40% de PB (1,66g ± 0,21). As diferenças foram significativas para os efeitos dos teores de PB sobre o ganho de peso e densidades de estocagem, na sobrevivência das larvas. Para o ganho de peso, as melhores médias foram obtidas com nível de 40% de PB (2,50g ± 0,40) e para a sobrevivência, as melhores taxas foram 94,45% ± 19,32 e 78,87% ± 19,32 nas densidades de 0,5 e 0,75 larvas/litro, respectivamente.


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This survey was performed to characterize the embryogenesis of Prochilodus lineatus. Seven stages of embryo development were identified - zygote, cleavage, blastula, gastrula, segmentation, larval and hatching - after a period of incubation of 22h (24 degrees C) or 14h (28 degrees C). The following cleavage pattern was identified: the first plane was vertical (2 blastomeres); the second was vertical and perpendicular to the first (4 blastorneres); the third was vertical and parallel to the first (4 x 2); the fourth cleavage was vertical and parallel to the second (4 x 4); the fifth was vertical and parallel to the first (4 x 8); and the sixth cleavage was horizontal (64 blastomeres). At the blastula stage (3.0-4.0 h (24 degrees C); 1.66-2.0h (28 degrees C) irregular spaces were detected and periblast structuring was initiated. At the gastrula stage (4.0-8.0 h (24 degrees C); 3.0-6.0 h (28 degrees C) the epiboly, convergence and cell movements, as well as the formation of embryonic layers, had begun. The segmentation stage (10.0-15.0h (24 degrees C); 7.0-10.0h (28 degrees C)) was characterized by a rudimentary formation of organs and systems (somites, optic vesicle and intestinal delimitation). The embryo at the larval stage (16.0-21.0 h (24 degrees C); 11.0-13.0 h (28 degrees C)) showed a free tail, more than 25 somites, an optic vesicle and a ready-to-hatch larval shape. The blastomeres at cleavage stage had disorganized nuclei indicating high mitotic activity. At gastrula, the blastomeres and the periblast had euchromatic nuclei and a large number of mitochondria and vesicles. The yolk was organized into globose sacs, which were dispersed into small pieces prior to absorption.


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1. 1. Routine oxygen consumption and blood glucose were determined from freshwater fishes, Prochilodus scrofa and Cyprinus carpio, exposed at high temperatures for 1 hr. 2. 2. Prochilodus scrofa had a significantly higher rate of oxygen consumption at 30°C than at 25°C, and carp higher at 25°C than at 30°C. 3. 3. Blood glucose was significantly higher for Cyprinus carpio than for Prochilodus scrofa at 25 and 30°C; however, after exposure to these temperatures for 1 hr blood glucose did not change significantly for both species. 4. 4. The results suggest that these interspecific variations may be linked to the differences between native and foreign fishes and their way of life. © 1985.


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The neotropical freshwater fish species Prochilodus lineatus (Pisces, Prochilodontidae) shows 2n = 54 chromosomes plus supernumerary microchromosomes ranging in number from zero to seven among different animals. The transmission rates of B chromosomes were studied by the analysis of the parental and F1 generations in 10 controlled crosses performed with specimens from a natural population. The mean transmission rate observed for B chromosomes (k(B) = 0.511) was consistent with that expected from a regular meiotic behaviour orbs in both sexes and with the theoretical value under a Mendelian mode of transmission (0.5). Possible explanations for the dramatic increase in B frequency observed in this population during the last 10 years are discussed, bearing in mind the current absence of drive.


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The interactions of two fungal biocontrol agents, Alternaria cassiae and Pseudocercospora nigricans, and soybean planting density on sicklepod mortality and dry weight were studied in the field over 2 yr. The experimental field was divided into three equal areas: one without soybean and two where the soybean was sown in densities of 20 and 36 seeds per meter row with a 0.95-m row spacing. The fungi were sprayed alone or in a mixture at three growth stages of sicklepod plants grown at three levels of crop interference resulting from the three soybean planting densities. The fungal treatments were: an untreated control, A. cassiae (105 spores/m2), P. nigricans (3.3 g mycelium/m2), and the mixture of these two fungi. Sicklepod was at the cotyledonary leaf, two-leaf, and four-leaf stages when treated. Alternaria cassiae was most effective in reducing both sicklepod survival and dry weight. The mixture of P. nigricans and A. cassiae was generally comparable to but not better than A. cassiae alone in killing the weed (mortality) and reducing its growth (dry weight). Soybean density did not have significant effects on the mortality or the dry weight of sicklepod. Thus, there is no advantage to combining the highly effective biocontrol agent A. cassiae with the less effective P. nigricans or with soybean interference to control sicklepod. However, the results validate the efficacy of A. cassiae by itself as a bioherbicide.


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Meiotic analysis performed on a sample of 10 specimens of Prochilodus lineatus revealed continuous filaments of different sizes stained by AgNO3, corresponding to the bivalent of the normal complement. Small supernumerary chromosomes were observed as isolated and well stained bodies, scattered among the other elements. Synaptonemal complex studies have shown that the beginning of chromosome pairing process in P. lineatus usually occurs from the telomeres to the pericentromeric region. At the end of the pachytene 27 bivalents are perfectly paired and the small supernumerary chromosomes of this species are seen as bivalents, trivalents, or tetravalents. The central region of these small chromosomes show a trick staining when they formed bivalents or tetravalents. This portion seems to correspond to the pericentromeric region of the regular chromosomes with the heterochromatic characteristic of B chromosomes.


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The seminiferous tubules of Prochilodus scrofa present a coiled morphological arrangement with intertubular anastomoses and unrestricted spermatogonial distribution. The structural pattern of the seminiferous tubules is cystic, with cysts formed by cytoplasmic prolongations of Sertoli cells. Inside the cysts are observed different types of germ cells. The seminiferous tubules open individually on the ventral surface of the main testicular duct present in each testis. Each main testicular duct prolongs as a spermatic duct, fusing with the spermatic duct of the opposite side to form the common spermatic duct which opens into the urogenital papilla. The mature sperm cysts break and extravasate their content into the lumen of the seminiferous tubules from which the seminal fluid and the spermatozoa penetrate the main testicular duct, the spermatic duct and the common spermatic duct for semen ejaculation.


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Prochilodus lineatus, an abundant species in the Mogi-Guaçu river basin, represents a large part of the region's fishing potential. Karyotypic analyses based on classic cytogenetic techniques have revealed the presence of 54 metasubmetacentric type chromosomes, together with the occurrence of small supernumerary chromosomes with intra and interindividual variations. This paper describes the genomic organization of two families of satellite DNA in the P. lineatus genome. The chromosomal localization these two repetitive DNA families through fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) demonstrated that the SATH1 satellite DNA family, composed of approximately 900 bp, was located in the pericentromeric region of a group of chromosomes of the standard complement, as well as on all the B chromosomes. The SATH2 satellite family has a monomeric unit of 441 bp and was located in the pericentromeric regions of some chromosomes of the standard complement, but was absent in the B chromosomes. Double FISH analyses showed that these two families participate jointly in the pericentromeric organization of several chromosomes of this species. The data obtained in this study support the hypothesis that the B chromosomes derive from chromosomes of the standard complement, which are carriers of the SATH1 satellite DNA.


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The curimbata constitutes species of fish of wide distribution in the Neotropical area and high economic value. This work focused to evaluate processing yield and the chemical composition of the fillet in the male and female migratories and residents stocks of Prochilodus lineatus. The using the plotting was completely randomized by 4x2 factorial scheme, having as factors four stocks (one resident and three migratories) and two genders (male and female) with thirty replicates, considering each fish as an experimental unit. Each individual was submitted to the manual filleted and determination of the corporal composition (texts of moisture, crude protein, lipids, ashes and energy). They following parameters of yield had been evaluated (%): visceral entire fish (RPIE %); yield of boneless fillet (RFILE %) and processing yield of fillet with bone (RFILEC %). There was a significant difference (p<0.05) between the stocks and the studied samples. The biggest yield of boneless fillet were observed for the fish of the migrator stock I (45.77%). Males and females of the migrator stock I presented biggest fillet yield (46.79% and 43.93%, respectively), while the migrator III presented smaller yield (37.29% for males and 38.44% for females). The migratories stocks I, II and III presented values significantly smaller (p<0.05) of lipids level (0.98%; 2.01% and 1.97%, respectively) and an increase in the content of corporal protein in relation to the resident stock. It concluded that the male weighing 591g on average, belonging of the stock migrator I (captured in December), presented better thread yield and the stocks migratories are fish that has low fat tenor and high protein tenor.


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The objective of this study was to assess the effects of an activating solution on the sperm motility duration (SMD) of 'curimbatá', Prochilodus lineatus through of the definition of qualitative and quantitative parameters of the semen pool used in the experiment; evaluation of the effects of different ratios of semen dilution corresponding to 1-:-1, 1-:-2, 1-:-20, 1-:-200, 1-:-2000, 1-:-20-000 and 1-:-100-000 semen:dilute solution on the SMD and, assessment of the effects of different temperatures of the activating solution (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45 and 50°C) on the SMD. The results of SMD were directly proportional to the dilution (P<0.05), starting from the dilution of 1-:-2 (semen:water), with 23.04-s. Were used three replicates of the semen pool for each test. Two-year-old brookstock were maintained in ponds culture conditions. In November-December 2006, twelve mature males broodfish were selected (mean weight and length of 405.8±134.2-g and 25.6±3.1-cm, respectively). The males released that semen under slight pressure of the urogenital papilla were selected for the experiment. The SMD increased proportionally to the increase in dilution, until it reached a maximum of 28.83-s for the ratio 1-:-100-000 semen: dilute solution. The results of SMD in relation to the temperature of the activating solution exhibited a quadratic behavior (P<0.05) with a maximum theoretical performance in terms of sperm motility duration of 21.36-s at a temperature of 17.3°C. Thus, for the species considered, the increase in the dilution ratio proved favorable for the rise in motility duration until the maximum value studied of 1-:-100-000 semen:dilute solution. As for the temperature of the activating solution, the best results of SMD were obtained at the temperature of 17.3°C. At higher temperatures used in the experiment (25, 30, 35, 40, 45 and 50°C), a decrease in motility duration. © 2010 Blackwell Verlag, Berlin.


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This study evaluated the haematological response of curimbas Prochilodus lineatus, naturally infected with Neoechinorhynchus curemai (Acanthocephala: Neoechinorhynchidae). Thirty-seven fish were captured in October 2010 from the Mogi Guaçu River, Porto Ferreira, SP, Brazil. Infected fish presented increased mean corpuscular volume of erythrocytes, and lower thrombocyte and higher monocyte counts than uninfected fish. © 2013 The Authors. Journal of Fish Biology © 2013 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles.