993 resultados para Processing of the request for recovery


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Little is known about the benthic communities of the Arctic Ocean's slope and abyssal plains. Here we report on benthic data collected from box cores along a transect from Alaska to the Barents Abyssal Plain during the Arctic Ocean Section of 1994. We determined: (1) density and biomass of the polychaetes, foraminifera and total infauna; (2) concentrations of potential sources of food (pigment concentration and percent organic carbon) in the sediments; (3) surficial particle mixing depths and rates using downcore 210Pb profiles; and (4) surficial porewater irrigation using NaBr as an inert tracer. Metazoan density and biomass vary by almost three orders of magnitude from the shelf to the deep basins (e.g. 47 403 individuals m**-2 on the Chukchi Shelf to 95 individuals m**-2 in the Barents Abyssal Plain). Water depth is the primary determinant of infaunal density, explaining 39% of the total variability. Potential food concentration varies by almost two orders of magnitude during the late summer season (e.g. the phaeopigment concentration integrated to 10 cm varies from 36.16 mg m**-2 on the Chukchi Shelf to 0.94 mg m**-2 in the Siberia Abyssal Plain) but is not significantly correlated with density or biomass of the metazoa. Most stations show evidence of particle mixing, with mixing limited to <=3 cm below the sediment-water interface, and enhanced pore water irrigation occurs at seven of the nine stations examined. Particle mixing depths may be related to metazoan biomass, while enhanced pore water irrigation (beyond what is expected from diffusion alone) appears to be related to total phaeopigment concentration. The data presented here indicate that Arctic benthic ecosystems are quite variable, but all stations sampled contained infauna and most stations had indications of active processing of the sediment by the associated infauna.


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In this study multibeam angular backscatter data acquired in the eastern slope of the Porcupine Seabight are analysed. Processing of the angular backscatter data using the 'NRGCOR' software was made for 29 locations comprising different geological provinces like: carbonate mounds, buried mounds, seafloor channels, and inter-channel areas. A detailed methodology is developed to produce a map of angle-invariant (normalized) backscatter data by correcting the local angular backscatter values. The present paper involves detailed processing steps and related technical aspects of the normalization approach. The presented angle-invariant backscatter map possesses 12 dB dynamic range in terms of grey scale. A clear distinction is seen between the mound dominated northern area (Belgica province) and the Gollum channel seafloor at the southern end of the site. Qualitative analyses of the calculated mean backscatter values i.e., grey scale levels, utilizing angle-invariant backscatter data generally indicate backscatter values are highest (lighter grey scale) in the mound areas followed by buried mounds. The backscatter values are lowest in the inter-channel areas (lowest grey scale level). Moderate backscatter values (medium grey level) are observed from the Gollum and Kings channel data, and significant variability within the channel seafloor provinces. The segmentation of the channel seafloor provinces are made based on the computed grey scale levels for further analyses based on the angular backscatter strength. Three major parameters are utilized to classify four different seafloor provinces of the Porcupine Seabight by employing a semi-empirical method to analyse multibeam angular backscatter data. The predicted backscatter response which has been computed at 20° is the highest for the mound areas. The coefficient of variation (CV) of the mean backscatter response is also the highest for the mound areas. Interestingly, the slope value of the buried mound areas are found to be the highest. However, the channel seafloor of moderate backscatter response presents the lowest slope and CV values. A critical examination of the inter-channel areas indicates less variability within the estimated three parameters.


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The oxygen and carbon isotopic compositions of the planktonic foraminifer, Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (sinistral), were determined at 20-cm intervals through the 'composite' top ~ 22 m of sediments at ODP Site 645 (Holes 645B, 645C, 645F, and 645G) and at 10-cm intervals through a 9-m piston core (85-027-016) collected during the Hudson site survey. Quantitative analyses of palynomorphs, notably dinocysts, and of planktonic foraminifers were performed. Organic and nitrogen contents and isotopic composition of nitrogen and carbon in organic matter also were determined. These data provide a high-resolution record of changes that occurred in surface-water masses during the last glacial cycle in Baffin Bay. The basin experienced low planktonic productivity during most of the late Pleistocene, either from dilution in surface water by meltwater discharges from the surrounding ice-sheet or from the presence of a relatively dense sea-ice cover. Peaks of meltwater discharge are indicated by d18O values as low as about 1.5 per mil, correlative d13C- d18O shifts, low concentration of planktonic foraminifers, high concentrations of glacially reworked pre-Quaternary palynomorphs, and low-salinity dinocyst assemblages. As a whole, d18O values ranging between 4.5 and 2.5 per mil allow the establishment of an 18O stratigraphy spanning isotopic stages 5 to 1. Because of the poor core recovery, the general paucity of microflora and microfauna, and the possible occurrence of slumping or debris flow at Site 645, further interpretation remains problematic.


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In pursuance of previous studies water samples were taken in the Atlantic and Mediterranean during the 12th, 14th and 15th cruises of RV Mikhail Lomonosov in 1962-1964 to determine total and particulate organic carbon and permanganate oxidizability. Preliminary processing of the water samples was carried out in the normal manner in the on-board laboratory immediately after they had been taken: destruction of bicarbonates and carbonates by precise addition of acid (by alkalinity) and evaporation to dryness at 50-60°C. It is quite probable that the corresponding volatile fraction of organic matter is lost under these conditions. In discussion it was demonstrated that it may now be assumed that the carbon of the volatile fraction averages approximately 15% of total carbon, i.e., 15% of the sum of organic carbon of the volatile and nonvolatile fractions. Oxidizability was determined in all samples in the on-board laboratory.


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RPP2, an essential gene that encodes a 15.8-kDa protein subunit of nuclear RNase P, has been identified in the genome of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Rpp2 was detected by sequence similarity with a human protein, Rpp20, which copurifies with human RNase P. Epitope-tagged Rpp2 can be found in association with both RNase P and RNase mitochondrial RNA processing in immunoprecipitates from crude extracts of cells. Depletion of Rpp2 protein in vivo causes accumulation of precursor tRNAs with unprocessed introns and 5′ and 3′ termini, and leads to defects in the processing of the 35S precursor rRNA. Rpp2-depleted cells are defective in processing of the 5.8S rRNA. Rpp2 immunoprecipitates cleave both yeast precursor tRNAs and precursor rRNAs accurately at the expected sites and contain the Rpp1 protein orthologue of the human scleroderma autoimmune antigen, Rpp30. These results demonstrate that Rpp2 is a protein subunit of nuclear RNase P that is functionally conserved in eukaryotes from yeast to humans.


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Nocturnal melatonin production in the pineal gland is under the control of norepinephrine released from superior cervical ganglia afferents in a rhythmic manner, and of cyclic AMP. Cyclic AMP increases the expression of serotonin N-acetyltransferase and of inducible cAMP early repressor that undergo circadian oscillations crucial for the maintenance and regulation of the biological clock. In the present study, we demonstrate a circadian pattern of expression of the calcium/calmodulin activated adenylyl cyclase type 1 (AC1) mRNA in the rat pineal gland. In situ hybridization revealed that maximal AC1 mRNA expression occurred at midday (12:00-15:00), with a very low signal at night (0:00-3:00). We established that this rhythmic pattern was controlled by the noradrenergic innervation of the pineal gland and by the environmental light conditions. Finally, we observed a circadian responsiveness of the pineal AC activity to calcium/calmodulin, with a lag due to the processing of the protein. At midday, AC activity was inhibited by calcium (40%) either in the presence or absence of calmodulin, while at night the enzyme was markedly (3-fold) activated by the calcium-calmodulin complex. These findings suggest (i) the involvement of AC1 acting as the center of a gating mechanism, between cyclic AMP and calcium signals, important for the fine tuning of the pineal circadian rhythm; and (ii) a possible regulation of cyclic AMP on the expression of AC1 in the rat pineal gland.


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The European Council Summit of 23-24 October 2014 may have been relatively low key, but many important decisions were made which could encourage historical changes. In this post-summit analysis, Janis A. Emmanouilidis examines the agreement reached on a new climate and energy policy framework for 2020-2030 which despite falling short of the European Commission’s original proposals, it nevertheless delivers a positive message to international community ahead of the global climate negotiations next year. He also highlights the significance of the request from euro-zone leaders for a new report on ‘better economic governance’ by December. More broadly, he uses this moment of transition in the EU’s leadership to analyse the current state and future direction of the Union, and underlines the need to provide a coherent and holistic response to the damage caused by the crisis and the challenges facing the Union, on the basis of an ambitious but pragmatic ‘package deal’ – a new pact between EU governments, and between the Union and its citizens – to heal the divisions of recent years and restore public faith in the benefits of EU membership.


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Prepulse inhibition of the blink reflex is widely applied to investigate information processing deficits in schizophrenia and other psychiatric patient groups. The present experiment investigated the hypothesis that prepulse inhibition reflects a transient process that protects preattentive processing of the prepulse. Participants were presented with pairs of blinkeliciting noises, some preceded by a prepulse at a variable stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA), and were asked to rate the intensity of the second noise relative to the first. Inhibition of blink amplitude was greater for a 110-dB (A) noise than for a 95-dB(A) noise with a 120-ms SOA, whereas there was no difference with a 30-ms SOA. The perceived intensity was also lower for the 110-dB(A) noise than for the 95-dB(A) noise with the 120-ms SOA, but not with the 30-ms SOA. The parallel results support a relationship between prepulse inhibition of response amplitude and perceived intensity. However, the prepulse did not reduce intensity ratings relative to control trials in some conditions, suggesting that prepulse inhibition is not always associated with an attenuation of the perceived impact of the blink-eliciting stimulus.


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The visual evoked magnetic response CIIm component to a pattern onset stimulus presented half field produced a consistent scalp topography in 15 normal subjects. The major response was seen over the contralateral hemisphere, suggesting a dipole with current flowing away from the medial surface of the brain. Full field responses were more unpredictable. The reponses of five subjects were studied to the onset of a full, left half and right half checkerboard stimuli of 38 x 27 min arc checks appearing for 200 ms. In two subjects the full field CIIm topography was consistent with that of the mathematical summation of their relevant half field distribution. The remaining subjects had unpredictable full field topographies, showing little or no relationship to their half or summated half fields. In each of these subjects, a distribution matching that of the summated half field CIIm distribution appears at an earlier latency than that of the predominant full field waveform peak. By examining the topography of the full and half field responses at 5 ms intervals along the waveform for one such subject, the CIIm topography of the right hemisphere develops 10 ms before that of the left hemisphere, and is replaced by the following CIIIm component 20 ms earlier. Hence, the large peak seen in full field results from a combination of the CIIm component of the left hemisphere plus that of the CIIIm from the right. The earlier peak results from the CIIm generated in both hemispheres, at a latency where both show similar amplitudes. As the relative amplitudes of these two peaks alter with check and field size, topographic studies would be required for accurate CIIm identification. In addition. the CIIm-CIIIm complex lasts for 80 ms in the right hemisphere and 135 ms in the left, suggesting hemispherical apecialization in the visual processing of the pattern onset response.


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The technology of record, storage and processing of the texts, based on creation of integer index cycles is discussed. Algorithms of exact-match search and search similar on the basis of inquiry in a natural language are considered. The software realizing offered approaches is described, and examples of the electronic archives possessing properties of intellectual search are resulted.


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The 5,280 km2 Sian Ka’an Biosphere Reserve includes pristine wetlands fed by ground water from the karst aquifer of the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. The inflow through underground karst structures is hard to observe making it difficult to understand, quantify, and predict the wetland dynamics. Remotely sensed Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) amplitude and phase observations offer new opportunities to obtain information on hydrologic dynamics useful for wetland management. Backscatter amplitude of SAR data can be used to map flooding extent. Interferometric processing of the backscattered SAR phase data (InSAR) produces temporal phase-changes that can be related to relative water level changes in vegetated wetlands. We used 56 RADARSAT-1 SAR acquisitions to calculate 38 interferograms and 13 flooding maps with 24 day and 48 day time intervals covering July 2006 to March 2008. Flooding extent varied between 1,067 km2 and 2,588 km2 during the study period, and main water input was seen to take place in sloughs during October–December. We propose that main water input areas are associated with water-filled faults that transport ground water from the catchment to the wetlands. InSAR and Landsat data revealed local-scale water divides and surface water flow directions within the wetlands.


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The In Situ Analysis System (ISAS) was developed to produce gridded fields of temperature and salinity that preserve as much as possible the time and space sampling capabilities of the Argo network of profiling floats. Since the first global re-analysis performed in 2009, the system has evolved and a careful delayed mode processing of the 2002-2012 dataset has been carried out using version 6 of ISAS and updating the statistics to produce the ISAS13 analysis. This last version is now implemented as the operational analysis tool at the Coriolis data centre. The robustness of the results with respect to the system evolution is explored through global quantities of climatological interest: the Ocean Heat Content and the Steric Height. Estimates of errors consistent with the methodology are computed. This study shows that building reliable statistics on the fields is fundamental to improve the monthly estimates and to determine the absolute error bars. The new mean fields and variances deduced from the ISAS13 re-analysis and dataset show significant changes relative to the previous ISAS estimates, in particular in the southern ocean, justifying the iterative procedure. During the decade covered by Argo, the intermediate waters appear warmer and saltier in the North Atlantic and fresher in the Southern Ocean than in WOA05 long term mean. At inter-annual scale, the impact of ENSO on the Ocean Heat Content and Steric Height is observed during the 2006-2007 and 2009-2010 events captured by the network.


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The wastage of prawns due to spoilage in processing factories accounted to about 0-12% in 1974, 0-35% in 1975, 0-3% in 1976 and 0-4% in 1977. Spoilage increases with the time lag between catching and processing and also due to defective icing. The paper discusses the counts of whole prawns required for obtaining meat of specified size grades.


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BACKGROUND: There is an increasing interest in obtaining natural products with bioactive properties, using fermentation technology. However, the downstream processing consisting of multiple steps can be complicated, leading to increase in the final cost of the product. Therefore there is a need for integrated, cost-effective and scalable separation processes. RESULTS: The present study investigates the use of colloidal gas aphrons (CGA), which are surfactant-stabilized microbubbles, as a novel method for downstream processing. More particularly, their application for the recovery of astaxanthin from the cells of Phaffia rhodozyma is explored. Research carried out with standard solutions of astaxanthin and CGA generated from the cationic surfactant hexadecyl. trimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB) showed that up to 90% recovery can be achieved under optimum conditions, i.e., pH 11 with NaOH 0.2 mol L-1. In the case of the cells' suspension from the fermentation broth, three different approaches were investigated: (a) the conventional integrated approach where CGA were applied directly; (b) CGA were applied to the clarified suspension of cells; and finally (c) the in situ approach, where CGA are generated within the clarified suspension of cells. Interestingly, in the case of the whole suspension (approach a) highest recoveries (78%) were achieved under the same conditions found to be optimal for the standard solutions. In addition, up to 97% recovery of total carotenoids could be achieved from the clarified suspension after pretreatment with NaOH. This pretreatment led to maximum cell disruption as well as optimum conditioning for subsequent CGA separation. CONCLUSIONS: These results demonstrate the potential of CGA for the recovery of bioactive components from complex feedstock. (c) 2008 Society of Chemical Industry.


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Cluster systems are becoming more prevalent in today’s computer society and users are beginning to request that these systems be reliable. Currently, most clusters have been designed to provide high performance at the cost of providing little to no reliability. To combat this, this report looks at how a recovery facility, based on either a centralised or distributed approach could be implemented into a cluster that is supported by a check pointing facility. This recovery facility can then recover failed user processes by using checkpoints of the processes that have been taken during failure free execution.