928 resultados para Processamento de sinais


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Acceleration is a key parameter for engineering and is becoming increasingly important because of the need for companies to become more competitive in the market. Both applying new technologies to their products and optimizing their process lines with predictive maintenance and robotic automation. This study aims to analyze the quality of the signals obtained from a capacitive accelerometer. To do that a test rig was mounted, which consist of a shaker, fed by a signal generator, a linear potentiometer and a capacitive accelerometer; for the signal acquisition was used a acquisition board and the Labview software, in order to integrate twice the signal from the accelerometer and compare it with the sign of the potentiometer. This work also demonstrates the impact of acquired signal processing as well as techniques of pre and post processing of signal via software GNU/Octave


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The main objective is to create a software, using C++ language, for reading and exhibiting in a graphic an Electrocardiogram (ECG) wave. The data is recorded as a FM modulated signal and compressed using Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation (ADPCM). The signal have this characteristics because it was acquired using an experimental equipment, this equipment is the result of research made by the professor who supervised this work. FM demodulation techniques in discrete time, discrete filters and digital signal processing are some of the topics that can be found in this essay. Some concepts about the human heart and about ECG waves are also briefly introduced. These concepts are necessary for understanding the final evaluation of the software performance. The development is partly made using MATLAB. Most of the functions that are used on the software are first tested and designed in MATLAB environment. In the end, an evaluation is done comparing the results that are expected with the ones that MATLAB presents and the ones that the developed software presents


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This work presents the development of a graphical interface to the Lock-in Amplifier, which is used in physiological studies on the motility of the gastrointestinal tract in rats and signal processing. With a simple and low cost instrumentation, the resources offered by the virtual interface of LabVIEW software allows the creation of commands similar to the actual instrument that, through communication via standard serial port, transmits data between a PC and peripheral device performing specific and particular needs in the amplifier. Created for the lock-in amplifier model SR830 Stanford Research Systems, the remote manipulation gives the user greater accessibility in the process of configuration and calibration. And, since the software is installed, there is the advantage of eliminating the need of purchase new devices to upgrade the system. The commands created were made to perform six basic modifications that are used in routine of the Biomagnetism Laboratory. The instrumentation developed has the following controls: Amplitude, Frequency, Time Constant, slope low pass filter, sensitivity and offset


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEB


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The education designed and planned in a clear and objective manner is of paramount importance for universities to prepare competent professionals for the labor market, and above all can serve the population with an efficient work. Specifically, in relation to engineering, conducting classes in the laboratories it is very important for the application of theory and development of the practical part of the student. The planning and preparation of laboratories, as well as laboratory equipment and activities should be developed in a succinct and clear way, showing to students how to apply in practice what has been learned in theory and often shows them why and where it can be used when they become engineers. This work uses the MATLAB together with the System Identification Toolbox and Arduino for the identification of linear systems in Linear Control Lab. MATLAB is a widely used program in the engineering area for numerical computation, signal processing, graphing, system identification, among other functions. Thus the introduction to MATLAB and consequently the identification of systems using the System Identification Toolbox becomes relevant in the formation of students to thereafter when necessary to identify a system the base and the concept has been seen. For this procedure the open source platform Arduino was used as a data acquisition board being the same also introduced to the student, offering them a range of software and hardware for learning, giving you every day more luggage to their training


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The education designed and planned in a clear and objective manner is of paramount importance for universities to prepare competent professionals for the labor market, and above all can serve the population with an efficient work. Specifically, in relation to engineering, conducting classes in the laboratories it is very important for the application of theory and development of the practical part of the student. The planning and preparation of laboratories, as well as laboratory equipment and activities should be developed in a succinct and clear way, showing to students how to apply in practice what has been learned in theory and often shows them why and where it can be used when they become engineers. This work uses the MATLAB together with the System Identification Toolbox and Arduino for the identification of linear systems in Linear Control Lab. MATLAB is a widely used program in the engineering area for numerical computation, signal processing, graphing, system identification, among other functions. Thus the introduction to MATLAB and consequently the identification of systems using the System Identification Toolbox becomes relevant in the formation of students to thereafter when necessary to identify a system the base and the concept has been seen. For this procedure the open source platform Arduino was used as a data acquisition board being the same also introduced to the student, offering them a range of software and hardware for learning, giving you every day more luggage to their training


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In the analysis of heart rate variability (HRV) are used temporal series that contains the distances between successive heartbeats in order to assess autonomic regulation of the cardiovascular system. These series are obtained from the electrocardiogram (ECG) signal analysis, which can be affected by different types of artifacts leading to incorrect interpretations in the analysis of the HRV signals. Classic approach to deal with these artifacts implies the use of correction methods, some of them based on interpolation, substitution or statistical techniques. However, there are few studies that shows the accuracy and performance of these correction methods on real HRV signals. This study aims to determine the performance of some linear and non-linear correction methods on HRV signals with induced artefacts by quantification of its linear and nonlinear HRV parameters. As part of the methodology, ECG signals of rats measured using the technique of telemetry were used to generate real heart rate variability signals without any error. In these series were simulated missing points (beats) in different quantities in order to emulate a real experimental situation as accurately as possible. In order to compare recovering efficiency, deletion (DEL), linear interpolation (LI), cubic spline interpolation (CI), moving average window (MAW) and nonlinear predictive interpolation (NPI) were used as correction methods for the series with induced artifacts. The accuracy of each correction method was known through the results obtained after the measurement of the mean value of the series (AVNN), standard deviation (SDNN), root mean square error of the differences between successive heartbeats (RMSSD), Lomb\'s periodogram (LSP), Detrended Fluctuation Analysis (DFA), multiscale entropy (MSE) and symbolic dynamics (SD) on each HRV signal with and without artifacts. The results show that, at low levels of missing points the performance of all correction techniques are very similar with very close values for each HRV parameter. However, at higher levels of losses only the NPI method allows to obtain HRV parameters with low error values and low quantity of significant differences in comparison to the values calculated for the same signals without the presence of missing points.


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Este trabalho apresenta um método de estimativa de torque do joelho baseado em sinais eletromiográficos (EMG) durante terapia de reabilitação robótica. Os EMGs, adquiridos de cinco músculos envolvidos no movimento de flexão e extensão do joelho, são processados para encontrar as ativações musculares. Em seguida, mediante um modelo simples de contração muscular, são calculadas as forças e, usando a geometria da articulação, o torque do joelho. As funções de ativação e contração musculares possuem parâmetros limitados que devem ser calibrados para cada usuário, sendo o ajuste feito mediante a minimização do erro entre o torque estimado e o torque medido na articulação usando a dinâmica inversa. São comparados dois métodos iterativos para funções não-lineares como técnicas de otimização restrita para a calibração dos parâmetros: Gradiente Descendente e Quasi-Newton. O processamento de sinais, calibração de parâmetros e cálculo de torque estimado foram desenvolvidos no software MATLAB®; o cálculo de torque medido foi feito no software OpenSim com sua ferramenta de dinâmica inversa.


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O Monitoramento Acústico Passivo (PAM) submarino refere-se ao uso de sistemas de escuta e gravação subaquática, com o intuito de detectar, monitorar e identificar fontes sonoras através das ondas de pressão que elas produzem. Se diz que é passivo já que tais sistemas unicamente ouvem, sem perturbam o meio ambiente acústico existente, diferentemente de ativos, como os sonares. O PAM submarino tem diversas áreas de aplicação, como em sistemas de vigilância militar, seguridade portuária, monitoramento ambiental, desenvolvimento de índices de densidade populacional de espécies, identificação de espécies, etc. Tecnologia nacional nesta área é praticamente inexistente apesar da sua importância. Neste contexto, o presente trabalho visa contribuir com o desenvolvimento de tecnologia nacional no tema através da concepção, construção e operação de equipamento autônomo de PAM e de métodos de processamento de sinais para detecção automatizada de eventos acústicos submarinos. Foi desenvolvido um equipamento, nomeado OceanPod, que possui características como baixo custo de fabrica¸c~ao, flexibilidade e facilidade de configuração e uso, voltado para a pesquisa científica, industrial e para controle ambiental. Vários protótipos desse equipamento foram construídos e utilizados em missões no mar. Essas jornadas de monitoramento permitiram iniciar a criação de um banco de dados acústico, o qual permitiu fornecer a matéria prima para o teste de detectores de eventos acústicos automatizados e em tempo real. Adicionalmente também é proposto um novo método de detecção-identificação de eventos acústicos, baseado em análise estatística da representação tempo-frequência dos sinais acústicos. Este novo método foi testado na detecção de cetáceos, presentes no banco de dados gerado pelas missões de monitoramento.


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Desde o início do crescente interesse na área de robótica que a navegação autónoma se apresenta como um problema de complexa resolução que, por isso, desperta vasto interesse no meio científico. Além disso, as capacidades da navegação autónoma aliadas à robótica permitem o desenvolvimento de variadas aplicações. O objectivo da navegação autónoma é conferir, a um dispositivo motor, capacidade de decisão relativa à locomoção. Para o efeito, utilizam-se sensores, como os sensores IMU, o receptor GPS e os encoders, para fornecer os dados essenciais à navegação. A dificuldade encontra-se no correcto processamento destes sinais uma vez que são susceptíveis a fontes de ruído. Este trabalho apresenta um sistema de navegação autónomo aplicado ao controlo de um robot. Para tal, desenvolveu-se uma aplicação que alberga todo o sistema de localização, navegação e controlo, acrescido de uma interface gráfica, que permite a visualização em mapa da movimentação autónoma do robot. Recorre-se ao Filtro de Kalman como método probabilístico de estimação de posição, em que os sinais dos vários sensores são conjugados e filtrados. Foram realizados vários testes de modo a avaliar a capacidade do robot atingir os pontos traçados e a sua autonomia no seguimento da trajectória pretendida.


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We propose in this work, a new method of conceptual organization of areas involving assistive technology, categorizing them in a logical and simple manner; Furthermore, we also propose the implementation of an interface based on electroculography, able to generate high-level commands, to trigger robotic, computer and electromechanical devices. To validate the eye interface, was developed an electronic circuit associated with a computer program that captured the signals generated by eye movements of users, generating high-level commands, able to trigger an active bracing and many other electromechanical systems. The results showed that it was possible to control many electromechanical systems through only eye movements. The interface is presented as a viable way to perform the proposed task and can be improved in the signals analysis in the the digital level. The diagrammatic model developed, presented as a tool easy to use and understand, providing the conceptual organization needs of assistive technology