988 resultados para Primary sensory neuron


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Vision provides a primary sensory input for food perception. It raises expectations on taste and nutritional value and drives acceptance or rejection. So far, the impact of visual food cues varying in energy content on subsequent taste integration remains unexplored. Using electrical neuroimaging, we assessed whether high- and low-calorie food cues differentially influence the brain processing and perception of a subsequent neutral electric taste. When viewing high-calorie food images, participants reported the subsequent taste to be more pleasant than when low-calorie food images preceded the identical taste. Moreover, the taste-evoked neural activity was stronger in the bilateral insula and the adjacent frontal operculum (FOP) within 100 ms after taste onset when preceded by high- versus low-calorie cues. A similar pattern evolved in the anterior cingulate (ACC) and medial orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) around 180 ms, as well as, in the right insula, around 360 ms. The activation differences in the OFC correlated positively with changes in taste pleasantness, a finding that is an accord with the role of the OFC in the hedonic evaluation of taste. Later activation differences in the right insula likely indicate revaluation of interoceptive taste awareness. Our findings reveal previously unknown mechanisms of cross-modal, visual-gustatory, sensory interactions underlying food evaluation.


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Chemical sensing begins when peripheral receptor proteins recognise specific environmental stimuli and translate them into spatial and temporal patterns of sensory neuron activity. The chemosensory system of the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, has become a dominant model to understand this process, through its accessibility to a powerful combination of molecular, genetic and electrophysiological analysis. Recent results have revealed many surprises in the biology of peripheral chemosensation in Drosophila, including novel structural and signalling properties of the insect odorant receptors (ORs), combinatorial mechanisms of chemical recognition by the gustatory receptors (GRs), and the implication of Transient Receptor Potential (TRP) ion channels as a novel class of chemosensory receptors.


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Primary sensory neurons were grown under four conditions of culture. The influence of nonneuronal cells, horse serum or both was studied on the phenotypic expression of certain neuronal subpopulations. The number of neurons expressing acetylcholinesterase, alpha-bungarotoxin-binding sites or a high uptake capacity for glutamine was enhanced by nonneuronal cells. The horse serum increases the neuronal subpopulation exhibiting a carbonic anhydrase activity. Certain phenotypic changes fit conditions consistent with an epigenetic induction rather than a cell selection.


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Beside the several growth factors which play a crucial role in the development and regeneration of the nervous system, thyroid hormones also contribute to the normal development of the central and peripheral nervous system. In our previous work, we demonstrated that triiodothyronine (T3) in physiological concentration enhances neurite outgrowth of primary sensory neurons in cultures. Neurite outgrowth requires microtubules and microtubule associated proteins (MAPs). Therefore the effects of exogenous T3 or/and nerve growth factors (NGF) were tested on the expression of cytoskeletal proteins in primary sensory neurons. Dorsal root ganglia (DRG) from 19 day old rat embryos were cultured under four conditions: (1) control cultures in which explants were grown in the absence of T3 and NGF, (2) cultures grown in the presence of NGF alone, (3) in the presence of T3 alone or (4) in the presence of NGF and T3 together. Analysis of proteins by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed the presence of several proteins in the molecular weight region around 240 kDa. NGF and T3 together induced the expression of one protein, in particular, with a molecular weight above 240 kDa, which was identified by an antibody against MAP1c, a protein also known as cytoplasmic dynein. The immunocytochemical detection confirmed that this protein was expressed only in DRG explants grown in the presence of NGF and T3 together. Neither control explants nor explants treated with either NGF or T3 alone expressed dynein. In conclusion, a combination of nerve growth factor and thyroid hormone is necessary to regulate the expression of cytoplasmic dynein, a protein that is involved in retrograde axonal transport.


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Since streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetes is a widely used model of painful diabetic neuropathy, the aim of the present study was to design a rational protocol to investigate whether the development of mechanical hypernociception induced by STZ depends exclusively on hyperglycemia. Male Wistar rats (180-200 g; N = 6-7 per group) received a single intravenous injection of STZ at three different doses (10, 20, or 40 mg/kg). Only the higher dose (40 mg/kg) induced a significant increase in blood glucose levels, glucose tolerance and deficiency in weight gain. However, all STZ-treated rats (hyperglycemic or not) developed persistent (for at least 20 days) and indistinguishable bilateral mechanical hypernociception that was not prevented by daily insulin treatment (2 IU twice a day, sc). Systemic morphine (2 mg/kg) but not local (intraplantar) morphine treatment (8 µg/paw) significantly inhibited the mechanical hypernociception induced by STZ (10 or 40 mg/kg). In addition, intraplantar injection of STZ at doses that did not cause hyperglycemia (30, 100 or 300 µg/paw) induced ipsilateral mechanical hypernociception for at least 8 h that was inhibited by local and systemic morphine treatment (8 µg/paw or 2 mg/kg, respectively), but not by dexamethasone (1 mg/kg, sc). The results of this study demonstrate that systemic administration of STZ induces mechanical hypernociception that does not depend on hyperglycemia and intraplantar STZ induces mechanical sensitization of primary sensory neurons responsive to local morphine treatment.


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La période postnatale et l’expérience sensorielle sont critiques pour le développement du système visuel. Les interneurones inhibiteurs exprimant l’acide γ-aminobutyrique (GABA) jouent un rôle important dans le contrôle de l’activité neuronale, le raffinement et le traitement de l’information sensorielle qui parvient au cortex cérébral. Durant le développement, lorsque le cortex cérébral est très susceptible aux influences extrinsèques, le GABA agit dans la formation des périodes critiques de sensibilité ainsi que dans la plasticité dépendante de l’expérience. Ainsi, ce système inhibiteur servirait à ajuster le fonctionnement des aires sensorielles primaires selon les conditions spécifiques d’activité en provenance du milieu, des afférences corticales (thalamiques et autres) et de l’expérience sensorielle. Certaines études montrent que des différences dans la densité et la distribution de ces neurones inhibiteurs corticaux reflètent les caractéristiques fonctionnelles distinctes entre les différentes aires corticales. La Parvalbumine (PV), la Calretinine (CR) et la Calbindine (CB) sont des protéines chélatrices du calcium (calcium binding proteins ou CaBPs) localisées dans différentes sous-populations d’interneurones GABAergiques corticaux. Ces protéines tamponnent le calcium intracellulaire de sorte qu’elles peuvent moduler différemment plusieurs fonctions neuronales, notamment l’aspect temporel des potentiels d’action, la transmission synaptique et la potentialisation à long terme. Plusieurs études récentes montrent que les interneurones immunoréactifs (ir) aux CaBPs sont également très sensibles à l’expérience et à l’activité sensorielle durant le développement et chez l’adulte. Ainsi, ces neurones pourraient avoir un rôle crucial à jouer dans le phénomène de compensation ou de plasticité intermodale entre les cortex sensoriels primaires. Chez le hamster (Mesocricetus auratus), l’énucléation à la naissance fait en sorte que le cortex visuel primaire peut être recruté par les autres modalités sensorielles, telles que le toucher et l’audition. Suite à cette privation oculaire, il y a établissement de projections ectopiques permanentes entre les collicules inférieurs (CI) et le corps genouillé latéral (CGL). Ceci a pour effet d’acheminer l’information auditive vers le cortex visuel primaire (V1) durant le développement postnatal. À l’aide de ce modèle, l’objectif général de ce projet de thèse est d’étudier l’influence et le rôle de l’activité sensorielle sur la distribution et l’organisation des interneurones corticaux immunoréactifs aux CaBPs dans les aires sensorielles visuelle et auditive primaires du hamster adulte. Les changements dans l’expression des CaBPs ont été déterminés d’une manière quantitative en évaluant les profils de distribution laminaire de ces neurones révélés par immunohistochimie. Dans une première expérience, nous avons étudié la distribution laminaire des CaBPs dans les aires visuelle (V1) et auditive (A1) primaires chez le hamster normal adulte. Les neurones immunoréactifs à la PV et la CB, mais non à la CR, sont distribués différemment dans ces deux cortex primaires dédiés à une modalité sensorielle différente. Dans une deuxième étude, une comparaison a été effectuée entre des animaux contrôles et des hamsters énucléés à la naissance. Cette étude montre que le cortex visuel primaire de ces animaux adopte une chimioarchitecture en PV similaire à celle du cortex auditif. Nos recherches montrent donc qu’une suppression de l’activité visuelle à la naissance peut influencer l’expression des CaBPs dans l’aire V1 du hamster adulte. Ceci suggère également que le type d’activité des afférences en provenance d’autres modalités sensorielles peut moduler, en partie, une circuiterie corticale en CaBPs qui lui est propre dans le cortex hôte ou recruté. Ainsi, nos travaux appuient l’hypothèse selon laquelle il serait possible que certaines de ces sous-populations d’interneurones GABAergiques jouent un rôle crucial dans le phénomène de la plasticité intermodale.


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L’inhibition est nécessaire à la génération d’outputs coordonnés entre muscles antagonistes lors de la locomotion. Une baisse de la concentration neuronale en ions chlorure au cours du développement des mammifères conduit à l’émergence de l’inhibition. Cette baisse repose sur l’équilibre entre deux cotransporteurs cation-chlorure, KCC2 et NKCC1. KCC2 expulse Cl- de la cellule alors que NKCC1 pompe Cl- dans la cellule. L’opossum Monodelphis domestica naît dans un état très immature. Le seul comportement locomoteur qu’il présente à la naissance consiste en des mouvements rythmiques et alternés des membres antérieurs pour grimper le long du ventre de la mère vers une tétine. Les membres postérieurs sont des bourgeons immobiles dont le développement est en grande partie postnatal. Pour cette raison, cette espèce constitue un modèle idéal pour l’étude du développement locomoteur. Afin d’étudier les mécanismes conduisant à l’émergence de l’inhibition durant le développement moteur, nous avons décrit l’expression développementale de KCC2 et NKCC1 chez l’opossum postnatal par immunohistochimie au niveau des renflements spinaux. Les motoneurones et afférences primaires ont été identifiés en utilisant un marquage rétrograde au TRDA. Le marquage pour KCC2 et NKCC1 est détecté dans la moelle épinière ventrale dans la matière grise et blanche présomptive dès la naissance, ce qui suggère que l’inhibition serait déjà mise en place avant la naissance, permettant subséquemment l’alternance des membres antérieurs observée chez les nouveau-nés. L’expression développementale de KCC2 et NKCC1 suit des gradients ventrodorsal et médiolatéral, tels qu’observés chez les rongeurs (rats et souris). Le patron mature d’expression de ces cotransporteurs est observé aux alentours de la 5ème semaine postnatale lorsque la locomotion de l’opossum est mature. Enfin, entre la naissance et P5, les dendrites exprimant KCC2 au niveau de la corne dorsale sont retrouvées en apposition aux afférences primaires ce qui suggère un rôle de KCC2 dans la formation des circuits sensori-moteurs.


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The vanilloid receptor-1 (VR1) is a heat-gated ion channel that is responsible for the burning sensation elicited by capsaicin. A similar sensation is reported by patients with esophagitis when they consume alcoholic beverages or are administered alcohol by injection as a medical treatment. We report here that ethanol activates primary sensory neurons, resulting in neuropeptide release or plasma extravasation in the esophagus, spinal cord or skin. Sensory neurons from trigeminal or dorsal root ganglia as well as VR1-expressing HEK293 cells responded to ethanol in a concentration-dependent and capsazepine-sensitive fashion. Ethanol potentiated the response of VR1 to capsaicin, protons and heat and lowered the threshold for heat activation of VR1 from approximately 42 degrees C to approximately 34 degrees C. This provides a likely mechanistic explanation for the ethanol-induced sensory responses that occur at body temperature and for the sensitivity of inflamed tissues to ethanol, such as might be found in esophagitis, neuralgia or wounds.


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Human functional imaging provides a correlative picture of brain activity during pain. A particular set of central nervous system structures (eg, the anterior cingulate cortex, thalamus, and insula) consistently respond to transient nociceptive stimuli causing pain. Activation of this so-called pain matrix or pain signature has been related to perceived pain intensity, both within and between individuals,1,2 and is now considered a candidate biomarker for pain in medicolegal settings and a tool for drug discovery. The pain-specific interpretation of such functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) responses, although logically flawed,3,4 remains pervasive. For example, a 2015 review states that “the most likely interpretation of activity in the pain matrix seems to be pain.”4 Demonstrating the nonspecificity of the pain matrix requires ruling out the presence of pain when highly salient sensory stimuli are presented. In this study, we administered noxious mechanical stimuli to individuals with congenital insensitivity to pain and sampled their brain activity with fMRI. Loss-of-function SCN9A mutations in these individuals abolishes sensory neuron sodium channel Nav1.7 activity, resulting in pain insensitivity through an impaired peripheral drive that leaves tactile percepts fully intact.5 This allows complete experimental disambiguation of sensory responses and painful sensations


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We report here the protein expression of TRPV1 receptor in axotomized rat retinas and its possible participation in mechanisms involved in retinal ganglion cell (RGC) death. Adult rats were subjected to unilateral, intraorbital axotomy of the optic nerve, and the retinal tissue was removed for further processing. TRPV1 total protein expression decreased progressively after optic nerve transection, reaching 66.2% of control values 21 days after axotomy. The number of cells labeled for TRPV1 in the remnant GCL decreased after 21 days post-lesion (to 63%). Fluoro-jade B staining demonstrated that the activation of TRPV1 in acutely-lesioned eyes elicited more intense neuronal degeneration in the GCL and in the inner nuclear layer than in sham-operated retinas. A single intraocular injection of capsazepine (100 mu M), a TRPV1 antagonist, 5 days after optic nerve lesion, decreased the number of GFAP-expressing Muller cells (72.5% of control values) and also decreased protein nitration in the retinal vitreal margin (75.7% of control values), but did not affect lipid peroxidation. Furthermore, retinal explants were treated with capsaicin (100 mu M), and remarkable protein nitration was then present, which was reduced by blockers of the constitutive and inducible nitric oxide synthases (7-NI and aminoguanidine, respectively). TRPV1 activation also increased GFAP expression, which was reverted by both TRPV1 antagonism with capsazepine and by 7-NI and aminoguanidine. Given that Muller cells do not express TRPV1, we suppose that the increased GFAP expression in these cells might be elicited by TRPV1 activation and by its indirect effect upon nitric oxide overproduction and peroxynitrite formation. We incubated Fluorogold pre-labeled retinal explants in the presence of capsazepine (1 mu M) during 48 h. The numbers of surviving RGCs stained with fluorogold and the numbers of apoptotic cells in the GCL detected with TUNEL were similar in lesioned and control retinas. We conclude that TRPV1 receptor expression decreased after optic nerve injury due to death of TRPV1-containing cells. Furthermore, these data indicate that TRPV1 might be involved in intrinsic protein nitration and Muller cell reaction observed after optic nerve injury. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Mirror therapy (MT) is being used as a rehabilitation tool in various diseases, including stroke. Although some studies have shown its effectiveness, little is known about neural mechanisms that underlie the rehabilitation process. Therefore, this study aimed at assessing cortical neuromodulation after a single MT intervention in ischemic stroke survivors, by means of by functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) and Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS). Fifteen patients participated in a single thirty minutes MT session. fMRI data was analyzed bilaterally in the following Regions of Interest (ROI): Supplementary Motor Area (SMA), Premotor cortex (PMC), Primary Motor cortex (M1), Primary Sensory cortex (S1) and Cerebellum. In each ROI, changes in the percentage of occupation and beta values were computed. Group fMRI data showed a significant decreased in the percentage of occupation in PMC and cerebellum, contralateral to the affected hand (p <0.05). Significant increase in beta values was observed in the following contralateral motor areas: SMA, Cerebellum, PMC and M1 (p<0,005). Moreover, a significant decrease was observed in the following ipsilateral motor areas: PMC and M1 (p <0,001). In S1 a bilateral significant decrease (p<0.0005) was observed.TMS consisted of the analysis of Motor Evoked Potential (MEP) of M1 hotspot. A significant increase in the amplitude of the MEP was observed after therapy in the group (p<0,0001) and individually in 4 patients (p <0.05). Altogether, our results imply that single MT intervention is already capable of promoting changes in neurobiological markers toward patterns observed in healthy subjects. Furthermore, the contralateral hemisphere motor areas changes are opposite to the ones in the ipsilateral side, suggesting an increase system homeostasis.


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The currently accepted model of sensory processing states that different senses are processed in parallel, and that the activity of specific cortical regions define the sensorial modality perceived by the subject. In this work we used chronic multielectrode extracellular recordings to investigate to which extent neurons in the visual and tactile primary cortices (V1 and S1) of anesthetized rats would respond to sensory modalities not traditionaly associated with these cortices. Visual stimulation yielded 87% of responsive neurons in V1, while 82% of S1 neurons responded to tactile stimulation. In the same stimulation sessions, we found 23% of V1 neurons responding to tactile stimuli and 22% of S1 neurons responding to visual stimuli. Our data supports an increasing body of evidence that indicates the existence multimodal processing in primary sensory cortices. Our data challenge the unimodal sensory processing paradigm, and suggest the need of a reinterpretation of the currently accepted model of cortical hierarchy.


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Research on Blindsight, Neglect/Extinction and Phantom limb syndromes, as well as electrical measurements of mammalian brain activity, have suggested the dependence of vivid perception on both incoming sensory information at primary sensory cortex and reentrant information from associative cortex. Coherence between incoming and reentrant signals seems to be a necessary condition for (conscious) perception. General reticular activating system and local electrical synchronization are some of the tools used by the brain to establish coarse coherence at the sensory cortex, upon which biochemical processes are coordinated. Besides electrical synchrony and chemical modulation at the synapse, a central mechanism supporting such a coherence is the N-methyl-D-aspartate channel, working as a 'coincidence detector' for an incoming signal causing the depolarization necessary to remove Mg 2+, and reentrant information releasing the glutamate that finally prompts Ca 2+ entry. We propose that a signal transduction pathway activated by Ca 2+ entry into cortical neurons is in charge of triggering a quantum computational process that accelerates inter-neuronal communication, thus solving systemic conflict and supporting the unity of consciousness. © 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd.


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O acidente vascular encefálico (AVE) pode ocorrer em qual região do Sistema Nervoso Central (SNC), sendo o córtex cerebral é uma das regiões mais frequentemente afetadas por essa desordem neural aguda, embora inexistam investigações que tenham comparado o padrão lesivo em diferentes regiões corticais após isquemia focal de mesma intensidade. O objetivo desta investigação foi avaliar o padrão degenerativo de diferentes áreas corticais após lesão isquêmica focal. Para isso, induziu-se isquemia focal por microinjeções estereotáxicas de endotelina-1 (ET-1) nos córtices somestésico, motor e de associação de ratos adultos (N=45). Nos animais controle injetou-se o mesmo volume de solução salina estéril (N=27). Os animais foram perfundidos 1, 3, e 7 dias após o evento isquêmico. O encéfalo foi removido, pós-fixado, crioprotegido e seccionado em criostato. A histopatologia geral foi avaliada em secções de 50 coradas pela violeta de cresila. Secções de 20μm foram submetidas à imunoistoquímica para marcação de astrócitos (anti-GFAP), micróglia/macrófagos ativados (anti-ED1) e microglia em geral (anti-Iba1). Avaliou-se os padrões lesivos qualitativamente (por inspeção em microscópio óptico) e quantitativamente (pela contagem do número de células nos lados ipsi e contralateral à lesão), pela estatística descritiva e comparações intra e intergrupos com análise de variância com correção a posteriori de Tukey. Os animais isquêmicos apresentaram conspícua perda tecidual, ativação microglial e astrocitose entre 3 e 7 dias após a indução isquêmica, o que não foi observado nos animais controle. A perda tecidual e a ativação de células gliais foram mais intensas no córtex somestésico, depois no córtex motor, com intensidade reduzida na área de associação, o que foi confirmado por análise quantitativa. Os resultados sugerem que uma lesão isquêmica de mesma intensidade induz um padrão diferencial de perda tecidual e neuroinflamação, dependendo da área cortical, e que as áreas sensoriais primárias e motoras são mais susceptíveis ao processo isquêmico do que áreas de associação.


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The aim of this study was to identify immunoreactive neuropeptide Y (NPY) and calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) neurons in the autonomic and sensory ganglia, specifically neurons that innervate the rat temporomandibular joint (TMJ). A possible variation between the percentages of these neurons in acute and chronic phases of carrageenan-induced arthritis was examined. Retrograde neuronal tracing was combined with indirect immunofluorescence to identify NPY-immuno-reactive (NPY-IR) and CGRP-immunoreactive (CGRP-IR) neurons that send nerve fibers to the normal and arthritic temporomandibular joint. In normal joints, NPY-IR neurons constitute 78 +/- 3%, 77 +/- 6% and 10 +/- 4% of double-labeled nucleated neuronal profile originated from the superior cervical, stellate and otic ganglia, respectively. These percentages in the sympathetic ganglia were significantly decreased in acute (58 +/- 2% for superior cervical ganglion and 58 +/- 8% for stellate ganglion) and chronic (60 +/- 2% for superior cervical ganglion and 59 +/- 15% for stellate ganglion) phases of arthritis, while in the otic ganglion these percentages were significantly increased to 19 +/- 5% and 13 +/- 3%, respectively. In the trigeminal ganglion, CGRP-IR neurons innervating the joint significantly increased from 31 +/- 3% in normal animals to 54 +/- 2% and 49 +/- 3% in the acute and chronic phases of arthritis, respectively. It can be concluded that NPY neurons that send nerve fibers to the rat temporomandibular joint are located mainly in the superior cervical, stellate and otic ganglia. Acute and chronic phases of carrageenan-induced arthritis lead to an increase in the percentage of NPY-IR parasympathetic and CGRP-IR sensory neurons and to a decrease in the percentage of NPY-IR sympathetic neurons related to TMJ innervation.