930 resultados para Pressão arterial Teses


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Ps-graduao em Ginecologia, Obstetrcia e Mastologia - FMB


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Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)


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INTRODUCTION: Resistance training (RT) has been widely used for older adults in order to minimize or reverse the deleterious effects of aging in the neuromuscular system. However, the potential benefits of RT on arterial blood pressure and heart rate at rest in older adults remain controversial. OBJECTIVE: To analyze the effect of eight weeks of RT on systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP), mean arterial pressure (MAP) and heart rate (HR) in older women without hypertension. METHODS: Seventeen women (aged 66.0 5.8 years) without previous experience in RT were randomly assigned to either a training (TG, n = 10) or control (CG, n = 7) groups. Hemodynamic parameters at rest were evaluated by auscultatory method (mercury sphygmomanometer) and HR monitor (Polar), before and after eight weeks of experimental period. RESULTS: Reductions attributable to RT were found only to SBP (-13.4 mmHg, p <0.01). Although significant reductions were observed for DBP and MBP, the analysis of covariance showed no interaction Group x Time significant. CONCLUSION: RT proved an effective training to promote adaptations in the cardiovascular system of older women without hypertension. Eight weeks of RT can significantly reduce SBP at rest in older women.


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A hipertenso arterial atinge uma mdia de 20% a 25% da populao brasileira. Estudos apontam que a prtica regular de atividade fsica alm de combater o sedentarismo pode ser utilizada como meio no farmacolgico de tratamento e preveno da hipertenso. Objetivo: Verificar os efeitos do estado de nimo gerado por exerccios no sistematizados e sistematizados na pressão arterial. Metodologia: Participaram do estudo 30 alunas que participam h mais de seis meses do Programa Sade Ativa Rio Claro. Elas receberam treinamento duas semanas, para utilizarem o aparelho de pressão digital de pulso Fuzzy LOGIC. As participantes foram submetidas a 3 sesses de aulas (aerbio, ldico e fora) em dias diferentes. As aulas do aerbio contavam com 40 min de caminhada moderada, a aula de fora constou 3 sries de 1 minuto, com intervalo entre as sries de 30 segundos para membros superiores e inferiores e a aula ldica com brincadeiras no padronizadas. As aulas foram constitudas de alongamento (10 min), parte principal (40 min) e volta calma (10 min). A pressão arterial sistlica (PAS) e diastlica (PAD) foram aferidas nos momentos: repouso (M1), trmino (M2), 30 minutos aps a sesso (M3), 4 horas aps (M4) e 8 horas aps a sesso dos exerccios (M5). A anlise estatstica utilizada foi a Anova para medidas repetidas com 2 fatores (Momentos e Tipo de aula) com significncia de p<0.05. Resultados: A PAS no M3 foi menor do que no M1 e M2 para todos os protocolos (p<0.05); para a PAD o M3 apresentou valores menores do que o M1 e M2 para todos os protocolos. Concluso: O efeito hipotensor teve resultados mais significativos quando relacionado a prtica dos exerccios do que aos estados de nimo gerados pelos mesmos. A prtica da atividade fsica foi capaz de alterar positivamente os estados de nimo dos indivduos... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrnico abaixo)


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A incidncia de doenas cardiovasculares tem se constitudo na maior causa de morbimortalidade em todo mundo, especialmente aps os 50 anos de idade, e tm sido associadas presena de polimorfismos em alguns genes, especialmente o gene da eNOS. Apesar das mulheres compartilharem com os homens os diversos fatores de risco para o desenvolvimento das doenas cardiovasculares, entre elas hipertenso arterial e dislipidemia, estudos epidemiolgicos mostram que as mesmas, antes da menopausa, apresentam menor risco cardiovascular quando comparadas aos homens. Entretanto, aps o perodo da menopausa h um aumento significativo na incidncia de hipertenso arterial e suas complicaes. Este fato parece estar relacionado a uma possvel ao protetora exercida pelos hormnios sexuais femininos, sobretudo os estrognios que apresentam queda abrupta no perodo da menopausa. O xido ntrico (NO), produzido pelas clulas endoteliais atravs da enzima eNOS, desempenha importante papel no sistema cardiovascular, participando na regulao do fluxo sanguneo, do remodelamento vascular e na atividade plaquetria. Assim, estudos envolvendo o gene responsvel pela sntese da enzima eNOS, tem sido foco de vrias pesquisas na tentativa de avaliar se a presena dos polimorfismos poderia predispor os indivduos a maior incidncia de doenas cardiovasculares. O polimorfismo do gene da eNOS na posio G894T/Glu298Asp localizado no xon 7, implica na alterao da sequncia protica, tornando a protena mais suscetvel clivagem, tendo consequncias funcionais como a reduo do NO demonstrando assim sua provvel contribuio para a disfuno endotelial e consequente aumento da pressão arterial. Com relao ao ntron 4 caracterizado por um Nmero Varivel de Repeties em Tandem... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrnico abaixo)


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A hipertenso arterial (HA) fator de risco para o desenvolvimento de doenas cardiovasculares, uma forma de preveno seria a adoo de um estilo de vida mais ativo.O estudo tem como objetivo verificar se uma sesso de exerccios resistidos e aerbios provoca efeito hipotensivo em indivduos normotensos e hipertensos sendo a P.A aferida antes e depois dos exerccios. Participaram do estudo 29 indivduos, normo e hipertensos, com idade mdia de 54,96 anos ( 9,56 ), todos participantes do projeto de atividade fsica para diabticos e hipertensos, desenvolvido pelo NAFES da UNESP Rio Claro. A aula constituiu-se de aquecimento e alongamento (10 min), parte principal (40 min) dividida por: Caminhada (10 min), exerccios resistidos de membro superior utilizando halteres de um quilo (10 min), caminhada (10 min) e exerccios resistidos de membros inferiores com peso corporal (10 min), finalizando com volta calma(10 min). A Pressão Arterial foi aferida atravs de aparelho digital de pulso Fuzzy LOGIC, Model 3001, BioLand em repouso(M1), ao termino(M2), 30 minutos ps-exerccios(M3) e 4 horas aps o termino dos exerccios(M4). Os dados foram analisados por meio do ANOVA para anlises repetidas, atravs do programa Statistic 7.0 e significncia de p<0,05. A analise estatstica mostrou que na pressão sistlica no houve diferena significante do M1(137,6 17,1mmHg) para o M3(133,9 18,8mmHg) enquanto que na pressão diastlica observou-se diferena significativa do M1(84,7 9,3mmHg) para o M4(80,7 11.2mmHg). Concluso: Houve efeito hipotensor aps exerccios apenas na pressão diastlica, j na pressão sistlica no ocorreu mudana significativa embora todos os valores ps exerccios tenham diminudo, tanot na sistlica quanto na diastlica.


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Este trabalho teve o objetivo elaborar e produzir uma cartilha informativa com noes fisiolgicas bsicas envolvidas no controle da pressão arterial, bem como a descrio da hipertenso e preveno destinadas a alunos a partir do Ensino Mdio, pois alm da hipertenso arterial ser uma doena crnica que se caracteriza pela elevao da pressão arterial sistmica persistente e compor um dos fatores de risco cardiovasculares mais importantes e comuns, apresentando altos ndices de morbidade e mortalidade em todos os grupos populacionais, o conceito de pressão arterial e a importncia da manuteno dos nveis pressricos normais devem ser difundidos, a fim de auxiliar no autocuidado com a sade. Para a formulao adequada da cartilha realizou - se um estudo prvio com 60 alunos de Ensino Mdio de uma escola municipal de Botucatu, e atravs de um questionrio avaliamos quantitativamente e qualitativamente por anlise de contedo: vocabulrio, conceitos, interesse sobre pressão arterial e temas interligados. Os dados gerados na anlise de contedo propiciaram a formulao da cartilha


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GOALS: This research evaluated the change in arterial pressure before and after two procedures of dental prophylaxis: Jet system baking soda and conventional prophylaxis and patient's opinion regarding the comfort of each one. MATERIAL AND METHOD: Were selected 32 patients with age between 18 to 30 years old, who need prophylaxis to remove biofilm and were subjected to three different types of treatment: sodium bicarbonate jet (G1), prophylaxis conventional (G2) and placebo (G3) at intervals of one month between them. Patients were divided randomly. Arterial pressure was measured by wrist digital Omron HEM 6111. The measurements were realized in four times: before the prophylaxis, immediately the end of procedure, 15 and 30 minutes after finished of treatment. Patient comfort was measured by a Visual Analog Scale (VAS) after the end of the treatment. The data were analyzed using the variance test. The results showed that there was statistically significant difference to the comfort of the procedures. RESULTS: There was a statistically significant difference to the comfort of the procedures, and G2 and G3 better than G1. Regarding the variation of arterial pressure there was no statistically significant difference between groups. CONCLUSIONS: The methods of prophylaxis no effect on arterial pressure, but conventional prophylaxis is more comfortable than others treatments


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The object of this study was assess through pre-clinical tests, the possible diuretic activity and the effects on the mean arterial pressure of the aqueous and ethanolic extracts of branches of bugre, Hedyosmum brasiliense Miq., species used in the treatment of renal and urinary disorders The tests were made in males anesthetized Wistar rats and randomly distributed into 4 experimental groups: Group I Water control, group II treated with aqueous extract (EA) of bugre, Group III water control + tween 80, group IV treated with ethanol extract (EE) and bugre. All groups were subjected to experimental protocol, composed of three periods: Balance (40 minutes), Basal (30 minutes) and Experimental (90 minutes), occurring the urine collection every 30 minutes, from the basal period and measuring blood pressure every 10 minutes. The results presented validate the ethnobotany indication of the use of H. brasiliense tea in the treatment of renal problems, because increased significantly the urinary flow in anesthetized Wistar rats (diuretic effect), without changing significantly (p>0,05) the arterial pressure


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Brazil is a country with the largest worlds vegetal genetic diversity and the Environmental Protection Area (APA) of the Serra da Mantiqueira is a very heterogeneous region, representing one of the richest sources of pharmacologically actives materials. The population uses medicinal plants and according to the OMS, 80% of the population uses them in primary treatment of several diseases. Nevertheless, the loss of traditional knowledge associated with medicinal plants is occurring quickly. The ethnopharmacological strategy uses traditional knowledge to the search for medicinal plants that can have bioactive substances against diseases that afflicting the population and thus protect traditional knowledge. The cip-prata (Trigonia nvea Cambess.) is a native plant normally found in the Bacia do Paran region and present in the flora in the neighborhood of Marins, Piquete-SP and usually, said for the treatment of renal and urinary diseases. So, the objective of this study was test if the cipprata (Trigonia nvea Cambess.) has effects on the renal excretion of water and salt, in anesthetized Wister rats. The tests were made in males Wistar rats and randomly distributed into 4 experimental groups: Group I aqueous control, Group II treated with aqueous extract (EA) of cip-prata, Group III water control + tween 80, Group IV treated with ethanol extract (EE) and cip-prata. All groups were subjected to experimental protocol, composed of three periods: Balance (40 minutes), Basal (30 minutes) and Experimental (90 minutes), occurring the urine collection every 30 minutes, from the basal period and measuring blood pressure every 10 minutes. The aqueous extract (EA) of cip-prata (Trigonia nvea Cambess.) presented diuretic effect of 173% (B-2,41,19 L/min reaching 6,61,45 L/min, in the period EX3) and ...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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The evaluation of blood pressure is an essential tool for veterinarian clinical practice and for monitoring anesthetized patients or patients in intensive care, because of its usefulness in diagnostics, treatment and monitoring of several diseases. Apart from the pathological factor, the blood pressure also suffers the influence of different variables, such as age, breed, gender, temperament (anxiety and stress especially during the treatment, white coat syndrome), disease state, physical activity and, with lower intensity, animals diet. One of the main indications of the evaluation of blood pressure is the observation of clinical changes resulting from hypertension in animals, which one is characterized by lesions in the nervous and cardiovascular systems, kidneys and eyes. Not least important, the evaluation of blood pressure is also essential in hypotensive states, which represent an imminent risk of death. The techniques used in measuring blood pressure correspond to invasive forms (direct) or non invasive (indirect), whose correlation has been the subject of study and improvement within the small animal clinic. Thus, the purpose of this review is emphasize the importance of measuring blood pressure within the veterinary clinic routine, studying the influence of variables associated or not with elevated blood pressure, comparing the different methods used to obtain the blood pressure