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This essay undertakes a close analysis of Leo Strauss’s remarkable but undertreated Leo Strauss on Plato’s “Symposium,” reading it as opening a privileged purview of his own (and his students’) wider understandings of philosophy, poetry, and politics. The essay begins by drawing out Strauss’s three framing justifications for his manner of reading the Symposium as a document in the “ancient quarrel” of philosophy and poetry concerning which of the two should rightly shape the culture and ethical ideals of the Greeks (part 1). Then, following the course of Plato’s Symposium, the essay ascends through Strauss’s readings of the first five speeches in Plato’s dialogue (part 2) toward the highlight of Strauss’s reading, namely, his three remarkable sessions on Socrates’s speech. Part 3 analyses Strauss’s reading of this speech up to its climax, which Strauss argues involves the philosophical “demotion of poetry”: a criticism of poets as motivated by the Eros of fame and of tragic poetry as at its best creating captivating images of gods and heroes which reflect their creators’ self-love and patriotic love of “one’s own,”as against any transpolitical truth. Part 4 then looks at Strauss’s unusual reading of the culmination of Socrates’s great speech (Diotima on the “higher mysteries”) alongside Alkibiades’s speech in the Symposium as representing Plato’s “poetic presentation of philosophy.” The essay becomes more critical as it proceeds. Strauss’s reading of the Symposium, like his reading of the Republic, is remarkable for its own “demotion of metaphysics” in Plato, and in my concluding remarks, I will question this status, or disappearance, of metaphysics in Strauss’s Platonism and whether this disappearance compromises Strauss' ability to differentiate philosophy as he sees it from poetry.


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The present study examined the presentation of autistic traits in a large adult population sample (n = 2,343). Cluster analysis indicated two subgroups with clearly distinguishable trait profiles. One group (n = 1,059) reported greater social difficulties and lower detail orientation, while the second group (n = 1,284) reported lesser social difficulties and greater detail orientation. We also report a three-factor solution for the autism-spectrum quotient, with two, related, social-themed factors (Sociability and Mentalising) and a third non-social factor that varied independently (Detail Orientation). These results indicate that different profiles of autistic characteristics tend to occur in the adult nonclinical population. Research into nonclinical variance in autistic features may benefit by considering social- and detail-related trait domains independently.


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COSTA MIGUEL, M. C.; NONAKA, C. F. W.; GERMANO, A. R.; SOUZA, L. B.; SOUZA, L. B. Oral foreign body granuloma: unusual presentation of a rare adverse reaction to permanent injectable cosmetic filler. International journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery, v. 38, p. 385-387, 2009.


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Malassezia folliculitis is an inflammatory disorder observed in both immunocompetent and immunosuppressed patients. The authors describe an unusual and exuberant presumed case affecting the face, trunk and upper limbs of a 12-year-old nonimmunosuppressed patient. Although the agent was not identified by culture, the clinical and histopathological aspects plus the response to specific treatment support the diagnosis of Malassezia folliculitis. The only possible predisponent cause observed on the patient was greasy skin. Repetitive cultures were negative. Treatment with itraconazol promoted apparent cure, however, the patient relapsed twelve months later.


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Epidermodysplasia verruciformis (EV) is triggered by a variety of mechanisms that at least partly include genetic background. We present a Brazilian man with a 30-year history of flat, wart-like lesions with clinical, histopathological, and evolutive aspects consistent with papillomavirus (HPV)-associated EV. Histological analysis of the wart lesions showed epidermis with hyperkeratosis, regular acanthosis, hypergranulosis, and cells with abundant basophilic cytoplasm. Moreover, a perivascular lymphocytic infiltrate was found in the superficial dermis, consistent with a viral wart. Type-2-HPV DNA was detected in various fragments of skin-wart lesions using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Two years after the EV diagnosis, the patient presented with an anesthetic well-demarcated, erythematous and mildly scaly plaque on his right forearm. A histopathological analysis of this lesion demonstrated the presence of a compact tuberculoid granuloma. Ziehl-Neelsen staining demonstrated the presence of rare acid-fast bacilli and confirmed the tuberculoid leprosy diagnosis. The patient's Mitsuda Intradermal Reaction was positive. To elucidate the possible mechanism involved in this case of EV, we genotyped the HLA genes of this patient. DQB genotyping showed the polymorphic HLA alleles DQB1*0301 and 0501. The patient was treated with a paucibacillary multidrug therapy scheme, and the disease was cured in six months. This report describes an EV patient with an M. leprae infection, confirming that tuberculoid leprosy patients possess a relatively specific and efficient cell-mediated immunity against the bacillus and, therefore, localized forms of the disease. Moreover, we show the possible involvement of the polymorphic HLA alleles DQB1*0301 and 0501 in EV induction mechanisms.


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CONTEXTO: Válvula de uretra posterior (VUP) é uma conhecida malformação congênita urinária, geralmente diagnosticada em exames ultra-sonográficos pré-natais ou ao nascimento. Raramente, esta doença pode ser encontrada em adolescentes e em adultos. RELATO DE CASOS: Este artigo mostra dois casos de VUP, encontrados em um adolescente e em um adulto. Ambos apresentavam sinais clínicos de infecção do trato urinário e sintomas obstrutivos infravesicais. Os diagnósticos foram realizados por uretrocistografia miccional e uretrocistoscopia. Fulguração endoscópica das válvulas foi o tratamento de escolha para ambos os casos. O acompanhamento demonstrou melhora importante dos sintomas após o tratamento.


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Ascher syndrome is defined by the association between double lip, blepharochalasis, and nontoxic goiter. Because it is a rare disease, it is most often misdiagnosed, despite its implications for quality of life. We report a variation of an incomplete type of Ascher syndrome affecting the upper lip, upper eyelids, and lateral canthi of a young male patient. The surgical management, follow-up, and a brief overview of the syndrome are described. The results presented show an aesthetic and functional improvement of the facial deformities.


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In this paper, we present the rare case of a patient with cervical lymphadenopathy diagnosed as a T-cell-rich B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma that manifested Horner's syndrome due to a post-ganglionic sympathetic neuron lesion caused by the tumor. Copyright © 2012 S. Karger AG, Basel.


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Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) is the most common oral malignant neoplasm, mainly affecting individuals over 50 years old with a history of tobacco and alcohol use. The occurrence of this oral cancer in individuals under 40 years old is unusual and, when it does occur, shows a weaker relation to those risk factors and a more aggressive clinical course. Due to the paucity of reports in this population, it is difficult to prove its increasing trend. A case of oral squamous cell carcinoma in a 39-year-old woman with no history of tobacco or alcohol use is reported. Clinical and histopathological findings, aetiology, and treatment are discussed. The increasing trend of oral squamous cell carcinoma in young women without known risk factors highlights the need for clinicians to be prepared to diagnose this lesion quickly and precisely, providing a better prognosis, chance of survival, and quality of life for the patient.