108 resultados para Predicates
This paper describes a model of persistence in (C)LP languages and two different and practically very useful ways to implement this model in current systems. The fundamental idea is that persistence is a characteristic of certain dynamic predicates (i.e., those which encapsulate state). The main effect of declaring a predicate persistent is that the dynamic changes made to such predicates persist from one execution to the next one. After proposing a syntax for declaring persistent predicates, a simple, file-based implementation of the concept is presented and some examples shown. An additional implementation is presented which stores persistent predicates in an external database. The abstraction of the concept of persistence from its implementation allows developing applications which can store their persistent predicates alternatively in files or databases with only a few simple changes to a declaration stating the location and modality used for persistent storage. The paper presents the model, the implementation approach in both the cases of using files and relational databases, a number of optimizations of the process (using information obtained from static global analysis and goal clustering), and performance results from an implementation of these ideas.
We describe lpdoc, a tool which generates documentation manuals automatically from one or more logic program source files, written in Ciao, ISO-Prolog, and other (C)LP languages. It is particularly useful for documenting library modules, for which it automatically generates a rich description of the module interface. However, it can also be used quite successfully to document full applications. A fundamental advantage of using lpdoc is that it helps maintaining a true correspondence between the program and its documentation, and also identifying precisely to what versión of the program a given printed manual corresponds. The quality of the documentation generated can be greatly enhanced by including within the program text assertions (declarations with types, modes, etc. ...) for the predicates in the program, and machine-readable comments. One of the main novelties of lpdoc is that these assertions and comments are written using the Ciao system asseriion language, which is also the language of communication between the compiler and the user and between the components of the compiler. This allows a significant synergy among specification, debugging, documentation, optimization, etc. A simple compatibility library allows conventional (C)LP systems to ignore these assertions and comments and treat normally programs documented in this way. The documentation can be generated interactively from emacs or from the command line, in many formats including texinfo, dvi, ps, pdf, info, ascii, html/css, Unix nroff/man, Windows help, etc., and can include bibliographic citations and images, lpdoc can also genérate "man" pages (Unix man page format), nicely formatted plain ASCII "readme" files, installation scripts useful when the manuals are included in software distributions, brief descriptions in html/css or info formats suitable for inclusión in on-line Índices of manuals, and even complete WWW and info sites containing on-line catalogs of documents and software distributions. The lpdoc manual, all other Ciao system manuals, and parts of this paper are generated by lpdoc.
Knowing the size of the terms to which program variables are bound at run-time in logic programs is required in a class of optimizations which includes granularity control and recursion elimination. Such size is difficult to even approximate at compile time and is thus generally computed at run-time by using (possibly predeñned) predicates which traverse the terms involved. We propose a technique which has the potential of performing this computation much more efficiently. The technique is based on ñnding program procedures which are called before those in which knowledge regarding term sizes is needed and which traverse the terms whose size is to be determined, and transforming such procedures so that they compute term sizes "on the fly". We present a systematic way of determining whether a given program can be transformed in order to compute a given term size at a given program point without additional term traversal. Also, if several such transformations are possible our approach allows ñnding minimal transformations under certain criteria. We also discuss the advantages and applications of our technique (specifically in the task of granularity control) and present some performance results.
This paper presents a technique for achieving a class of optimizations related to the reduction of checks within cycles. The technique uses both Program Transformation and Abstract Interpretation. After a ñrst pass of an abstract interpreter which detects simple invariants, program transformation is used to build a hypothetical situation that simpliñes some predicates that should be executed within the cycle. This transformation implements the heuristic hypothesis that once conditional tests hold they may continué doing so recursively. Specialized versions of predicates are generated to detect and exploit those cases in which the invariance may hold. Abstract interpretation is then used again to verify the truth of such hypotheses and conñrm the proposed simpliñcation. This allows optimizations that go beyond those possible with only one pass of the abstract interpreter over the original program, as is normally the case. It also allows selective program specialization using a standard abstract interpreter not speciñcally designed for this purpose, thus simplifying the design of this already complex module of the compiler. In the paper, a class of programs amenable to such optimization is presented, along with some examples and an evaluation of the proposed techniques in some application áreas such as floundering detection and reducing run-time tests in automatic logic program parallelization. The analysis of the examples presented has been performed automatically by an implementation of the technique using existing abstract interpretation and program transformation tools.
We present a tutorial overview of Ciaopp, the Ciao system preprocessor. Ciao is a public-domain, next-generation logic programming system, which subsumes ISO-Prolog and is specifically designed to a) be highly extensible via librarles and b) support modular program analysis, debugging, and optimization. The latter tasks are performed in an integrated fashion by Ciaopp. Ciaopp uses modular, incremental abstract interpretation to infer properties of program predicates and literals, including types, variable instantiation properties (including modes), non-failure, determinacy, bounds on computational cost, bounds on sizes of terms in the program, etc. Using such analysis information, Ciaopp can find errors at compile-time in programs and/or perform partial verification. Ciaopp checks how programs cali system librarles and also any assertions present in the program or in other modules used by the program. These assertions are also used to genérate documentation automatically. Ciaopp also uses analysis information to perform program transformations and optimizations such as múltiple abstract specialization, parallelization (including granularity control), and optimization of run-time tests for properties which cannot be checked completely at compile-time. We illustrate "hands-on" the use of Ciaopp in all these tasks. By design, Ciaopp is a generic tool, which can be easily tailored to perform these and other tasks for different LP and CLP dialects.
Global data-flow analysis of (constraint) logic programs, which is generally based on abstract interpretation [7], is reaching a comparatively high level of maturity. A natural question is whether it is time for its routine incorporation in standard compilers, something which, beyond a few experimental systems, has not happened to date. Such incorporation arguably makes good sense only if: • the range of applications of global analysis is large enough to justify the additional complication in the compiler, and • global analysis technology can deal with all the features of "practical" languages (e.g., the ISO-Prolog built-ins) and "scales up" for large programs. We present a tutorial overview of a number of concepts and techniques directly related to the issues above, with special emphasis on the first one. In particular, we concéntrate on novel uses of global analysis during program development and debugging, rather than on the more traditional application área of program optimization. The idea of using abstract interpretation for validation and diagnosis has been studied in the context of imperative programming [2] and also of logic programming. The latter work includes issues such as using approximations to reduce the burden posed on programmers by declarative debuggers [6, 3] and automatically generating and checking assertions [4, 5] (which includes the more traditional type checking of strongly typed languages, such as Gódel or Mercury [1, 8, 9]) We also review some solutions for scalability including modular analysis, incremental analysis, and widening. Finally, we discuss solutions for dealing with meta-predicates, side-effects, delay declarations, constraints, dynamic predicates, and other such features which may appear in practical languages. In the discussion we will draw both from the literature and from our experience and that of others in the development and use of the CIAO system analyzer. In order to emphasize the practical aspects of the solutions discussed, the presentation of several concepts will be illustrated by examples run on the CIAO system, which makes extensive use of global analysis and assertions.
We present a generic preprocessor for combined static/dynamic validation and debugging of constraint logic programs. Passing programs through the preprocessor prior to execution allows detecting many bugs automatically. This is achieved by performing a repertoire of tests which range from simple syntactic checks to much more advanced checks based on static analysis of the program. Together with the program, the user may provide a series of assertions which trigger further automatic checking of the program. Such assertions are written using the assertion language presented in Chapter 2, which allows expressing a wide variety of properties. These properties extend beyond the predefined set which may be understandable by the available static analyzers and include properties defined by means of user programs. In addition to user-provided assertions, in each particular CLP system assertions may be available for predefined system predicates. Checking of both user-provided assertions and assertions for system predicates is attempted first at compile-time by comparing them with the results of static analysis. This may allow statically proving that the assertions hold (Le., they are validated) or that they are violated (and thus bugs detected). User-provided assertions (or parts of assertions) which cannot be statically proved ñor disproved are optionally translated into run-time tests. The implementation of the preprocessor is generic in that it can be easily customized to different CLP systems and dialects and in that it is designed to allow the integration of additional analyses in a simple way. We also report on two tools which are instances of the generic preprocessor: CiaoPP (for the Ciao Prolog system) and CHIPRE (for the CHIP CLP(FL>) system). The currently existing analyses include types, modes, non-failure, determinacy, and computational cost, and can treat modules separately, performing incremental analysis.
CIAO is an advanced programming environment supporting Logic and Constraint programming. It offers a simple concurrent kernel on top of which declarative and non-declarative extensions are added via librarles. Librarles are available for supporting the ISOProlog standard, several constraint domains, functional and higher order programming, concurrent and distributed programming, internet programming, and others. The source language allows declaring properties of predicates via assertions, including types and modes. Such properties are checked at compile-time or at run-time. The compiler and system architecture are designed to natively support modular global analysis, with the two objectives of proving properties in assertions and performing program optimizations, including transparently exploiting parallelism in programs. The purpose of this paper is to report on recent progress made in the context of the CIAO system, with special emphasis on the capabilities of the compiler, the techniques used for supporting such capabilities, and the results in the áreas of program analysis and transformation already obtained with the system.
The advantages of tabled evaluation regarding program termination and reduction of complexity are well known —as are the significant implementation, portability, and maintenance efforts that some proposals (especially those based on suspensión) require. This implementation effort is reduced by program transformation-based continuation cali techniques, at some eñrciency cost. However, the traditional formulation of this proposal by Ramesh and Cheng limits the interleaving of tabled and non-tabled predicates and thus cannot be used as-is for arbitrary programs. In this paper we present a complete translation for the continuation cali technique which, using the runtime support needed for the traditional proposal, solves these problems and makes it possible to execute arbitrary tabled programs. We present performance results which show that CCall offers a useful tradeoff that can be competitive with state-of-the-art implementations.
We describe some of the novel aspects and motivations behind the design and implementation of the Ciao multiparadigm programming system. An important aspect of Ciao is that it provides the programmer with a large number of useful features from different programming paradigms and styles, and that the use of each of these features can be turned on and off at will for each program module. Thus, a given module may be using e.g. higher order functions and constraints, while another module may be using objects, predicates, and concurrency. Furthermore, the language is designed to be extensible in a simple and modular way. Another important aspect of Ciao is its programming environment, which provides a powerful preprocessor (with an associated assertion language) capable of statically finding non-trivial bugs, verifying that programs comply with specifications, and performing many types of program optimizations. Such optimizations produce code that is highly competitive with other dynamic languages or, when the highest levéis of optimization are used, even that of static languages, all while retaining the interactive development environment of a dynamic language. The environment also includes a powerful auto-documenter. The paper provides an informal overview of the language and program development environment. It aims at illustrating the design philosophy rather than at being exhaustive, which would be impossible in the format of a paper, pointing instead to the existing literature on the system.
We describe lpdoc, a tool which generates documentation manuals automatically from one or more logic program source files, written in ISO-Prolog, Ciao, and other (C)LP languages. It is particularly useful for documenting library modules, for which it automatically generates a rich description of the module interface. However, it can also be used quite successfully to document full applications. A fundamental advantage of using lpdoc is that it helps maintaining a true correspondence between the program and its documentation, and also identifying precisely to what version of the program a given printed manual corresponds. The quality of the documentation generated can be greatly enhanced by including within the program text assertions (declarations with types, modes, etc.) for the predicates in the program, and machine-readable comments. One of the main novelties of lpdoc is that these assertions and comments are written using the Ciao system assertion language, which is also the language of communication between the compiler and the user and between the components of the compiler. This allows a significant synergy among specification, documentation, optimization, etc. A simple compatibility library allows conventional (C)LP systems to ignore these assertions and comments and treat normally programs documented in this way. The documentation can be generated in many formats including texinfo, dvi, ps, pdf, info, html/css, Unix nroff/man, Windows help, etc., and can include bibliographic citations and images. lpdoc can also generate “man” pages (Unix man page format), nicely formatted plain ascii “readme” files, installation scripts useful when the manuals are included in software distributions, brief descriptions in html/css or info formats suitable for inclusion in on-line indices of manuals, and even complete WWW and info sites containing on-line catalogs of documents and software distributions. The lpdoc manual, all other Ciao system manuals, and parts of this paper are generated by lpdoc.
We describe lpdoc, a tool which generates documentation manuals automatically from one or more logic program source files, written in ISO-Prolog, Ciao, and other (C)LP languages. It is particularly useful for documenting library modules, for which it automatically generates a rich description of the module interface. However, it can also be used quite successfully to document full applications. The documentation can be generated in many formats including t e x i n f o, dvi, ps, pdf, inf o, html/css, Unix nrof f/man, Windows help, etc., and can include bibliographic citations and images, lpdoc can also genérate "man" pages (Unix man page format), nicely formatted plain ascii "readme" files, installation scripts useful when the manuals are included in software distributions, brief descriptions in html/css or inf o formats suitable for inclusión in on-line Índices of manuals, and even complete WWW and inf o sites containing on-line catalogs of documents and software distributions. A fundamental advantage of using lpdoc is that it helps maintaining a true correspondence between the program and its documentation, and also identifying precisely to what versión of the program a given printed manual corresponds. The quality of the documentation generated can be greatly enhanced by including within the program text assertions (declarations with types, modes, etc. ...) for the predicates in the program, and machine-readable comments. These assertions and comments are written using the Ciao system assertion language. A simple compatibility library allows conventional (C)LP systems to ignore these assertions and comments and treat normally programs documented in this way. The lpdoc manual, all other Ciao system manuals, and most of this paper, are generated by lpdoc.
CIAO is an advanced programming environment supporting Logic and Constraint programming. It offers a simple concurrent kernel on top of which declarative and non-declarative extensions are added via librarles. Librarles are available for supporting the ISOProlog standard, several constraint domains, functional and higher order programming, concurrent and distributed programming, internet programming, and others. The source language allows declaring properties of predicates via assertions, including types and modes. Such properties are checked at compile-time or at run-time. The compiler and system architecture are designed to natively support modular global analysis, with the two objectives of proving properties in assertions and performing program optimizations, including transparently exploiting parallelism in programs. The purpose of this paper is to report on recent progress made in the context of the CIAO system, with special emphasis on the capabilities of the compiler, the techniques used for supporting such capabilities, and the results in the áreas of program analysis and transformation already obtained with the system.
Knowing the size of the terms to which program variables are bound at run-time in logic programs is required in a class of applications related to program optimization such as, for example, recursion elimination and granularity analysis. Such size is difficult to even approximate at compile time and is thus generally computed at run-time by using (possibly predefined) predicates which traverse the terms involved. We propose a technique based on program transformation which has the potential of performing this computation much more efficiently. The technique is based on finding program procedures which are called before those in which knowledge regarding term sizes is needed and which traverse the terms whose size is to be determined, and transforming such procedures so that they compute term sizes "on the fly". We present a systematic way of determining whether a given program can be transformed in order to compute a given term size at a given program point without additional term traversal. Also, if several such transformations are possible our approach allows finding minimal transformations under certain criteria. We also discuss the advantages and present some applications of our technique.
We provide an overall description of the Ciao multiparadigm programming system emphasizing some of the novel aspects and motivations behind its design and implementation. An important aspect of Ciao is that, in addition to supporting logic programming (and, in particular, Prolog), it provides the programmer with a large number of useful features from different programming paradigms and styles and that the use of each of these features (including those of Prolog) can be turned on and off at will for each program module. Thus, a given module may be using, e.g., higher order functions and constraints, while another module may be using assignment, predicates, Prolog meta-programming, and concurrency. Furthermore, the language is designed to be extensible in a simple and modular way. Another important aspect of Ciao is its programming environment, which provides a powerful preprocessor (with an associated assertion language) capable of statically finding non-trivial bugs, verifying that programs comply with specifications, and performing many types of optimizations (including automatic parallelization). Such optimizations produce code that is highly competitive with other dynamic languages or, with the (experimental) optimizing compiler, even that of static languages, all while retaining the flexibility and interactive development of a dynamic language. This compilation architecture supports modularity and separate compilation throughout. The environment also includes a powerful autodocumenter and a unit testing framework, both closely integrated with the assertion system. The paper provides an informal overview of the language and program development environment. It aims at illustrating the design philosophy rather than at being exhaustive, which would be impossible in a single journal paper, pointing instead to previous Ciao literature.