990 resultados para Power sensitivity


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A polarization-insensitive semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) with a very thin active tensile-strained InGaAs bulk has been fabricated. The polarization sensitivity of the amplifier gain is less than 1 dB over both the entire range of driving current and the 3 dB optical bandwidth of more than 80 nm. For optical signals of 1550 nm wavelength, the SOA exhibits a high saturation output power +7.6 dBm together with a low noise figure of 7.5 dB, fibre-to-fibre gain of 11.5 dB, and low polarization sensitivity of 0.5 dB. Additionally, at the gain peak 1520 nm, the fibre-to-fibre gain is measured to be 14.1 dB.


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This paper presents a novel fully integrated MOS AC to DC charge pump with low power dissipation and stable output for RFID applications. To improve the input sensitivity, we replaced Schottky-diodes in conventional charge pumps with MOS diodes with zero threshold, which has less process defects and is thus more compatible with other circuits. The charge pump in a RFID transponder is implemented in a 0.35um CMOS technology with 0.24 sq mm die size. The analytical model of the charge pump and the simulation results are presented.


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Planar punch through heterojunction phototransistors with a novel emitter control electrode and ion- implanted isolation (CE-PTHPT) are investigated. The phototransistors have a working voltage of 3-10V and high sensitivity at low input power. The base of the transistor is completely depleted under operating condition. Base current is zero. The CE-PTHPT has an increased speed and a decreased noise. The novel CE-PTHPT has been fabricated in this paper. The optical gain of GaAlAs/GaAs CE-PTHPT for the incident light power 1.3 and 43nw with the wavelength of 0.8 mu m reached 1260 and 8108. The input noise current calculated is 5.46 x 10(-16) A/H-z(1/2). For polysilicon emitter CE-PTHPT, the optical gain is 3083 at the input power of 0.174 mu w. The optical gain of InGaAs/InP CE-PTHPT reaches 350 for an incident power of 0.3 mu w at the wavelength of 1.55 mu m. The CE-PTHPT detectors is promising as photo detectors for optical fiber communication system.


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This paper discusses the reliability of power electronics modules. The approach taken combines numerical modeling techniques with experimentation and accelerated testing to identify failure modes and mechanisms for the power module structure and most importantly the root cause of a potential failure. The paper details results for two types of failure (i) wire bond fatigue and (ii) substrate delamination. Finite element method modeling techniques have been used to predict the stress distribution within the module structures. A response surface optimisation approach has been employed to enable the optimal design and parameter sensitivity to be determined. The response surface is used by a Monte Carlo method to determine the effects of uncertainty in the design.


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Optimal design of a power electronics module isolation substrate is assessed using a combination of finite element structural mechanics analysis and response surface optimisation technique. Primary failure modes in power electronics modules include the loss of structural integrity in the ceramic substrate materials due to stresses induced through thermal cycling. Analysis of the influence of ceramic substrate design parameters is undertaken using a design of experiments approach. Finite element analysis is used to determine the stress distribution for each design, and the results are used to construct a quadratic response surface function. A particle swarm optimisation algorithm is then used to determine the optimal substrate design. Analysis of response surface function gradients is used to perform sensitivity analysis and develop isolation substrate design rules. The influence of design uncertainties introduced through manufacturing tolerances is assessed using a Monte-Carlo algorithm, resulting in a stress distribution histogram. The probability of failure caused by the violation of design constraints has been analyzed. Six geometric design parameters are considered in this work and the most important design parameters have been identified. Overall analysis results can be used to enhance the design and reliability of the component.


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In this paper, computer modelling techniques are used to analyse the effects of globtops on the reliability of aluminium wirebonds in power electronics modules under cyclic thermal-mechanical loading conditions. The sensitivity of the wirehond reliability to the changes of the geometric and the material property parameters of wirebond globtop are evaluated and the optimal combination of the Young's modulus and the coefficient of thermal expansion have been predicted.


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Gene expression data can provide a very rich source of information for elucidating the biological function on the pathway level if the experimental design considers the needs of the statistical analysis methods. The purpose of this paper is to provide a comparative analysis of statistical methods for detecting the differentially expression of pathways (DEP). In contrast to many other studies conducted so far, we use three novel simulation types, producing a more realistic correlation structure than previous simulation methods. This includes also the generation of surrogate data from two large-scale microarray experiments from prostate cancer and ALL. As a result from our comprehensive analysis of 41,004 parameter configurations, we find that each method should only be applied if certain conditions of the data from a pathway are met. Further, we provide method-specific estimates for the optimal sample size for microarray experiments aiming to identify DEP in order to avoid an underpowered design. Our study highlights the sensitivity of the studied methods on the parameters of the system. © 2012 Tripahti and Emmert-Streib.


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This paper is concerned with the voltage and reactive power issues surrounding the connection of Distributed Generation (DG) on the low-voltage (LV) distribution network. The presented system-wide voltage control algorithm consists of three stages. Firstly available reactive power reserves are utilized. Then, if required, DG active power output is curtailed. Finally, curtailment of non-critical site demand is considered. The control methodology is tested on a variant of the 13-bus IEEE Node Radial Distribution Test Feeder. The presented control algorithm demonstrated that the distribution system operator (DSO) can maintain voltage levels within a desired statutory range by dispatching reactive power from DG or network devices. The practical application of the control strategy is discussed.


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Major in Competition and Regulation


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Uusiutuvan sähköntuotannon osuuden kasvaessa kasvaa tarve tasata sähköntuotannon ja kulutuksen vaihteluita varastoimalla sähköä. Power to Gas (PtG) - sähköenergiasta luonnonkaasua tarjoaa yhden mahdollisuuden varastoida sähköä. Sähköä käytetään veden elektrolyysiin, jossa syntynyt vety käytetään metanoinissa yhdessä hiilidioksidin kanssa muodostamaan korvaavaa luonnonkaasua. Näin syntynyttä korvaava luonnonkaasua sähköstä kutsutaan e-SNG-kaasuksi. Tässä työssä tutkitaan PtG-laitoksen investointi, käyttö- ja kunnossapitokuluja. Työssä luodaan laskentamalli, jolla lasketaan PtG-laitoksen neljälle käyttötapaukselle kannattavuuslaskelma. Käyttötapauksille lasketaan myös herkkyystarkasteluja. Kannattavuuslaskelmien perusteella päätellään PtG-laitoksen liiketoimintamahdollisuudet Suomessa. Työssä laskettujen kannattavuuslaskelmien perusteella PtG-laitoksen perustapausten liiketoimintamahdollisuudet ovat huonot. Laskettujen herkkyystarkastelujen perusteella havaittiin, että investointikulut, laitoksen ajoaika ja lisätulot hapesta ja lämmöstä ovat kannattavuuden kannalta kriittisimmät menestystekijät.


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Developmental coordination disorder (DCD) is a motor coordination disorder that is characterized by impairment of motor skills which leads to challenges with performing activities of daily living. Children with DCD have been shown to be less physically active and have increased body fatness. This is an important finding since a sedentary lifestyle and obesity are risk factors for cardiovascular disease. One indicator of cardiovascular health is baroreflex sensitivity (BRS), which is a measure of short term BP regulation that is accomplished through changes in HR. Diminished BRS is predictive of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. The purpose of this study was to investigate BRS in 117 children aged 12 to 13 years with probable DCD (pOCO) and their matched controls with normal coordination. Following 15 minutes of supine rest, five minutes of continuous beat-by-beat blood pressure (Finapres) and RR interval were recorded (standard ECG). Spectral indices were computed using Fast Fourier Transform and transfer function analysis was used to compute BRS. High frequency and low frequency power spectral areas were set to 0.15-0.6 Hz and 0.04-0.15 Hz, respectively. BRS was compared between groups with an independent t-test and the difference was not significant. It is likely that a difference in BRS was not seen between groups since the difference in BMI between groups was small. As well, differences in BRS may not have manifested yet at this early age. However, the cardiovascular health of this population still deserves attention since differences in body composition and fitness were found between groups.


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The evaluation of life cycle greenhouse gas emissions from power generation with carbon capture and storage (CCS) is a critical factor in energy and policy analysis. The current paper examines life cycle emissions from three types of fossil-fuel-based power plants, namely supercritical pulverized coal (super-PC), natural gas combined cycle (NGCC) and integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC), with and without CCS. Results show that, for a 90% CO2 capture efficiency, life cycle GHG emissions are reduced by 75-84% depending on what technology is used. With GHG emissions less than 170 g/kWh, IGCC technology is found to be favorable to NGCC with CCS. Sensitivity analysis reveals that, for coal power plants, varying the CO2 capture efficiency and the coal transport distance has a more pronounced effect on life cycle GHG emissions than changing the length of CO2 transport pipeline. Finally, it is concluded from the current study that while the global warming potential is reduced when MEA-based CO2 capture is employed, the increase in other air pollutants such as NOx and NH3 leads to higher eutrophication and acidification potentials.


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Various studies investigating the future impacts of integrating high levels of renewable energy make use of historical meteorological (met) station data to produce estimates of future generation. Hourly means of 10m horizontal wind are extrapolated to a standard turbine hub height using the wind profile power or log law and used to simulate the hypothetical power output of a turbine at that location; repeating this procedure using many viable locations can produce a picture of future electricity generation. However, the estimate of hub height wind speed is dependent on the choice of the wind shear exponent a or the roughness length z0, and requires a number of simplifying assumptions. This paper investigates the sensitivity of this estimation on generation output using a case study of a met station in West Freugh, Scotland. The results show that the choice of wind shear exponent is a particularly sensitive parameter which can lead to significant variation of estimated hub height wind speed and hence estimated future generation potential of a region.


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Artificial diagenesis of the intra-crystalline proteins isolated from Patella vulgata was induced by isothermal heating at 140 °C, 110 °C and 80 °C. Protein breakdown was quantified for multiple amino acids, measuring the extent of peptide bond hydrolysis, amino acid racemisation and decomposition. The patterns of diagenesis are complex; therefore the kinetic parameters of the main reactions were estimated by two different methods: 1) a well-established approach based on fitting mathematical expressions to the experimental data, e.g. first-order rate equations for hydrolysis and power-transformed first-order rate equations for racemisation; and 2) an alternative model-free approach, which was developed by estimating a “scaling” factor for the independent variable (time) which produces the best alignment of the experimental data. This method allows the calculation of the relative reaction rates for the different temperatures of isothermal heating. High-temperature data were compared with the extent of degradation detected in sub-fossil Patella specimens of known age, and we evaluated the ability of kinetic experiments to mimic diagenesis at burial temperature. The results highlighted a difference between patterns of degradation at low and high temperature and therefore we recommend caution for the extrapolation of protein breakdown rates to low burial temperatures for geochronological purposes when relying solely on kinetic data.


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An increase in the concentration of serotonin in the brain has been shown to cause fatigue during exercise in humans and experimental animals. This type of fatigue is referred to as central fatigue and is likely to be mediated by the concentration of serotonin as well as serotonin receptor sensitivity. Serotonin (5-HT) receptor antagonism in humans and experimental animals has been shown to improve endurance performance. A previous report has shown decreased receptor sensitivity in athletes compared to sedentary controls. It is unclear whether this is due to a training adaptation or if individuals are predisposed to enhanced athletic performance due to their inherent decreased receptor sensitivity. The present study investigated changes in 5-HT receptor sensitivity in response to aerobic exercise. Subjects completed 3 × 30 min of stationary cycling at 70% of their peak aerobic power (V̇O2,peak) for 9 weeks. Serotonin receptor sensitivity was assessed indirectly by measuring the neuroendocrine response following administration of a serotonin agonist (buspirone hydrochloride). The neuroendocrine response following administration of a placebo was also investigated in a blind crossover design. A group of sedentary control subjects was also recruited to control for seasonal variations in central receptor sensitivity. The training caused a significant increase in V̇O2,peak (3.1 ± 0.16 to 3.6 ± 0.15 l min−1, P < 0.05) and endurance capacity (93 ± 8 to 168 ± 11 min, P < 0.05), but there was no change (P > 0.05) in the neuroendocrine response in the presence of a serotonin agonist. However, one-quarter of the subjects in the training group demonstrated decreases in receptor sensitivity. These results suggest that despite increases in V̇O2,peak and endurance performance, there was no measurable change in 5-HT receptor sensitivity in the presence of a serotonin agonist. In addition, it is possible that changes in receptor sensitivity may take longer to occur, that the training stimulus used in the present investigation was inadequate and/or that changes occurred in receptor subtypes that were not probed by the agonist used in the present investigation.