127 resultados para Powdery scab


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A model was devised to describe simultaneously the grain masses of water and dry matter against thermal time during grain filling and maturation of winter wheat. The model accounted for a linear increase in water mass of duration anthesis-m(1) (end of rapid water assimilation phase) and rate a, followed by a more stable water mass until in,, after which water mass declined rapidly at rate e. Grain dry matter was described as a linear increase of rate bgf until a maximum size (maxgf) was attained at m(2).The model was fitted to plot data from weekly samples of grains taken from replicated field experiments investigating effects of grain position (apical or medial), fungicide (five contrasting treatments), sowing date (early or late), cultivar (Malacca or Shamrock) and season (2001/2002 and 2002/2003) on grain filling. The model accounted for between 83 and 99% of the variation ( 2) when fitted to data from individual plots, and between 97 and 99% when fitted to treatment means. Endosperm cell number of grains from early-sown plots in the first season were also counted. Differences in maxgf between grain positions and also between cultivars were mostly the result of effects on bgf and were empirically associated with water mass at nil. Fungicide application controlled S. tritici and powdery mildew infection, delayed flag leaf senescence, increased water mass at m(1) (wm(1)), and also increased m(2), bgf and maxgf. Fungicide effects on water mass were detected before fungicide effects on dry matter, but comparison of the effects of individual fungicide treatments showed no evidence that effects on wm(1), nor on endosperm cell numbers at about m(1), were required for fungicide effects on maxgf, (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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To further our understanding of powdery mildew biology during infection, we undertook a systematic shotgun proteomics analysis of the obligate biotroph Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei at different stages of development in the host. Moreover we used a proteogenomics approach to feed information into the annotation of the newly sequenced genome. We analyzed and compared the proteomes from three stages of development representing different functions during the plant-dependent vegetative life cycle of this fungus. We identified 441 proteins in ungerminated spores, 775 proteins in epiphytic sporulating hyphae, and 47 proteins from haustoria inside barley leaf epidermal cells and used the data to aid annotation of the B. graminis f. sp. hordei genome. We also compared the differences in the protein complement of these key stages. Although confirming some of the previously reported findings and models derived from the analysis of transcriptome dynamics, our results also suggest that the intracellular haustoria are subject to stress possibly as a result of the plant defense strategy, including the production of reactive oxygen species. In addition, a number of small haustorial proteins with a predicted N-terminal signal peptide for secretion were identified in infected tissues: these represent candidate effector proteins that may play a role in controlling host metabolism and immunity. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 8: 2368-2381, 2009.


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Spores of the hyperparasite Acremonium alternatum reduced powdery mildew infection by Leveillula taurica on greenhouse tomato. The effect was slightly increased when spores were applied killed, and therefore not due to direct parasitism. The effect was systemic, protecting untreated leaves above the treated ones. Spores killed by heat had more effect than when killed by UV, so the effect was presumably due to induction of host resistance by substances released when cells were heat killed. The size of the effect depended upon leaf age and level of infection. Effects on primary infection and expansion of successful infections appear to be under independent control.


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Four foliar and two stem-base pathogens were inoculated onto wheat plants grown in different substrates in pot experiments. Soils from four different UK locations were each treated in three ways: (i) straw incorporated in the field at 10 t ha−1 several months previously; (ii) silicon fertilization at 100 mg L−1 during the experiment; and (iii) no amendments. A sand and vermiculite mix was used with and without silicon amendment. The silicon treatment increased plant silica concentrations in all experiments, but incorporating straw was not associated with raised plant silica concentrations. Blumeria graminis and Puccinia recondita were inoculated by shaking infected plants over the test plants, followed by suitable humid periods. The silicon treatment reduced powdery mildew (B. graminis) substantially in sand and vermiculite and in two of the soils, but there were no effects on the slight infection by brown rust (P. recondita). Phaeosphaeria nodorum and Mycosphaerella graminicola were inoculated as conidial suspensions. Leaf spot caused by P. nodorum was reduced in silicon-amended sand and vermiculite; soil was not tested. Symptoms of septoria leaf blotch caused by M. graminicola were reduced by silicon amendment in a severely infected sand and vermiculite experiment but not in soil or a slightly infected sand and vermiculite experiment. Oculimacula yallundae (eyespot) and Fusarium culmorum (brown foot rot) were inoculated as agar plugs on the stem base. Severity of O. yallundae was reduced by silicon amendment of two of the soils but not sand and vermiculite; brown foot rot symptoms caused by F. culmorum were unaffected by silicon amendment. The straw treatment reduced severity of powdery mildew but did not detectably affect the other pathogens. Both straw and silicon treatments appeared to increase plant resistance to all diseases only under high disease pressure.


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To further our understanding of powdery mildew biology during infection, we undertook a systematic shotgun proteomics analysis of the obligate biotroph Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei at different stages of development in the host. Moreover we used a proteogenomics approach to feed information into the annotation of the newly sequenced genome. We analyzed and compared the proteomes from three stages of development representing different functions during the plant-dependent vegetative life cycle of this fungus. We identified 441 proteins in ungerminated spores, 775 proteins in epiphytic sporulating hyphae, and 47 proteins from haustoria inside barley leaf epidermal cells and used the data to aid annotation of the B. graminis f. sp. hordei genome. We also compared the differences in the protein complement of these key stages. Although confirming some of the previously reported findings and models derived from the analysis of transcriptome dynamics, our results also suggest that the intracellular haustoria are subject to stress possibly as a result of the plant defense strategy, including the production of reactive oxygen species. In addition, a number of small haustorial proteins with a predicted N-terminal signal peptide for secretion were identified in infected tissues: these represent candidate effector proteins that may play a role in controlling host metabolism and immunity. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 8: 2368-2381, 2009.


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Whilst there is increasing evidence tht the outcome of the interation between a pathogen and a host is dependent on protein-protein interactions, very little information is available on in planta proteomics of biotrophic plant pathogens. Here a proteogenomic approach has been employed to supplement the annotation of the recently sequenced genome and to cast light on the biology of the infection process of the economically important barley powdery mildew pathogen, Blumeria graminis f.sp hordei


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Small propagules like pollen or fungal spores may be dispersed by the wind over distances of hundreds or thousands of kilometres,even though the median dispersal may be only a few metres. Such long-distance dispersal is a stochastic event which may be exceptionally important in shaping a population. It has been found repeatedly in field studies that subpopulations of wind-dispersed fungal pathogens virulent on cultivars with newly introduced, effective resistance genes are dominated by one or very few genotypes. The role of propagule dispersal distributions with distinct behaviour at long distances in generating this characteristic population structure was studied by computer simulation of dispersal of clonal organisms in a heterogeneous environment with fields of unselective and selective hosts. Power-law distributions generated founder events in which new, virulent genotypes rapidly colonized fields of resistant crop varieties and subsequently dominated the pathogen population on both selective and unselective varieties, in agreement with data on rust and powdery mildew fungi. An exponential dispersal function, with extremely rare dispersal over long distances, resulted in slower colonization of resistant varieties by virulent pathogens or even no colonization if the distance between susceptible source and resistant target fields was sufficiently large. The founder events resulting from long-distance dispersal were highly stochastic and exact quantitative prediction of genotype frequencies will therefore always be difficult.


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Integrating top fruit production into an agroforestry system, where trees are integrated with arable crop production may have a beneficial effect on the control of plant pathogens such as scab (Venturia inaequalis). Apple yields and pest and disease levels were assessed in a novel apple/arable agroforestry system in Suffolk, and compared with a modern local organic orchard in 2012. Despite 2012 being a very bad year for apple production in the UK, apple yields in the agroforestry system appeared to be comparable with standard figures when scaled up from 2.5% land area under apple production to 100% apples, and even at just 2.5% cover, outperformed the organic orchard used for comparison. Initial indications are that scab levels were over twice as high in the organic orchard than in the agroforestry, indicating that this approach may offer some potential in reducing copper use in organic apple production. However, further research will be required to confirm these early results.


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Irrigation is a major husbandry tool, vital for world food production and security. The purpose of this review is twofold:- firstly drawing attention to the beneficial and deleterious aspects of irrigation resulting from interactions with the microbial world; secondly, forming a basis for encouraging further research and development. Irrigation is for example, a valuable component in the control of some soil borne pathogens such as Streptomyces scabies, the cause of potato common scab and Fusarium cubense, a cause of banana wilt. By contrast, applying irrigation encourages some foliar pathogens and factors such as splash dispersal of propagules and the retention of leaf wetness are important elements in the successful establishment of disease foci. Irrigation applied at low levels in the canopy directly towards the stem bases and root zones of plants also provides means encouraging disease development. Irrigation also offers means for the direct spread of microbes such as water borne moulds, Oomycetes, and plasmodial pathogens coming from populations present in the water supply. The presence of plant disease causing microbes in sources of irrigation has been associated with outbreaks of diseases such as clubroot (Plasmodiophora brassicae). Irrigation can be utilised as a means for applying agrochemicals, fungigation. The developing technologies of water restriction and root zone drying also have an impact on the success of disease causing organisms. This is an emerging technology and its interactions with benign and pathogenic microbes require consideration.


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O objetivo do trabalho foi verificar a influência dos resíduos de calda sulfocálcica sobre a eficiência de acaricidas empregados no controle de Brevipalpus phoenicis. Inicialmente, o experimento foi instalado em um pomar de citros, em que foram selecionadas 10 plantas que continham frutos com verrugose. Realizou-se a aplicação de calda sulfocálcica (8g i.a. L-1 de água) em cinco plantas e as outras cinco plantas permaneceram sem aplicação de produto fitossanitário. Protegeram-se, com copos de plástico transparente de 500mL, 64 frutos nas plantas tratadas com calda e 64 frutos nas plantas não-tratadas, totalizando 128 frutos protegidos. Decorridos 30 dias da aplicação, os frutos foram colhidos e levados para o laboratório. Estes frutos foram parcialmente parafinados, deixando-se em cada fruto uma arena de 2,5cm de diâmetro com verrugose e sem parafina, delimitada com cola entomológica. em seguida, procedeu-se à aplicação sobre os frutos em Torre de Potter dos seguintes acaricidas nas concentrações expressas em mg de ingrediente ativo por litro de água: propargite a 720mg, óxido de fenbutatina a 400mg, cyhexatin a 250mg, azocyclotin a 250mg, fenpyroximate a 50mg, dicofol a 960mg e dinocap a 738mg e a testemunha sem aplicação de acaricida. Após 1, 7 e 16 dias da aplicação, transferiram-se para cada fruto 10 ácaros B. phoenicis para avaliar a mortalidade. Constatou-se que os resíduos de calda sulfocálcica não prejudicaram a eficiência dos acaricidas avaliados no controle de B. phoenicis.


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O ácaro Brevipalpus phoenicis é uma das principais pragas dos citros por ser vetor do Citrus Leprosis Virus (CiLV), agente causal da leprose, uma das mais graves doenças da citricultura. Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito tóxico de produtos à base de abamectina sobre o ácaro B. phoenicis. Foram realizados um experimento de ação direta e três de ação residual no Laboratório de Acarologia do Departamento de Proteção de Plantas (Fitossanidade) da FCAV - UNESP, Jaboticabal-SP. O delineamento adotado nos bioensaios foi o inteiramente casualizado, onde 10 tratamentos foram repetidos 7 vezes, sendo cada repetição composta por um fruto de laranja. Os tratamentos estudados (mL p.c./100 L de água) foram: Acaramik a 20; 30; 40 e 50 mL; Vertimec a 30 e 40 mL; Abamectin Nortox a 30 e 40 mL; Tricofol a 77 mL e uma testemunha sem aplicação. Utilizaram-se frutos com presença de verrugose, que foram lavados e parcialmente parafinados, deixando-se uma área sem parafina, que foi circundada com cola entomológica para contenção dos ácaros. Transferiram-se 20 ácaros adultos B. phoenicis para cada fruto. No bioensaio de ação direta, a transferência foi realizada antes das aplicações e, nos bioensaios de ação residual, aos 5; 10 e 15 dias após a aplicação dos produtos. A aplicação dos produtos sobre os frutos foi realizada em Torre de Potter. Os resultados obtidos nos bioensaios evidenciaram que os melhores tratamentos foram: Tricofol a 77 mL, Acaramik a 40 e 50 mL e Vertimec a 40 mL. de forma geral, os produtos testados podem ser utilizados no controle do ácaro B. phoenicis.


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O agente causal da ferrugem da teca (Olivea neotectonae) vem atacando as plantações de diversos países que possuem plantios naturais ou comerciais. Ocasiona desfolha intensa das plantas contribuindo para a redução da área fotossintética e consequentemente, a produção. Especialmente associado a viveiros, apresenta maior severidade em plantas com menos de 10 anos de idade. Como sintomas da infecção são observadas manchas marrons e como sinais, soros pulverulentos de cor amarelo alaranjado. em maio de 2009, estes sintomas e sinais foram observados em folhas de teca, provenientes do norte do estado do Mato Grosso, Maranhão, Tocantins e da região centro-oeste do estado São Paulo, recebidos pelo laboratório de Patologia Florestal da FCA UNESP-Botucatu. O objetivo do presente trabalho é fazer o registro dessas constatações nos estados brasileiros e uma breve revisão sobre a denominação correta do patógeno.


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A verrugose dos citros, causada pelo fungo Elsinoe fawcettii, encontra-se presente em todas as áreas citrícolas do Brasil. Dada sua importância, o comportamento de acessos e híbridos de tangerinas foi avaliado sob condições naturais de infecção. O estudo envolveu plantas não irrigadas, com 15 anos de cultivo, sendo coletados 100 frutos de três plantas por genótipo, na fase de colheita. Mediante o emprego de escala de notas que variaram de 0 (ausência de sintomas) a 6 (sintomas severos), procedeu-se a avaliação do nível de severidade da doença. Dentre genótipos que mostraram-se resistentes incluem-se Citrus deliciosa, C. tangerina, C. nobilis; um híbrido de mandarina (C. nobilis x C. deliciosa) e um híbrido de satsuma (C. unshiu x C. sinensis). Nos demais genótipos foram encontrados sintomas, cujos níveis de severidade variaram de 1 a 3, enquadrando-os como de moderada resistência.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os aspectos biológicos de Psyllobora confluens alimentada com o fungo Erysiphe cichoracearum em folhas de quiabeiro. Larvas recém-eclodidas de P. confluens foram individualizadas e alimentadas diariamente com hifas e conídios do fungo, em folhas de quiabeiro, a 23,6±3 e 27,4±2ºC e fotófase de 12 horas. A duração dos estágios imaturos, os aspectos reprodutivos e a longevidade de P. confluens foram avaliados. O período de desenvolvimento de larva a adulto foi 20,5 dias a 23,6ºC e 16,6 dias a 27,4ºC. em ambas as temperaturas, 80% das larvas de P. confluens atingiram a fase adulta. Fêmeas de P. confluens apresentaram período de oviposição de 32,7 dias, com capacidade diária e total de oviposição de 16,8 e 439,9 ovos, respectivamente. A longevidade das fêmeas foi de 46,1 dias e a dos machos 58,7 dias. P. confluens, ao se alimentar do fungo E. cichoracearum em folhas de quiabeiro, completa o ciclo de vida e apresenta elevados padrões de sobrevivência e reprodução.


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O oídio da soja, causado por Erysiphe diffusa, é considerado uma doença esporádica podendo ocasionar perdas quando atinge proporções epidêmicas. O trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a eficiência de bicarbonato de potássio (Kaligreen®) no controle do oídio da soja. As pulverizações do bicarbonato de potássio nas concentrações de 0; 0,25%, 0,5%, 0,75% e 1,0% e do fungicida (piraclostrobina + epoxiconazole) e as avaliações foram semanais. Folhas foram coletadas para análise ultraestrutural através da microscopia eletrônica de varredura. O bicarbonato de potássio controlou a doença em todas as concentrações, mas causou fitotoxicidade a partir de 0,5%. Na analise ultraestrutural pode-se observar que o produto apresentou ação direta sobre o patógeno ocasionando murchamento e redução na germinação dos conídios. O produto apresenta potencial para controlar a doença, porém deve ser adequada a concentração a ser recomenda, bem como a frequência de aplicação para evitar os problemas de fitotoxicidade.