970 resultados para Porosity in Ceramic


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This work presents a new route of preparation of zirconium ceramic foams based on the thermostimulated sol-gel process. This method produces gelled bodies with up to 90% of porosity in the wet gel and can be used to make complex-shaped components. Unfortunately, the shrinkage during the drying step allows to a catastrophic reduction (50%) of the foam porosity. To improve the foam stability we carried out a systematic study of the effect of gel foam aging on the drying process. Samples were aged in closed vessel at 25 C during different time period (from 6 to 240 h). The shrinkage and the mass loss during drying at 50 C were measured in situ, using a non-contact technique performed with a special apparatus. The results show that the total linear shrinkage decreases from 46% to 8% as the aging period increase from 6 to 240 h. This behavior is followed by a small change of total mass loss, from 42 to 54%. It indicates that by aging the structural stiffness of the foams increases due to secondary condensation reactions. Thus, by controlling the aging period, the porosity can be increased from 67 to 75% and the average size of mesopores of dried foams can be screened from 0.3 to 0.9 mum. Finally, these results demonstrate that the thermostimulated sol-gel transition provides a potential route to ceramic foams manufacture.


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This study quantitatively addresses the significance of porosity within radiolarian tests in the décollement zone at the toe of the northern Barbados accretionary prism. Quantification was accomplished using scanning electron microscope images of core samples taken from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Sites 671 and 672, representing the décollement and proto-décollement, respectively. The décollement is localized to a radiolarian claystone, and its depth correlates with a low-density anomaly that has been attributed to high porosity at all relevant ODP drilling sites in the area (Moore, Klaus, et al., 1998, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.171A.1998; Shipley, Ogawa, Blum, et al., 1995, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.153.1995; Mascle, Moore, et al., 1988, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.110.1988). Porosity in the décollement zone is presumably lost between Sites 672 and 671 because of shear enhanced consolidation (Moore et al., 1998, doi:10.1130/0091-7613(1998)026<0811:CPDIAE>2.3.CO;2).


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Strontium modification is known to alter the amount, characteristics, and distribution of porosity in Al-Si castings. Although many theories have been proposed to account for these effects, most can be considered inadequate because of their failure to resolve contradictions and discrepancies in the literature. In an attempt to critically appraise some of these theories, the amount, distribution, and morphology of porosity were examined in sand-cast plates of Sr-free and Sr-containing pure Al, Al-l wt pet Si, and Al-9 wt pet Si alloys. Statistical significance testing was used to verify apparent trends in the porosity data. No apparent differences in the amount, distribution, and morphology of porosity were observed between Sr-free and Sr-containing alloys with no or very small eutectic volume fractions. However, Sr modification significantly changed the amount, distribution, and morphology of porosity in alloys with a significant volume fraction of eutectic. ne addition of Sr reduced porosity in the hot spot region of the casting, and the pores became well dispersed and rounded. This result can be explained by considering the combined effect of the casting design and the differences in the pattern of eutectic solidification between unmodified and Sr-modified alloys.


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Dehydration of food materials requires water removal from it. This removal of moisture prevents the growth and reproduction of microorganisms that cause decay and minimizes many of the moisture-driven deterioration reactions (Brennan, 1994). However, during food drying, many other changes occur simultaneously resulting in a modified overall quality (Kompany et al., 1993). Among the physical attributes of dried food material porosity and microstructure are the important ones that can dominant other quality of dried foods (Aguilera et al., 2000). In addition, this two concerned quality attributes affected by process conditions, material components and raw structure of food stuff. In this work, temperature moisture distribution within food materials during microwave drying will be taken into consideration to observe its participation on the microstructure and porosity of the finished product. Apple is the selective materials for this work. Generally, most of the food materials are found in non-uniformed moisture contained condition. To develop non uniform temperature distribution, food materials have been dried in a microwave oven with different power levels (Chua et al., 2000). First of all, temperature and moisture model is simulated by COMSOL Multiphysics. Later on, digital imaging camera and Image Pro Premier software have been deployed to observation moisture distribution and thermal imaging camera for temperature distribution. Finally, Microstructure and porosity of the food materials are obtained from scanning electron microscope and porosity measuring devices respectively . Moisture distribution and temperature during drying influence the microstructure and porosity significantly. Specially, High temperature and moisture contained regions show less porosity and more rupture. These findings support other literatures of Halder et al. (2011) and Rahman et al (1990). On the other hand, low temperature and moisture regions depict uniform microstructure and high porosity. This work therefore assists in better understanding of the role of moisture and temperature distribution to a prediction of micro structure and porosity of dried food materials.


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The quality of dried food is affected by a number of factors including quality of raw material, initial microstructure, and drying conditions. The structure of the food materials goes through deformations due to the simultaneous effect of heat and mass transfer during the drying process. Shrinkage and changes in porosity, microstructure and appearance are some of the most remarkable features that directly influence overall product quality. Porosity and microstructure are the important material properties in relation to the quality attributes of dried foods. Fractal dimension (FD) is a quantitative approach of measuring surface, pore characteristics, and microstructural changes [1]. However, in the field of fractal analysis, there is a lack of research in developing relationship between porosity, shrinkage and microstructure of different solid food materials in different drying process and conditions [2-4]. Establishing a correlation between microstructure and porosity through fractal dimension during convective drying is the main objective of this work.


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Fluid–solid interactions in natural and engineered porous solids underlie a variety of technological processes, including geological storage of anthropogenic greenhouse gases, enhanced coal bed methane recovery, membrane separation, and heterogeneous catalysis. The size, distribution and interconnectivity of pores, the chemical and physical properties of the solid and fluid phases collectively dictate how fluid molecules migrate into and through the micro- and meso-porous media, adsorb and ultimately react with the solid surfaces. Due to the high penetration power and relatively short wavelength of neutrons, smallangle neutron scattering (SANS) as well as ultra small-angle scattering (USANS) techniques are ideally suited for assessing the phase behavior of confined fluids under pressure as well as for evaluating the total porosity in engineered and natural porous systems including coal. Here we demonstrate that SANS and USANS can be also used for determining the fraction of the pore volume that is actually accessible to fluids as a function of pore sizes and study the fraction of inaccessible pores as a function of pore size in three coals from the Illinois Basin (USA) and Bowen Basin (Australia). Experiments were performed at CO2 and methane pressures up to 780 bar, including pressures corresponding to zero average contrast condition (ZAC), which is the pressure where no scattering from the accessible pores occurs. Scattering curves at the ZAC were compared with the scattering from same coals under vacuum and analysed using a newly developed approach that shows that the volume fraction of accessible pores in these coals varies between �90% in the macropore region to �30% in the mesopore region and the variation is distinctive for each of the examined coals. The developed methodology may be also applied for assessing the volume of accessible pores in other natural underground formations of interest for CO2 sequestration, such as saline aquifers as well as for estimating closed porosity in engineered porous solids of technological importance.


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Information on the effects of growing cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)-based crop rotations on soil quality of dryland Vertisols is sparse. The objective of this study was to quantify the effects of growing cereal and leguminous crops in rotation with dryland cotton on physical and chemical properties of a grey Vertisol near Warra, SE Queensland, Australia. The experimental treatments, selected after consultations with local cotton growers, were continuous cotton (T1), cotton-sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench.) (T2), cotton-wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) double cropped (T3), cotton-chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) double cropped followed by wheat (T4) and cotton-wheat (T5). From 1993 to 1996 land preparation was by chisel ploughing to about 0.2 m followed by two to four cultivations with a Gyral tyne cultivator. Thereafter all crops were sown with zero tillage except for cultivation with a chisel plough to about 0.07-0.1 m after cotton picking to control heliothis moth pupae. Soil was sampled from 1996 to 2004 and physical (air-filled porosity of oven-dried soil, an indicator of soil compaction; plastic limit; linear shrinkage; dispersion index) and chemical (pH in 0.01 M CaCl2, organic carbon, exchangeable Ca, Mg, K and Na contents) properties measured. Crop rotation affected soil properties only with respect to exchangeable Na content and air-filled porosity. In the surface 0.15 m during 2000 and 2001 lowest air-filled porosity occurred with T1 (average of 34.6 m3/100 m3) and the highest with T3 (average of 38.9 m3/100 m3). Air-filled porosity decreased in the same depth between 1997 and 1998 from 45.0 to 36.1 m3/100 m3, presumably due to smearing and compaction caused by shallow cultivation in wet soil. In the subsoil, T1 and T2 frequently had lower air-filled porosity values in comparison with T3, T4 and T5, particularly during the early stages of the experiment, although values under T1 increased subsequently. In general, compaction was less under rotations which included a wheat crop (T3, T4, T5). For example, average air-filled porosity (in m3/100 m3) in the 0.15-0.30 m depth from 1996 to 1999 was 19.8 with both T1 and T2, and 21.2 with T3, 21.1 with T4 and 21.5 with T5. From 2000 to 2004, average air-filled porosity (in m3/100 m3) in the same depth was 21.3 with T1, 19.0 with T2, 19.8 with T3, 20.0 with T4 and 20.5 with T5. The rotation which included chickpea (T4) resulted in the lowest exchangeable Na content, although differences among rotations were small. Where only a cereal crop with a fibrous root system was sown in rotation with cotton (T2, T3, T5) linear shrinkage in the 0.45-0.60 m depth was lower than in rotations, which included tap-rooted crops such as chickpea (T4) or continuous cotton (T1). Dispersion index and organic carbon decreased, and plastic limit increased with time. Soil organic carbon stocks decreased at a rate of 1.2 Mg/ha/year. Lowest average cotton lint yield occurred with T2 (0.54 Mg/ha) and highest wheat yield with T3 (2.8 Mg/ha). Rotations which include a wheat crop are more likely to result in better soil structure and cotton lint yield than cotton-sorghum or continuous cotton.


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It has been established by photoemission studies that Ge in obliquely deposited pure Ge and Ge-chalcogenide thin films undergoes predominant photooxidation when irradiated with band gap photons. The role of Ge appears to be that of providing a highly porous low density microstructure and photooxidation seems to be a direct consequence of such large scale porosity in these films. The formation of low vapour pressure oxide fractions of Ge and Te and volatile high vapour pressure oxide fractions of S and Se is responsible for anomalous photoinduced transformations in these films.


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Ceramic matrix composites of Al2O3-SiC-(Al,Si) have been fabricated by directed melt oxidation of aluminum alloys into SiC particulate preforms. The proportions of Al2O3, alloy, and porosity in the composite can be controlled by proper selection of SLC particle size and the processing temperature. The wear resistance of composites was evaluated in pin-on-disk experiments against a hard steel substrate. Minimum wear rate comparable to conventional ceramics such as ZTA is recorded for the composition containing the highest fraction of alloy, owing to the development of a thin and adherent tribofilm with a low coefficient of friction.


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In this letter we report large magnetoresistance (MR) in ceramic samples of La1?xSrxMnO3 (0.1?x?0.4) in the temperature range 4.2 K?T?350 K in fields up to 6 T. We find that a large negative and isotopic MR exists for the whole composition range studied and the absolute value of resistivity change on application of magnetic field is more for samples with lower x which have higher resistivity. We find that the large MR occurs in the ferromagnetic state only and MR has a close relation with the magnetization M. © 1995 American Institute of Physics.


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Porous, large surface area, metastable zirconias, are of importance to catalytic, electrochemical, biological, and thermal insulation applications. Combustion synthesis is a very commonly used method for producing such zirconias. However, its rapid nature makes control difficult. A simple modification has been made to traditional solution combustion synthesis to address this problem. It involves the addition of starch to yield a starting mixture with a ``dough-like'' consistency. Just 5 wt% starch is seen to significantly alter the combustion characteristics of the ``dough.'' In particular, it helps to achieve better control over reaction zone temperature that is significantly lower than the one calculated by the adiabatic approximation typically used in self-propagating high-temperature synthesis. The effect of such control is demonstrated by the ability to tune dough composition to yield zirconias with different phase compositions from the relatively elusive ``amorphous'' to monoclinic (> 30 nm grain size) and tetragonal pure zirconia (< 30 nm grain size). The nature of this amorphous phase has been investigated using infrared spectroscopy. Starch content also helps tailor porosity in the final product. Zirconias with an average pore size of about 50 mu m and specific surface area as large as 110 m2/g have been obtained.


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In this work, an attempt is made to induce porosity of varied levels in carbon fiber reinforced epoxy based polymer composite laminates fabricated using prepregs by varying the fabrication parameters such as applied vacuum, autoclave pressure and curing temperature. Different NDE tools have been utilized to evaluate the porosity content and correlate with measurable parameters of different NDE techniques. Primarily, ultrasonic imaging and real time digital X-ray imaging have been tried to obtain a measurable parameter which can represent or reflect the amount of porosity contained in the composite laminate. Also, effect of varied porosity content on mechanical properties of the CFRP composite materials is investigated through a series of experimental investigations. The outcome of the experimental approach has yielded interesting and encouraging trend as a first step towards developing an NDE tool for quantification of effect of varied porosity in the polymer composite materials.


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Currently beta-adrenergic receptor blockers are considered to be potential drugs under investigation for preventive or therapeutic effect in osteoporosis. However, there is no published data showing the comparative study of beta-blockers with well accepted agents for the treatment of osteoporosis. To address this question, we compared the effects of propranolol with well accepted treatments like zoledronic acid and alfacalcidol in an animal model of postmenopausal osteoporosis. Five days after ovariectomy, 36 ovariectomized (OVX) rats were divided into 6 equal groups, randomized to treatments zoledronic acid (100 mu g/kg, intravenous single dose); alfacalcidol (0.5 mu g/kg, oral gauge daily); propranolol (0.1 mg/kg, subcutaneously 5 days per week) for 12 weeks. Untreated OVX and sham OVX were used as controls. At the end of treatment serum calcium and alkaline phosphatase were assayed. Femurs were removed and tested for bone density, bone porosity, bone mechanical properties and trabecular micro-architecture. Propranolol showed a significant decrease in alkaline phosphatase levels and bone porosity in comparison to OVX control. Moreover, propranolol significantly improved bone density, bone mechanical properties and inhibited the deterioration of trabecular microarchitecture when compared with OVX control. The osteoprotective effect of propranolol was comparable with zoledronic acid and alfacalcidol. Based on this comparative study, the results strongly suggest that propranolol can be a candidate therapeutic drug for the management of postmenopausal osteoporosis.


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Propranolol, a beta-adrenergic receptor blocker, is presently considered to be a potential therapeutic intervention under investigation for its role in prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. However, no studies have compared the osteoprotective properties of propranolol with well accepted therapeu-tic interventions for the treatment of osteoporosis. To address this question, this study was designed to evaluate the bone protective effects of zoledronic acid, alfacalcidol and propranolol in an animal model of postmenopausal osteoporosis. Five days after ovariectomy, 36 ovariectomized (OVX) rats were divided in- to 6 equal groups, randomized to treatments zoledronic acid (100 μg/kg, intravenous single dose); alfacal-cidol (0.5 μg/kg, oral gauge daily); propranolol (0.1mg/kg, subcutaneously 5 days per week) for 12 weeks. Untreated OVX and sham OVX were used as controls. At the end of the study, rats were killed under anesthesia. For bone porosity evaluation, whole fourth lumbar vertebrae (LV4) were removed. LV4 were also used to measure bone mechanical propeties. Left femurs were used for bone histology. Propranolol showed a significant decrease in bone porosity in comparison to OVX control. Moreover, propranolol sig- nificantly improved bone mechanical properties and bone quality when compared with OVX control. The osteoprotective effect of propranolol was comparable with zoledronic acid and alfacalcidol. Based on this comparative study, the results strongly suggest that propranolol might be new therapeutic intervention for the management of postmenopausal osteoporosis in humans.


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Plasma electrolytic oxidation coatings were produced on AM50 Mg alloy in alkaline phosphate based electrolyte with montmorillonite clay additives employing current densities of 30, 60, and 120 mA/cm(2). The effect of current density on the microstructure and corrosion properties of the coating was investigated. The clay additives got melted and reactively incorporated into the coating forming an amorphous phase, at all the current densities. However, the coating was predominantly amorphous only at 30 mA/cm(2) and with increasing current density, increasing fractions of crystalline phases were formed. Higher current densities resulted in increased thickness of the coating, but reduced the compactness of the coatings. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy tests in 0.5 wt.% (0.08 M) and 3.5 wt.% (0.6 M) NaCl solution revealed that the coatings processed at 30 mA/cm(2) exhibited a relatively better initial corrosion resistance owing to its relatively defect-free barrier layer and compactness of the coating. However, the presence of amorphous phases in significant amounts and lack of MgO in the coating resulted in increased rate of dissolution of the coatings and degradation of corrosion resistance. Coatings produced at higher current densities exhibited initial inferior corrosion resistance due to a more defective barrier layer and increased porosity in pore band and outer porous layer. However, the increased amount of crystalline phases and an increased amount of MgO, which resisted dissolution, counterbalanced the negative effects of defective barrier and increased porosity resulting in a relatively lower rate of the degradation of the corrosion resistance. Thus, the corrosion resistance of all the coatings continuously decreased with time and became similar after prolonged immersion in NaCl solution. Increasing current density, therefore, did not prove to be beneficial for the improvement of the corrosion performance of the PEO coatings. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.