993 resultados para Pore Cells


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ATP-sensitive potassium (“KATP”) channels are rapidly inhibited by intracellular ATP. This inhibition plays a crucial role in the coupling of electrical activity to energy metabolism in a variety of cells. The KATP channel is formed from four each of a sulfonylurea receptor (SUR) regulatory subunit and an inwardly rectifying potassium (Kir6.2) pore-forming subunit. We used systematic chimeric and point mutagenesis, combined with patch-clamp recording, to investigate the molecular basis of ATP-dependent inhibition gating of mouse pancreatic β cell KATP channels expressed in Xenopus oocytes. We identified distinct functional domains of the presumed cytoplasmic C-terminal segment of the Kir6.2 subunit that play an important role in this inhibition. Our results suggest that one domain is associated with inhibitory ATP binding and another with gate closure.


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Integral membrane proteins are predicted to play key roles in the biogenesis and function of nuclear pore complexes (NPCs). Revealing how the transport apparatus is assembled will be critical for understanding the mechanism of nucleocytoplasmic transport. We observed that expression of the carboxyl-terminal 200 amino acids of the nucleoporin Nup116p had no effect on wild-type yeast cells, but it rendered the nup116 null strain inviable at all temperatures and coincidentally resulted in the formation of nuclear membrane herniations at 23°C. To identify factors related to NPC function, a genetic screen for high-copy suppressors of this lethal nup116-C phenotype was conducted. One gene (designated SNL1 for suppressor of nup116-C lethal) was identified whose expression was necessary and sufficient for rescuing growth. Snl1p has a predicted molecular mass of 18.3 kDa, a putative transmembrane domain, and limited sequence similarity to Pom152p, the only previously identified yeast NPC-associated integral membrane protein. By both indirect immunofluorescence microscopy and subcellular fractionation studies, Snl1p was localized to both the nuclear envelope and the endoplasmic reticulum. Membrane extraction and topology assays suggested that Snl1p was an integral membrane protein, with its carboxyl-terminal region exposed to the cytosol. With regard to genetic specificity, the nup116-C lethality was also suppressed by high-copy GLE2 and NIC96. Moreover, high-copy SNL1 suppressed the temperature sensitivity of gle2–1 and nic96-G3 mutant cells. The nic96-G3 allele was identified in a synthetic lethal genetic screen with a null allele of the closely related nucleoporin nup100. Gle2p physically associated with Nup116p in vitro, and the interaction required the N-terminal region of Nup116p. Therefore, genetic links between the role of Snl1p and at least three NPC-associated proteins were established. We suggest that Snl1p plays a stabilizing role in NPC structure and function.


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Nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) are large proteinaceous portals for exchanging macromolecules between the nucleus and the cytoplasm. Revealing how this transport apparatus is assembled will be critical for understanding the nuclear transport mechanism. To address this issue and to identify factors that regulate NPC formation and dynamics, a novel fluorescence-based strategy was used. This approach is based on the functional tagging of NPC proteins with the green fluorescent protein (GFP), and the hypothesis that NPC assembly mutants will have distinct GFP-NPC signals as compared with wild-type (wt) cells. By fluorescence-activated cell sorting for cells with low GFP signal from a population of mutagenized cells expressing GFP-Nup49p, three complementation groups were identified: two correspond to mutant nup120 and gle2 alleles that result in clusters of NPCs. Interestingly, a third group was a novel temperature-sensitive allele of nup57. The lowered GFP-Nup49p incorporation in the nup57-E17 cells resulted in a decreased fluorescence level, which was due in part to a sharply diminished interaction between the carboxy-terminal truncated nup57pE17 and wt Nup49p. Interestingly, the nup57-E17 mutant also affected the incorporation of a specific subset of other nucleoporins into the NPC. Decreased levels of NPC-associated Nsp1p and Nup116p were observed. In contrast, the localizations of Nic96p, Nup82p, Nup159p, Nup145p, and Pom152p were not markedly diminished. Coincidentally, nuclear import capacity was inhibited. Taken together, the identification of such mutants with specific perturbations of NPC structure validates this fluorescence-based strategy as a powerful approach for providing insight into the mechanism of NPC biogenesis.


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Nup159p/Rat7p is an essential FG repeat–containing nucleoporin localized at the cytoplasmic face of the nuclear pore complex (NPC) and involved in poly(A)+ RNA export and NPC distribution. A detailed structural–functional analysis of this nucleoporin previously demonstrated that Nup159p is anchored within the NPC through its essential carboxyl-terminal domain. In this study, we demonstrate that Nup159p specifically interacts through this domain with both Nsp1p and Nup82p. Further analysis of the interactions within the Nup159p/Nsp1p/Nup82p subcomplex using the nup82Δ108 mutant strain revealed that a deletion within the carboxyl-terminal domain of Nup82p prevents its interaction with Nsp1p but does not affect the interaction between Nup159p and Nsp1p. Moreover, immunofluorescence analysis demonstrated that Nup159p is delocalized from the NPC in nup82Δ108 cells grown at 37°C, a temperature at which the Nup82Δ108p mutant protein becomes degraded. This suggests that Nup82p may act as a docking site for a core complex composed of the repeat-containing nucleoporins Nup159p and Nsp1p. In vivo transport assays further revealed that nup82Δ108 and nup159-1/rat7-1 mutant strains have little if any defect in nuclear protein import and protein export. Together our data suggest that the poly(A)+ RNA export defect previously observed in nup82 mutant cells might be due to the loss from the NPCs of the repeat-containing nucleoporin Nup159p.


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Yeast and vertebrate nuclear pores display significant morphological similarity by electron microscopy, but sequence similarity between the respective proteins has been more difficult to observe. Herein we have identified a vertebrate nucleoporin, Nup93, in both human and Xenopus that has proved to be an evolutionarily related homologue of the yeast nucleoporin Nic96p. Polyclonal antiserum to human Nup93 detects corresponding proteins in human, rat, and Xenopus cells. Immunofluorescence and immunoelectron microscopy localize vertebrate Nup93 at the nuclear basket and at or near the nuclear entry to the gated channel of the pore. Immunoprecipitation from both mammalian and Xenopus cell extracts indicates that a small fraction of Nup93 physically interacts with the nucleoporin p62, just as yeast Nic96p interacts with the yeast p62 homologue. However, a large fraction of vertebrate Nup93 is extracted from pores and is also present in Xenopus egg extracts in complex with a newly discovered 205-kDa protein. Mass spectrometric sequencing of the human 205-kDa protein reveals that this protein is encoded by an open reading frame, KIAAO225, present in the human database. The putative human nucleoporin of 205 kDa has related sequence homologues in Caenorhabditis elegans and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. To analyze the role of the Nup93 complex in the pore, nuclei were assembled that lack the Nup93 complex after immunodepletion of a Xenopus nuclear reconstitution extract. The Nup93-complex–depleted nuclei are clearly defective for correct nuclear pore assembly. From these experiments, we conclude that the vertebrate and yeast pore have significant homology in their functionally important cores and that, with the identification of Nup93 and the 205-kDa protein, we have extended the knowledge of the nearest-neighbor interactions of this core in both yeast and vertebrates.


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The number of nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) in individual nuclei of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae was determined by computer-aided reconstruction of entire nuclei from electron micrographs of serially sectioned cells. Nuclei of 32 haploid cells at various points in the cell cycle were modeled and found to contain between 65 and 182 NPCs. Morphological markers, such as cell shape and nuclear shape, were used to determine the cell cycle stage of the cell being examined. NPC number was correlated with cell cycle stage to reveal that the number of NPCs increases steadily, beginning in G1-phase, suggesting that NPC assembly occurs continuously throughout the cell cycle. However, the accumulation of nuclear envelope observed during the cell cycle, indicated by nuclear surface area, is not continuous at the same rate, such that the density of NPCs per unit area of nuclear envelope peaks in apparent S-phase cells. Analysis of the nuclear envelope reconstructions also revealed no preferred NPC-to-NPC distance. However, NPCs were found in large clusters over regions of the nuclear envelope. Interestingly, clusters of NPCs were most pronounced in early mitotic nuclei and were found to be associated with the spindle pole bodies, but the functional significance of this association is unknown.


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The pore-forming toxin streptolysin O (SLO) can be used to reversibly permeabilize adherent and nonadherent cells, allowing delivery of molecules with up to 100 kDa mass to the cytosol. Using FITC-labeled albumin, 105–106 molecules were estimated to be entrapped per cell. Repair of toxin lesions depended on Ca2+-calmodulin and on intact microtubules, but was not sensitive to actin disruption or to inhibition of protein synthesis. Resealed cells were viable for days and retained the capacity to endocytose and to proliferate. The active domains of large clostridial toxins were introduced into three different cell lines. The domains were derived from Clostridium difficile B-toxin and Clostridium sordelli lethal toxin, which glycosylate small G-proteins, and from Clostridium botulinum C2 toxin, which ADP-ribosylates actin. After delivery with SLO, all three toxins disrupted the actin cytoskeleton to cause rounding up of the cells. Glucosylation assays demonstrated that G-proteins Rho and Ras were retained in the permeabilized cells and were modified by the respective toxins. Inactivation of these G-proteins resulted in reduced stimulus-dependent granule secretion, whereas ADP-ribosylation of actin by the C. botulinum C2-toxin resulted in enhanced secretion in cells. The presented method for introducing proteins into living cells should find multifaceted application in cell biology.


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The NUP98 gene encodes precursor proteins that generate two nucleoplasmically oriented nucleoporins, NUP98 and NUP96. By using gene targeting, we have selectively disrupted the murine NUP98 protein, leaving intact the expression and localization of NUP96. We show that NUP98 is essential for mouse gastrulation, a developmental stage that is associated with rapid cell proliferation, but dispensable for basal cell growth. NUP98−/− cells had an intact nuclear envelope with a normal number of embedded nuclear pore complexes. Typically, NUP98-deficient cells contained on average approximately 5-fold more cytoplasmic annulate lamellae than control cells. We found that a set of cytoplasmically oriented nucleoporins, including NUP358, NUP214, NUP88, and p62, assembled inefficiently into nuclear pores of NUP98−/− cells. Instead, these nucleoporins were prominently associated with the annulate lamellae. By contrast, a group of nucleoplasmically oriented nucleoporins, including NUP153, NUP50, NUP96, and NUP93, had no affinity for annulate lamellae and assembled normally into nuclear pores. Mutant pores were significantly impaired in transport receptor-mediated docking of proteins with a nuclear localization signal or M9 import signal and showed weak nuclear import of such substrates. In contrast, the ability of mutant pores to import ribosomal protein L23a and spliceosome protein U1A appeared intact. These observations show that NUP98 disruption selectively impairs discrete protein import pathways and support the idea that transport of distinct import complexes through the nuclear pore complex is mediated by specific subsets of nucleoporins.


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The Arabidopsis thaliana AtHKT1 protein, a Na+/K+ transporter, is capable of mediating inward Na+ currents in Xenopus laevis oocytes and K+ uptake in Escherichia coli. HKT1 proteins are members of a superfamily of K+ transporters. These proteins have been proposed to contain eight transmembrane segments and four pore-forming regions arranged in a mode similar to that of a K+ channel tetramer. However, computer analysis of the AtHKT1 sequence identified eleven potential transmembrane segments. We have investigated the membrane topology of AtHKT1 with three different techniques. First, a gene fusion alkaline phosphatase study in E. coli clearly defined the topology of the N-terminal and middle region of AtHKT1, but the model for membrane folding of the C-terminal region had to be refined. Second, with a reticulocyte-lysate supplemented with dog-pancreas microsomes, we demonstrated that N-glycosylation occurs at position 429 of AtHKT1. An engineered unglycosylated protein variant, N429Q, mediated Na+ currents in X. laevis oocytes with the same characteristics as the wild-type protein, indicating that N-glycosylation is not essential for the functional expression and membrane targeting of AtHKT1. Five potential glycosylation sites were introduced into the N429Q. Their pattern of glycosylation supported the model based on the E. coli-alkaline phosphatase data. Third, immunocytochemical experiments with FLAG-tagged AtHKT1 in HEK293 cells revealed that the N and C termini of AtHKT1, and the regions containing residues 135–142 and 377–384, face the cytosol, whereas the region of residues 55–62 is exposed to the outside. Taken together, our results show that AtHKT1 contains eight transmembrane-spanning segments.


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Catalysis at organophilic silica-rich surfaces of zeolites and feldspars might generate replicating biopolymers from simple chemicals supplied by meteorites, volcanic gases, and other geological sources. Crystal–chemical modeling yielded packings for amino acids neatly encapsulated in 10-ring channels of the molecular sieve silicalite-ZSM-5-(mutinaite). Calculation of binding and activation energies for catalytic assembly into polymers is progressing for a chemical composition with one catalytic Al–OH site per 25 neutral Si tetrahedral sites. Internal channel intersections and external terminations provide special stereochemical features suitable for complex organic species. Polymer migration along nano/micrometer channels of ancient weathered feldspars, plus exploitation of phosphorus and various transition metals in entrapped apatite and other microminerals, might have generated complexes of replicating catalytic biomolecules, leading to primitive cellular organisms. The first cell wall might have been an internal mineral surface, from which the cell developed a protective biological cap emerging into a nutrient-rich “soup.” Ultimately, the biological cap might have expanded into a complete cell wall, allowing mobility and colonization of energy-rich challenging environments. Electron microscopy of honeycomb channels inside weathered feldspars of the Shap granite (northwest England) has revealed modern bacteria, perhaps indicative of Archean ones. All known early rocks were metamorphosed too highly during geologic time to permit simple survival of large-pore zeolites, honeycombed feldspar, and encapsulated species. Possible microscopic clues to the proposed mineral adsorbents/catalysts are discussed for planning of systematic study of black cherts from weakly metamorphosed Archaean sediments.


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The weaver mutation in mice results in a severe ataxia that is attributable to the degeneration of cerebellar granule cells and dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra. Recent genetic studies indicate that the GIRK2 gene is altered in weaver. This gene codes for a G-protein-activated, inwardly rectifying K+ channel protein (8). The mutation results in a single amino acid substitution (glycine-->serine) in the pore-forming H5 region of the channel. The functional consequences of this mutation appear to depend upon the co-expression of other GIRK subunits--leading to either a gain or loss of function. Here, we show that G-protein-activated inwardly rectifying K+ currents are significantly reduced in cerebellar granule cells from animals carrying the mutant allele. The reduction is most pronounced in homozygous neurons. These findings suggest that the death of neurons in weaver is attributable to the loss of GIRK2-mediated currents, not to the expression of a nonspecific cation current.


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Most intracellular pathogens avoid lysing their host cells during invasion by wrapping themselves in a vacuolar membrane. This parasitophorous vacuole membrane (PVM) is often retained, serving as a critical transport interface between the parasite and the host cell cytoplasm. To test whether the PVM formed by the parasite Toxoplasma gondii is derived from host cell membrane or from lipids secreted by the parasite, we used time-resolved capacitance measurements and video microscopy to assay host cell surface area during invasion. We observed no significant change in host cell surface area during PVM formation, demonstrating that the PVM consists primarily of invaginated host cell membrane. Pinching off of the PVM from the host cell membrane occurred after an unexpected delay (34-305 sec) and was seen as a 0.219 +/- 0.006 pF drop in capacitance, which corresponds well to the predicted surface area of the entire PVM (30-33 microns2). The formation and closure of a fission pore connecting the extracellular medium and the vacuolar space was detected as the PVM pinched off. This final stage of parasite entry was accomplished without any breach in cell membrane integrity.


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Cleavage of membrane-associated proteins with the release of biologically active macromolecules is an emerging theme in biology. However, little is known about the nature and regulation of the involved proteases or about the physiological inducers of the shedding process. We here report that rapid and massive shedding of the interleukin 6 receptor (IL-6R) and the lipopolysaccharide receptor (CD14) occurs from primary and transfected cells attacked by two prototypes of pore-forming bacterial toxins, streptolysin O and Escherichia coli hemolysin. Shedding is not induced by an streptolysin O toxin mutant which retains cell binding capacity but lacks pore-forming activity. The toxin-dependent cleavage site of the IL-6R was mapped to a position close to, but distinct from, that observed after stimulation with phorbol myristate acetate. Soluble IL-6R that was shed from toxin-treated cells bound its ligand and induced an IL-6-specific signal in cells that primarily lacked the IL-6R. Transsignaling by soluble IL-6R and soluble CD14 is known to dramatically broaden the spectrum of host cells for IL-6 and lipopolysaccharide, and is thus an important mechanism underlying their systemic inflammatory effects. Our findings uncover a novel mechanism that can help to explain the long-range detrimental action of pore-forming toxins in the host organism.


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Osteoblasts express calcium channels that are thought to be involved in the transduction of extracellular signals regulating bone metabolism. The molecular identity of the pore-forming subunit (alpha 1) of L-type calcium channel(s) was determined in rat osteosarcoma UMR-106 cells, which express an osteoblast phenotype. A homology-based reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction cloning strategy was employed that used primers spanning the fourth domain. Three types of cDNAs were isolated, corresponding to the alpha 1S (skeletal), alpha 1C (cardiac), and alpha 1D (neuroendocrine) isoforms. In the transmembrane segment IVS3 and the extracellular loop formed by the IVS3-S4 linker, a single pattern of mRNA splicing was found that occurs in all three types of calcium channel transcripts. Northern blot analysis revealed an 8.6-kb mRNA that hybridized to the alpha 1C probe and 4.8- and 11.7-kb mRNAs that hybridized to the alpha 1S and alpha 1D probes. Antisense oligonucleotides directed to the calcium channel alpha 1D transcript, but not those directed to alpha 1S or alpha 1C transcripts, inhibited the rise of intracellular calcium induced by parathyroid hormone. However, alpha 1D antisense oligonucleotides had no effect on the accumulation of cAMP induced by parathyroid hormone. When L-type calcium channels were activated with Bay K 8644, antisense oligonucleotides to each of the three isoforms partially inhibited the rise of intracellular calcium. The present results provide evidence for the expression of three distinct calcium channel alpha 1-subunit isoforms in an osteoblast-like cell line. We conclude that the alpha 1D isoform is selectively activated by parathyroid hormone.


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Les virus ont besoin d’interagir avec des facteurs cellulaires pour se répliquer et se propager dans les cellules d’hôtes. Une étude de l'interactome des protéines du virus d'hépatite C (VHC) par Germain et al. (2014) a permis d'élucider de nouvelles interactions virus-hôte. L'étude a également démontré que la majorité des facteurs de l'hôte n'avaient pas d'effet sur la réplication du virus. Ces travaux suggèrent que la majorité des protéines ont un rôle dans d'autres processus cellulaires tel que la réponse innée antivirale et ciblées pas le virus dans des mécanismes d'évasion immune. Pour tester cette hypothèse, 132 interactant virus-hôtes ont été sélectionnés et évalués par silençage génique dans un criblage d'ARNi sur la production interferon-beta (IFNB1). Nous avons ainsi observé que les réductions de l'expression de 53 interactants virus-hôte modulent la réponse antivirale innée. Une étude dans les termes de gène d'ontologie (GO) démontre un enrichissement de ces protéines au transport nucléocytoplasmique et au complexe du pore nucléaire. De plus, les gènes associés avec ces termes (CSE1L, KPNB1, RAN, TNPO1 et XPO1) ont été caractérisé comme des interactant de la protéine NS3/4A par Germain et al. (2014), et comme des régulateurs positives de la réponse innée antivirale. Comme le VHC se réplique dans le cytoplasme, nous proposons que ces interactions à des protéines associées avec le noyau confèrent un avantage de réplication et bénéficient au virus en interférant avec des processus cellulaire tel que la réponse innée. Cette réponse innée antivirale requiert la translocation nucléaire des facteurs transcriptionnelles IRF3 et NF-κB p65 pour la production des IFNs de type I. Un essai de microscopie a été développé afin d'évaluer l’effet du silençage de 60 gènes exprimant des protéines associés au complexe du pore nucléaire et au transport nucléocytoplasmique sur la translocation d’IRF3 et NF-κB p65 par un criblage ARNi lors d’une cinétique d'infection virale. En conclusion, l’étude démontre qu’il y a plusieurs protéines qui sont impliqués dans le transport de ces facteurs transcriptionnelles pendant une infection virale et peut affecter la production IFNB1 à différents niveaux de la réponse d'immunité antivirale. L'étude aussi suggère que l'effet de ces facteurs de transport sur la réponse innée est peut être un mécanisme d'évasion par des virus comme VHC.