985 resultados para Population connectivity


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We provide initial information regarding the population structure and genetic diversity of Stenella frontalis from the Caribbean and southeastern Brazil from analyses of mitochondrial control region sequences and sequences from the first intron of the α-lactalbumin gene. Comparisons with previously described S. frontalis sequences showed a high number of haplotypes shared between populations throughout their distribution range. High diversity was found for southeastern Brazil and Caribbean samples, and population structure analyses indicate significant differentiation among population units at the FST level, but not at the ΦST level. Significant differentiation at the FST level was found between the Caribbean population unit and all other populations units. These results suggest historical or present connectivity between the Azores and Madeira and the southeastern Brazil groups and population differentiation between the Caribbean and southeastern Brazil, supporting the notion of two separate stocks in the waters around the Atlantic coast of South America. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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We study the firing rate properties of a cellular automaton model for a neuronal network with chemical synapses. We propose a simple mechanism in which the nonlocal connections are included, through electrical and chemical synapses. In the latter case, we introduce a time delay which produces self-sustained activity. Nonlocal connections, or shortcuts, are randomly introduced according to a specified connection probability. There is a range of connection probabilities for which neuron firing occurs, as well as a critical probability for which the firing ceases in the absence of time delay. The critical probability for nonlocal shortcuts depends on the network size according to a power-law. We also compute the firing rate amplification factor by varying both the connection probability and the time delay for different network sizes. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Abstract Background Prostate cancer is a leading cause of death in the male population, therefore, a comprehensive study about the genes and the molecular networks involved in the tumoral prostate process becomes necessary. In order to understand the biological process behind potential biomarkers, we have analyzed a set of 57 cDNA microarrays containing ~25,000 genes. Results Principal Component Analysis (PCA) combined with the Maximum-entropy Linear Discriminant Analysis (MLDA) were applied in order to identify genes with the most discriminative information between normal and tumoral prostatic tissues. Data analysis was carried out using three different approaches, namely: (i) differences in gene expression levels between normal and tumoral conditions from an univariate point of view; (ii) in a multivariate fashion using MLDA; and (iii) with a dependence network approach. Our results show that malignant transformation in the prostatic tissue is more related to functional connectivity changes in their dependence networks than to differential gene expression. The MYLK, KLK2, KLK3, HAN11, LTF, CSRP1 and TGM4 genes presented significant changes in their functional connectivity between normal and tumoral conditions and were also classified as the top seven most informative genes for the prostate cancer genesis process by our discriminant analysis. Moreover, among the identified genes we found classically known biomarkers and genes which are closely related to tumoral prostate, such as KLK3 and KLK2 and several other potential ones. Conclusion We have demonstrated that changes in functional connectivity may be implicit in the biological process which renders some genes more informative to discriminate between normal and tumoral conditions. Using the proposed method, namely, MLDA, in order to analyze the multivariate characteristic of genes, it was possible to capture the changes in dependence networks which are related to cell transformation.


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Population genetic and phylogeography of two common mediterranean species were studied in 10 localities located on the coasts of Toscana, Puglia and Calabria. The aim of the study was to verify the extent of genetic breaks, in areas recognized as boundaries between Mediterranean biogeographic sectors. From about 100 sequences obtained from the mitochondrial Cytochrome Oxidase subunit I (COI) gene of Halocynthia papillosa and Hexaplex trunculus genetic diversity, genetic structure at small and large distances and demographic history of both specieswere analyzed. No evidences of genetic breaks were found for the two species in Toscana and Puglia. The genetic structure of H. trunculus evidences the extent of a barrier to gene flow localized in Calabria, which could be represented by the Siculo-Tunisian Strait and the Strait of Messina. The observed patterns showed similar level of gene flow at small distances in both species, although the two species have different larval ecology. These results suggest that other factors, such as currents, local dynamics and seasonal temperatures, influence the connectivity along the Italian peninsula. The geographic distribution of the haplotypes shows that H. papillosacould represent a single genetic pool in expansion, whereas H. trunculus has two distinct genetic pools in expansion. The demographic pattern of the two species suggests that Pleistocene sea level oscillations, in particular of the LGM, may have played a key role in shaping genetic structure of the two species. This knowledge provides basic information, useful for the definition of management plans, or for the design of a network of marine protected areas along the Italian peninsula.


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This study focused on the role of oceanographic discontinuities and the presence of transitional areas in shaping the population structure and the phylogeography of the Raja miraletus species complex, coupled with the test of the effective occurrence of past speciation events. The comparisons between the Atlantic African and the North-Eastern Atlantic-Mediterranean geographic populations were unravelled using both Cytochrome Oxidase I and eight microsatellite loci. This approach guaranteed a robust dataset for the identification of a speciation event between the Atlantic African clade, corresponding to the ex Raja ocellifera nominal species, and the NE Atlantic-Mediterranean R. miraletus clade. As a matter of fact, the origin of the Atlantic Africa and the NE Atlantic-Mediterranean deep split dated about 11.74MYA and was likely due to the synergic influence currents and two upwelling areas crossing the Western African Waters. Within the Mediterranean Sea, particular attention was also paid to the transitional area represented by Adventura and Maltese Bank, that might have contributed in sustaining the connectivity of the Western and the Eastern Mediterranean geographical populations. Furthermore, the geology of the easternmost part of Sicily and the geo-morphological depression of the Calabrian Arc could have driven the differentiation of the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. Although bathymetric and oceanographic discontinuity could represent barriers to dispersal and migration between Eastern and Western Mediterranean samples, a clear and complete genetic separation among them was not detected. Results produced by this work identified a speciation event defining Raja ocellifera and R. miraletus as two different species, and describing the R. miraletus species complex as the most ancient cryptic speciation event in the family Rajidae, representing another example of how strictly connected the environment, the behavioural habits and the evolutionary and ecologic drivers are.


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The blue shark, Prionace glauca, is one of the most vagile shark species worldwide distributed. The particular body shape allows blue sharks make transoceanic movements, leading to a circumglobal distribution. Due to its reproductive cycle, an extraordinarily high number of specimens is globally registered but, even if it is still a major bycatch of longline fishery rather than a commercial target, it is characterized by a high vulnerability. In this perspective it is important to increase the amount of informations regarding its population extent in the different worldwide areas, evaluating the possible phylogeographic patterns between different locations. This study, included in the "MedBlueSGen" European project, aims exactly at filling a gap in knowledges regarding the genetic population structure of the Mediterranean blue sharks, which has never been investigated before, with a comparison with the North-Eastern Atlantic blue shark population. To reach this objective, we used a dataset of samples from different Mediterranean areas implementing it with some samples from North-Eastern Atlantic. Analyzing the variability of the two mitochondrial markers control region and cytochrome b, with the design of new species-specific primer pairs, we assessed the mitochondrial genetic structure of Mediterranean and North-Eastern Atlantic samples, focusing on the analysis of their possible connectivity, and we tried to reconstruct their demographic history and population size. Data analyses highlighted the absence of a genetic structuring within the Mediterranean and among it and North-Eastern Atlantic, suggesting that the Strait of Gibraltar doesn't represent a phylogeographic barrier. These results are coherent to what has been found in similar investigations on other worldwide blue shark populations. Analysis of the historical demographic trend revealed a general stable pattern for the cytochrome-b and a slightly population expansion for the control region marker.


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Background: Reconstructing the evolutionary history of a species is challenging. It often depends not only on the past biogeographic and climatic events but also the contemporary and ecological factors, such as current connectivity and habitat heterogeneity. In fact, these factors might interact with each other and shape the current species distribution. However, to what extent the current population genetic structure reflects the past and the contemporary factors is largely unknown. Here we investigated spatio-temporal genetic structures of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) populations, across their natural distribution in Africa. While its large biogeographic distribution can cause genetic differentiation at the paleo-biogeographic scales, its restricted dispersal capacity might induce a strong genetic structure at micro-geographic scales. Results: Using nine microsatellite loci and 350 samples from ten natural populations, we found the highest genetic differentiation among the three ichthyofaunal provinces and regions (Ethiopian, Nilotic and Sudano-Sahelian) (R(ST) = 0.38 - 0.69). This result suggests the predominant effect of paleo-geographic events at macro-geographic scale. In addition, intermediate divergences were found between rivers and lakes within the regions, presumably reflecting relatively recent interruptions of gene flow between hydrographic basins (R(ST) = 0.24 - 0.32). The lowest differentiations were observed among connected populations within a basin (R(ST) = 0.015 in the Volta basin). Comparison of temporal sample series revealed subtle changes in the gene pools in a few generations (F = 0 - 0.053). The estimated effective population sizes were 23 - 143 and the estimated migration rate was moderate (m similar to 0.094 - 0.097) in the Volta populations. Conclusions: This study revealed clear hierarchical patterns of the population genetic structuring of O. niloticus in Africa. The effects of paleo-geographic and climatic events were predominant at macro-geographic scale, and the significant effect of geographic connectivity was detected at micro-geographic scale. The estimated effective population size, the moderate level of dispersal and the rapid temporal change in genetic composition might reflect a potential effect of life history strategy on population dynamics. This hypothesis deserves further investigation. The dynamic pattern revealed at micro-geographic and temporal scales appears important from a genetic resource management as well as from a biodiversity conservation point of view.


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Agricultural intensification has caused a decline in structural elements in European farmland, where natural habitats are increasingly fragmented. The loss of habitat structures has a detrimental effect on biodiversity and affects bat species that depend on vegetation structures for foraging and commuting. We investigated the impact of connectivity and configuration of structural landscape elements on flight activity, species richness and diversity of insectivorous bats and distinguished three bat guilds according to species-specific bioacoustic characteristics. We tested whether bats with shorter-range echolocation were more sensitive to habitat fragmentation than bats with longer-range echolocation. We expected to find different connectivity thresholds for the three guilds and hypothesized that bats prefer linear over patchy landscape elements. Bat activity was quantified using repeated acoustic monitoring in 225 locations at 15 study plots distributed across the Swiss Central Plateau, where connectivity and the shape of landscape elements were determined by spatial analysis (GIS). Spectrograms of bat calls were assigned to species with the software batit by means of image recognition and statistical classification algorithms. Bat activity was significantly higher around landscape elements compared to open control areas. Short- and long-range echolocating bats were more active in well-connected landscapes, but optimal connectivity levels differed between the guilds. Species richness increased significantly with connectivity, while species diversity did not (Shannon's diversity index). Total bat activity was unaffected by the shape of landscape elements. Synthesis and applications. This study highlights the importance of connectivity in farmland landscapes for bats, with shorter-range echolocating bats being particularly sensitive to habitat fragmentation. More structurally diverse landscape elements are likely to reduce population declines of bats and could improve conditions for other declining species, including birds. Activity was highest around optimal values of connectivity, which must be evaluated for the different guilds and spatially targeted for a region's habitat configuration. In a multi-species approach, we recommend the reintroduction of structural elements to increase habitat heterogeneity should become part of agri-environment schemes.


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In line with current memory theories of a perception-memory continuum along the ventral visual pathway, there is evidence that the specific profile of enhanced memory in special populations (e.g. synaesthesia) is based on increased perceptual sensitivity. The main goal of this study was to test in a more general population, if increased perceptual sensitivity is indeed associated with enhanced memory performance. We measured ERPs in response to simple perceptual stimuli biasing either the ventral or the dorsal route and established if perceptual sensitivity in response to ventrally (but not dorsally) processed stimuli is associated with visual short term memory performance in a change detection task. Preliminary results confirm the hypothesis and strengthen the assumption of a perceptual-memory-continuum.


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More than a century ago Ramon y Cajal pioneered the description of neural circuits. Currently, new techniques are being developed to streamline the characterization of entire neural circuits. Even if this 'connectome' approach is successful, it will represent only a static description of neural circuits. Thus, a fundamental question in neuroscience is to understand how information is dynamically represented by neural populations. In this thesis, I studied two main aspects of dynamical population codes. ^ First, I studied how the exposure or adaptation, for a fraction of a second to oriented gratings dynamically changes the population response of primary visual cortex neurons. The effects of adaptation to oriented gratings have been extensively explored in psychophysical and electrophysiological experiments. However, whether rapid adaptation might induce a change in the primary visual cortex's functional connectivity to dynamically impact the population coding accuracy is currently unknown. To address this issue, we performed multi-electrode recordings in primary visual cortex, where adaptation has been previously shown to induce changes in the selectivity and response amplitude of individual neurons. We found that adaptation improves the population coding accuracy. The improvement was more prominent for iso- and orthogonal orientation adaptation, consistent with previously reported psychophysical experiments. We propose that selective decorrelation is a metabolically inexpensive mechanism that the visual system employs to dynamically adapt the neural responses to the statistics of the input stimuli to improve coding efficiency. ^ Second, I investigated how ongoing activity modulates orientation coding in single neurons, neural populations and behavior. Cortical networks are never silent even in the absence of external stimulation. The ongoing activity can account for up to 80% of the metabolic energy consumed by the brain. Thus, a fundamental question is to understand the functional role of ongoing activity and its impact on neural computations. I studied how the orientation coding by individual neurons and cell populations in primary visual cortex depend on the spontaneous activity before stimulus presentation. We hypothesized that since the ongoing activity of nearby neurons is strongly correlated, it would influence the ability of the entire population of orientation-selective cells to process orientation depending on the prestimulus spontaneous state. Our findings demonstrate that ongoing activity dynamically filters incoming stimuli to shape the accuracy of orientation coding by individual neurons and cell populations and this interaction affects behavioral performance. In summary, this thesis is a contribution to the study of how dynamic internal states such as rapid adaptation and ongoing activity modulate the population code accuracy. ^


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Systems used for target localization, such as goods, individuals, or animals, commonly rely on operational means to meet the final application demands. However, what would happen if some means were powered up randomly by harvesting systems? And what if those devices not randomly powered had their duty cycles restricted? Under what conditions would such an operation be tolerable in localization services? What if the references provided by nodes in a tracking problem were distorted? Moreover, there is an underlying topic common to the previous questions regarding the transfer of conceptual models to reality in field tests: what challenges are faced upon deploying a localization network that integrates energy harvesting modules? The application scenario of the system studied is a traditional herding environment of semi domesticated reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) in northern Scandinavia. In these conditions, information on approximate locations of reindeer is as important as environmental preservation. Herders also need cost-effective devices capable of operating unattended in, sometimes, extreme weather conditions. The analyses developed are worthy not only for the specific application environment presented, but also because they may serve as an approach to performance of navigation systems in absence of reasonably accurate references like the ones of the Global Positioning System (GPS). A number of energy-harvesting solutions, like thermal and radio-frequency harvesting, do not commonly provide power beyond one milliwatt. When they do, battery buffers may be needed (as it happens with solar energy) which may raise costs and make systems more dependent on environmental temperatures. In general, given our problem, a harvesting system is needed that be capable of providing energy bursts of, at least, some milliwatts. Many works on localization problems assume that devices have certain capabilities to determine unknown locations based on range-based techniques or fingerprinting which cannot be assumed in the approach considered herein. The system presented is akin to range-free techniques, but goes to the extent of considering very low node densities: most range-free techniques are, therefore, not applicable. Animal localization, in particular, uses to be supported by accurate devices such as GPS collars which deplete batteries in, maximum, a few days. Such short-life solutions are not particularly desirable in the framework considered. In tracking, the challenge may times addressed aims at attaining high precision levels from complex reliable hardware and thorough processing techniques. One of the challenges in this Thesis is the use of equipment with just part of its facilities in permanent operation, which may yield high input noise levels in the form of distorted reference points. The solution presented integrates a kinetic harvesting module in some nodes which are expected to be a majority in the network. These modules are capable of providing power bursts of some milliwatts which suffice to meet node energy demands. The usage of harvesting modules in the aforementioned conditions makes the system less dependent on environmental temperatures as no batteries are used in nodes with harvesters--it may be also an advantage in economic terms. There is a second kind of nodes. They are battery powered (without kinetic energy harvesters), and are, therefore, dependent on temperature and battery replacements. In addition, their operation is constrained by duty cycles in order to extend node lifetime and, consequently, their autonomy. There is, in turn, a third type of nodes (hotspots) which can be static or mobile. They are also battery-powered, and are used to retrieve information from the network so that it is presented to users. The system operational chain starts at the kinetic-powered nodes broadcasting their own identifier. If an identifier is received at a battery-powered node, the latter stores it for its records. Later, as the recording node meets a hotspot, its full record of detections is transferred to the hotspot. Every detection registry comprises, at least, a node identifier and the position read from its GPS module by the battery-operated node previously to detection. The characteristics of the system presented make the aforementioned operation own certain particularities which are also studied. First, identifier transmissions are random as they depend on movements at kinetic modules--reindeer movements in our application. Not every movement suffices since it must overcome a certain energy threshold. Second, identifier transmissions may not be heard unless there is a battery-powered node in the surroundings. Third, battery-powered nodes do not poll continuously their GPS module, hence localization errors rise even more. Let's recall at this point that such behavior is tight to the aforementioned power saving policies to extend node lifetime. Last, some time is elapsed between the instant an identifier random transmission is detected and the moment the user is aware of such a detection: it takes some time to find a hotspot. Tracking is posed as a problem of a single kinetically-powered target and a population of battery-operated nodes with higher densities than before in localization. Since the latter provide their approximate positions as reference locations, the study is again focused on assessing the impact of such distorted references on performance. Unlike in localization, distance-estimation capabilities based on signal parameters are assumed in this problem. Three variants of the Kalman filter family are applied in this context: the regular Kalman filter, the alpha-beta filter, and the unscented Kalman filter. The study enclosed hereafter comprises both field tests and simulations. Field tests were used mainly to assess the challenges related to power supply and operation in extreme conditions as well as to model nodes and some aspects of their operation in the application scenario. These models are the basics of the simulations developed later. The overall system performance is analyzed according to three metrics: number of detections per kinetic node, accuracy, and latency. The links between these metrics and the operational conditions are also discussed and characterized statistically. Subsequently, such statistical characterization is used to forecast performance figures given specific operational parameters. In tracking, also studied via simulations, nonlinear relationships are found between accuracy and duty cycles and cluster sizes of battery-operated nodes. The solution presented may be more complex in terms of network structure than existing solutions based on GPS collars. However, its main gain lies on taking advantage of users' error tolerance to reduce costs and become more environmentally friendly by diminishing the potential amount of batteries that can be lost. Whether it is applicable or not depends ultimately on the conditions and requirements imposed by users' needs and operational environments, which is, as it has been explained, one of the topics of this Thesis.


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Quelque 30 % de la population neuronale du cortex mammalien est composée d’une population très hétérogène d’interneurones GABAergiques. Ces interneurones diffèrent quant à leur morphologie, leur expression génique, leurs propriétés électrophysiologiques et leurs cibles subcellulaires, formant une riche diversité. Après leur naissance dans les éminences ganglioniques, ces cellules migrent vers les différentes couches corticales. Les interneurones GABAergiques corticaux exprimant la parvalbumin (PV), lesquels constituent le sous-type majeur des interneurones GABAergiques, ciblent spécifiquement le soma et les dendrites proximales des neurones principaux et des neurones PV+. Ces interneurones sont nommés cellules à panier (Basket Cells –BCs) en raison de la complexité morphologique de leur axone. La maturation de la connectivité distincte des BCs PV+, caractérisée par une augmentation de la complexité de l’axone et de la densité synaptique, se déroule graduellement chez la souris juvénile. Des travaux précédents ont commencé à élucider les mécanismes contrôlant ce processus de maturation, identifiant des facteurs génétiques, l’activité neuronale ainsi que l’expérience sensorielle. Cette augmentation marquante de la complexité axonale et de la synaptogénèse durant cette phase de maturation suggère la nécessité d’une synthèse de protéines élevée. La voie de signalisation de la cible mécanistique de la rapamycine (Mechanistic Target Of Rapamycin -mTOR) a été impliquée dans le contrôle de plusieurs aspects neurodéveloppementaux en régulant la synthèse de protéines. Des mutations des régulateurs Tsc1 et Tsc2 du complexe mTOR1 causent la sclérose tubéreuse (TSC) chez l’humain. La majorité des patients TSC développent des problèmes neurologiques incluant des crises épileptiques, des retards mentaux et l’autisme. D’études récentes ont investigué le rôle de la dérégulation de la voie de signalisation de mTOR dans les neurones corticaux excitateurs. Toutefois, son rôle dans le développement des interneurones GABAergiques corticaux et la contribution spécifique de ces interneurones GABAergiques altérés dans les manifestations de la maladie demeurent largement inconnus. Ici, nous avons investigué si et comment l’ablation du gène Tsc1 perturbe le développement de la connectivité GABAergique, autant in vitro que in vivo. Pour investiguer le rôle de l’activation de mTORC1 dans le développement d’une BC unique, nous avons délété le gène Tsc1 en transfectant CRE-GFP dirigé par un promoteur spécifique aux BCs dans des cultures organotypiques provenant de souris Tsc1lox. Le knockdown in vitro de Tsc1 a causé une augmentation précoce de la densité des boutons et des embranchements terminaux formés par les BCs mutantes, augmentation renversée par le traitement à la rapamycine. Ces données suggèrent que l’hyperactivation de la voie de signalisation de mTOR affecte le rythme de la maturation des synapses des BCs. Pour investiguer le rôle de mTORC1 dans les interneurones GABAergiques in vivo, nous avons croisé les souris Tsc1lox avec les souris Nkx2.1-Cre et PV-Cre. À P18, les souris Tg(Nkx2.1-Cre);Tsc1flox/flox ont montré une hyperactivation de mTORC1 et une hypertrophie somatique des BCs de même qu’une augmentation de l’expression de PV dans la région périsomatique des neurones pyramidaux. Au contraire, à P45 nous avons découvert une réduction de la densité des punctas périsomatiques PV-gephyrin (un marqueur post-synaptique GABAergique). L’étude de la morphologie des BCs en cultures organotypiques provenant du knock-out conditionnel Nkx2.1-Cre a confirmé l’augmentation initiale du rythme de maturation, lequel s’effondre ensuite aux étapes développementales tardives. De plus, les souris Tg(Nkx2.1Cre);Tsc1flox/flox montrent des déficits dans la mémoire de travail et le comportement social et ce d’une façon dose-dépendante. En somme, ces résultats suggèrent que l’activation contrôlée de mTOR régule le déroulement de la maturation et la maintenance des synapses des BCs. Des dysfonctions de la neurotransmission GABAergique ont été impliquées dans des maladies telles que l’épilepsie et chez certains patients, elles sont associées avec des mutations du récepteur GABAA. De quelle façon ces mutations affectent le processus de maturation des BCs demeuret toutefois inconnu. Pour adresser cette question, nous avons utilisé la stratégie Cre-lox pour déléter le gène GABRA1, codant pour la sous-unité alpha-1 du récepteur GABAA dans une unique BC en culture organotypique. La perte de GABRA1 réduit l’étendue du champ d’innervation des BCs, suggérant que des variations dans les entrées inhibitrices en raison de l’absence de la sous-unité GABAAR α1 peuvent affecter le développement des BCs. La surexpression des sous-unités GABAAR α1 contenant des mutations identifiées chez des patients épileptiques ont montré des effets similaires en termes d’étendue du champ d’innervation des BCs. Pour approfondir, nous avons investigué les effets de ces mutations identifiées chez l’humain dans le développement des épines des neurones pyramidaux, lesquelles sont l’endroit privilégié pour la formation des synapses excitatrices. Somme toute, ces données montrent pour la première fois que différentes mutations de GABRA1 associées à des syndromes épileptiques peuvent affecter les épines dendritiques et la formation des boutons GABAergiques d’une façon mutation-spécifique.


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Quelque 30 % de la population neuronale du cortex mammalien est composée d’une population très hétérogène d’interneurones GABAergiques. Ces interneurones diffèrent quant à leur morphologie, leur expression génique, leurs propriétés électrophysiologiques et leurs cibles subcellulaires, formant une riche diversité. Après leur naissance dans les éminences ganglioniques, ces cellules migrent vers les différentes couches corticales. Les interneurones GABAergiques corticaux exprimant la parvalbumin (PV), lesquels constituent le sous-type majeur des interneurones GABAergiques, ciblent spécifiquement le soma et les dendrites proximales des neurones principaux et des neurones PV+. Ces interneurones sont nommés cellules à panier (Basket Cells –BCs) en raison de la complexité morphologique de leur axone. La maturation de la connectivité distincte des BCs PV+, caractérisée par une augmentation de la complexité de l’axone et de la densité synaptique, se déroule graduellement chez la souris juvénile. Des travaux précédents ont commencé à élucider les mécanismes contrôlant ce processus de maturation, identifiant des facteurs génétiques, l’activité neuronale ainsi que l’expérience sensorielle. Cette augmentation marquante de la complexité axonale et de la synaptogénèse durant cette phase de maturation suggère la nécessité d’une synthèse de protéines élevée. La voie de signalisation de la cible mécanistique de la rapamycine (Mechanistic Target Of Rapamycin -mTOR) a été impliquée dans le contrôle de plusieurs aspects neurodéveloppementaux en régulant la synthèse de protéines. Des mutations des régulateurs Tsc1 et Tsc2 du complexe mTOR1 causent la sclérose tubéreuse (TSC) chez l’humain. La majorité des patients TSC développent des problèmes neurologiques incluant des crises épileptiques, des retards mentaux et l’autisme. D’études récentes ont investigué le rôle de la dérégulation de la voie de signalisation de mTOR dans les neurones corticaux excitateurs. Toutefois, son rôle dans le développement des interneurones GABAergiques corticaux et la contribution spécifique de ces interneurones GABAergiques altérés dans les manifestations de la maladie demeurent largement inconnus. Ici, nous avons investigué si et comment l’ablation du gène Tsc1 perturbe le développement de la connectivité GABAergique, autant in vitro que in vivo. Pour investiguer le rôle de l’activation de mTORC1 dans le développement d’une BC unique, nous avons délété le gène Tsc1 en transfectant CRE-GFP dirigé par un promoteur spécifique aux BCs dans des cultures organotypiques provenant de souris Tsc1lox. Le knockdown in vitro de Tsc1 a causé une augmentation précoce de la densité des boutons et des embranchements terminaux formés par les BCs mutantes, augmentation renversée par le traitement à la rapamycine. Ces données suggèrent que l’hyperactivation de la voie de signalisation de mTOR affecte le rythme de la maturation des synapses des BCs. Pour investiguer le rôle de mTORC1 dans les interneurones GABAergiques in vivo, nous avons croisé les souris Tsc1lox avec les souris Nkx2.1-Cre et PV-Cre. À P18, les souris Tg(Nkx2.1-Cre);Tsc1flox/flox ont montré une hyperactivation de mTORC1 et une hypertrophie somatique des BCs de même qu’une augmentation de l’expression de PV dans la région périsomatique des neurones pyramidaux. Au contraire, à P45 nous avons découvert une réduction de la densité des punctas périsomatiques PV-gephyrin (un marqueur post-synaptique GABAergique). L’étude de la morphologie des BCs en cultures organotypiques provenant du knock-out conditionnel Nkx2.1-Cre a confirmé l’augmentation initiale du rythme de maturation, lequel s’effondre ensuite aux étapes développementales tardives. De plus, les souris Tg(Nkx2.1Cre);Tsc1flox/flox montrent des déficits dans la mémoire de travail et le comportement social et ce d’une façon dose-dépendante. En somme, ces résultats suggèrent que l’activation contrôlée de mTOR régule le déroulement de la maturation et la maintenance des synapses des BCs. Des dysfonctions de la neurotransmission GABAergique ont été impliquées dans des maladies telles que l’épilepsie et chez certains patients, elles sont associées avec des mutations du récepteur GABAA. De quelle façon ces mutations affectent le processus de maturation des BCs demeuret toutefois inconnu. Pour adresser cette question, nous avons utilisé la stratégie Cre-lox pour déléter le gène GABRA1, codant pour la sous-unité alpha-1 du récepteur GABAA dans une unique BC en culture organotypique. La perte de GABRA1 réduit l’étendue du champ d’innervation des BCs, suggérant que des variations dans les entrées inhibitrices en raison de l’absence de la sous-unité GABAAR α1 peuvent affecter le développement des BCs. La surexpression des sous-unités GABAAR α1 contenant des mutations identifiées chez des patients épileptiques ont montré des effets similaires en termes d’étendue du champ d’innervation des BCs. Pour approfondir, nous avons investigué les effets de ces mutations identifiées chez l’humain dans le développement des épines des neurones pyramidaux, lesquelles sont l’endroit privilégié pour la formation des synapses excitatrices. Somme toute, ces données montrent pour la première fois que différentes mutations de GABRA1 associées à des syndromes épileptiques peuvent affecter les épines dendritiques et la formation des boutons GABAergiques d’une façon mutation-spécifique.


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Recent episodes of mass mortalities in the Mediterranean Sea have been reported for the closely related marine sponges Ircinia fasciculata and I. variabilis, which live in sympatry. In this context, the assessment of the genetic diversity, bottlenecks and connectivity of these sponges has become urgent in order to evaluate the potential effects of mass mortalities on their latitudinal range. Our study aims to establish 1.) the genetic structure, connectivity, and signs of bottlenecks across the populations of I. fasciculata, and 2.) the hybridization levels between I. fasciculata and I. variabilis. To accomplish the first objective, 194 individuals of I. fasciculata from 12 locations across the Mediterranean were genotyped at 14 microsatellite loci. For the second objective, mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I sequences of 16 individuals from both species were analyzed along with genotypes at 12 microsatellite loci of 40 individuals coexisting in 3 Mediterranean populations. We detected strong genetic structure along the Mediterranean for I. fasciculata, with high levels of inbreeding in all locations and bottleneck signs in most locations. Oceanographic barriers like the Almeria-Oran front, North-Balearic front, and the Ligurian-Thyrrenian barrier seem to be impeding gene flow for I. fasciculata, adding population divergence to the pattern of isolation by distance derived from the low dispersal abilities of sponge larvae. Hybridization between both species occurred in some populations, which might be increasing genetic diversity and somewhat palliating the genetic loss caused by population decimation in I. fasciculata